Instagram API Access Limit - instagram

We require to get the followers data (profile metrics specially follower's friends count) for my client's accounts having more than 500k followers. Because of Instagram api limitation we can only do 5k calls /hour. Thats why, it is impossible to load all followers data for every day. But there are few products like etc, which are also using the instagram api and making unlimited (or some greater num than allowed limit) calls.
Are these partners exempted by instagram?
Please update if there is a way to get higher api limit.
We are ready to pay amount for the higher limit.
Parvendra Adhran

You have to try to get whitelisted to get a new Rate Limit, there's a long waiting list and Instagram has mentioned they won't be getting to the requests anytime soon.
I've heard of people still waiting over 2 months so far.


What's the rate limit between requests for Instagram's Private API?

I want to get the whole list of followers, which means iterating through the pages. However, I don't know whether instagram will ban me with too many requests too quickly. Does anyone know the rate restrictions on instagram?
Instagram's private API works like the app do, so you won't have the limits that the official API has, however, you still can't make as many requests, in that case Instagram will know and ban your account.

How to get daily usage of Youtube API qouta?

I am using youtube data API and I didn't find anything related to the overall daily usage of API limit.
I can check the same on the console and I visited the below link but here I can only calculate the stats from the youtube web portal.
Is there any means that I can get the overall daily usage of from any API provided by youtube.
Yes. Go to here, click on the menu in the top left corner, IAM & Admin and then Quotas.
Recently I had this requirement too. But then I moved on as it was not a blocker for me.
Alternatively I would suggest keeping track of quota units consumed. You can easily calculate how many quota units are consumed from the chart in the link you provided. You can get the number of quota units left by subtracting the sum of units consumed from 10000 (Current default limit, or any number assigned to your account if you requested for more).
The quota gets reset every midnight PST.
FYI, the api does respond with an HTTP 403 and error code 403 with reason = dailyLimitExceeded. Once you encounter this then you can stop sending out more api calls till midnight.
If you ever get to know of an API endpoint please update this question so that it helps people like us.

instagram api: getting user information and rate limits

I'm a little confused if what I am trying to do is even possible given the expressed limits to the API.
My app should do this:
user logs in, app gets auth token
user gets list of their followers
this point is easy to get to, but the next step (3) seems potentially problematic
user gets the number of followers each of those followers has{user-id}/?access_token=ACCESS-TOKEN
If the user has 5000+ (limit is 5000 requests per hour) followers, do I really need to request each users information one by one? If so, it looks like I will definitely hit the rate limit.
user is able to delete followers having under a certain amount of followers (limit 60 / hour){user-id}/relationship?access_token=ACCESS-TOKEN
So, it seems, given the limits, that such an app would be impossible to create. Is there some channel where I can request a limit increase? This tool would be used sparingly and infrequently.
There is a section "Relationship Endpoints" where you can use request
to Get the list of users this user is followed by, so this is only one request.

Instagram posting comment exceed rates

I'm posting a comment to a content on Instagram using Instagram API.
My app is registered and approved, so I was supposed to have 60 comments per hour (or at least 30, in case it is still in Sandbox mode).
I keep getting this message:
The maximum number of requests per hour has been exceeded. You
have made 23 requests of the 15 allowed in the last hour
I can't understand where does the 15 request allowed per hour came from.
Couldn't find it anywhere in the documentation as well.
Well, I would suggest you to go to the developer dashboard(MANAGE CLIENTS) page and report this issue. Its an option there. After that wait for a day and then check your mail. You might find a reply from them. As you have transitioned from the sandbox mode to active, the limit should increase and I hope they fix it for you
Just some ToC I found.
Instagram may rate limit or block apps that make a large number of
calls to the API that are not primarily in response to direct user
actions. Details Here
And also here
Display more than 30 Instagram photos or videos per page in your
application or use an unreasonable amount of bandwidth.Found Here
It sounds like they could acutely intent to limit your requests to preserve their bandwidth. 15 requests seems like a reasonable amount, if you contact them with a reason why you'd necessarily require more they might up this limit.
Also interestingly, they can change this if they see fit
Instagram may elect to provide you with support or modifications for
the Instagram APIs (collectively, "Support"), in its sole discretion,
and may terminate such Support at any time without notice to you.
Instagram may change, suspend, or discontinue any aspect of the
Instagram APIs at any time, including the availability of any
Instagram APIs. Instagram may also impose limits on certain features
and services or restrict your access to parts or all of the Instagram
APIs or the Instagram Web site without notice or liability.Details Here
Hope this helps

Instagram API posting likes rate limit

I created an iOS app that using Instagram API and have a critical issue posting likes to Instagram.
Using endpoint – POST /media/media-id/likes, with user-specific access token. I request scope – likes from users.
Instagram API works fine for all requests except saving likes. We can only save/post a couple hundred likes to Instagram, and then response is "We've taken extra measures to protect the Instagram API from abnormal activity. Since you have recently created your API application, please contact to receive whitelisting for a higher rate limit."
There is other developers with same issue with no support or any feedback waiting for months.
Please, let me know if there is limits and how it works, or how to become whitelisted
I don’t want to create many Instagram API clients and assign users among them. It seems like bad acting for me, if there is official API with strict limits I want to work with it.
Instagram has new API limits: 100 likes/hr 60 follows/unfollows/hr per access token. That is only if you authenticate serverside and sign your headers. Check out the new authentication:
I'm using it for my new site that automates likes/follows/unfollows, haven't had any problems works great. Check it out:
Instagram takes increased measures to limit your API requests based on IP address. This is not common knowledge, it's just something I've come to know from working with the API extensively.
They've built an API that is FAR from perfect, but have been upgrading it to be "smart". Smart enough to know that a newer client, pinging the API many times just for one user, may very well be a script kiddie trying to bot the system. For this reason, they do not give you a rate limit error, they politely say "we have taken extra measures to protect our API from being spammed by bots".
The good news is, other users should still be able to access your liking mechanism. Just not you, from that IP.
