init() method calls on every request - jsf

I am using JSF 2.0 and Liferay 6.1
On any kind of request to any Java class my init() is getting called. Even in case of PrimeFaces component calls for its related PrimeFaces Java method. This method should be called only once when my portlet will initialize.
public class MyMangedBean {
public void init() {
System.out.println("Init method called");
Please help me to find out possible solution.
I found the component behind this cause
In my xhtml file I have
<bridge:inputFile id="MyFileUpload" size="50"
binding="#{myBean.toBeUploadFile}" onchange="{fileSelected(this);}" style="position: absolute;height: 29px;width:107px;opacity:0;filter: alpha(opacity=0);z-index:100;"/>
Whenever I remove its binding attribute. My project works fine. It will not call init() multiple times. But I need this attribute to get my file uploaded.
I have kept xml namespace as
I have also kept dependency for commons-io(version 1.3) and commons-filedownload(1.2.1) in pom.xml
I dont know what else I am missing for this component or what is actual cause behind this.

You should consider using the bridge:inputFile tag that comes with the latest release of Liferay Faces instead of the older obsolete tags that come from
There is a nice demo here that uses the bridge:inputFile that you can try on a Liferay tomcat portal instance, and then follow the same pattern that it uses for file upload.
That demo has been tested, it works great, and it is supported by Liferay.
There are many more demos that are tested and working well on Liferay Portal 6.1. You can download the source for them and build them for yourself as shown here. And follow the version scheme here to make sure that you align the correct versions of the Portal, Mojarra, and the Liferay Faces Bridge.
Hope that helps.


#PreDestroy method not called when leaving page of bean annotated with OmniFaces "ViewScoped"

I am trying to invoke a method annotated with #PreDestroy in a #ViewScoped bean when the user leaves the page associated with that bean in a rather large JSF powered web application.
After reading and several other questions and answers on SO as well as, I came to the understanding that the OmniFaces ViewScoped annotation provides exactly that behavior by utilizing the unload page event as well as sendBeacon on modern browsers.
So I used the #ViewScoped annotation from OmniFaces in my bean:
import javax.annotation.PreDestroy;
import org.omnifaces.cdi.ViewScoped;
public class DesktopForm implements Serializable {
and annotated the method I want to invoke with the PreDestroy annotation:
public void close() {
System.out.println("Destroying view scoped desktop bean");
Unfortunately, this "close" method is not called when I click some link or leave the page
by entering an entirely new URL. Instead, the network analysis of my browser (a current Firefox) shows me that a POST request is send when leaving the page that returns with an 403 http error code:
As you can see in the screenshot, the "Initiator" of the POST request seems to be an unload.js.jsf script with a beacon mentioned in parentheses, which I assume is part of the OmniFaces library. So presumably the functionality described in the OmniFaces ViewScoped documentation is somehow triggered, but does not result in the expected behavior for me.
The browser still navigates to the new page, but the PreDestroy annotated method was not triggered. When I switch to the standard version of ViewScoped (javax.faces.view.ViewScoped instead of org.omnifaces.cdi.ViewScoped), naturally the method still does not get invoked, but there is also no POST method resulting in a 403 error status when leaving the page in the network analysis of my browser (because the standard ViewScoped annotation of Java does not try to invoke any bean side action on unload events, I guess)
I am using MyFaces 2.3.10 in combination with OmniFaces 2.7.18 (and PrimeFaces 8.0.5, I don't know if that is relevant), Spring Security 5.7.3 and Java 11.
Since "403" is the http status for "forbidden", could this have something to do with using "http" instead of "https" in my local development environment? Does this "send beacon" only work with secure connections?
Any help appreciated!
Edit: I also consulted the official documentation of the OmniFaces ViewScoped annotation under but could not find a reason for the problem I encounter.
With the help of BalusC's comment to my question above, I was able to solve my problem.
What it came down to was that unload events were not processed correctly by our filter chain. Specifically, they were denied access in the doFilter method of our class extending org.springframework.web.filter.GenericFilterBean.
Therefore I added
if (ViewScopeManager.isUnloadRequest(httpServletRequest)) {
chain.doFilter(request, response);
to the doFilter method of the mentioned class and then it worked.
On a side note, I had to update my OmniFaces library from 2.7.18 to 3.13.3, because the ViewScopeManager class of OmniFaces 2 only has one isUnloadRequest method that accepts an FacesContext as parameter, which I did not have available in the our GenericFilterBean extension. OmniFaces 3.1 on the other hand provides another method with the same name that works with an HttpServletRequest instance instead, which I had access to and therefore resolved the issue

spring-boot + JSF. Views *.jsf working properly but *.xhtml not

I'm using spring boot with jsf (primefaces). here you can find sample of my application. When I invoke this application using mvn spring-boot:run and access application with jsf or with xhtml everything works ok. But when I deploy this application to tomcat, xhtml page is not rendered properly. I can see page source (xhtml source, not html), but this is not wanted. I want to be able to display the same with .jsf and .xhtml.
Can anybody tell me what am I missing?
as I reviewd this issue and it was not helpfull (I also have *.xhtml mapping for faces servlet and as I wrote before, this is working on spring-boot embedded tomcat but not on classic tomcat), I think the problem will be more related to the spring configuration, but I'm not sure what and where to change.
Problem in spring config. Add this to file
public ViewResolver getViewResolver() {
InternalResourceViewResolver resolver = new InternalResourceViewResolver();
return resolver;

