Check if directory has changed - linux

I am working on a backup script and I've got a problem. I would like to backup my documents to a ftp server. Because I don't like encfs so I try to realise this by using z-zip and encrypted archives. This is working well but I would like to create a new archive only when a file inside a subdirectory has changed so lftp is only uploading the changed ones.
My codesnippet looks like this:
cd /mnt/HD_a2/documents
for i in */
do 7za a -t7z /mnt/HD_a2/encrypted/ul_doc/"${i%/}.7z" -p1234 -mhe "$i"
How can I change this code so it's only creating a new archive when a file inside "i" has been changed within the last 7 days? (This script is executed by cron every 7 days)

for i in */
if [ `find "$i" -type f -mtime -7 | wc -l` -gt 0 ]
then 7za a -t7z /mnt/HD_a2/encrypted/ul_doc/"${i%/}.7z" -p1234 -mhe "$i"

So, Barmar`s answer is almost right, but it does not count files correctly. I've looked around for other similar questions and it seems like it is a common mistake(please note that it is not critical for his solution, but it might confuse other programmers if they touch it, because it does not what most people will expect), no one is accounting the fact that filenames can contain newlines. So here is a bit better version that gives you the right file count:
for i in */
fileCount=$(find "$i" -type f -mtime -8 -exec printf . \;)
if (( ${#fileCount} > 0 )); then
7za a -t7z /mnt/HD_a2/encrypted/ul_doc/"${i%/}.7z" -p1234 -mhe "$i"
But what if you have thousands of files? That would build a string that is exactly as long as the number of your files.
So we can use this:
for i in */
fileCount=$(find "$i" -type f -mtime -8 -exec printf . \; | wc -c)
if (( fileCount > 0 )); then
7za a -t7z /mnt/HD_a2/encrypted/ul_doc/"${i%/}.7z" -p1234 -mhe "$i"
Or this:
for i in */
fileCount=$(find "$i" -type f -mtime -8 -exec echo \; | wc -l)
if (( fileCount > 0 )); then
7za a -t7z /mnt/HD_a2/encrypted/ul_doc/"${i%/}.7z" -p1234 -mhe "$i"
Hoping that useless string data is not going to be cached.
But we only need to know if there is AT LEAST one file, we don't have to count all of them! This way we can stop immediately if something was found.
for i in */
fileFound=$(find "$i" -type f -mtime -8 | head -n 1)
if [[ $fileFound ]]; then
7za a -t7z /mnt/HD_a2/encrypted/ul_doc/"${i%/}.7z" -p1234 -mhe "$i"
That's it. This solution will work MUCH faster because it does not have to look for other files and it does not even have to check their mtime. Try running this code without head and you'll notice a significant difference - from several hours to less than a second for my home folder. (I'm not even sure if it will ever manage to finish it on my pc, I have millions of small files in my home folder...)


Display contents of files which are greater than 0

I need to write a shell script.
I have bunch of files in a directory. From there, I need to display content of files which are greater than 0 bytes in size. and delete the files which are 0 in size.
Please help. Thanks in advance.
I Found an answer which works fine. But, any more inputs will be welcome.
The answer is the following. Which I need to use in shell script.
find . -size 0c -delete
Here's something that will work
for f in $(ls) ; do
if [ -f $f ] ; then
if [ -s $f ] ; then
ls $f
rm $f
Note, it's just doing ls in the current directory. You could also pass in a directory as arg to look in or other method. Also, this won't pick up hidden files (.*).
The key to how it works are the Bash conditional expressions -s (true if file is more than 0 size) and -f (true if regular file).
To display the contents of all files under topdir that have non-zero size:
find topdir -type f \! -size 0c -exec cat {} +
To delete all completely empty files under the same directory:
find topdir -type f -size 0c -ok rm {} \;
Replace -ok with -exec (and the \; at the end to +) if you don't want to confirm each removal.
This solution assumes a POSIX find.
for i in `ls` ; do
if [ -s $i ] ; then
cat $i
rm -f $i
if you have spaces in you filenames you may need to change IFS env variable, or think about using "find" command instead

BASH Script to Remove old files, and create a text file containing the count and size of total files deleted.

