Bringing in other local scripts with Component package manager? - components

I'm just getting started with Component package manager. I understand that I can require in other local modules by adding the module to the local key in the component.json file, but what if I don't want to treat every file as a module?
In the (very minimal) documentation for Component, it's developer TJ says that I can add any other relevant scripts (that live in the same directory) to the scripts array. And yet, on doing so, I'm unable to require or reference any of the peripheral scripts' methods from my main file.
The require method fails on trying to load in the script, and any attempt to reference the methods or variables from that script from the 'bootstrap' file are futile. My build.js shows that the script has been compiled in, but I just can't seem to figure out the correct way to reference it from other scripts...

I just thought I'd post the answer to this question so anybody with the same problem can find it quickly/painlessly.
The answer is to reference the script with a pointer to it's current directory like so:
var script = require('./script.js');
Note the ./ at the beginning of the file name.
An easy mistake to make/rectify.


Webpack first steps on npm module

This is my first npm module, so be kind to me. The repository is available here. The package content is available on folder src. My question is about functionality export.
During research, this fellow provides a great step-by-step tutorial to create such package. At step 2, it exports its functionalities from multiple files into index.js and modify them in such a way that he may export only with ONE default name (neat!).
As you can see in my case, there are several functions to export.
How can I make it in a proper and clean way? The current way outputs the following error:
SyntaxError: ./arqeo/src/index.js: Identifier 'isArtifact' has already been declared. (15:11)

Freeling Python API working on sample, get Import error on other code

I'm trying out Freeling's API for python. The installation and test were ok, they provide a file that works perfectly (I've played around a little bit with it and it works).
So I was trying to use it on some other python code I have, in a different folder (I'm kind of guessing this is a path issue), but whenever I import freeling (like it shows on the
import freeling
FREELINGDIR = "/usr/local";
DATA = FREELINGDIR+"/share/freeling/";
I get this error:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'freeling'.
The is located on the ~/Freeling-4.0/APIs/Python/ folder, while my other file is located in ~/project/, I dont know if that can be an issue.
Thank you!
A simple solution is to have a copy of in the same directory as your code, since python will look there.
A better solution is to either paste it in one of the locations where it usually checks (like the lib folder in its install directory), or to tell it that the path where your file is should be scanned for a module.
You can check out this question to see how it can be done on Windows. You are basically just setting the PYTHONPATH environment variable, and there will only be minor differences in how to do so for other OSes. This page gives instructions that should work on Linux systems.
I like this answer since it adds the path at runtime in the script itself, doesn't make persistent changes, and is largely independent of the underlying OS (apart from the fact that you need to use the appropriate module path of course).
You need to set PYTHONPATH so python can find the modules if they are not in the same folder.

Is there any way to import modules on bash the same way I do in python?

I've been working on a few scripts lately and I found that it would be really useful to separate some common functionalities on other files like 'utils' and the import them into my main scripts. For this, I used source ./ However, It seems that this approach depends on the current path from where I'm calling my main script.
Let's say I have this folder structure:
| |
source ./tools/
If I run from scripts/ folder everything works fine. But if I run it from a different directory ./scripts/ the script fails because it can't find ./tools/, which makes sense.
I understand why this doesn't work. My question is if there is any other mechanism to import 'modules' into my script, and make everything current-dir agnostic (just like python scripts from utils import some_function_defined_on_utils_sh))
Define an environment variable with a suitable default setting that is where you'll store your modules, and then read the module using the . (dot) command.
One serious option is simply to place the files in a directory already on your PATH — $HOME/bin is a plausible candidate for private material; /usr/local/bin for material to be shared. Then you won't even need to specify the path to the files; you can write . file-found-on-path to read it. Of course, the downside is that if someone switches their PATH setting, or puts a file with the same name in another directory earlier on their PATH, then you end up with a mess.
The files do not even need to be executable — they just need to be readable to be usable with the dot (.) command (or in Bash/C shells, the source command).
Or you could specify the location more exactly, such as:
. ${SHELL_UTILITY_DIR:-/opt/shell/bin}/tools/
or something along those general lines. The choice of environment variable name and default location is up to you, and how much substructure you use on the directory is infinitely variable. Simplicity and consistency are paramount. (Also consider whether versioning will be a problem; how will you manage updates to your utilities?)

What is the proper way to point my module to a config directory using config.js?

I built a node module for others to import into their node projects. I use config.js. I'm having issues telling their scripts where to look for my config directory is.
I'm using this code to define it within my module, but its doesn't cover all possible scenarios.
var config_dir = path.dirname(process.mainModule.filename)+path.sep+'node_modules'+path.sep+'open-payments'+path.sep+'config';
I need something that will tell my module where to look regardless of what or where the script is that's using my module.
You can use __dirname to get the full path for the current executing script (i.e. not necessarily the one that was called with node, but the one where __dirname was queried).
See this question for more details: How to get path to current script with node.js?

Setting NODE_PATH from within NodeJS application

We have a node project that does not require our own submodules from a relative path, but instead needs the NODE_PATH environment variable be set to lib to find all submodules.
I wanted to handle this standard case within the program source code but it seems like it is impossible by now.
I found several solutions which all do not work as expected.
Was suggested in another stackoverflow article but this causes an error message in the newer Node versions and refers the developer to using NODE_PATH.
Instead I tried to do the following as the very first line of my program.
This does not cause an error message but it does not work either. I think that this variable is read on the application start and not read lateron when requiering stuff.
All information you can find out from the source: module.js
... NODE_PATH error is thrown only when accessing via require.paths.
Search for _nodeModulePaths function: Module instance has generic Array object paths, with all lookup paths in it.
var x = require('some-lib-name');
So now, if you have the required module under ./foo-baz/some-lib-name/ it would be properly picked up.
What node version and what system you have?
