Interceptor for Weceem Security rules - security

We managed to install weceem plugin and could map with user roles. But we need more control as follow. There are tenants in the system, users of which have the same roles. But each tenant in the grails app is fully isolated from other tenants. So we plan to create one space for each tenant. Then we want to grant access for users of one tenant to their specific wecem space. This way users of one tenant can't access the content of another SPACE meant for another tenant. We can't isolate based on roles, because users of all tetants will have same role - like 'Tenant Admin'.
Can we write an intercptor in the controller (or somewhere else) which will be invoked by the security framework, and we want to write custom code in that intercptor to determine that the tenant is accessing only his specific SPACE and that allow access, else deny ?
can we create SPACE progamatically from the main application ? like, when a tenant is created in the system, we want to create a SPACE for him.

There is a default weceem-security bridge (weceem-spring-security plugin) that defines user management system between application and weceem. You can implement your own security decision that takes tenants into account and define credentials to the specified Space. Check the weceem-security plugin sources to get the ideas . According to second question - you can create Space programmatically from the application if you need.


Resource isolation by the users created in same AD in Azure

I need to create multiple users in same AD and need to isolate the resources created by one user from other user.Is it really possible.since I am new to Azure I am not aware that this is really possible.It would be great if some one render their hands to advice on this.
There is no absolute isolation, there are only certain restrictions.
The users created in the AAD tenant are all the Members by default, they have the default permissions e.g. Read all properties of groups, Read properties of registered and enterprise applications. So if user A created some resources e.g. group, application, the user B will also be able to read the properties of them.
There are some restrictions, like Manage properties, ownership, and membership of groups the user owns, Manage application properties, assignments, and credentials for owned applications. This means some properties of the resources can just be managed by the Owner of them.
For more details about the default user permissions, you could refer to
And if the user is assigned as the admin role in the tenant, he will have more permissions than the default users, see

Does Azure Active Directory support having a single user tied to multiple profiles, with each profile belonging to its own groups?

My goal is to have the user authenticate with Azure AD and then be presented with a drop-down of profiles they want to access. Based on which profile is selected, the user will have different permissions on the site. I'm trying to avoid a user having to have multiple logins to enforce the different permissions per profile.
Can Azure AD handle this or do I need to tie in custom code in a database?
No, Users have one identity and can have a set of roles on an app.
Well, just one role unless you have group-based role assignment available :)
This concept sounds like something you will have to build in your app.
Or you will have to have multiple users registered for this one person.

Can I use Azure Active Directory (AAD) as IAM for a multi-tenant SAAS product?

We are building a enterprise product, and expect a lot of customers, to not have active directory of their own.
We plan to use AAD as our IAM provider.
We plan to create a master AAD for the product, and then invite users of each customer (tenant) as external users to the master AAD, using their business email id. Each set of users for a given customer, will be added to an external group for manageability.
Would this be the right approach, for supporting multi-tenanted IAM for a product hosted in Azure?
It's a pretty hard question. AAD's multi-tenancy basically requires the org to have an AAD to have proper separation etc.
But in the case of an org not having an AAD, this is one option.
One crucial thing you must not forget with this path is to turn on the option in the AAD tenant to restrict Guest user permissions. This makes it so that the invited users can't just go to and get a full list of all users in the tenant. At least usually this is a desired thing when multiple clients are in the same tenant.
Other options could be:
Setting up an AAD tenant for each customer
Good separation for customers
There might be a limit how many you can create
I'm not aware of an API you could use for this (but hey Selenium works :D)
Set up your own identity provider with e.g. IdentityServer
Maximum customizability
Lot of work for you to develop and maintain
Everything would of course be easier if they just had an AAD :)
It would depend on some details of the approach you want to follow. If you are expecting for them to use their business email, then you may consider having Single Sign-On (many organizations expect not needing to duplicate accounts and you may want to delegate your customers the hassle of resetting passwords).
Also, you need to determine what kind of isolation need(do you want to have a single set of users or have a clear separation by tenant?) and the budget (AAD cost is measured on a per-user basis) you have for this? Azure AD B2C could be also an option, or as #juunas mentioned, implementing your own solution with something like IdentityServer.

Can we Authenticate user of specific group in Active Directory

I can Authenticate user in Active directory but I need to know can we authenticate a specific user in group if we have multiple groups.
Basically I am redirecting to http://[mydirectory] and validating the user but I need to know do we have mechanism to validate a user from specific group so that I can give access according to that.
Assuming this is Azure AD (and not on-premises Windows Server AD), then you have three options to restrict access to an application via groups.
Option 1: Require user/group assignment to application
This is the only option that does not require adding authorization logic in your application.
When configuring your application in the classic Azure portal, you can set the application to require user assignment:
Then, under "Users and Groups" for that application, you can choose which individual users or groups should have access to the application.
The most important thing to consider here is that this will only apply to direct members of the group, not to nested members.
Option 2: Request group claims
This option will allow you to request that the token returned to the application after a user has signed in contain the list of groups that the user is a member of. This includes groups that they are transitive members of (i.e. nested groups).
From your application's configuration page in the classic Azure portal, you can download and upload the app's manifest JSON file. In the manifest, locate the "groupMembershipClaims" attribute, and set it to "All" or "SecurityGroup" (the latter will exclude distribution lists).
Once this is set, after the user signs in, the resulting token will have a groups claim that contains a list of group object IDs that the user is a member of. Your application can then use these claims to decide whether or not the user should have access.
Dushyant Gill goes into group claims in detail in his blog post: ( link)
The important consideration here is that there is a limit to the number of groups that can be returned. If the user is a member of more groups that this limit, then an "overage" claim is issued, and your application will need to make an Azure AD Graph API call to get the full list. (This is also described in Dushyant's blog post.)
Option 3: Use the the Microsoft Graph API or the Azure AD Graph API directly
The final option is to simply call the Microsoft Graph API (or the Azure AD Graph API, they both act almost identically for this) to establish if the signed in user is a member of a given group. Your application can then make the authorization decision.
There are several approaches you can take (these are all transitive checks, so nested groups are supported):
isMemberOf to check whether a the user is a member of a specified (single) group. This is the simplest if a single group should grant access to your app.
checkMemberGroups to check if the user is a member of any groups in a list of groups. This is useful if different groups grant different roles or permissions in your application.
getMemberGroups to return the full list of groups the user is a member of. This is generally not particularly useful for doing authorization checks.

Azure Active Directory Object Permissions

I have an Azure Active Directory Application (and associated Service Principal). That Service Principal needs to be able to add and remove members from an Azure Active Directory I have added Read and write directory data under Application Permissions:
And I have code that uses the Client ID and Client Secret to get an Authentication Token an perform these operations using the Azure Graph API.
However, this permission is far too broad. I need the Application/Service Principal to only have the ability to add and remove members from specific groups (not all)...and not the ability to perform other types of operations.
Is there a way to do this?
Thank you.
There is a preview feature that partly fits your requirement: "Group.ReadWrite.All". It lets your principal create and update groups and their navigation properties (incl. members). It does not however reduce the permissions to modify only certain groups.
AAD permission scopes are described here:
Preview features may be subject to change and you'll have to agree to reduced service terms etc.:
