Where do the npm modules are stored? - node.js

I am learning node.js.I have few questions
Where the npm modules are stored?
2.Is it a database?
3.Is internet required for installing node modules?

npm modules are usually stored in the repository. It is a common way, but npm can install modules from an ordinary http server or git repository.
npmjs.org uses a database (CouchDB), but there are solutions that store modules in the filesystem without any database (Sinopia).
Not always, but you have to get those modules from somewhere, right?

npm modules are stored in npm registry https://npmjs.org/
If you install modules from public repository, you must have internet.
However, you can setup your private repository, see this and this


What are exact destinations in internet that are needed to be opened in order for `npm install` command to be working?

I have searches for internet, but I am not sure:
I have installed NodeJS on my machine inside private network. I need npm install command to be working on private network. Security teem is asking me exact destinations in internet that are needed to be opened in order for npm install command to be working.
What are these destinations?
P.S. Ideally I would like all npm commands to be working. What destinations are needed in this case?
Thank you
https://registry.npmjs.org, this is the default registry for all the npm packages but you can change it by configuring ".npmrc" file.
NPM (Node Package Manager) uses by default the public repository https://registry.npmjs.org/ so if you will use public packages as dependencies that's the domain from where it resolves the dependencies to download them. Here is the documentation about NPM: https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v8/using-npm/registry
Although, your projects could require private packages as dependencies, and those could be stored in private repositories (GPM, Artifactory, etc.). In that scenario you will need to know from where your project is downloading those dependencies.
There are two places where you can see the registry used in your case:
.npmrc file located at you user directory with the global configuration.
.npmrc file located at the root of your project managed by NPM.
// .npmrc

npmjs.org packages on sinopia

After setting up sinopia, How to install npmjs.org packages on it? Scoped too.
I have tried and succeeded setting up sinopia and even publish my packages.
But did not find any documentation about installing from npmjs.org
To answer your question first you have to understand how sinopia works.
Sinopia is just a private registry that as act as a proxy to cache packages from a remote registry, npmjs.org, yarn registry or another sinopia (or verdaccio). In other words, you cannot install packages directly, basically are cached when you perform an npm install in your project pointing to a sinopia registry.
npm install --registry http://localhost:4873/
After such installation looking in the local storage you will find packages downloaded from the uplinks. This process is handled automatically by your private registry and I do not you recommend modifying any metadata otherwise will corrupt the cache.
I wrote documentation for verdaccio which is a sinopia's fork and backward compatible which might give you an idea how to set up correctly and a brief definition of each part of the private registry.

Install NPM packages without Internet

I'm very new to npm, and I need to work with NPM packages like express, express-generator, ejs, mysql, etc on a server with no Internet access. This means that simply using npm install express will not work since I won't be able to connect to the NPM registry.
Do I go to the GitHub pages of each of the packages and download the zip files (e.g. https://github.com/strongloop/express/archive/master.zip), then do a npm install ./master.zip?
What I'm worried is that each of these packages in turn require a ton of other dependencies, which I have to then download individually.
One possible solution is setting up your own private NPM registry. Some of the advantages are:
NPM will work as it meant to
You will have a central place inside your company that can serve other developers/CI servers
It can be used to deploy your private NPM packages
Governance and security
You will need to deploy the packages you require into the private registry, or if possible have it proxy the public NPM registry.
There are multiple solutions available for setting up a private registry. For example you can use the npm-registry-couchapp or a Binary repository manager which supports NPM such as Artifactory (disclaimer - I'm affiliated).

meteor deploy npm packages

I use multiple npm packages in my meteor application, for instance the 'knox' package for amazon s3 access.
On my local system I don't have any problems, because I have the 'knox'- npm package installed on my system. But on the server this is obviously not the case.
I have read different suggestions what I could do:
Install the npm module into the /public folder of my application
- unfortunately I don't know how to do that.
I followed this tutorial:
NPM Deploy Tutorial
I created packages/knox/package.js packages/knox/knox.js and I am pretty sure I did everything as described in the tutorial but this is not even working locally
Use npm package from Atmosphere. See details on how to use it.
Did you remember to add the knox package to the .meteor/packages file?
The link you shared is pre Meteor 0.6.5, which loaded all packages in packages/ automatically. Now, you need to specify them individually.

nodejs npm package tutorials

Looking for some tutorials where we have all the information about writing first npm package from scratch, looking forward things like
Mandate folder structure if any
Initiating package
Add dependencies
bin folder (why do we need it?)
Any AMD dependency
Moreover how do we convert a common JS api to npm enabled?
Any pointer or help should be appreciated.
I was able to get things out myself, hence successfully registered the npm package # https://npmjs.org/package/javascript-boilerplate
Kindly find the answer in the same order as I have asked.
There is no mandate for particular folder structure
npm adduse and npm publish does the job to register the package
Here I was getting the issue, which was essentially driven from jquery 1.8.3 npm package, just removed it and ship the jQuery with my bundle only
I didn't need the bin folder
I don't think so there is any, it may be needed for global npm install
