How to use vfork to create multiple process? - linux

This is program for vfork(). This program creates multiple parent and child processes and return -1 at the end (mean OS cannot create another process). Why such behaviour happens?
void main()
int pid;

(1) This creates a single child.
(2) With vfork the child shares memory with the parent until either exec or _exit are called. You call neither.
(3) The parent's execution is suspended until the child calls exec or _exit.
So basically your example is FUBAR. The point of vfork (if there really is one these days) is to provide a fast fork mechanism that will immediately exec another program. The need for this has been vastly diminished with the copy-on-write behavior of regular fork.


When and why should you use WNOHANG with waitpid()?

I'm currently in a systems programming class and we went over the wait system call functions today. I was reading over the section on waitpid() system call and in the options section it lists one called WNOHANG.
pid_t waitpid*(pid_t pid, int *status, int options);
WNOHANG: If no child specified by pid (from the parameters) has yet changed state, then return immediately, instead of blocking. In this case, the return value of waitpid() is 0. If the calling process has no children that match the specification in pid, waitpid() fails with the error ECHILD.
I understand waitpid() was implemented to solve the limitations in wait(); however, I'm not really sure about why you would use the WNOHANG option flag.
If I were to render a guess it would be so that the parent process can preform other tasks and perhaps keep checking on its children to see if any of them have terminated. Sort of how a demon process sits in the background and waits for requests.
Any situational examples or regular examples would help as well.
Thanks in advance!
You don't need to keep checking on children. It is job of SIGCHLD signal handler. Every time this handler is fired, you check terminated children:
pid_t pid;
int status;
while ((pid=waitpid(-1,&status,WNOHANG)) > 0)
//process terminated child

How to make sure my child executes first and then parent?

Here below i have a simple code snippet of application which takes request from several clients and invokes mathematical operations through exec and waits for result from invoked processes to return those results to the respective clients through pipes
case '+':
perror(" error in forking at add\n");
else if(fret==0)
if((ret= execve(argm[0],argm,argp))== -1)
printf("exeve of add failed \n");
perror("Error with wait at +\n");
Here i am facing a simple issue of parent being executing first fastly,which makes the waitpid() to fail,generally waitpid() waits for the child to exit but in my case the child is not even created when parent encounters waitpid() fails
My question is instead of using a sleep() (which has solved my problem but making the program run slow !! ) or any IPC How can i make sure the fork to execute my child first than my parent
when i thought of this, some approaches reeled in my mind, like making use of signals to block parent or semaphores to achieve atomicity is there any simple approach that makes sure my child will execute first and then my parent start execution
The waitpid function will BLOCK until the specified process ends. Although some other reasons such as EINTR can cause waitpid to return -1, it is very easy to solve that by placing the waitpid call into a loop. For example, if waitpid call returned -1 and errno == EINTR, then just continue the loop. See about the return value.
Your waitpid call will NEVER be executed before the child process is created! Obviously, the waitpid function is called after the fork syscall, and the return value of the fork syscall is not -1. So, at that time, the fork call has already returned which means that the child process would already exist.


Can I assign different task to different instances of fork() of a process in C ?
like for example:
program.c has been forked 3 times
int main()
pid_t pid;
pid = fork();
pid = fork();
pid = fork();
now to every instance of fork() I want to do different thing, Can I do this? with forks ? or any other method if favorable? :)
PS: I am testing Real Time Linux and want to check the performance of the Context Switching through forks through Time Constraint.
You can use posix process..
posix_spawn( &Pid,ProgramPath.c_str(), & FileActions,& SpawnAttr,argv,envp);
Check its documentation here.
You always have to test the result of fork(2) (in particular, to handle error cases), and do different things for 0 result (successful in child process), positive result (successful in parent process), negative result (failure, so use perror). So according to that result you can do different things. Often you end up invoking execve(2) for the child process (when fork gives 0), and you usually setup things (e.g. for IPC thru pipe(7)-s) before calling fork.
So to assign a different task after a fork just execute different code according to result of fork
You should read Advanced Linux Programming. It has several chapters explaining all that (so I won't take the time to explain it here).
You could be interested in pthreads (implemented using clone(2) and futex(7), which you should not use directly unless you are implementing your thread library, which is not reasonable).
Try also to strace(1) several programs (including some shell and some basic commands). It will tell which syscalls(2) they are calling. See also intro(2).

