Web based Oracle Scene Builder analog - web

I want to provide an ability to create simple java and javafx applications to the users on my website. I've found excellent code editor (Ace) but I don't know how to provide FXML design tool to the Web users.
Is there any options?
ADD I want the users to use this interface builder without any additional requirements like Java 8 or something

How to host SceneBuilder in a web page (requires Java 8):
Build SceneBuilder from it's source.
Package it as a Browser Embedded Application.
Host your packaged application on the Internet and direct web users to its URL.
Other than using a fork of SceneBuilder for your project, I don't know of any other feasible way to provide visual FXML editing capabilities. I would certainly not recommend trying to create from scratch your own FXML visual editor written in either Java or JavaScript.


Android Layout on Worklight

I am beginner with Worklight. I developed an android application using Estimote Android API. Now I want the same application in Worklight. What should I do to get android UI on worklight. I wrote same code on Native folder in Android environment. But I am getting blank display instead of MainActivity layout. How to display android layout on Worklight? Please help me with this issue.
Are you aware of Worklight's client-side abilities? That is, with Worklight you can create either Hybrid apps or Native apps. Make sure to read IBM Worklight's Getting Started training materials.
Hybrid apps are basically a native application shell, containing a web app built using JavaScript, CSS and HTML.
Native apps are just that, fully native Android apps where Worklight provides an API set to work with the Worklight Server and other server-side features.
From your text, it sounds like you have opted to use the Hybrid application model, and in this case it would make perfect sense to me that your native UI code is not displayed out-of-the-box, as that would require altering the default Activity Worklight provides for the Hybrid Android application.
You do not explain what changes you have done
The default activity essentially brings up a Web View into which it loads the client framework as well as display in the index.html that can be found in your Worklight application (your project > your app > common folder > index.html).
So by just adding your code and layout, it does not mean that your app's display will change. This will require you to alter the loading sequence of the application.
You do not explain what changes you have done
In any case, it sounds to me like you need to decide whether to:
Use HTML, CSS and JavaScript to build your application's UI per the Hybrid application model
Create a native app instead, where you will be able to create the UI how you want to, like you say in your question
Learn how to mix & match native and web UI elements together in your Hybrid Worklight application

Using JavaFX to generate web applications

I was wondering if i can use JavaFX to create web applications. I browsed through the web and found that it can be used like applet which is embedded into the browser ... I am not really clear about it.

Implementing dialogs from resource

I'm currently trying to port an application from owl to vcl.
In my old projekt-file I was able to load dialogs with something like
TBatchAcDialog(TWindow* parent) : TAPDialog(parent, BATCH_DIALOG)
However, using TTaskDialog instead it doesn't support the second argument.
I have found an explanation for the user interface designer that when rightclicking on a menu you can load the first declared menu from a rc-file.
However, I don't really know how to load those dialogs as dialogs in this IDE and linking them to my classes again.
Does anyone of you know about this or could link me to an article about a similar problem? I seem to have failed finding a proper solution although implementing rc-dialogs seems to be a common problem to me.
I'm currently trying to port an application from owl to vcl.
What is your exact goal? To be able to build the application with C++ Builder, or to use VCL instead of OWL?
If you want to use VCL for the dialogs, then you cannot port them, you need to rewrite all the UI from scratch, as VCL is very different from the standard Windows dialogs.
If you want just to build the application with C++ Builder, then you can do so by upgrading to OWLNext - it is an open-source upgrade for the OWL framework and works with the modern compilers like C++ Builder and Visual C++.
You can also use OWLNext for a gradual migration to VCL - as VCL and OWL can co-exist in the same application, so you can migrate your old OWL application to C++ Builder, write any new UI in VCL, and gradually rewrite the old UI in VCL - it might be easier and safer than rewriting the whole application with VCL.
C++Builder does not have any native functionality that wraps resource dialogs in classes. You have to set that up manually in your own code if you need it. Otherwise, just use Win32 API functions like CreateDialog() when working with resource dialogs, or else redesign your UI to make use of VCL TForm windows instead of resource dialogs.
TTaskDialog is not what you think it is. It is just a wrapper for the Win32 API TaskDialogIndirect() function (Vista and later only), which is not related to what you are attempting to accomplish.

