How to divide web pages in blocks with sailsjs - node.js

I am starting developing with Sailsjs and I would like to know how to divide a webpage into differents blocks.
for example :
in layout.jade i have
doctype html
block header
h1 header
block content
block right
block footer
then in my controller1/index.jade i have
extends layout
append content
some content
So when I type in the browser, it works.
How to append some code in the block right form the result of another controller ? (I don't want to append some code to the block right directly in the controller1/index.jade file, to make the file as shorter as possible).
So I guess we can call another method of the controller inside the jade file ?
For example i would like to put a code like :
append right
at the end of the controller1/index.jade file.
The purpose of my question is to figure out how divide the html parts of a webpage like we can do it with php using include method (for example).
Thank you


how to use pug-bootstrap module in nodejs?

I installed the pug-bootstrap module in a nodejs project. I am trying to create a menu from a navbar.
I have done those files:
include /node_modules/pug-bootstrap/_bootstrap.pug
extends layout
block head
+nav_item("#", undefined, true)
string test
block body
h1= title
p Welcome to #{title}
the _bootstrap.pug contains the bootstrap css file : But it is not loaded on the webpage.
Someone know why? And how to fix that?
Any help would be appreciate.
When you extend a part of a template with block, you're replacing any code that was already in that block, before. In this case, I assume that the head included a reference to that CSS file, which you're overwriting.
Generally speaking, use append instead of block for the head section (see this page from their docs). That way, previous content of parent templates is not overwritten.
In your usecase, I am doubtful whether you should be placing anything at all in that head block, since it is reserved for meta-tags, not for actual visible content. In other words: You'll need to move the code you have there to the body anyway, since visible document objects belong in the body, not in the head.

Append code to a block from included partial

I have a js block in my template that collects all javascripts on the bottom of the page. I usually extend base template and append JSs using parent() Twig function to keep child scripts below parent ones. It works well but now I would like to include a partial that would also append scripts to the js block. Something like this:
I want following order:
main content 1
partial content
main content 2
base js
main js
partial js
If I use use instead of include, then parent() returns js block from partial.twig instead of base.twig.
The only solution I found would be to
Add use of the partial above the main content block
Replace include with block('partial_content')
Append js from main.twig with block('partial_js')
which means there are 3 things to remember when including new partial instead of 1 which will probably lead to forgetting something some day. Is there an easier (one line from main.twig preferably, partial.twig can be more complex) way to achieve my desired order?

Issue with Rendering templates with jade, express, and node.js

I'm new to node.js, jade, & express, so please bear with me.
I have the following files.
extends layout
block content
label initial layout
form(action="/getReports", method="GET", enctype="multipart/form-data")
input(type='submit', value='Generate Report')
extends index
block append content
label added child
app.get('/getReports', function(res, req)
User comes on and loads the site. They see the initial index page
User clicks on the form which triggers an action that calls the Rest
Api getReports
The call will render the child template that should just append "added child" to the content part of index.jade.
However, I'm not seeing this. I guess I'm trying to understand the best approach to append a partial template that is rendered to the original index.jade page.
The problem i'm having is that this code is the client side is the index.jade page. The button triggers an action call to the server. The server processes data, then the goal is to take the data and process a template that it was to display on the index.jade page.
Normally, without the jade template files, I would just use javascript and to the naive way which would be just have the client side java code trigger the ajax call and in the response use the DOM to append the html with the processed data but I wanted to take advantage of jade.
Any advice Appreciated,
Here are some pointers that might help you,
In res.render("child.jade");, don't include extension of the jade file, .jade. Just res.render("child"); will work.
In your "child.jade", block append content is wrong as there is no block with that name. If you want to render some partial in index page then you should specify a block in "index.jade". Make it like,
extends layout
block content
label initial layout
form(action="/getReports", method="GET", enctype="multipart/form-data")
input(type='submit', value='Generate Report')
block child
and "child.jade" to,
extends index
block child
label added child

WKHTMLTOPDF Dynamic Header on every page

I am trying to produce a PDF file using WKHTMLTOPDF library in NODE for a large HTML file. I need to be able to stuff in some content in the Header and Footer on every page. But the content on the header changes on every page for e.g, have custom numbering in a format like BX008761. The number should increment on every page.
First page will be BX008761, second page BX008762, third BX008763 so on..
I could find a thread which is related..
WKHTMLTOPDF -- Is possible to display dynamic headers?
the above thread states:
"you can feed --header-html almost anything :) Try the following to see my point:
wkhtmltopdf.exe --margin-top 30mm --header-html x.pdf
So could be"
does the source value provided for --header-html option be called for every page of the PDF rendered or it is called just once for every PDF..?
Appreciate your support.Thank you.
EDIT : I have tried a sample program and confirmed that it will process the value provided for --header-html option on every page rendered with in PDF. I am using a remote service to return the HTML string as a response to the url.
Now it is displaying the html string as is, instead of decoding it.
when the service returns below string:
<html> <body> <span style="color:red" > 123 :: 0 :: 3000025 :: 634943551338828720</span> <body> <html>
then the header on every page is also same as above instead of displaying the text in red color. how do i make the wkhtmltohtml understand that the content it received from service need to be decoded.
appreciate if any one can suggest a workaround.
Thank you.
EDIT : I have used another work around to return a HTML page for the header content. I used essentially a HTTPHandler in to return a valid response and the issue looks to have addressed the core issue of having a dynamic header on every page.

Jade template inheritance

Jade template inheritance in Jade is driving me mad...
The problem is that I would like to exclude a large bit of code to external template and then include it. When I do so everything gets f** up :/
Sample code:
title sample title
Let's say I want to exclude everything from top to div#someContent. Then I would have
include inc/header
This way code indentation goes wrong and everything is messed up :/ Can you point me to the right direction in including templates?
Thanks in advance!
This is not template inheritance, but includes (template inheritance is with block and extends keywords). I did try your code, and what it does with the include is insert "section#main" into "div#someDiv" instead of "div#someContent". Not sure if this should be considered a bug or what (how can the parser know if the added content should be inside the last item in the include file, or at the same level?). It doesn't seem to care about the level of indentation under the "include" statement.
However, if you DO use template inheritance, you can put an empty block at the end of your include:
title sample title
block content
Then you can append the block in your actual content file:
include inc/header
block append content
And this renders OK in the DOM (section#main is inside div#someContent). Depending on the structure of your views, you may be better off with "extends" instead of "include + block append". You can check Jade's GitHub doc for the details.
