Bash: Based on user input run all commands in a function on local OR on remote machine - linux

I have a bash function which takes an array as an argument and it executes multiple commands.
Based on user input I want to run all the commands in this method locally or on remote machine. It has many quotes in the commands and echoing with "" will become ugly.
This is how I am invoking the function right now:
run_tool_commands "${ARGS[#]}"
function run_tool_commands {
.. Loads of commands here
if [ case 1 ]; then
# run locally
# run remotely
This seems helpful, but this is possible if I have the method text piped to "here document".

all the commands that are to be executed under run_tool_commands are present on remote system as well,
All commands are executables, & not alias/functions
All these excutables are in default paths. (No need to source .bashrc or any other file on remote.)
Then perhaps this code may work: (not tested):
{ declare -f run_tool_commands; echo run_tool_commands "${ARGS[#]}"; } | ssh -t user#host
{ declare -f run_tool_commands;
echo -n run_tool_commands;
for arg in "${ARGS[#]}"; do
echo -ne "\"$t\" ";
done; } | ssh -t user#host
Using for loop, to preserve quotes around arguments. (may or may not be required, not tested.)


How do I properly use SSH heredoc?

This question is somewhat related to the question I asked here, but it has not been adequately answered. What interests me here is the following:
When I run the command type -t test on a remote computer, I get the answer 'function' because the 'test' is an existing function inside the .bashrc file on the remote computer.
However, when I run this SSH command on the local computer,
ssh -T $HOST <<'EOSSH'
VAR=$(type -f test)
echo $VAR
echo $s
I don't get anything printed. The first question would be how do I make this work?
The second question builds on the previous one. That is, my ultimate goal is to define on a local computer which function I want to check on a remote computer and come up with an adequate answer, ie.:
ssh -T $HOST <<'EOSSH'
VAR=$(type -f $a)
echo $VAR
echo $s
So, I would like the variable s to be equal to 'function'. How to do it?
how do I make this work?
Either load .bashrc (. .bashrc) or start an interactive session (bash -i).
Because your work is not-interactive, if you want .bashrc loaded and it has no protection against non-interactive use, just load it. If not, maybe move your function somewhere else, to something you can source. If not, be prepared that interactive session may print /etc/motd and /etc/issue and other interactive stuff.
Remove -T - you do not need a tty for non-interactive work.
I would like the variable s to be equal to 'function'. How to do it?
I recommend using declare to transfer all the work and context that you need, which is flexible and works generically, preserves STDIN and doesn't require you to deal with the intricacies escaping inside a here document. Specifically request bash shell from the remote and use printf "%q" to properly escape all the data.
functions_to_check=(a b c)
fn_exists() { [[ "$(LC_ALL=C type -t -- "$1" 2>/dev/null)" = function ]]; }
work() {
for f in "${functions_to_check[#]}"; do
if fn_exists "$f"; then
echo "Great - function $f exists!"
echo "Och nuu - no function $f!"
ssh "$host" "$(printf "%q " bash -c "
$(declare -p function_to_check) # transfer variables
$(declare -f fn_exists work) # transfer functions
work # run the work to do

Executing `sh -c` in a bash script

I have a file which takes as a parameter a bash command, it does some logic, i.e. setting and checking some env vars, and then executes that input command.
#Some other logic here
echo "Run command: $#"
eval "$#"
When I run it, here's the output
% ./ echo "ok"
Run command: echo ok
But the issue is, when I pass something like sh -c 'echo "ok"', I don't get the output.
% ./ sh -c 'echo "ok"'
Run command: sh -c echo "ok"
So I tried changing eval with exec, tried to execute $# directly (without eval or exec), even tried to execute it and save the output to a variable, still no use.
Is there any way to run the passed command in this format and get the ourput?
Use case:
The script is used as an entrypoint for the docker container, it receives the parameters from docker CMD and executes those to run the container.
As a quickfix I can remove the sh -c and pass the command without it, but I want to make the script reusable and not to change the commands.
This is a typical use case (perform some business logic in a Docker entrypoint script before running a compound command, given at command line) and the recommended last line of the script is:
exec "$#"
To further explain this line, some remarks and hyperlinks:
As per the Bash user manual, exec is a POSIX shell builtin that replaces the shell [with the command supplied] without creating a new process.
As a result, using exec like this in a Docker entrypoint context is important because it ensures that the CMD program that is executed will still have PID 1 and can directly handle signals, including that of docker stop (see also that other SO answer: Speed up docker-compose shutdown).
The double quotes ("$#") are also important to avoid word splitting (namely, ensure that each positional argument is passed as is, even if it contains spaces). See e.g.:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
printargs () { for arg; do echo "$arg"; done; }
test0 () {
echo "test0:"
printargs $#
test1 () {
echo "test1:"
printargs "$#"
test0 /bin/sh -c 'echo "ok"'
test1 /bin/sh -c 'echo "ok"'
echo "ok"
Finally eval is a powerful bash builtin that is (1) unneeded for your use case, (2) and actually not advised to use in general, in particular for security reasons. E.g., if the string argument of eval relies on some user-provided input… For details on this issue, see e.g. (which recaps the few situations where one would like to use this builtin, typically, the command eval "$(ssh-agent -s)").

How do you export local shell variables into a multi-command ssh?