Open source framework to build Web based BPMN designer

We have already built a BPMN designer on eclipse framework.It was easy to build with great support from eclipse based frameworks like EMF, Graphitti etc.
Now we want to build a web based BPMN designer. Can you suggest which open source frameworks i can use to do this ? I would expect the framework to support me in defining the bpmn metamodel, a graphical editor ect etc
Please share your ideas.
Oryx / Signavio Core Components
The Signavio Core Components are the "sucessor" of Oryx. A github mirror is available there: https://github.com/IAAS/signavio-core-components/
The Signavio Core Components switched from MIT to GPL license. Furthermore, they are unmaintaned.
Wapama is a fork of Oryx. It seems that https://github.com/saifulomar/process-designer is the most recently updated fork with a tight JBPM integration.
Gemsbok is another fork of the Signavio Core Components.
process-designer seems to be actively maintained (as of 2013/06)
The dependency to ExtJS was removed in the context of the Flowable project. See https://github.com/flowable/flowable-engine/tree/master/modules/flowable-ui-modeler/flowable-ui-modeler-app/src/main/resources/static/editor-app/editor for the current source.
Eclipse Stardust / Lightdust
There is also recent by the Eclipse community. Within the Stardust project, there is a web-based BPMN Modeler, accessible via git: http://git.eclipse.org/c/stardust/org.eclipse.stardust.ui.web.git/tree/stardust-web-modeler-bpmn2. Some basic information is in the Stardust Wiki, but no step-by-step-guide for using the web-based BPMN modeler standalone.
We made a comparison of all available web-based graph-libraries at https://ultimate-comparisons.github.io/ultimate-graphframework-comparison/.
Example code of the best ones is available at
https://winery.github.io/javascript-graph-library-comparison/. The idea is similar to TodoMVC, but here a minimal example for graph creation is made.
(Some old comments follow)
There is the project https://github.com/Dzhyrma/BPMN_Modeler, which is based on jsPlumb. It includes raphael, which is a SVG-based graph-drawing library.
Direct canvas drawing
https://github.com/hallodom/BPMN-Modeller directly uses the 2d canvas to draw BPMN.
is the best answer if the license terms (include logo) work for you.
There is already one. Oryx. I believe some of the open source bpmn engines leverage the same.
For Stardust Web based BPMN modeller step-by-step usage, please refer to thsi link:

Building website for domino server

I need to make a small website to be hosted at a domino server but as far as I understand, I couldn't use a simple .html file or .php, instead it works with some weird stuff like .nsf, right? Also, it isn't clear to me wich language is used to deploy webpages with domino server, and if there is a good book about it.
Starting with Lotus Domino 8.5.x you can create web applications using XPages. XPages "is based on web development languages and standards including JavaScript, Ajax, Java, the Dojo Toolkit, Server-side JavaScript and JavaServer Faces" (source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XPages).
If you are interested in learning more about XPages, the following book is very useful:
Mastering XPages: A Step-by-Step Guide to XPages Application Development and the XSP Language
There is also the "classic" way of creating web applications with Lotus Domino if using XPages is not an option. The following book provides a good overview of that method:
IBM Lotus Domino: Classic Web Application Development Techniques
You can use simple static html files but the beauty of Domino is that you can develop dynamically created web sites using the back end database processes.
If you want to do something with just html then drop your html files into the /domino/html folder and they will be served out.
If you want to do something more powerful start at http://www.xpages.info which is run by the Open Source community for Domino.
There are quite a few out of the box projects available such as Wikis, "Team Rooms", discussion forums, blogs and document libraries. Some of these are also packaged with the domino install. Some of these are content management systems with some of the same functionality as wordpress or Joomla and might work well for you.
Some examples : http://xpages.info/XPagesHome.nsf/Demos.xsp
As with any platform there are quirks and gotchas but it is a brilliant platform. Contact me if you need a better steer.
You could use the domino/html approach or you could utilize the new web development interface and environment in Domino, since 8.5, called XPages. It's a technology derived from JSP (Java Server Pages) using standard web methods and technologies such as Java, JavaScript, AJAX, DOJO, CSS working with predefined Custom Controls giving you the drag and drop approach to development.
Several book are on the market, one of them close to release:
XPages Portable Command Guide: A Compact Resource to XPages Application Development and the XSP Language
Mastering XPages: A Step-by-Step Guide to XPages Application Development and the XSP Language
XPages Extension Library: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Next Generation of XPages Components
For instructional videos, there's XPages.tv (Videos)
While a Domino server typically is used to host Notes application (.nsf files), you can use it to host raw HTML files. The default root for this is the domino\html directory.
The documentation on web server configuration has more details on this.
Configuring HTML, CGI, icon, and Java files for Web Site documents
The following tech note details how to run PHP on a Domino server, although Domino itself does not have PHP.
There is also this article on how to create PHP for Domino.
Host a static html file in a different place to domino directory
If you want to persist your static html files in a different place to domino\html then you can do this in the following way:
Configure a new WebSite for your domino server:
Copy your files to the specified folder on your server's disk.
File on domino server:
Open in browser:
With this approach I have deployed a complete angular single page application on a domino server.
