Setting Vi abbreviation that includes special character - vim

How to set the abbreviation for a specific word that contains special character like ":,;'." etc., for instance, I want to set an abbreviation for std::map to std::map
:ab std::map std::map<string,int>
is not working

The abbreviation trigger text has restrictions: it has to be of either full-id, end-id, or non-id type (basically, which characters are keywords; see :help abbreviations for details).
For the C / C++ filetypes, the colon : normally is not part of 'iskeyword', that's causing the E474 error. As it's not recommended to mess with that setting (it affects navigation, syntax highlighting, etc.), you have to drop / replace it from the abbreviation:
:ab stdmap std::map<string,int>

The solution I proposed in Using backslashes in vim abbreviations should be adaptable to your case. You will have to adapt the test getline('.')[col('.')-2]=='\' to something like getline('.')[:col('.')-2] =~ '.*std::$' (untested)
But, honestly, you should consider using a snippet engine instead, there are plenty.


Vim generate text expansion from shortcut

The codebase I'm working on requires standard comments around any modifications that we make:
// -----------ABCD---------------
and then
// ----------\ABCD---------------
What's the best way to map a short combination of keys like -abcd and \abcd to generate these longer strings?
The simplest, built-in :help abbreviations:
inoreab abcd // -----------ABCD---------------
inoreab abcD // ----------\ABCD---------------
Why did I choose different triggers? There are some rules (documented as "three types of abbreviations" under the above help link) for the allowed keys; the easiest is that it's all keyword characters.
If you insist on those exact triggers, you'd have to fiddle with the 'iskeyword' option (which can affect syntax highlighting and motions!), or switch to :inoremap. The downside of that is that you won't see the typed characters until any ambiguity has been resolved (try it; you'll see what I mean).
ABCD is just a dummy; I need dynamic text here
If multiple abbreviations won't do, you'll need snippets.
snippets are like the built-in :abbreviate on steroids, usually with parameter insertions, mirroring, and multiple stops inside them. One of the first, very famous (and still widely used) Vim plugins is snipMate (inspired by the TextMate editor); unfortunately, it's not maintained any more; though there is a fork. A modern alternative (that requires Python though) is UltiSnips. There are more, see this list on the Vim Tips Wiki and this comparison by Mark Weber.
A snippet would look like this (snipMate syntax):
snippet abcd
// -----------${1:ABCD}---------------
// ----------\$1---------------

Vim: Substitute only in syntax-selected text areas

The exact problem: I have a source in C++ and I need to replace a symbol name to some other name. However, I need that this replace the symbol only, not accidentally the same looking word in comments or text in "".
The source information what particular language section it is, is enough defined in the syntax highlighting rules. I know they can fail sometimes, but let's state this isn't a problem. I need some way to walk through all found occurrences of the phrase, then check in which section it is found, and if it's text or comment, this phrase should be skipped. Otherwise the replacement should be done either immediately, or by asking first, depending on well known c flag.
What I imagine would be at least theoretically possible is:
Having a kinda "callback" when doing substitution (called for each phrase found, and requesting the answer whether to substitute or not), or extract the list of positions where the phrase has been found, then iterate through all of them
Extract the name of the current "hi-linked" syntax highlighting rule, which is used to color the text at given position
Is it at all possible within the current features of vim?
Yes, with a :help sub-replace-expression, you can evaluate arbitrary expressions in the replacement part of :substitute. Vim's synID() and synstack() functions allow you to get the current syntax element.
Luc Hermitte has an implementation that omits replacement inside strings, here. You can easily adapt this to your use case.
With the help of my ingo-library plugin, you can define a short predicate function, e.g. matching comments and constants (strings, numbers, etc.):
function! CommentOrConstant()
return ingo#syntaxitem#IsOnSyntax(getpos('.'), '^\%(Comment\|Constant\)$')
My PatternsOnText plugin now provides a :SubstituteIf command that works like :substitute, but also takes a predicate expression. With that, it's very easy to do a replacement anywhere except in comments or constants:
:%SubstituteIf/pattern/replacement/g !CommentOrConstant()

Is it possible to make vim display leading spaces with a different amount of indentation?

