Creating new site collection in Office 365 from an APP - sharepoint

I have a requirement to create a new site collection from within an App in Office 365 programmatically. What I mean by a new site collection, is that after creation, it should appear on the list of site collections under the Admin --> Sharepoint tab of Office 365. I tried using a similar code below within a sharepoint hosted app that i had created,
//create sp context and get root
var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var rootWeb =;
//set web info
var webInfo = new SP.WebCreationInformation();
webInfo.set_description('Your site description');
webInfo.set_title('Your site tittle');
// save site and set callbacks
Function.createDelegate(this, this.OnSiteCreationSuccess),
Function.createDelegate(this, this.Error));
However this just creates a sub site under the site collection that hosts my App.
Any suggestions on how i could implement this would be greatly appreciated.

It can be done with SharePoint Object Model 2013, the functions you need are inside the assembly: Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.Client.Tenant.dll, which is located at C:\Program Files\SharePoint Client Components\Assemblies after you install the SharePoint Client Object model 2013.
There's not much doc on this, but SharePoint Online Management Shell has the command to create the site collection, so I think it can be done with C# and figured it out. The code snippet shows how to do it.
using System;
using Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.TenantAdministration;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;
using System.Security;
namespace SharePoint123
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//please change the value of user name, password, and admin portal URL
string username = "";
String pwd = "xxxx";
ClientContext context = new ClientContext("");
SecureString password = new SecureString();
foreach (char c in pwd.ToCharArray())
context.Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(username, password);
Tenant t = new Tenant(context);
context.ExecuteQuery();//login into SharePoint online
//code to create a new site collection
var newsite = new SiteCreationProperties()
Url = "",
Owner = "",
Template = "STS#0", //using the team site template, check the MSDN if you want to use other template
StorageMaximumLevel = 100,
UserCodeMaximumLevel = 100,
UserCodeWarningLevel = 100,
StorageWarningLevel = 300,
Title = "CreatedbyPrgram",
CompatibilityLevel = 15, //15 means Shapoint online 2013, 14 means Sharepoint online 2010


How to delete SharePoint Site Collection using pnp csom programmatically

I have a requirement on SharePoint Online Office 365. As per my requirement, I have to delete all the Site Collection from SharePoint Online Office 365 Admin Center using pnp csom programmatically.
Anyone can suggest that how can I delete all the Site Collection?
You can use DeleteSiteCollection extension method to remove the site collection.
It can be used as below:
string userName = "";
string password = "password";
string siteUrl = "";
using (ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext(siteUrl))
SecureString securePassword = new SecureString();
foreach (char c in password.ToCharArray())
clientContext.AuthenticationMode = ClientAuthenticationMode.Default;
clientContext.Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(userName, securePassword);
var tenant = new Tenant(clientContext);
// use false, if you want to keep site collection in recycle bin
tenant.DeleteSiteCollection("", true);
Connect to SharePoint Online with global administrator account:
Remove specific site collection by url:
Remove-PnPTenantSite -Url -SkipRecycleBin

How do I get the Active Directory Information with Sharepoint programatically on sharepoint 2013 Farm Solution On Code Behind File?

I want to Get the Active Directory names in sharepoint in a list.
To got Know that SharePoint 2013 Has some Hidden URL which Shows Current Active Directory User I wan to get it into List.
Now I want to have list of all the names Displayed on my sharepoint
I am using the code:
private static void GetAllSiteUsers()
// Starting with ClientContext, the constructor requires a URL to the server running SharePoint.
var sharepointContext = new ClientContext("http://yoursharepointurl/");
Now I am Getting error it says about assembly reference doesn't exist.So I checked on google and added up this ddl and add the using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client; reference also.Still Not working.
Please Let me Know what needed to be done Guys
Purpose Of Making Program:To have all the AD Users and Make a work Group so that I can Assign them some right in such a way when assigned grp open something some other URL in iframe shows. and if some one else than other URL in iframe is shown to him.
Thanks IN Advance Guys.
You are in Server side (Farms solution), so don't use : ClientContext, this is for Client application, not server.
You just have to get the : User Information List
You could try somthing like :
using(SPSite site = new SPSite("URLsiteCollection")){
using(SPWeb web = site.rootWeb){
SPList userList = web.SiteUserInfoList;
SPListItemCollection allUsers = userList.Items;
foreach(SPListItem userItem in allUsers){
string userEmail = Convert.Tostring(userItem["EMail"]);
string userName = userItem.Title;
To get all information about active directory user or group you can use
PrincipalContext pContext = new PrincipalContext (ContextType.Domain, YOUR_DOMAIN);
//For User
UserPrincipal userPrincipal = new UserPrincipal (pContext);
PrincipalSearcher userSearch = new PrincipalSearcher (userPrincipal);
//For Group
GroupPrincipal grpPrincipal = new GroupPrincipal (pContext);
PrincipalSearcher grpSearch = new PrincipalSearcher (grpPrincipal);
foreach (UserPrincipal result in userSearch.FindAll())
if (result.SamAccountName!= null)
// Your code
foreach (GroupPrincipal result in grpSearch.FindAll())
if (result != null)
// Your code
using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement;