unix fork() understanding

int main(){
I know this is a newbie question, but my understanding is that the parent process now will fork a new child process exactly as the parent one, which means that the child should also fork a child process and so on... In reality, this only generates one child process. I cant understand what code will the child be executing?
The child process begins executing at the exact point where the last one left off - after the fork statement. If you wanted to fork forever, you'd have to put it in a while loop.
As everybody mentioned, the child also starts executing after fork() has finished. Thus, it doesn't call fork again.
You could see it clearly in the very common usage like this:
int main()
if (fork())
// you are in parent. The return value of fork was the pid of the child
// here you can do stuff and perhaps eventually `wait` on the child
// you are in the child. The return value of fork was 0
// you may often see here an `exec*` command
You missed a semi-colon.
But the child (and also the parent) is continuing just after the fork happenned. From the point of view of application programming, fork (like all system calls) is "atomic".
The only difference between the two processes (which after the fork have conceptually separate memory spaces) is the result of the fork.
If the child went on to call fork, the child would have two forks (the one that created it and the one that it then made) while the parent would only have one (the one that gave it a child). The nature of fork is that one process calls it and two processes return from it.

How can a process kill itself?

int main(){
pid_t pid = fork();
system("watch ls");
killpg(getpid(),SIGTERM); //to kill the complete process tree.
return 0;
anirudh#anirudh-Aspire-5920:~/Desktop/testing$ gcc test.c
anirudh#anirudh-Aspire-5920:~/Desktop/testing$ ./a.out
for the first 5 secs the output of the "watch ls" is shown and then it terminates because I send a SIGTERM.
Question: How can a process kills itself ? I have done kill(getpid(),SIGTERM);
My hypothesis:
so during the kill() call the process switches to kernel mode. The kill call sends the SIGTERM to the process and copies it in the process's process table. when the process comes back to user mode it sees the signal in its table and it terminates itself (HOW ? I REALLY DO NOT KNOW )
(I think I am going wrong (may be a blunder) somewhere in my hypothesis ... so Please enlighten me)
This code is actually a stub which I am using to test my other modules of the Project.
Its doing the job for me and I am happy with it but there lies a question in my mind how actually a process kills itself. I want to know the step by step hypothesis.
Thanks in advance
Anirudh Tomer
Your process dies because you are using killpg(), that sends a signal to a process group, not to a process.
When you fork(), the children inherits from the father, among the other things, the process group. From man fork:
* The child's parent process ID is the same as the parent's process ID.
So you kill the parent along with the child.
If you do a simple kill(getpid(), SIGTERM) then the father will kill the child (that is watching ls) and then will peacefully exit.
so during the kill() call the process switches to kernel mode. The kill call sends the SIGTERM to the process and copies it in the process's process table. when the process comes back to user mode it sees the signal in its table and it terminates itself (HOW ? I REALLY DO NOT KNOW )
In Linux, when returning from the kernel mode to the user-space mode the kernel checks if there are any pending signals that can be delivered. If there are some it delivers the signals just before returning to the user-space mode. It can also deliver signals at other times, for example, if a process was blocked on select() and then killed, or when a thread accesses an unmapped memory location.
I think it when it sees the SIGTERM signal in its process tables it first kills its child processes( complete tree since I have called killpg() ) and then it calls exit().
I am still looking for a better answer to this question.
kill(getpid(), SIGKILL); // itself I think
I tested it after a fork with case 0: and it quit regular from separate parent process.
I don't know if this is a standard certification method ....
(I can see from my psensor tool that CPU usage return in 34% like a normal program code with
a counter stopped ) .
This is super-easy in Perl:
local $SIG{TERM} = "IGNORE";
kill TERM => -$$;
Conversion into C is left as an exercise for the reader.
