application.inputbox error after clicking OK with empty input - excel

I really searched hours and hours, but I can't find any solutions.
You should only enter numbers into the Inputbox and a msgbox should sppears when you just hit ok without any number or string...
The first part was easy, but I always get an error message by just hitting OK!
Public Sub test()
Dim vntReturn As Variant
vntReturn = Application.InputBox("Bitte Wert eingeben", "Eingabe", , , , , , 1)
If StrPtr(vntReturn) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Abbrechen gedrückt"
If vntReturn = False Then
MsgBox "Nix eingegeben"
MsgBox vntReturn
End If
End If
End Sub

This is happening because you're declaring the Type for this InputBox to a number. So excel will automatically try to correct this. You can use an InputBox without a Type and program your own verification for checking if it's an integer or not.
Otherwise you can also add this before your code:
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
And then set it to True after. Now when you hit ok you won't be prompted with the error, but the InputBox will not go away. You could add additional instructions to the InputBox to make it clear it needs a number.

#mehow: as Alex D just said: Your answers are similar ;-)
First I used the code of mehow, but now I just create a userform with only an "OK-button".
Private Sub Rechnen_Click()
Dim i As Integer ' Variable deklarieren
Dim Sum As Integer
Dim counter As Variant
i = 0 ' deklariert, löst beim Kompilieren keinen Fehler aus
Sum = 0 ' nicht deklarierte Variable löst beim Kompilieren einen Fehler aus
counter = TextBox1.Value
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
If Not IsNumeric(counter) Then
Exit Sub
Unload Userform1
On Error Resume Next
Do Until i >= counter
Zahl = InputBox("Pls enter a number:", i + 1 & ". Versuch")
Sum = Sum + Zahl
i = i + 1
If Not IsNumeric(Zahl) Then
MsgBox "calculation premature cancelled!"
Exit Do
End If
Ausgabe = MsgBox("Die Summe lautet: " & Sum, vbInformation, "Ergebnis")
Question = MsgBox("is it enough?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "repeat")
If Question = vbNo Then
Unload Userform1
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End Sub
and so the userform looks like:
Now the program works fine ;) Thank you guys!


VBA Input Function shows Run time error, type mismatch

I want to create a input box, and put the input into corresponding cells. But it show type mismatch.
Sub Profit_Projection()
Dim rng As Range
Dim psales As Integer
Dim msg1 As String
psales = InputBox("Please enter the predicted growth of sales next month in decimal form.", "Sales Growth", 1)
If StrPtr(psales) = 0 Then
MsgBox "You clicked Cancel button"
Exit Sub
ElseIf psales = "" Then
MsgBox "You didnt enter input"
Exit Sub
Val (psales)
Range("B5") = psales * 100
If Range("B5").IsNumeric = False Then
msg1 = "The number inputted is is not integer. Please try again in decimal form."
MsgBox msg1, vbOKOnly, "Incorrect Input"
End If
End If
End Sub
Your main problem is that InputBox returns a String (see the official documentation), but you assign it to a numeric variable.
If the user enters some non-numeric data, you will get the type mismatch already at the psales = InputBox - statement.
If the user enters a numeric value, VBA will convert it into a number. But then you get a a type mismatch for the statement psales = "" because you cannot compare a number and a string (even if it is an empty string).
So you should assign the result of the InputBox first to a String variable and then check step by step if the entered value was okay:
Sub Profit_Projection()
Dim rng As Range
Dim psales As Integer
Dim answer
Dim msg1 As String
answer = InputBox("Please enter the predicted growth of sales next month in decimal form.", "Sales Growth", 1)
If StrPtr(answer) = 0 Then
MsgBox "You clicked Cancel button"
Exit Sub
End If
If Trim(answer) = "" Then
MsgBox "You didnt enter anything"
Exit Sub
End If
If Not IsNumeric(answer) Then
MsgBox "You didnt enter a number"
Exit Sub
End If
If CInt(answer) <> Val(answer) Then
MsgBox "You didnt enter an integer "
Exit Sub
End If
psales = Val(answer)
ActiveSheet.Range("B5") = psales * 100
End Sub

