PowerShell error: Set-AzureDeployment : CurrentStorageAccountName is not set - azure

I need deploy package (mvc site) from powershel script to azure. But when I start script, I see that it doesn't work. The powershell show that Azure Cloud Service deploy script finished, but in fact doesn't any change. Can you help me to fix it?
This is my powershell command:
PS C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0> PowerShell C:\scripts\WindowsAzur
e\PublishCloudApp.ps1 -environment Production -enableDeploymentUpgrade 1 -servic
eName testLocalAzure -storageAccountName testcloudservice -packageLocation C:\dr
ops\app.publish\WindowsAzureC.cspkg -cloudConfigLocation C:\drops\app.publish\Se
rviceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg -subscriptionDataFile C:\scripts\WindowsAzure\def
1/13/2014 1:12 AM - Azure Cloud Service deploy script started.
1/13/2014 1:12 AM - Preparing deployment of ContinuousDeploy to testLocalAzure
for default with Subscription ID .
1/13/2014 1:12 AM - Deployment exists in testLocalAzure. Upgrading deployment.
1/13/2014 1:12 AM - Upgrading Deployment: In progress
Set-AzureDeployment : CurrentStorageAccountName is not set. Use
Set-AzureSubscription subname -CurrentStorageAccountName storageaccount to set
At C:\scripts\WindowsAzure\PublishCloudApp.ps1:78 char:22
+ $setdeployment = Set-AzureDeployment -Upgrade -Slot $slot -Package
$packageL ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Set-AzureDeployment], Argumen
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.ArgumentException,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.
1/13/2014 1:12 AM - Upgrading Deployment: Complete, Deployment ID: 1d90a71030f4
1/13/2014 1:12 AM - Created Cloud Service with URL http://testlocalazure.clouda
1/13/2014 1:12 AM - Azure Cloud Service deploy script finished.
PS C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0>
This is script, which I call:
Param( $serviceName = "",
$storageAccountName = "",
$packageLocation = "",
$cloudConfigLocation = "",
$environment = "Staging",
$deploymentLabel = "ContinuousDeploy to $servicename",
$timeStampFormat = "g",
$alwaysDeleteExistingDeployments = 1,
$enableDeploymentUpgrade = 1,
$selectedsubscription = "default",
$subscriptionDataFile = ""
function Publish()
$deployment = Get-AzureDeployment -ServiceName $serviceName -Slot $slot -ErrorVariable a -ErrorAction silentlycontinue
if ($a[0] -ne $null)
Write-Output "$(Get-Date –f $timeStampFormat) - No deployment is detected. Creating a new deployment. "
#check for existing deployment and then either upgrade, delete + deploy, or cancel according to $alwaysDeleteExistingDeployments and $enableDeploymentUpgrade boolean variables
if ($deployment.Name -ne $null)
switch ($alwaysDeleteExistingDeployments)
switch ($enableDeploymentUpgrade)
1 #Update deployment inplace (usually faster, cheaper, won't destroy VIP)
Write-Output "$(Get-Date –f $timeStampFormat) - Deployment exists in $servicename. Upgrading deployment."
0 #Delete then create new deployment
Write-Output "$(Get-Date –f $timeStampFormat) - Deployment exists in $servicename. Deleting deployment."
} # switch ($enableDeploymentUpgrade)
Write-Output "$(Get-Date –f $timeStampFormat) - ERROR: Deployment exists in $servicename. Script execution cancelled."
} #switch ($alwaysDeleteExistingDeployments)
} else {
function CreateNewDeployment()
write-progress -id 3 -activity "Creating New Deployment" -Status "In progress"
Write-Output "$(Get-Date –f $timeStampFormat) - Creating New Deployment: In progress"
$opstat = New-AzureDeployment -Slot $slot -Package $packageLocation -Configuration $cloudConfigLocation -label $deploymentLabel -ServiceName $serviceName
$completeDeployment = Get-AzureDeployment -ServiceName $serviceName -Slot $slot
$completeDeploymentID = $completeDeployment.deploymentid
write-progress -id 3 -activity "Creating New Deployment" -completed -Status "Complete"
Write-Output "$(Get-Date –f $timeStampFormat) - Creating New Deployment: Complete, Deployment ID: $completeDeploymentID"
function UpgradeDeployment()
write-progress -id 3 -activity "Upgrading Deployment" -Status "In progress"
Write-Output "$(Get-Date –f $timeStampFormat) - Upgrading Deployment: In progress"