How to create new tasks in Microsoft Project Server 2013

We are using Microsoft Project Server 2013 within Microsoft SharePoint 2013. Is it possible to create a Task in a Project for example from a WebPart via C# in CodeBehind?
I don't know if you can do a Webpart to create tasks but, via CSOM you can connect to your PS2013 Projects and create some tasks.
I will post you here a piece of code that could help you:
You must first "Check-Out" the project like this:
var proj = projContext.Projects.First(p => p.Name == "Project");
var draftProj = proj.CheckOut();
Then, you can call the method of create new task sending the "draft project"
private static void CreateNewTask(DraftProject draftProj)
TaskCreationInformation nt = new TaskCreationInformation();
nt.Name = "Task name";
nt.Start = DateTime.Today;
nt.Duration = "20d";
nt.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
Hope that helps,

Access denied office 365 / SharePoint online with Global Admin account

I am going crazy since two days solving an issue. The problem is;
I am making a console APP which is talking to SharePoint Online using global admin account (One which was specified as admin while making a new subscription). What I am trying to achieve is, I want to add a custom action using CSOM to each site collection and subsite of office 365. That code works fine except on the root site collection which is pre-created by office 365 while signing up (i.e.
For any tenant for root site collection, it gives me below error;
"ErrorMessage":"Access denied. You do not have permission to perform
this action or access this
},"TraceCorrelationId":"2a47fd9c-c07b-1000-cfb7-cdffbe3ab83a" }
Now the user is global admin. I also added again that user as site collection admin.
The same piece of code works fine on other site collections (search site collection, any newly made site collection...).
here is a code;
using (ClientContext spcollContext = new ClientContext(web.Url))
SecureString passWord = new SecureString();
foreach (char c in strAdminPassword.ToCharArray()) passWord.AppendChar(c);
SharePointOnlineCredentials creds = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(strAdminUser, passWord);
spcollContext.Credentials = creds;
Web currentweb = spcollContext.Web;
// authCookie = creds.GetAuthenticationCookie(new Uri(web.Url));
var existingActions2 = currentweb.UserCustomActions;
var actions2 = existingActions2.ToArray();
foreach (var action in actions2)
if (action.Description == "CustomScriptCodeForEachsite" &&
action.Location == "ScriptLink")
var newAction2 = existingActions2.Add();
newAction2.Description = "CustomScriptCodeForEachsite";
newAction2.Location = "ScriptLink";
newAction2.ScriptBlock = scriptBlock;
spcollContext.Load(currentweb, s => s.UserCustomActions);
spcollContext.ExecuteQuery(); // GETTING ERROR ON THIS LINE.
Note: Above error is Fiddler traces.
Most probably this behavior is caused by Custom Script feature, basically
the issue occurs when the Custom Script feature is turned off
How to verify?
You could verify the site permissions using the following console app:
using (var ctx = GetContext(webUri, userName, password))
var rootWeb = ctx.Site.RootWeb;
ctx.Load(rootWeb, w => w.EffectiveBasePermissions);
var permissions = rootWeb.EffectiveBasePermissions;
foreach (var permission in Enum.GetValues(typeof(PermissionKind)).Cast<PermissionKind>())
var permissionName = Enum.GetName(typeof(PermissionKind), permission);
var hasPermission = permissions.Has(permission);
Console.WriteLine("Permission: {0}, HasPermission: {1}", permissionName, hasPermission);
public static ClientContext GetContext(Uri webUri, string userName, string password)
var securePassword = new SecureString();
foreach (var ch in password) securePassword.AppendChar(ch);
return new ClientContext(webUri) {Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(userName, securePassword)};
