Are Chromecast Preview SDK app ids good for the newly released final SDK? - google-cast

Are Preview Chromecast SDK app ids good for the newly released final SDK or should I register a new app on the Google Cast SDK Developer Console?

No, they are not good; you need to re-register your apps and devices but this time, you will do all of that yourself and no email approval, etc is involved. You can also publish your app to the public whenever you decide to do it, so you are totally in charge.


How can we integrate external push notifications with .NET Maui for iOS and Android?

I am building a .NET MAUI app with Blazor for iOS initially (and targeting Android soon).
I want to enable and integrate external push notifications, that can be sent from our backend, hosted in Microsoft Azure.
(I am new to apps & notifications, so bear with me)
I believe Azure Notifications Hub would be the right service to use for this, but it seems -at first sight- that not many things have been moving there and I don't seem to find any details on how to integrate that with .NET MAUI applications.
What would be the recommended approach to set this up at the moment?
(SignalR would only work when the app is active, and here I want to use the platform notifications).
Thanks for any insights.

Applying for Huawei ID and Health Kit

Is it necessary to apply for both services if my app is not going to the App Gallery or Play Store?
I'm mainly developing this app for a college presentation so its not going to be released at all.
When an app is running, it verifies the permission and fingerprint certificate. Therefore, you need to apply for an app ID and enable related services to use the app, regardless of whether you want to release it on the App Store.
In order to use the majority of HMS Kits, it is necessary that the desired app services are enabled and properly configured on your Huawei Developer Account. This is the case regardless if you plan to release your app or not. Furthermore, this is the general process of most mobile development when you are linking your app to a mobile API backend.

How to integrate azure-map in iOS Application

We are planning to move from Google Map to Azure Map.But while going through microsoft document ,I could see there is no SDK for iOS app for Azure Map.
Is this true even now as the document got updated Dec 2019.
iOS SDK for Azure Maps is not yet available, but planned.

Azure Mobile SDK to register Xamarin clients with Notification Hub?

Short version: Is there an end-to-end sample that shows how to register a Xamarin client with Azure Notification Hub using their Mobile SDK and the new Installation Model?
Long version:
The docs on Azure mention the support to register client devices using the Installation Model.
I'm using Xamarin Forms and this looks like the way to go, but I don't see any related code in Microsoft's Mobile Client Packages. The closest thing I found was that article that recommends using a Xamarin "Google Cloud Messaging Client" component for registrations, but that seems to be a 3rd party library that seems to have been around for years and hasn't been touched in months.
Edit: I discovered way too many outdated, broken or conflicting tutorials on both the Microsoft and Xamarin sites, so I listed them and asked for guidance on the Xamarin Forms forum. I'll keep this thread synced.

Push notifications on android emulator using Xamarin Forms via Azure Notification Hubs

I am embarking on setting up a Xamarin Forms project for proof of concept with an aim of having an Android app running in the Android emulator registering and receiving google cloud notifications sent via Azure's notification hub.
In researching this I have found some sample code which assumes a backend which uses Microsoft Azure's Mobile Services back end.
I'd prefer not to have a dependency in my client code on Mobile Services backend if possible. However, maybe this is unavoidable (or inadvisable) when using Azure Notification Hubs. That is really the central issue I am raising with this question.
The tutorial linked below shows an approach to register and receive notifications using a Xamarin forms app which is dependent on the Azure Mobile Services backend.
Whereas, this second tutorial shows an approach where the mobile client app (developed using Xamarin Android) registers to the Google messaging cloud rather than Azure notification hubs).
Where I am coming unstuck is trying to figure out which is the right approach to enabling a Xamarin forms app to register and receive notifications which are pushed via Azure notification hub.
Will the approach of the 2nd tutorial (device registers for push notifications directly with Google cloud) work when notifications are sent via Azure Notification Hubs (configured with the correct API credentials for google messaging) or am I missing something ?
In other words am I making life difficult for myself by adopting the 2nd approach ?
My focus is on developing using Xamarin forms but with Android as the lead device type for initial prototype , proof of concept and then moving on to iOS and Windows Universal 10 at a later stage.
My 2 cents.
The whole point of using Azure Notification Hubs is to abstract away the need to handle Google and iOS push notification systems. Since you are planning to eventually do both iOS and Android, I would suggest registering through Azure.
Azure will handle the iOS feedback channel when registering devices which is nice and you are able to use message templates in Azure which means you can send a single notification hub message and it will be automatically transformed into a message that Android's GCM expects to see and another message that iOS' APNS expects to receive (they both expect different notification message formats).
Since it sounds like no matter which option you choose, you are planning to send messages through Azure, you are going to have to deal with the same Notification Hub limitations, meaning you do not gain much from registering directly through the native server interfaces (limitations in the number of tags a message can have is what I am mainly thinking about).
There is also a library for both platforms if you want to register directly from the device or you can, like we did, have the mobile device call one of your own backend server which can do some initial processing before sending the registration request to azure for the device.
*Edit: Though if you just want to get something working, I do not see a problem with registering directly to GCM and then later on switching out the code to do it through Azure later on.