How to call EJB in PhaseListener

I use JSF 2 and EJB 3.1, all of them are deployed on Glassfish 3.1.
When i setup a class named MyInterceptor which is implemented PhaseListener, i can not revoke remote EJB interface inside it.
It notice "NullPointerException ..."
public class MyInterceptor implements PhaseListener {
public AuthorizationService authorizationService;
When I call authorizationService.dosomestuff(), it raise error NullPointerException
How can i do to fix it?
Thank in advance
In JSF 2.1 and earlier, PhaseListeners are unfortunately no injection targets (meaning you can't use injection in them). You can do your lookup programmatically via JNDI instead though.
In JSF 2.2 all JSF artifacts (including PhaseListeners) will be injection targets, but this will probably not help you now.
Unrelated to your question, but I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve by specifying the beanInterface in your annotation. Most likely you'll also don't need the name attribute and if your bean is a local bean you'll also don't need mappedName.
Use a servlet filter instead of a JSF phase listener to do authorization. You can inject an #EJB in a #WebFilter.
Yeah in web filter you could have just used plain #EJB. Maximimum you needed to add beanName if you had two beans implement same AuthorizationService interface.
Servlet filter is per request, I don't think you need to do security stuff at a certain phase from JSF's lifecycle (which is a more granular level than the whole http request).
For normal lookup you can do:
AuthorizationService.class.cast(new InitialContext().lookup("corbaname:iiop:localhost:3700#ejb/AuthorizationEJB")).dosomestuff();
in a try catch javax.naming.NamingException

How to get an image or js from a JAR in the server in JSF (For a custom component)

I have done a custom JSF component (it looks like a combobox (icefaces selectonemenu)) but it uses a couple of images (png) and a bit of javascript.
I jar everything, so then the developers use it as a jar copied in the web-inf/lib folder.
The image and the js are just for this custom component, so I can't make them put this image and js in his project, it has to be in MY jar.
I jar everything and it works almost great, just the image and the JS, I do not get them to work. I do not know how to reference them being in the jar. I could make them work as long as they are part of the application, but not being part of the jar.
How should I do to get them in my encodebegin code for example?
I am using JSF with icefaces 1.8
Thanks in advance!!
If you're already on JSF 2.0, it should work just fine out the box when you're using #ResourceDependency or #ResourceDependencies annotation which can resolve resources based on JAR's /META-INF/resources folder.
On JSF 1.x, your best bet is to create a custom "resource servlet" which is mapped on a certain URL pattern, e.g. /com.nahiko.resources/* and just streams the resources from the classpath to the HTTP response. Basic kickoff example:
String path = "/META-INF/resources" + request.getPathInfo();
InputStream input = getClass().getResourceAsStream(path);
OutputStream output = response.getOutputStream();
// ...
Document along your JAR that this servlet has to be mapped. Or if you target a Servlet 3.0 container, just add the #WebServlet annotation to get it to auto-register.

Inject EJBs into a Seam Component

guys. I have a Seam project running on Tomcat 6.0.20 (webapp.war) and an EJB project running on JBoss 4.2.3 (ejbapp.ear).
I can access my EJBs in my Seam components using JNDI lookup [initialContext.lookup(...)].
I'd like to have them injected in my Seam components instead.
My Seam components ARE NOT EJBs, so I can't use #EJB annotation. I'd like to have something like this in my Tomcat (Web) app.
public class CustomerAction {
#In // even with (autoCreate=true) or the EJB name if necessary
private CustomerEJB customerEJB;
And this in the JBoss (EJB) app.
public class CustomerEJBImpl implements CustomerEJB {
public interface CustomerEJB {
In my components.xml I have the jndiPattern=ejbapp/#jndiPattern/remote specified just like I currently use to lookup the EJBs (ex: ejbapp/CustomerEJB/remote).
I'm probably missing something in my configuration to make this work.
PS: I'd like NOT HAVE to annotate my EJBs as #Name (Seam) components.
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Thanks for your reply, but it didn't work.
When I declared the EJBs in components.xml, it did inject the object in my Action (Seam component), but as a POJO. I mean, the EntityManager and other EJB injections I had in the injected object didn't work.
I also tried to define the EJB as a Seam component, but, once they are in the webproject inside a JAR file, it didn't load automatically, and trying the scenario above, I got the same error.
Just an FYI, I also declared the Seam interceptor in ejb-jar.xml file.
I have no idea why this is happening, BTW I thought it would be quite a simple thing for Seam to handle.
Anyway..., any other suggestions, guys?
Define your EJB as Seam components in your components.xml