It appears, surprisingly, that more self-selected SO devs prefer to indent via tabs rather than spaces. Some people brought up the argument that you can use tabs to indent, and spaces to align. In theory this sounds cool, but in practice I suspect it would be more of a pain than anything, seeing as you can't see which character you have (unless you like turning on that sort of thing).
So I had an idea - why not the editors? Why shouldn't editors let you configure the number of spaces you're going to use to indent, but also the appearance of those spaces. That is:
class MyClass:
____def myfun():
________somevariable = 42
________volts = 40000000 # If you're into that sort of thing.
________________________________# Not well-formatted Python, though.
Leading indent set to appear as 2 spaces:
class MyClass:
__def myfun():
____somevariable = 42
____volts = 400000000
Is it possible to do something like this with vim? I know it's totally possible to write a post-open/pre-save command to replace the contents, which might work the same... but I'm more curious if it's possible, in vim, to make it appear as though the leading spaces are less (or more) than they actually are?
Yes, you can, using the conceal feature. Demonstration (using the markup from your example text and a different replacement character instead of spaces for effect):
:syntax match Indent "\%(^\%(__\)*\)\#<=__" conceal cchar=#
:set conceallevel=2 concealcursor=nvic
The pattern matches every pair of __ at the beginning of the line, and replaces (conceals) each with a single #, effectively reducing the visible indent.
As a purely visual feature, I don't find it very useful though, and would prefer the post-open / pre-save solution you seem to be aware of.

VIM Delete Standard Scripting Word Groups

How would you use VIM to delete a word group, which includes white space characters, but is a standard grouping you would want to access when scripting? Specifically, when you have your cursor over some part of the following text, how would delete help="initialize, lines, h2, derivs, tt, history", from below. Maybe one would need to create specific mappings. But on the other hand, it seems pretty natural to want to access text like this if you are using VIM to edit scripting programs.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("task", help="initialize, lines, h2, derivs, tt, history", default='yes')
Vim has a variety of text objects built-in, e.g. da" deletes quoted text (including the quotes; di" keeps the quotes). See :help text-objects for more information.
There are some plugins, e.g. textobj-user - Support for user-defined text objects and my own CountJump plugin that make it easy to define your own, "special" text objects. Also, you'll find many such text objects on Based on your example, argtextobj.vim - Text-object like motion for arguments may be exactly what you need here.
If you are inside the " you want to delete, I would use:
If you were above help=, I would use something like:
to remove everything until you encounter default, followed by a few x, and left-wise motion, to remove the remaining characters.
I don't really think a new mapping is needed, but your experience may vary.
What makes sense from Vim's perspective and according to its design goals is to provide small and generic elements and a few rules to combine them in order to achieve higher level tasks. It does quite a good job, I'd say, with its numerous text-objects and motions but we always have to repeat domain-specific tasks and that's exactly where Vim's extensibility comes into play. It is where users and plugin authors fill the gap with custom mappings/object/functions and… plugins.
It is fairly easy, for example, to record a macro and map it for later reuse. Or create a quick and dirty custom text-object…
The following snippet should work with your sample.
xnoremap aa /\v["'][,)]/e<CR>o?\v\s+\w+\=<CR>
onoremap aa :normal vaa<CR>
With it, you can do daa, caa, yaa and vaa from anywhere within that argument.
Obviously, this solution is extremely specific and making it more generic would most certainly involve a bit more thought but there are already relatively smart solutions floating around, as in Ingo's answer.

Delete surrounding whitespace in vim

I'm using the awesome plugin to surround words with parenthesis, for example I often use: viws<space><space> to surround a word with spaces.
What I'm missing is the opposite of this, that is, deleting surrounding spaces around a word.
The most common use for me is function arguments like
foo(bar) vs foo( bar ) depending on code style.
Does anyone know a nice way to do this?
Note: This solution requires the surround plugin referenced in the question.
For your specific situation you could do the following:
This changes foo( bar ) to foo(bar), however, it is not a general solution to your problem.
I often productively procrastinate in search of vim plugins too, when I could just define a mapping for this.
nnoremap <leader>dd F<space>xf<space>x
EDIT more information
<leader> common key for user defined mappings (, is a good one)
dd combination to use (any other mnemonic one will suffice)
F<space>x search backwards for a space, then remove it
f<space>x search forwards for a space, then remove it
Maybe just BXElx in normal mode.
In fact, perfect solution for me is the mapping provided by #puk, but using the keys #sarnold expected in the first place (what one would expect from surround plugin if it implemented this).
This is:
nnoremap ds<space> F<space>xf<space>x
