I'm trying to add a webpart, but when clicking on 'Add a Web Part' link the javascript debugger window shows an error :
SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property 'value' of undefined or null reference
wpadder.js, line 1 character 6109
The property is :
var k=this._getHiddenField("selZone").value
I'm using jquery-1.10.2 and bootstrap in my master page.
I am doing automation for a desktop winform application and I want to select from a combobox , I dont know why but is recognized as a WinList instead of a standard combobox. codedui opens the list by clicking the button near it but can not select an item, getting error for it.
Here is the recorded code for the UI element
WinButton uIOpenButton = this.UIProMANAGEWindow.UIProductionReportWindow.UICbReportComboBox.UIOpenButton;
WinList uIItemList = this.UIItemWindow.UIItemClient.UIItemList;
// Click 'Open' button
Mouse.Click(uIOpenButton, new Point(9, 9));
// Select '' in list box
uIItemList.SelectedItemsAsString = this.URFSelectReportParams.UIItemListSelectedItemsAsString;
Here is the exception I am getting
Message: Test method CodedUITestProject2.Raporlar_URF1.CodedUITestMethod1 threw exception: Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension.FailedToPerformActionOnBlockedControlException: Another control is blocking the control. Please make the blocked control visible and retry the action. Additional Details: TechnologyName: 'MSAA'ControlType: 'List' ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: HRESULT özel durum döndürdü: 0xF004F003
After the WinList opens ,you need to check the properties of the control that opens. It might most certainly be Wincustom and in it there would be WinListItem.
You have to create these controls and then click the Winlistitem you want using Mouse.Click().
I was trying to display one of the 'Estimated Hours Remaining' attribute of 'Project' in a new page called 'Appointments'.
So, I created an unbound field name 'ProjectEstimatedRemainingHours'. Then customized attribute of the field like this:
using PX.Objects.IN;
using PX.Objects.PM;
[PXUIField(DisplayName="Project Estimated Remaining Hours")]
Where<PMProject.productID, Equal<FSServiceOrder.productID>>>))]
I was trying to see if I can get any property of 'Project' first.
But then, I encountered the following error:
The weird part is even if I unpublish or even remove the customize project on which I was making this change, this error persists.
I need help to get the 'Estimated Remaining Hours' attribute of 'Project' without getting error.
CRM2011, rollup 13
Account form with iframe, that displays contact form. Requirement is that when user press "save" button on account form, contact in iframe should be also saved.
OnSave event code
var iframeXrmPage = Xrm.Page.getControl("IFRAME_contact").getObject().contentWindow.Xrm.Page;
iframeXrmPage.data.entity.save(); //error: Unable to get property 'entity' of undefined or null reference
I can get Xrm object of iframe, but it has data and ui members set to null.
Is there any way to call save() in iframe using Xrm.Page? Are there any alternatives?
Use below code:
var iframeXrmPage = Xrm.Page.getControl("IFRAME_contact").getObject().contentWindow.contentIFrame.Xrm.Page;
Tried to create a mobile navigation using dataview or outline and the view renders ok
but when I click on an entry I get a dialog saying.
dojox.mobile.view#preformTransition: destination view not found: null
Any ideas why I'm getting this error?
I'm Using 8.5.3 UP1
You get this error when the view your trying to transition to doesn't exist. So you should have a singlePageApp control with one or more appPage controls, the destination should be the value of a "pageName" attribute of one of the appPages.
Can you check that the pageName of the appPage exists and there's no typo etc.
Getting the same error when using the extlib outline control. Trying to open another xsp mobile page.
I have a custom webpart and when it first renders I want to give link to open modify shared webpart properties as we generally get when we open OOB webparts like Content editor or XML webpart? Any one is having idea on this ...I was using this but when I m clicking on it, its showing following error
I m using this:
LiteralControl lctrl = new LiteralControl();
lctrl.Text=string.Format("<a id='MsoFrameworkToolpartDefmsg_{0}' href=\"javascript:MSOTlPn_ShowToolPane2Wrapper('Edit','129','{0}');\">Open the tool pane</a> and enter a valid value.",this.ID);
ERROR: A Web Part you attempted to change is either invalid or has been removed by another user.Click to refresh it.(This its showing in my toolpane)
Taken from a working webpart:
myvar = "Open the toolpanel"
"ID" is the webpart ID. I use a UserControl to hold my WebPart code, so I use Parent.ID