# perform Update-Deployment
$setdeployment = Set-AzureDeployment -Upgrade -Slot $slot -Package $packageLocation -Configuration $cloudConfigLocation -label $deploymentLabel -ServiceName $serviceName -Force
$completeDeployment = Get-AzureDeployment -ServiceName $serviceName -Slot $slot
$completeDeploymentID = $completeDeployment.deploymentid
write-progress -id 3 -activity "Upgrading Deployment" -completed -Status "Complete"
Write-Output "$(Get-Date –f $timeStampFormat) - Upgrading Deployment: Complete, Deployment ID: $completeDeploymentID"
function DeleteDeployment()
write-progress -id 2 -activity "Deleting Deployment" -Status "In progress"
Write-Output "$(Get-Date –f $timeStampFormat) - Deleting Deployment: In progress"
#WARNING - always deletes with force
$removeDeployment = Remove-AzureDeployment -Slot $slot -ServiceName $serviceName -Force
write-progress -id 2 -activity "Deleting Deployment: Complete" -completed -Status $removeDeployment
Write-Output "$(Get-Date –f $timeStampFormat) - Deleting Deployment: Complete"
function StartInstances()
write-progress -id 4 -activity "Starting Instances" -status "In progress"
Write-Output "$(Get-Date –f $timeStampFormat) - Starting Instances: In progress"
$deployment = Get-AzureDeployment -ServiceName $serviceName -Slot $slot
$runstatus = $deployment.Status
if ($runstatus -ne 'Running')
$run = Set-AzureDeployment -Slot $slot -ServiceName $serviceName -Status Running
$deployment = Get-AzureDeployment -ServiceName $serviceName -Slot $slot
$oldStatusStr = #("") * $deployment.RoleInstanceList.Count
while (-not(AllInstancesRunning($deployment.RoleInstanceList)))
$i = 1
foreach ($roleInstance in $deployment.RoleInstanceList)
$instanceName = $roleInstance.InstanceName
$instanceStatus = $roleInstance.InstanceStatus
if ($oldStatusStr[$i - 1] -ne $roleInstance.InstanceStatus)
$oldStatusStr[$i - 1] = $roleInstance.InstanceStatus
Write-Output "$(Get-Date –f $timeStampFormat) - Starting Instance '$instanceName': $instanceStatus"
write-progress -id (4 + $i) -activity "Starting Instance '$instanceName'" -status "$instanceStatus"
$i = $i + 1
sleep -Seconds 1
$deployment = Get-AzureDeployment -ServiceName $serviceName -Slot $slot
$i = 1
foreach ($roleInstance in $deployment.RoleInstanceList)
$instanceName = $roleInstance.InstanceName
$instanceStatus = $roleInstance.InstanceStatus
if ($oldStatusStr[$i - 1] -ne $roleInstance.InstanceStatus)
$oldStatusStr[$i - 1] = $roleInstance.InstanceStatus
Write-Output "$(Get-Date –f $timeStampFormat) - Starting Instance '$instanceName': $instanceStatus"
$i = $i + 1
$deployment = Get-AzureDeployment -ServiceName $serviceName -Slot $slot
$opstat = $deployment.Status
write-progress -id 4 -activity "Starting Instances" -completed -status $opstat
Write-Output "$(Get-Date –f $timeStampFormat) - Starting Instances: $opstat"
function AllInstancesRunning($roleInstanceList)
foreach ($roleInstance in $roleInstanceList)
if ($roleInstance.InstanceStatus -ne "ReadyRole")
return $false
return $true
# specify path for Azure module (anyone knows how to configure PSModuleuPath?)
$env:PSModulePath=$env:PSModulePath+";"+"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Azure\PowerShell"
#configure powershell with Azure 1.7 modules
Import-Module Azure
#configure powershell with publishsettings for your subscription
$pubsettings = $subscriptionDataFile
Import-AzurePublishSettingsFile $pubsettings
Set-AzureSubscription -CurrentStorageAccount $storageAccountName -SubscriptionName $selectedsubscription
#set remaining environment variables for Azure cmdlets
$subscription = Get-AzureSubscription $selectedsubscription
$subscriptionname = $subscription.subscriptionname
$subscriptionid = $subscription.subscriptionid
$slot = $environment
#main driver - publish & write progress to activity log
Write-Output "$(Get-Date –f $timeStampFormat) - Azure Cloud Service deploy script started."
Write-Output "$(Get-Date –f $timeStampFormat) - Preparing deployment of $deploymentLabel for $subscriptionname with Subscription ID $subscriptionid."
$deployment = Get-AzureDeployment -slot $slot -serviceName $servicename
$deploymentUrl = $deployment.Url
Write-Output "$(Get-Date –f $timeStampFormat) - Created Cloud Service with URL $deploymentUrl."
Write-Output "$(Get-Date –f $timeStampFormat) - Azure Cloud Service deploy script finished."