add .SendKeys to an existing macro

I have a code that would help me with printing a document from Excel.
It has a couple dialogue questions for adding serial number sequence and number of copies.
Unfortunately, it doesn't open the Print dialogue, where I can select a printer and it's preferences.
The code would just immediately print to my default printer.
I need to add some custom features like 2-side printing and stapling in the top left corner.
For that purpose I want to use .Sendkeys
I tried adding the string Application.SendKeys "%fpr" (my printer preferences dialogue) here and there inside the code to no avail.
Please help inserting the sting.
Alternatively - maybe there is a command for .PrintOut that I could add for 2-side printing and a staple finish?
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim xCount As Variant
Dim xJAC As Variant
Dim xID As Variant
Dim xScreen As Boolean
Dim I As Long
On Error Resume Next
Application.SendKeys "%fpr"
xJAC = Application.InputBox("Please enter the job number (Leave Out JAC):", "")
xCount = Application.InputBox("Please enter the number of copies you want to print:", "")
xID = Application.InputBox("Please enter the Starting ID of the product:", "")
If TypeName(xJAC) = "Boolean" Then Exit Sub
If TypeName(xCount) = "Boolean" Then Exit Sub
If TypeName(xID) = "Boolean" Then Exit Sub
If (xCount = "") Or (Not IsNumeric(xCount)) Or (xCount < 1) Or (xID < 1) Or (xCount = "") Or (Not IsNumeric(xID)) Then
MsgBox "error entered, please enter again", vbInformation, "Kutools for Excel"
GoTo LInput
xScreen = Application.ScreenUpdating
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For c = 0 To xCount - 1
ActiveSheet.Range("E2").Value = "JAC" & xJAC
ActiveSheet.Range("G2").Value = xID + c
Application.ScreenUpdating = xScreen
End If
End Sub

GoTo is not defined - in VBA

When I on the step F8 click. then say it Goto is not defined. I try to make a inputbox with a messagebox that me the answer give. And I try also to make code when the values not correct is. See, you where I make a mistake in my VBA code:
Sub TwoNumbersinputbox()
Dim bytAnswer1 As String
Dim bytAntwer2 As String
Dim Range As Byte
Dim strNumber1 As String
Dim strNumber2 As String
[C3] = "Number1"
[C4] = "Number2"
strNumber1 = InputBox("Give number one?", "Invoer", 5, 567, 567)
If IsNumeric(strNumber1) Then
MsgBox "This must be Number1", vbCritical, _
"Number1 input"
GoTo strNumber1
Else: [B2] = strNumber1
End If
If Not IsNumeric(strNumber1) Then
MsgBox "there is error.", vbCritical, "Number2 input"
bytAnwer1 = MsgBox("Start Again?", vbYesNo)
If bytAnwer1 = vbYes Then GoTo Start
End If
strGetal2 = InputBox("Give Number2?", "Input", 5, 567, 567)
If IsNumeric(strNumber2) Then
MsgBox "This must be Number2 ", vbCritical, _
"Number2 input"
GoTo strNumber2
Else: [B3] = strNumber2
End If
If Not IsNumeric(strGetal2) Then
MsgBox "Is there an error.", vbCritical, "Number2 input"
bytAnswer2 = MsgBox("Start Again?", vbYesNo)
If bytAnswer2 = vbYes Then GoTo Start
End If
End Sub
First thing first - never use GOTO. Only in error handling (On Error statement (VBA)).
Second - if you need to use it, a mark is needed. E.g., if it is GoTo somewhere, then in the code it should be defined like this - somewhere:.
Sub DontUseGoTo()
Dim i As Long
i = 0
i = i + 1
Debug.Print i
If i < 10 Then
GoTo somewhere
End If
End Sub

