Connecting to Node.js server from a website? - node.js

So say, you have:
A VPS running a Node.js server
A web host & domain that's running a website say
Is there a way you can have connect to the Node.js server and retrieve data from it?
Because I just started messing around with node, and I've looked at over 10 tutorials and read a bunch of implementations of Node.js and in all of their examples they say connect to localhost:8080 or (That would mean my vps would have to host (the client) & the node.js (the server) for me to use both??)
But I haven't come across any code/tutorials that allows me to run a JavaScript script to connect to the Node.js server and load in data dynamically from the page I'm at. Thanks.
Here's an example of code I'm looking at.

Yes, you can use any URL to reach a nodeJs server.
Routing a request (to say to a nodeJs server has nothing to do with the nodeJs server. You have to make sure that the routing rules are in place, but that is completely separate to your server.
Update in response to you comment clarification:
Are you trying to make connections:
client -> -> node.js?
If so, and is a standard server, then yes, just make calls to node.js URL, that'll work fine
If you looking for the below flow
And if you client is a browser, then you will have to deal with cross-domain issues as discussed here AJAX cross domain call


Can we make our own web server to host a websites and respond to HTTP requests?

A web server responds to an HTTP request and sends the client a set of HTML, CSS, and JS files.
After we build a website or a web application, we usually have to host it on a well-known web server like IIS or Apache to make it accessible all around the world (on the internet).
Can't we just make our own web server so that it can responds to all incoming HTTP requests that the client sends to our computer without having to use IIS?
As wazz and Lex says, you could build your own server to listen the special port and handle the request based on your requirement, but it contains performance and security issue.
If you still want to build it by yourself. I suggest you could refer to some existing server like KestrelHttpServer.

Local server http communication and angular browser rendering

I think I'm doing something completely the wrong way.
I have an Nodejs server running that read in a DB and serve with express some data via http locally (it has to only be accessed locally). It sends the data on localhost on some port (8080 for example). Then I have an angular app on the server that get these datas from an http request on localhost:8080 and display them. The angular app runs locally on localhost:4200.
I was building the entire stuff on my computer and that was working perfectly (I have no problem with CORS). Then I deployed it on a server, and I accessed it via ssh port forwarding. Basically I forward localhost:4200 on the server via ssh on my local computer on localhost:8090.
And my problem is that, when loading and executing the angular app in my browser via port redirection, it's doing a get request to localhost:8080. So it's trying to communicate with the localhost it's running on, which is the client itself.
If you understood my spaghetti situation, there is actually a dirty solution : redirect localhost:8080 on the server to localhost:8080 on the client.
Is there any way to do the get request server side and not in the client's browser so that localhost correspond to the server? Is there a better way to do what I'm trying to do?
I can sum up by : How can you access another local service on localhost on the server with angular app since it executes in the client browser and localhost will refer to client localhost.
Try to use any web server (such as nginx or apache2 or etc.) in your server and make use of proxy and reverse proxy with your node application, it will work

Get db results from (node - express - mongodb) to angular 4 securely

There is no issue b/w establishing connection b/w nodejs & angular. Also the database results are fine. This is the only problem I'm facing now.
I have 2 different ports but same server - for nodejs - for angular
When I make an api request to node(mongodb) from angular it is visible in browser console as well as networks tab when I inpect. How can I overcome this ?
You can't. Angular is an SPA, a framework that works on front-end. Which means once the files of the application downloaded in the browser memory, it then launch the instance of your application.
Afterwhat, when you make a request to an API or any other URL, the browser behaves as it should : it makes the request. You have no real way to prevent this.
That doesn't mean the requests are not secure. Viewing requests made by your app in the console or the network tab doesn't mean it's not secure.
you can use nginx as a proxy server to redirect your all REST call to overcome this.
for detailed use please visit here nginx

Integrate websockets with apache

I would like to add a some real time data updates using push to an existing CakePHP application. It seems to me that websockets are the best way to do so and from what I've read, the easiest way to start using websockets is with node.js. Now the issue I have is that my application server is very very limited portwise and there is virtually no way to change that.
I have apache currently running on *:80 and *:443 and sslh listening on port *:4433. Requests from the outside are sent to my server on :4433 and sslh takes care of handling ssh and https traffic, however on the inside, all my clients machines are using :443 directly. I could potentially open more ports for inside clients, but from outside, there is currently no way to do this. Most of my clients connect from the inside network, but more and more are using the application from outside too.
Note that port 80 is only used to redirect users entering to as all my services are encrypted. So if node.js was able to to send every http request to https and use port 80 for secure websockets, this would work too!
My question: Is it possible to run Apache and Websockets (probably in the form of Node.js) on the same port, and have either Node.js working as a proxy for Apache or Apache working as a proxy for Node.js?

Node.js introduction

Please pardon my ignorance on node.js. I have started reading on node.js and have some perception which might be wrong. So needed it to clarify
When we use createServer() method, does it creates a virtual server. Not sure whether the term "virtual" is appropriate, but it's the best I can describe it :)
I am confused that how should I deploy my application having node.js + other custom js files as a part of it. If I deploy my application in the main server, does that mean I have two servers?
Thanks for bearing with me.
I will try to answer that:
createServer basically creates a process which listens on the specified port for the requests. So yes you can call it as a virtual server which constantly listens for request at the port.
Yes you can say that it has now 2 servers
For eg: you server had apache initially which listens to port 80 (you can access it as it by default looks for port 80)
and then you also start the node service listening on some other port for eg: port 8456 (you can access it as which will look for port 8456)
So yes you can there are two servers.
Q: So what would be the difference if the page is served by the physical server and the virtual server created by node.js?
Physical Server and Node Server are 2 different things and there is no way a single request is going to both the servers.
For eg:
I use apache server to host my website running on PHP. It serves all the html contents of my website (which involves connecting to mysql for data).
Some of the requests could be:
At the other end I might be using nodejs server for totally another purpose. For eg: I might use it for an API, which returns JSON/XML in return. I can use this API myself for some dynamic contents by making AJAX calls with javascript or simple CURL commands from PHP. Or I might also make this API available to public.
Some of the requests could be:
My choice for NodeJs Server used as an API would be for its ability to handle concurrent request and since its asynchronous for file operations it will be much faster than PHP.
In this case I have a website which is not only working on PHP but its the combination of 2 different technologies (PHP on Apache and Nodejs) and hence 2 servers are totally different running on same server but have there own execution space.
Third Question:
So what would be the difference if the page is served by the physical server and the virtual server created by node.js?
If I might add, it's a virtual server in the sense that apache is an virtual http server listening on whatever port. Of course apache had a lot more modules and plugins and configurations to it where as Node's is lighter (kind of like WEBrick for rails), non-blocking and agile for building on. Then again apache is more stable.. in other words, it's a decision of software, both sitting on the server listening to a particular port set by you.
That said there's deployment methods that allow you to place a node application in front of software such as nginx (another server-side software) or HAproxy (load handling with a lot of power), so really it's all up to how you choose to configure it.
Maybe I'm getting to far from your question, but I hope this helps!
Also, You should give the answer to the other guy, he came first ;)

