vb.net web localhost statistic system - excel

I have loads of excel files with huge amount of numbers and graphs and formulas. What I would like to do is to store everything in database. It could be oracle, ms sql or my sql. Main goal is to have all excels in one place and create graphs, tables, comparison and so on, in one place. Is there online some product/software (free or not) for this kind of system? I could edit it, but don't want to make it from scratch.


How to reproduce executive summary using Power BI which was created in Excel

I aplogize beforehand if this questions turns out to be not specific enough. The issue is as following:
I have an excel file in which there are several sheets with lots of calculations (mostly financials). I have access to the same database from where raw excel file was downloaded. Now I want to repreduce the calculations and executive summary using Power BI getting the data from database directly (most likely using Direct Query mode). But I am not sure how should go about it? Should/can I use the existing Excel file to somehow copy the work that has been already done and just change the source to database? Or will I have to do it all over again? One main point when considering the above questions is whether Power BI will be able to do all the complex calculations done in Excel previously?
Via search I came accross to a few videos where they say we can upload Excel file into Power BI and then apply the same tables from database and finally using Advanced Editor change Excel tables sources to database. But thing is that database doesn't have the kind of tables I have in Excel (lots of changes and calculations are applied to the raw data that was downloaded from database). So I am not sure how this method can work.

Same spreadsheet structure and formulas but different data

I have a dozen spreadsheets with identical structure and formulas, essentially tables, only the data differ, say one spreadsheet per country.
For example there is a spreadsheet to manage the US employees, another for the UK employees, and another for the Canada employees.
They are exactly the same except that each will store a different set of employees.
The spreadsheets act both as a database to store data and a user-interface to interact with data.
Each change (updating or adding a formula, updating some drop-downs values, changing style...) has to be replicated in all the spreadsheets which is time consuming and error-prone.
As an example I could change the formula to compute the seniority of each employee by editing the 3 spreadsheets.
I was wondering if there was a reasonably simple way to avoid duplicating the common parts, only having different data.
I'd like to avoid a full-blown development with plenty of VBA code, a complete database, some user input forms... but if really necessary I can write some VBA and build some database to fill in the blanks if there is no out-of-the-box solution.
With a full-blown development I would do something like:
store all the employees in a single SQL database table
develop a single spreadsheet
when opening the spreadsheet ask the user to choose a country to only load the this country's employees
save the data changes to the database
If you're effectively talking about an efficient way to handle version control so that input sheets that have previously been distributed to users match a master template, then I'm afraid there is no out-of-the-box solution.
I use something along the lines of http://datapigtechnologies.com/blog/index.php/building-version-control-in-excel/ to force users to download the latest template should they be using an older one.
In addition, I also place a big note at the top to prompt users to download a new template each time, rather than recycle an old one, because if a user didn't enable macros the automatic download of the latest template won't kick in.
Note that the above screenshot shows a form that I've built in Excel's grid itself, using shudder merged cells. (i.e. It is not a userform)
If the templates need to preserve user-submitted data that isn't held centrally, then you're probably going to need to develop an add-in along the lines of what the authors do in the book Professional Excel Development.

Excel Files and Visual Basic

I have never used Visual Basic before but could do with a pointer on where to begin.
I have 750 excel spreadsheets that contains various amounts of data of different types. The columns are always the same, but the number of data rows vary per spreadsheet. I need to extract data and put it into two new spreadsheets.
Obviously to do this 750 times manually would be a nightmare. I just want to run a script that can do it for me and thus thought of Visual Basic although i've never used it before.
My specific questions are:
What type of command should i research that would allow me to copy data where the row number to start at varies (as data above varies in no of rows). There is a title before this new data - how can i get it to search for this title and then choose the row below?
Would all my spreadsheets have to be in one folder so that the script goes through them all, or can i have some kind of folder structure in that folder too?
Anyone recommend any good resources for me to get to grips with visual basic and grasp what i need to do?
So the compilation task got easier with the introduction of MS PowerQuery. If you are using MS Excel 2013, you already have this. If no, you should download it and use the extension from MS.
The following guide outlines how to Using Power Query to Combine Data from Multiple Excel Files into One Table. This means that with Power Query (PQ), MS has taken and enabled easy aggregation using a few simple button clicks. PQ is a lightweight alternative to a lot of tasks that used to require VBA.
In this example, you will use PQ to point to an entire folder (750 should be no problem) worth of commonly formatted Excel files. The only limitation is that each data file should have a similarly named tab.
I won't repeat the details of the guide for how to do it, as it is in-depth and visual. But if you run into issues, get in touch.

Is it possible to use MS Excel as front and back-end for MS Access?

in a few words, I would like to use MS Excel together with MS Access, such that Excel is the front and backend, but Access provides the capability for relations between data and sql queries. Is that possible?
In a few words more, I would like to use MS Excel together with MS Access such that :
the 'raw data' is visible and accessible from Excel ((write, modify, delete data entries!)
I can use SQL queries to query my data via MS Access (and hence dynamically create different views on my data as excel sheets)
I can implement relations between the data via MS Access (for consistency checks, etc)
My own research got me here:
I know how to set up access to use an excel table as its data backend (both, linked to or copied from excel)
I know how to send SQL queries from Excel to an access database and display the results in excel sheets
However, here is what's missing:
in Access if I use tables that are linked to Excel, I cannot create relations between tables (access says it's not possible)
in Access if I use tables that are imported (copied) from Excel, I can create relations between tables, but after creating relations I cannot update my import anymore (access says it's not possible, I'd have to remove the relations before)
In any case I have to trigger updates manually ...
Excel is currently used for project management. The management process often involves 'exploring the data', e.g. assigning people different projects, adding people, adding projects, ... and then seeing how that affects other things. (Hence) it is required that Excel is kept as the platform. But it would be nice to have database feature like linked tables and queries, as data is getting too complex to manage with excel only tools. Also, this is not a large project, but I'm aiming for an easy and not complex solution.
Basically I want to keep excel and everything, I'd simply like some new features (e.g. relating tables, sql-like queries).
So, does anybody have an idea how to go about this?
Thanks a lot!
I have been using a lot Excel as Front-end and Access as Back-end.
Typically, my solutions involve UserForms or ActiveX Objects in Excel Sheets that manipulate and show data that is stored in an Access database. The Excel file and Access file are completely independent, which allows you to create and alter relationships in Access without restrictions. Just make sure you update your queries in Excel. There are even some cases that I use more than one Workbook to access the same Access database.
I make Excel communicate with Access via Excel VBA, using the ADODB. A quick Google search got me to this tutorial.

Language/framework to write Excel spreadsheets, webbased

I need to make a webpage (from scratch) that will interrogate a SQLite database (with a predetermined query) to produce an Excel compatible spreadsheet. I need to find a lightweight solution to implement this, but don't know where to look and what is recommended.
The page itself will be fairly vanilla, only takes two dates as input, and the query will be pretty much a single table dump between those two dates. I'm interested in how to port the data to a spreadsheet.
EDIT: Framework should have some sort of stock SQLite package.
P.S.: Can be for use with Excel 2007 (XLSX) or older. Which ever way it goes, the page will be set to one or the other, not both.
Maybe PHP and PHPExcel will suite your needs.