I am trying to ssh to another server in a shell script and run some scripts.
Currently my line looks something like:
ssh user#$SERVER '$(typeset -a >> /dev/null); PROFILE_LOCATION=`locate db2profile| grep -i $INST_NAME| grep -v bak`; . $PROFILE_LOCATION; function1; function2;'
I've tried both ' and " , as well as using a combination of those with \; or ';'
How do I use the variables I have in my current shell script in my ssh into another server and running multiple commands? Thanks!!
If you want function declarations, and your shell is bash, use typeset -p rather than typeset -a (which will provide a textual dump of variables but not functions). Also, you need to actually run that in a context where it'll be locally evaluated (and ensure that your remote shell is something that understands it, not /bin/sh).
The following hits all those points:
evaluate_db2profile() {
local db2profile
db2profile=$(locate db2profile | grep -i "$INST_NAME" | grep -v bak | head -n 1)
[ -n "$db2profile" ] && . "$db2profile"
ssh "user#$SERVER" bash -s <<EOF
$(typeset -p)
Because <<EOF is used rather than <<'EOF', the typeset -p command is run locally and substituted into the heredoc. (You could also accomplish this by using double rather than single quotes in the one-line formulation, but see below).
Defining evaluate_db2profile locally as a function ensures that typeset -p will emit it in a format that the remote shell can evaluate, without need to be concerned about escaping.
Using bash -s on the remote command line ensures that the shell interpreting your functions is bash, not /bin/sh. If your code is written for ksh, run ksh -s to achieve that same effect.

Quoting with ssh command with a function call

I need to execute the shell command as follows:
ssh <device> "command"
command is invoked as:
$(typeset); <function_name> \"arguement_string\"; cd ...; ls ...
How exactly to quote here? Is this correct?
""$(typeset); <function_name> \"arguement_string\""; cd ...; ls ..."
I am confused with this quoting in shell scripts.
Don't try to do the quoting by hand -- ask the shell to do it for you!
command_array=( function_name "first argument" "second argument" )
printf -v command_str '%q ' "${command_array[#]}"
ssh_str="$(typeset); $command_str"
ssh machine "$ssh_str"
You can then build up command_array as you wish -- using logic to conditionally append values, with only the kind of quoting you'd usually refer to use to those values, and let printf %q add all additional quoting needed to make the content safe to pass through ssh.
If you're trying to incrementally build up a script, you can do that like so:
safe_append_command() {
local command_str
printf -v command_str '%q ' "$#"
safe_append_command cp "$file" "$destination"
safe_append_command tar -cf /tmp/foo.tar "${destination%/*}"
# ...etc...
ssh machine "$remote_script"
Note that in this case, all expansions take place locally, when the script is being generated, and shell constructs such as redirection operators cannot be used (except by embedding them in a function you then pass to the remote system with typeset). Doing so means that no data passed to safe_append_command can be treated as code -- foreclosing large classes of potential security holes at the cost of flexibility.
I would use a here document:
ssh machine <<'EOF'
hello() {
echo "hello $1!"
hello "world"
Note that I wrapped the starting EOF in single quotes. Doing so prevents bash from interpreting variables or command substitutions in the local shell.

zsh script [process complete] not returning back to shell

I wrote a zsh function to help me do some grepping at my job.
function rgrep (){
if [ -n "$1" ] && [ -n "$2" ]
exec grep -rnw $1 -r $2
elif [ -n "$1" ]
exec grep -rnw $1 -r "./"
echo "please enter one or two args"
Works great, however, grep finishes executing I don't get thrown back into the shell. it just hangs at [process complete] any ideas?
I have the function in my .zshrc
In addition to getting rid of the unnecessary exec, you can remove the if statement as well.
function rgrep (){
grep -rwn "${1:?please enter one or two args}" -r "${2:-./}"
If $1 is not set (or null valued), an error will be raised and the given message displayed. If $2 is not set, a default value of ./ will be used in its place.
Do not use exec as it replace the existing shell.
exec [-cl] [-a name] [command [arguments]]
If command is supplied, it replaces the shell without creating a new process. If the -l option is supplied, the shell places a dash at the beginning of the zeroth argument passed to command. This is what the login program does. The -c option causes command to be executed with an empty environment. If -a is supplied, the shell passes name as the zeroth argument to command. If no command is specified, redirections may be used to affect the current shell environment. If there are no redirection errors, the return status is zero; otherwise the return status is non-zero.
Try this instead:
rgrep ()
if [ -n "$1" ] && [ -n "$2" ]
grep -rnw "$1" -r "$2"
elif [ -n "$1" ]
grep -rnw "$1" -r "./"
echo "please enter one or two args"
As a completely different approach, I like to build command shortcuts like this as minimal shell scripts, rather than functions (or aliases):
% echo 'grep -rwn "$#"' >rgrep
% chmod +x rgrep
% ./rgrep
Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]...
Try `grep --help' for more information.
(This relies on a traditional behavior of Unix: executable text files without #! lines are considered shell scripts and are executed by /bin/sh. If that doesn't work on your system, or you need to run specifically under zsh, use an appropriate #! line.)
One of the main benefits of this approach is that shell scripts in a directory in your PATH are full citizens of the environment, not local to the current shell like functions and aliases. This means they can be used in situations where only executable files are viable commands, such as xargs, sudo, or remote invocation via ssh.
This doesn't provide the ability to give default arguments (or not easily, anyway), but IMAO the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. (And in the specific case of defaulting grep to search PWD recursively, the real solution is to install ack.)