It is -CurrentStorageAccountName and you used it as -CurrentStorageAccount with Set-AzureSubscription cmdlet. So include name.

I had the issue too and it turns out that the active subscription is not updated with the storage info.
After the Set-AzureSubscription line you should add
Select-AzureSubscription $selectedsubscription
Added a pull request at https://github.com/Azure/azure-content/pull/2115

The error pretty much tells you what is going on (bold is mine) -
1/13/2014 1:12 AM - Upgrading Deployment: In progress
Set-AzureDeployment : CurrentStorageAccountName is not set. Use
Set-AzureSubscription subname -CurrentStorageAccountName storageaccount to set
In the context the script is running the default storage account to use is not set.
You can set it using Set-AzureSubscription which I do not see being called anywhere in your script.

Link to original script: http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/documentation/articles/cloud-services-dotnet-continuous-delivery/
Please, check the Windows Azure Subscription name: in my case it was not "default".
So you have to edit the $selectedsubscription param in the script with the name of the right subscription. You can get it using Get-AzureSubscription command.


Start/Stop VMs during off-hours - Azure

Need your help to find a runbook/automation script through which I could start/stop the VM's in Azure at a specific schedule & then in case we have to delay the shutdown schedule for a particular VM, it allows us to do so. Ideally, it should notify the end user, VM is going to shutdown in 30 min or so & gives option to delay the shutdown if need be.
Is there any existing runbook available in runbook gallary within automation account? Can anyone please advise or confirm?
You can simply do this by creating power shell runbook . This is for Starting VM for working hours. you can attached this to schedule inside workbook as required.
param (
[String] $AzureConnectionAssetName = 'AzureRunAsConnection',
[String] $ResourceGroupName = 'Your-VM-RG'
#Check for Weekends
$dayOfWeek = (Get-Date).DayOfWeek
if($dayOfWeek -eq 'Saturday' -or $dayOfWeek -eq 'Sunday'){
# Get the connection
$Conn = Get-AutomationConnection -Name $AzureConnectionAssetName -ErrorAction Stop
$null = Add-AzureRmAccount `
-ServicePrincipal `
-TenantId $Conn.TenantId `
-ApplicationId $Conn.ApplicationId `
-CertificateThumbprint $Conn.CertificateThumbprint `
-ErrorAction Stop `
-ErrorVariable err
if($err) {
throw $err
# Vet all VMs in the resource group
$VMs = Get-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName
# Start each of the VMs
foreach ($VM in $VMs)
$StartRtn = $VM | Start-AzureRmVM -ErrorAction Continue
if ($StartRtn.IsSuccessStatusCode -ne $True)
# The VM failed to start, so send notice
Write-Output ($VM.Name + " failed to start")
Write-Error ($VM.Name + " failed to start. Error was:") -ErrorAction Continue
Write-Error (ConvertTo-Json $StartRtn) -ErrorAction Continue
# The VM stopped, so send notice
Write-Output ($VM.Name + " has been started")

