Custom Magnific Popup Arrows - position

So this is going to be kinda silly, but I don't like the arrows for Magnific Popup, and I want to use some png arrows that I created, even moreso I don't want them the default way where they are miles apart, and I don't want them to obstruct content (cause I am using Magnific Popup to gallery some ajax). I really want them bound in div/big square buttons on the side of the image (the height of the image as well) like the first example here:
and those big black bars on a tv
I have no idea where the code is to change this, or how to edit the basic construction of the lightbox but I really want to change the arrows (and the x) if someone could direct me to the code where I can do this I will be glad to do it but I feel like I am working blind.
Alternatively, if anyone knows any other lightboxes that allow you to position and design your own arrows and close button, and have a gallery of ajax based items (that is responsive and scrolls) I will gladly switch (I basically want to be behance ha ha)
(also is there anyway we can generate a swipe effect to go through a gallery?)
Feel free to tell me to go to hell if it is impossible :D


Adding a text box in Android Studo

Trying to use AndroidStudio (3.4.2) for the first time and it appers to be substantially different to the tutorial at
For example:
There is no layout editor toolbar let alone a show button.
There is no autoconnect button
It doesn't show any wiggly lines from the middle of the blue square to its edges.
When adding a text box it goes to the top left and can't be moved.
WTF is going on? This is awful!
So I know this may sound like the hard answer, but in the long run it will make life 1000x easier.
You need to learn XML to design the activities. It's fairly simple and really easy to research. The reason the textbox can't be moved is because the default layout is ConstraintLayout. In order to fix this, go to the xml file and change the Constraint layout to either Relative layout or Linear Layout. In the end, its more simple to learn straight xml.
I suggest you learn Android programming from here or somewhere else because the Android documentation can be confusing especially for a beginner like yourself and trust me, I've been there.

Trouble with the javafx 8 sample 3D application

Since the release of javafx 8 is coming up right around the corner, I figured now would be a good time to get better acquainted with a few of the new features. First on my list: enhanced (true) 3D shapes and rendering! Working for an engineering company, being able to integrate a rich 3d environment into some of our visualizations will be great!
In any case, I was working through the 'getting started' here and all was well. Able to compile everything, getting familiar with how they structure all of their layouts in 3d, etc. etc. It was great! After familiarizing myself with some of the more advanced translations, I decided to take a look at their final 'sample 3d application' that had things like mouse and keyboard listeners to set the angle and orientation of the camera, which was the only thing I hadn't done yet. (you can find a link to the source code I downloaded for it, complete with a nbproject here It's called and it's in the top right corner of the page).
So I go to compile it, everything shows up just fine, the molecule, the axis, and then I try to initiate any action at all, a mouse click, drag, a recognized keyboard input, etc. Everything on the scene simply vanishes.
Well that's strange, I think to myself, so I take a look at the code. Everything looks to be in order, and a few print lines later, I find out that the contents of the graph aren't disappearing until the very END of the listener, whenever that happens to be. Nothing inside of the listener is actually causing the disappearing (unless of course it's the hide/show keyboard shortcuts).
To be honest, I'm a bit baffled by this. There are no exceptions being thrown, no errors printing out. It just disappears, and that's the end of it.
If anyone has any idea why this is happening I would be immensely grateful. It's worth noting, I'm using the javafx 8 developer preview b132.
(if you would like me to post the entire source here, let me know, it's only about 600 lines altogether, but that's pretty heavy for a SO question so I'm just going to leave the links for now).
The located here makes everything disappear on any action it knows to listen for, with no clear reason, why?

Draw flowchart on webpage as navigation menu

I need to draw a simple "flow chart" that is used to navigation on my site. What I have been doing now is that I've drawn this MSPaint, then I add pixelmaps so that it navigate the user to different pages according to where in the pictures he clicks.
What I also want is that the page the user is on, changes colour (for instance, if user clicks on step 3, he navigates to page 3, and the page 3 changes colour to to green).
What is the best method to implement this? SVG? Canvas? JavaScript? CSS?
All answers that can point me to the right direction is very welcome.
Your first mistake here, I'd say, is that you're using pixelmaps; for something as simple as this, I'd recommend just making it a pure HTML/CSS entity, then giving a .active class or some equivalent to whatever page you're actually on. This is the easiest way of doing things in my books, and it has the benefit of degrading gracefully if the image fails to load for whatever reason.
That said, if you don't want to do it that way and are really attached to the static image for whatever reason, you could have variants of that image where the specific step is highlighted, and display whatever image is appropriate for that page. That would accomplish what you're looking for, but I wouldn't recommend it--it's very heavy in terms of network usage when compared with an HTML solution.
Now, bear in mind you could draw this with canvas, but that seems like overkill in this situation if you're basically just drawing a navbar; if you were drawing a full flowchart already and just wanted to reuse that code, well, that would be a different story; but in this case, with static imagery, just use HTML--it's just faster and easier.

iPhone SDK UIImagePicker Hide Controls

I know how to hide the camera controls (.showsCameraControls = NO) but if I do this I will lose the button to switch from rear to front facing camera which I need, is there a way to keep that but lose the controls at the bottom?
I tried keeping all of the controls and overlaying on top of the bottom bar but the bottom bar is always on top of the cameraOverlayView whatever I try. I think it used to work but doesn't in 5.0.
I also realise you can add your own button to switch between the 2 cameras (.cameraDevice) but I want to keep it looking as much like the proper interface as possible.
Any pointers are really appreciated, The whole point of this is that I need to call .takePicture myself but want the interface to look exactly like it normally does with all of the default buttons.

How can I create scrolling areas like the ones on stackoverflow?

I'm currently working on a flash project, which will use multiple scroll areas.
I'm trying to find out how to create a scroll area like I see on stackoverflow, and make it function similarly.
Whenever someone posts their lines of code to stackoverflow, the scroll area scrollbar looks exactly like the scrollbar in the web browser, and is able to be scrolled with the mousewheel smoothly, without affecting the webpage scrolling.
Example: disable mouse wheel scrolling while cursor over flex app?
Could anyone please explain to me how I can do this in my flash project?
You wouldn't need flash to do this... This is accomplished using CSS. You would just need to put the portion you wanted to function like that in a div (or any HTML container for that matter) and then define such properties as min-height, max-height, min-width, max-width, overflow, etc. I think there's one that determines the presence of the scroll bars but I don't remember what it is for sure. Very easy to do this and flash would be a bit of overkill.