I am an Intern and was given a task of creating a BASH script to delete files in a directory older than 60 days and then exports a text file containing the number of files deleted as well as the amount of data removed. I am still attempting to learn BASH and have a one liner to remove files older than 30 days;
`find $DIR -type f -mtime -60 -exec rm -rf {}\;`
I am still actively attempting to learn BASH, so extra notes on any responses would be greatly appreciated!
P.S. I found Bash Academy , but looks like the site is incomplete, any recommendations for further reading in my quest to learn bash will also be greatly appreciated!
I would use the below script, say for the purpose :
local totalsize=0
echo " Removing files listed below "
echo "${#}"
sizes=( $(stat --format=%s "${#}") ) #storing sizes in an array.
for i in "${sizes[#]}"
(( totalsize += i )) #calculating total size.
echo "Total space to be freed : $totalsize bytes"
rm "${#}"
if [ $? -eq 0 ] #$? is the return value
echo "All files deleted"
echo "Some files couldn't be deleted"
export -f myfunc
find "$1" -type f -not -name "*" -mtime +60\
-exec bash -c 'myfunc "$#"' _ {} +
# -not -name "*" to prevent self deletion
# Note -mtime +60 for files older than 60 days.
chmod +x ./
And run it as
./deleter '/path/to/your/directory'
Find [ manpage ] for more info.
stat --format=%s gives size in bytes which we store in an array. See [ stat ] manpage.
feedback appreciated

Bash script file size

I have got script like that:
cd /home/gamesimport/
ls -t games*.xml | tail -n+2 | xargs rm
mv games*.xml games_ok.xml
It's just deleting old games*.xml files, renaming the lastest games.xml file but I would like also to change name if games.xml file is larger then 1 MB. How would I do that?
FILESIZE=$(stat -c%s games_ok.xml)
if [ $FILESIZE -ge $MAX ]; then
#do something else
should work
Simply, use find:
find some/where -name games\*.xml -size +1M -exec mv {} {}.big \;

check if find command return something (in bash script)

i have the following bash script on my server:
today=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")
find /backups/www -type f -mtime -1|xargs tar uf /daily/backup-$today.tar
as you can see it creates backups of files modified/created in the last 24h. However if no files are found, it creates corrupted tar file. I would like to wrap it in statement so id doesn't create empty/corrupted tar files.
Can someone help me modify this script?
You can check if result is ok then check if result is empty :
today=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")
results=`find /backups/www -type f -mtime -1`
if [[ 0 == $? ]] ; then
if [[ -z $results ]] ; then
echo "No files found"
tar uf /daily/backup-$today.tar $results
echo "Search failed"
find /backups/www -type f -mtime -1 -exec tar uf /daily/backup-$today.tar {} +
Using -exec is preferable to xargs. There's no pipeline needed and it will handle file names with spaces, newlines, and other unusual characters without extra work. The {} at the end is a placeholder for the file names, and + marks the end of the -exec command (in case there were more arguments to find).
As a bonus it won't execute the command if no files are found.
One relatively simple trick would be this:
today=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")
touch /backups/www/.timestamp
find /backups/www -type f -mtime -1|xargs tar uf /daily/backup-$today.tar
That way you're guaranteed to always find at least one file (and it's minimal in size).
xargs -r does nothing if there is no input.

Find files older than X days excluding some other files

i'm trying to write a shell script, for linux and solaris, that finds some specific files older than X days and then deletes them. the trick is that during this process there are a couple of files that must not be deleted.
for example from the following list of files i need to delete *.zip and keep *.log and *.something.*
finding the files and feeding them to rm was easy, but i'm having difficulties in excluding the files from the deletion list.
experimenting around i discovered one can benefit from multiple complex expressions grouped with logical operators like this:
find -L path -type f \( -name '*.log' \) -a ! \( -name '*.zip' -o -name '*something*' \) -mtime +3
or you could do this:
find /appl/ftp -type f -mtime +30 |grep -vf [exclude_file] | xargs rm -rf;
I needed to find a way to provide a hard coded list of exclude files to not remove, but remove everything else that was older than 30 days. Here is a little script to perform a remove of all files older that 30 days, except files that are listed in the [exclude_file].
EXCL_FILES=`/bin/cat [exclude_file]`;
RM_FILE=`/usr/bin/find [path] -type f -mtime +30`;
for I in $RM_FILES;
for J in $EXCL_FILES;
grep $J $I;
if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
/bin/rm $I;
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo "PROBLEM: Could not remove $I"; exit 1; fi;
