Web grid control supporting collapsible grouped columns - web

I'm looking for a web grid control that supports collapsible column groups, to address my needs:
large number of columns, up to 30 or even more
columns could be logically grouped, on average 3-5 columns per group
columns could be toggled per group, to increase readability
An ideal target is Excel-like style with "+"/"-" button to collapse/expand column groups, allowing user to focus on columns of interest at a time.
Please suggest promising candidates fitting the needs, any recommendation is highly appreciated!!

Not sure that it help you, but it's possible to implement this with TGrid http://grid.tesseris.com
This control is not supporting column groups but, it supports custom column header templates and dynamic column reconfiguration. So you can add some controls to headers and add some code to dynamically add/remove columns.


Excel pivot table with ranking

I'm in the processing of creating a report for the company I work at that has a rather complicated survey export file that needs to have the data extracted in meaningful ways.
The table headers are as follow https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Et9Pg6k9CJA3HTO0aHcnSnOWVU05bmHYUsPS0wB2Nr8/edit?usp=sharing
It has respondents listing there top 3 most important options and the rest are left blank.
If anyone can help me figure out a way to potentially summarize this in a pivot table that would be great.
You're data is in a crosstab. Pivot's don't like that kind of layout. You need to unpivot your data.
If you've got the PowerQuery add-in installed (or have Excel 2016 or Excel/Office 365 subscription) then you can use PowerQuery to do this. Google "PowerQuery" and "Unpivot" and you'll turn up a whole heap of videos.
Otherwise you can use VBA such as my Unpivot routine I've previously blogged about at http://dailydoseofexcel.com/archives/2013/11/21/unpivot-shootout/
As always it depends what questions you want to ask in your analysis. Here are two suggestions.
What are the commonest first/second/third choices?
This assumes that the ranking is important, i.e. the first choice is ranked significantly higher than the second choice, so you want to analyse them separately.
You could add three extra columns to your data using this formula to convert the first choice to a single variable with 11 categories
in L3 and likewise with the second and third choices in M3 and N3.
in the event that a respondent (row) has less than three choices, it will give a blank for the second and/or third choice.
What are the commonest choices regardless of ranking?
This assumes that the ranking isn't so important - you just want to know which columns have been picked overall.
In N3. This would have to pulled down for 3N rows, where N is the number of rows in the original dataset.
Then it would be a simple case of setting up pivot tables or charts for the four new variables.

Is there a way to add a sort of "custom tags" and filter by them in Excel?

I have a table with a bunch of people in rows. On the columns are the skills that they have. There's a bunch of them.
Now all the people there work in different departments, sales, store, CS and etc. Some of them though work on several positions. There is no column for this.
What I need is a way to apply a filter that will give me all the people working in Sales department for example, but without a column there I can't use normal filter.
Is there a way that I can tag a row with say "Sales" tag and then filter the people having that tag? I would also like to add multiple tags to people not just one as they can work in different departments.
Add a new column, but hide it (right-clink on its header and select Hide).

SSRS Separate Table for each grouping

I have a simple SSRS report which has one group and details. The grouping is by employee and the details are performance data on each. After tedious calculation, it just comes down to
select * from table
and I have SSRS do the grouping on the employee column. There are several tasks for each employee, so that is why the grouping in the first place.
My problem is, the user would like to be able to distribute these stats to the employees, and it would be easier if there were some white space between these groups (between each employee).
I've tried adding a blank row inside or outside the group, but I can't find a way to do that so it won't put a row between each task. I tried using a list, but in the end, got the same problem--the group still forced it to behave that way.
I know I can insert a page break between groups, but that would be a huge waste of paper, having each employee on a separate sheet.
Is there a way to essentially have each employee (group), be in a separate "table"--such that I would have maybe a half dozen on a sheet that could easily be guillotined?
EDIT: Here's a screenshot of it as it is now:
I don't know how I could use a rectangle because the results (groups) are all in the same table. The idea would be to insert a space between each group (person).

PivotTable Nested Columns

I am interested in grouping columns together by a common factor. Below is a basic example:
I'm interested in nesting the vehicle brands under the categories Luxury and Frugal. Thus making them collapsible like the rows can be. This is a basic example whereas the data I'm planning to work with this has thousands of rows of data similar to a layout as these rows and possibly 50-100 columns that could be collapsible into 5-10. Any guidance would be appreciated.
As has been suggested, adding Luxury/Frugal as a column in your source data would achieve what you require. However that would require substantial rearrangement, make your source data occupy a much larger range and not give an ideal result because adding just the one column, while allowing filtering by column in the PivotTable, each filter view would still show all columns (though mostly blank).
So completely "flattening" the source data may be a better choice, if to rearrange the source data at all:
The fields arranged like so:

grouped UITableView to generate block rows

I want each row of my table view to appear, as it's own independent block, a little like how the Twitter app has on the Discover section (they have the top 3 trending word as 3 blocks.
I am trying to recreate this and the route I am trying to go down is having my table as a grouped tableview but instead of treating each row as a row of one section, I will treat a row as a section, thus generating blocks, each block will have only 1 row.
It sounds like a hack, I'm sure it's not the way to be doing it, but can anyone lend some tips about this kind of setup ?
Also I am using NSFetchedResultsController and I need to specify I want my objects ordered by date, but the section be defined by a unique id which would allow me to generate a section per row. I am not getting any luck with my fetch request either, so I guess this is 2 questions.
Although if I am wrong with the first part, the second becomes irrelevant.
Thank you.
I would not do it this way. Looking at the Twitter app, I have no doubt that this is a grouped table view, and the block sections use the first row as the title and a second row with a bigger row height for the content.
You can adjust the sections and rows as needed in the table view datasource methods, based on what comes back from the NSFetchedResultsController. Only caveat is that you have to be careful when you use the index path to refer to the core data objects.
The design of the Twitter "blocks" suggest a grouped table view, in fact I did manage to achieve this with a plain table view I just needed to be careful with the borders and background colours behind the cells...