Azure Automation Runbook missing mandatory parameters

I'm trying to set a Tag on all virtual machines in my subscription but I keep getting errors when running the Runbook.
The error is the following:
Get-AzureRmVM : Cannot process command because of one or more missing mandatory parameters: ResourceGroupName. At line:30
Here is my Runbook:
$azureConnection = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'AzureRunAsConnection'
try {
Clear-Variable -Name params -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
$params = #{
ServicePrincipal = $true
Tenant = $azureConnection.TenantID
ApplicationId = $azureConnection.ApplicationID
CertificateThumbprint = $azureConnection.CertificateThumbprint
$null = Add-AzureRmAccount #params
catch {
$errorMessage = $_
Throw "Unable to authenticate with error: $errorMessage"
# Discovery of all Azure VM's in the current subscription.
$azurevms = Get-AzureRmVM | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
Write-Host "Discovering Azure VM's in the following subscription $SubscriptionID Please hold...."
Write-Host "The following VM's have been discovered in subscription $SubscriptionID"
foreach ($azurevm in $azurevms) {
Write-Host "Checking for tag $vmtagname on $azurevm"
$tagRGname = Get-AzureRmVM -Name $azurevm | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ResourceGroupName
$tags = (Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName $tagRGname -Name $azurevm).Tags
If ($tags.UpdateWindow){
Write-Host "$azurevm already has the tag $vmtagname."
Write-Host "Creating Tag $vmtagname and Value $tagvalue for $azurevm"
Set-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName $tagRGname -ResourceName $azurevm -ResourceType Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines -Tag $tags -Force `
Write-Host "All tagging is done"
I tried importing the right modules but this doesn't seem to affect the outcome.
Running the same commands in Cloud Shell does work correctly.
I can reproduce your issue, the error was caused by this part Get-AzureRmVM -Name $azurevm, when running this command, the -ResourceGroupName is needed.
You need to use the Az command Get-AzVM -Name $azurevm, it will work.
Running the same commands in Cloud Shell does work correctly.
In Cloud shell, azure essentially uses the new Az module to run your command, you can understand it runs the Enable-AzureRmAlias before the command, you could check that via debug mode.
Get-AzureRmVM -Name joyWindowsVM -debug
To solve your issue completely, I recommend you to use the new Az module, because the AzureRM module was deprecated and will not be updated.
Please follow the steps below.
1.Navigate to your automation account in the portal -> Modules, check if you have imported the modules Az.Accounts, Az.Compute, Az.Resources, if not, go to Browse Gallery -> search and import them.
2.After import successfully, change your script to the one like below, then it should work fine.
$azureConnection = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'AzureRunAsConnection'
try {
Clear-Variable -Name params -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
$params = #{
ServicePrincipal = $true
Tenant = $azureConnection.TenantID
ApplicationId = $azureConnection.ApplicationID
CertificateThumbprint = $azureConnection.CertificateThumbprint
$null = Connect-AzAccount #params
catch {
$errorMessage = $_
Throw "Unable to authenticate with error: $errorMessage"
# Discovery of all Azure VM's in the current subscription.
$azurevms = Get-AzVM | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
Write-Host "Discovering Azure VM's in the following subscription $SubscriptionID Please hold...."
Write-Host "The following VM's have been discovered in subscription $SubscriptionID"
foreach ($azurevm in $azurevms) {
Write-Host "Checking for tag $vmtagname on $azurevm"
$tagRGname = Get-AzVM -Name $azurevm | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ResourceGroupName
$tags = (Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $tagRGname -Name $azurevm).Tags
If ($tags.UpdateWindow){
Write-Host "$azurevm already has the tag $vmtagname."
Write-Host "Creating Tag $vmtagname and Value $tagvalue for $azurevm"
Set-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $tagRGname -ResourceName $azurevm -ResourceType Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines -Tag $tags -Force `
Write-Host "All tagging is done"