Handling non integer in inputbox in VBA

I have a variable called "need" that is defined as an integer. An input box come up and prompts the user. If they type an integer it displays Msgbox "Got your number". If I type a string I get Runtime error '13': type mismatch. I thought if I just used an Else statement, it would say try again. It is not doing that though. Do I need error handling in the Else statement? And if so, what would the line(s) be?
Sub gadgetmanuf()
Dim need As Integer
'Dim rawneed As Single
'Dim rawavailable As Single
need = InputBox("How many gadgets are needed?", "Insert a number")
If TypeName(need) = "Integer" Then
MsgBox ("Got your number")
MsgBox ("Try again")
End If
End Sub
Using an Application.InputBox with type 1 forces the user to enter a number (provides its own error message for text, ranges etc). So all you need to handle is the Cancel option, ie
The code below uses a variant to handle this, as using Cancel with an Integer or Long gives 0 - which could be a valid entry.
Sub TaylorWalker()
vStr = Application.InputBox("How many gadgets are needed?", "Enter a number", , , , , , Type:=1)
If vStr = False Then GoTo redo
End Sub
longer option
Test that the entered variable is greater than 0
Sub EddieBetts()
Dim StrPrompt As String
Dim lngNum As Long
StrPrompt = "How many gadgets are needed?"
lngNum = Application.InputBox(StrPrompt, "Enter an integer number (numbers will be rounded)", , , , , , Type:=1)
If lngNum < 1 Then
StrPrompt = "How many gadgets are needed - this must be a postive integer"
GoTo redo
End If
MsgBox "User entered " & lngNum
End Sub
In your example 'need' is an integer data type so it will always be an integer.
Have a look at this:
Sub test()
x = Range("A1").Value
If Int(x) / x = 1 Then
MsgBox "Value is an Integer"
MsgBox "Value is not an Integer"
End If
End Sub
or Assuming A1 has the number, put, in any other cell, the formula:

Input Box Error Handling

I am having trouble handling the error associated with a input box "Cancel" click. Or in otherwords, it returns an error within the sub if the value of the input is null. I have tried looking around and still can't seem to get it quite right. Here is my attempt:
Private Sub bttnSavingsExpected_Click()
Dim expected() As String
Dim nPeriods As Integer
Dim counter As Integer
Dim savings As Single
With ActiveSheet.Range("A13")
nPeriods = Range(.Offset(1, 0), .End(xlDown)).Rows.Count
End With
ReDim expected(1 To nPeriods)
counter = 1
For counter = 1 To nPeriods
expected(counter) = Range("A13").Offset(counter, 0).Value
On Error GoTo ErrH
counter = 1
For counter = 1 To nPeriods
savings = InputBox("How much savings do you expect from " & expected(counter) & "?", "Savings?", Range("A13").Offset(counter, 1).Value)
If savings = "" Then
Exit Sub
Range("A13").Offset(counter, 1).Value = savings
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Please enter value. If the default value is desired then please click 'OK'.", vbOKOnly, "Do Not Click Cancel"
GoTo TryAgain
End Sub
With this attempt, the MsgBox is displayed the first click whether there is a input or not and even if I click "Ok". The second try of clicking "OK" or "Cancel" leads to being kicked back to the editor.
You've got Dim savings As Single and If savings = "" Then. Thats always going to error
Try using Dim savings As Variant
Make sure the variable for the Inbox is set at "", then test the value for False. Much easier than anything else I have seen:
Sub WolfPackURL_input()
Dim TheURL As String
Dim SaveURL As Hyperlink
Set savedURL = Sheets("Data").Range("I1")
TheURL = ""
TheURL = Application.InputBox("Input the Sign-Up URL", "Wolfpack Weekly Players URL", "http://something", 1)
If TheURL = "False" Then
Exit Sub
End If
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add anchor:=Sheets("Data").Range("I1"), Address:=TheURL, ScreenTip:="Open file", TextToDisplay:=TheURL
End Sub