When SP.PermissionKind.AddAndCustomizePages is set to False, the Access denied error occurs while adding user custom action.
According to Turn scripting capabilities on or off:
For self-service created sites, custom scripting is disabled by
Solution: enable Allow users to run custom scripts on self-service created sites
To enable or disable scripting from the SharePoint admin center
Sign in to Office 365 with your work or school account.
Go to the SharePoint admin center.
Select Settings.
Under Custom Script choose:
Prevent users from running custom script on personal sites or Allow
users to run custom script on personal sites.
Prevent users from running custom script on user created sites or
Allow users to run custom script on self-service created sites.
Select OK. It takes about 24 hours for the change to take
Since any change to the scripting setting made through the SharePoint Online admin center may take up to 24 hours to take effect, you could enable scripting on a particular site collection immediately via CSOM API (SharePoint Online Client Components SDK) as demonstrated below:
public static void DisableDenyAddAndCustomizePages(ClientContext ctx, string siteUrl)
var tenant = new Tenant(ctx);
var siteProperties = tenant.GetSitePropertiesByUrl(siteUrl, true);
siteProperties.DenyAddAndCustomizePages = DenyAddAndCustomizePagesStatus.Disabled;
var result = siteProperties.Update();
while (!result.IsComplete)
using (var ctx = GetContext(webUri, userName, password))
using (var tenantAdminCtx = GetContext(tenantAdminUri, userName, password))
public static void RegisterJQueryLibrary(ClientContext context)
var actions = context.Site.UserCustomActions;
var action = actions.Add();
action.Location = "ScriptLink";
action.ScriptSrc = "~SiteCollection/Style Library/Scripts/jQuery/jquery.min.js";
action.Sequence = 1482;
If you don't have time for CSOM as described by Vadim, the page also links to a powershell script you can use:
Set-SPOsite <SiteURL> -DenyAddAndCustomizePages 0
But note that SiteUrl needs to be the admin url. If your tenant is, the url you use is"
In our case, we were in the midst of a deployment when this hit and could not wait 24 hours (or even one hour!) to continue. Everything had been fine in our testing site collections, but when we deployed to the tenant root, we hit the error described above and this script fixed it. Apparently the feature is turned off by default on the tenant root.
Current site is not a tenant administration site
Turn scripting capabilities on or off
My first response would be that you shouldn't add a CustomAction on the fly through code. That said, I'm sure you have a good reason to need to do so.
Try to set the AllowUnsafeUpdates flag on SPWeb to true as soon as you reference currentWeb. Make sure to also set it back to false after you call the final ExecuteQuery()
By default, AllowUnsafeUpdates is false. It is used to block cross-site scripting attacks.

How to check that a user is Admin in SharePoint CSOM

How can I check that the current user is a SiteCollection Administrator using SharePoint CSOM?
How to determine whether current user is Site Administrator using CSOM
SharePoint 2013 CSOM
Use User.IsSiteAdmin property to get or set a Boolean value that specifies whether the user is a site collection administrator, for example:
using (var ctx = new ClientContext(webUri))
var currentUser = ctx.Web.CurrentUser;
SharePoint 2010 CSOM
Since User object does not expose IsSiteAdmin property in SharePoint 2010 CSOM, below is demonstrated how to determine whether current user is Site Administrator using User Information List:
using (var ctx = new ClientContext(url))
var currentUser = ctx.Web.CurrentUser;
var isCurrentUserSiteAdmin = IsUserSiteAdmin(ctx, currentUser.Id);
public static bool IsUserSiteAdmin(ClientContext ctx,int userId)
var userInfoList = ctx.Site.RootWeb.SiteUserInfoList;
var item = userInfoList.GetItemById(userId);
return (bool)item["IsSiteAdmin"];
What about