Check if Azure VM name exists before deploying arm template

I am trying to use Azure powershell to get VM name (Eg: demovm01, where the VM name is demovm and the suffix is 01.
I want to get the output and automatically append a new suffix of 02 if 01 already exists.
Sample script to get vm name:
$getvm = Get-AzVM -Name "$vmname" -ResourceGroupName "eodemofunction" -ErrorVariable notPresent -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($notPresent) {
Write-Output "VM not found. Creating now"
else {
Write-Output "VM exists."
return $true
I want to be able to inject this new vm name to an arm deploy to deploy
This should do it. Will increment until no VM is found and use a simple -replace to inject to your json file. Will also return all thr VM values that are already present in Azure
$vmname_base = "vmserver"
$VMexists = #()
do {
#invert int value to double digit string
$int = $i.tostring('00')
$getvm = Get-AzVM -Name "$vmname_base$int" -ResourceGroupName "eodemofunction" -ErrorVariable notPresent -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($notPresent) {
Write-Output "VM not found. Creating now"
Write-Output "VM created name is $vmname_base$int"
#Set condition to end do while loop
VMcreated = "true"
#commands to inject to json here. I always find replace method the easiest
$JSON = Get-Content azuredeploy.parameters.json
$JSON = $JSON -replace ("Servername","$vmname_base$int")
$JSON | Out-File azuredeploy.parameters.json -Force
else {
Write-Output "VMexists."
# Add existing VM to array
$VMexists += "$vmname_base$int"
# Increment version, ie. 01 to 02 to 03 etc
} while ($VMcreated -ne "true")
return $VMexists
Your command could be like below, the $newvmname is that you want.
$vmname = "demovm01"
$getvm = Get-AzVM -Name "$vmname" -ResourceGroupName "<group name>" -ErrorVariable notPresent -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($notPresent) {
Write-Output "VM not found. Creating now"
else {
Write-Output "VM exists."
if($getvm.Name -like '*01'){
$newvmname = $vmname.TrimEnd('01')+"02"
Write-Output $newvmname
return $true

Azure PowerShell script does not work when change to a different Azure Subscription

I am experiencing a very strange problem. I recently switched Azure subscription from free trial to pay-as-you-go. The PowerShell script i wrote to create Azure Resource Group, Azure Data Factory, Azure Active Directory App Azure SQL Server, Azure SQL Database does not work. below is the sample code from script and error messages
New-AzResourceGroup Test2ResourceGroupName2 -location 'westeurope'
$AzADAppName = "TestADApp1"
$AzADAppUri = "https://test.com/active-directory-app"
$AzADAppSecret = "TestSecret"
$AzADApp = Get-AzADApplication -DisplayName $AzADAppName
if (-not $AzADApp) {
if ($AzADApp.IdentifierUris -ne $AzADAppUri) {
$AzADApp = New-AzADApplication -DisplayName $AzADAppName -HomePage $AzADAppUri -IdentifierUris $AzADAppUri -Password $(ConvertTo-SecureString -String $AzADAppSecret -AsPlainText -Force)
New-AzResourceGroup : Your Azure credentials have not been set up or have expired, please run Connect-AzAccount to set up your Azure credentials.
At line:1 char:1
+ New-AzResourceGroup Test2ResourceGroupName2 -location 'westeurope'
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : CloseError: (:) [New-AzResourceGroup], ArgumentException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ResourceManager.Cmdlets.Implementation.NewAzureResourceGroupCmdlet
Get-AzADApplication : User was not found.
At line:6 char:12
+ $AzADApp = Get-AzADApplication -DisplayName $AzADAppName
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Get-AzADApplication], Exception
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ActiveDirectory.GetAzureADApplicationCommand
New-AzADApplication : User was not found.
At line:11 char:20
+ ... $AzADApp = New-AzADApplication -DisplayName $AzADAppName -HomePage $ ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [New-AzADApplication], Exception
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ActiveDirectory.NewAzureADApplicationCommand
However if i execute this command in Azure Cloud Shell it works.
New-AzResourceGroup Test2ResourceGroupName -location 'westeurope'
I am also able to create Resource Group and other resources in Azure Portal. We cannot use portal and we have to use powershell due to company policy. could anyone help why PowerShell is not working
Here is the full script as requested in comments
Connect-AzAccount -TenantID xxxxx-xxx-xxx-xxxxx-xxxxx
# Creating Azure Active Directory App
$AzADAppName = "xxxxx-active-directory-app"
$AzADAppUri = "https://xxxxx.com/xxxxx-app"
$AzADAppSecret = "xxxxx"
$AzADApp = Get-AzADApplication -DisplayName $AzADAppName
if (-not $AzADApp) {
if ($AzADApp.IdentifierUris -ne $AzADAppUri) {
$AzADApp = New-AzADApplication -DisplayName $AzADAppName -HomePage $AzADAppUri -IdentifierUris $AzADAppUri -Password $(ConvertTo-SecureString -String $AzADAppSecret -AsPlainText -Force)
$AzADServicePrincipal = New-AzADServicePrincipal -ApplicationId $AzADApp.ApplicationId
# Assign the Contributor RBAC role to the service principal
# If you get a PrincipalNotFound error: wait 15 seconds, then rerun the following until successful
$Retries = 0; While ($NewRole -eq $null -and $Retries -le 6) {
# Sleep here for a few seconds to allow the service principal application to become active (usually, it will take only a couple of seconds)
Sleep 15
New-AzRoleAssignment -RoleDefinitionName Contributor -ServicePrincipalName $AzADApp.ApplicationId -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$NewRole = Get-AzRoleAssignment -ServicePrincipalName $AzADServicePrincipal.ApplicationId -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
"Application {0} Created Successfully" -f $AzADApp.DisplayName
# Display the values for your application
"Save these values for using them in your application"
"Subscription ID: {0}" -f (Get-AzContext).Subscription.SubscriptionId
"Tenant ID:{0}" -f (Get-AzContext).Tenant.TenantId
"Application ID:{0}" -f $AzADApp.ApplicationId
"Application AzADAppSecret :{0}" -f $AzADAppSecret
else {
"Application{0} Already Exists" -f $AzADApp.DisplayName
# Creating Azure Resource Group
$DataFactoryName = "xxxxx-DataFactory"
$ResourceGroupName = "xxxxx-ResourceGroup"
$ResourceGroup = Get-AzResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName
$Location = 'westeurope'
if (-not $ResourceGroup) {
$ResourceGroup = New-AzResourceGroup $ResourceGroupName -location 'westeurope'
if ($ResourceGroup) {
"Resource Group {0} Created Successfully" -f $ResourceGroup.ResourceGroupName
else {
"ERROR: Resource Group Creation UNSUCCESSFUL"
else {
"Resource Group {0} Exists" -f $ResourceGroup.ResourceGroupName
# Creating Azure Data Factory
$DataFactory = Get-AzDataFactoryV2 -Name $DataFactoryName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup.ResourceGroupName
if (-not $DataFactory) {
$DataFactory = Set-AzDataFactoryV2 -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup.ResourceGroupName -Location $ResourceGroup.Location -Name $DataFactoryName
if ($DataFactory) {
"Data Factory {0} Created Successfully" -f $DataFactory.DataFactoryName
else {
"ERROR: Data Factory Creation UNSUCCESSFUL"
else {
"Data Factory {0} Already Exists" -f $DataFactory.DataFactoryName
# Creating Azure SQL Server and Database
$ServerName = "xxxxx"
$DatabaseName = "xxxxx"
$AzSQLServer = Get-AzSqlServer -ServerName $ServerName
$Subscription = Get-AzSubscription
"Subscription Data" -f $Subscription.Id
if (-not $AzSQLServer) {
"Creating New Azure SQL Server"
$AdminSqlLogin = "xxxxx"
$Password = "xxxxx"
$StartIp = "xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx"
$EndIp = "xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx"
$AzSQLServer = New-AzSqlServer -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-ServerName $ServerName `
-Location $Location `
-SqlAdministratorCredentials $(New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $AdminSqlLogin, $(ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Password -AsPlainText -Force))
if ($AzSQLServer) {
$FireWallRule = New-AzSqlServerFirewallRule -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-ServerName $ServerName `
-FirewallRuleName "AllowedIPs" -StartIpAddress $StartIp -EndIpAddress $EndIp
if ($FireWallRule) {
"Server Created Successfully {0} with firewall Rule Setup" -f $AzSQLServer.ServerName
else {
"Server Created Successfully {0} No FireWall Setup" -f $AzSQLServer.ServerName
else {
else {
"Server Exists {0}" -f $AzSQLServer.ServerName
$AzSQLDatabase = Get-AzSqlDatabase -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -ServerName $ServerName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup.ResourceGroupName
if (-not $AzSQLDatabase) {
"Creating New Azure SQL Database"
$Parameters = #{
ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroupName
ServerName = $ServerName
DatabaseName = $DatabaseName
RequestedServiceObjectiveName = 'S0'
$AzSQLDatabase = New-AzSqlDatabase #Parameters
if ($AzSQLDatabase) {
"Azure SQL Database {0} Created Successfully " -f $AzSQLDatabase.DatabaseName
else {
"ERROR: Azure SQL Database Creation UNSUCCESSFUL"
else {
"Database {0} Exists " -f $AzSQLDatabase.DatabaseName
You could use Clear-AzContext to remove all Azure credentials, account, and subscription information. Then use Connect-AzAccount -Tenant xxxxx -Subscription xxxxx, it should work.

Automate deployment of JSON map

I have a Logic App in Azure which use a Liquid map, to transform JSON content. I am trying to deploy the map using New-AzureRmIntegrationAccountMap commandlet and the Set-AzureRmIntegrationAccountMap commandlet.
I get the following error when calling the Set-AzureRmIntegrationAccountMap commandlet:
Set-AzureRmIntegrationAccountMap : Unable to deserialize the response.
With this script:
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Creating $baseName..."
$mapContent = Get-Content -Path $fullName | Out-String
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "$mapContent"
New-AzureRmIntegrationAccountMap -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Name $iacName -MapName $baseName -MapDefinition $mapContent -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Successfully created $baseName"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Error creating $baseName, trying update..."
Set-AzureRmIntegrationAccountMap -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Name $iacName -MapName $baseName -MapDefinition $mapContent -Force
if ($?) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Successfully updated $baseName"
} else {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Error updating $baseName"
exit 1
After some searches, the two commandlets accept the MapType parameter, but only one value is allowed (XSLT).
Is there a way to automate the deployment of Liquid maps in an integration account in Azure (powershell, ARM template...) ?
Is there a way to automate the deployment of Liquid maps in an integration account in Azure (powershell, ARM template...) ?
Yes, I could create Liquid map with PowerShell on my side with the following code.
$IntegrationAccountName = "Integration Account name"
$ResouceGroupname = "ResourcegroupName"
$ResourceLocation = "West US" # location
$ResourceName = "liquid name"
$Content = Get-Content -Path "C:\Tom\simple.liquid" | Out-String
Write-Host $Content
$PropertiesObject = #{
mapType = "liquid"
content = "$Content"
contentType = "text/plain"
New-AzureRmResource -Location $ResourceLocation -PropertyObject $PropertiesObject -ResourceGroupName $ResouceGroupname -ResourceType Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/maps -ResourceName " $IntegrationAccountName/$ResourceName" -ApiVersion 2016-06-01 -Force
Check it from azure portal.
