NetSuite Echosign Customization - netsuite

I'm new to Netsuite and Adobe EchoSign and coming from .NET background. My Client is a NetSuite cloud Customer and using Adobe Echosign App inside their forms.
Now, they want to change the behavior of Echosign. i.e., when the user clicks the 'Send For Signature' button, they want to take a different action in the next page like automatically sending the mail to customer based on some condition instead of clicking the 'Send For Signature' button again in the next page.
I would like to know.
1. What are my options here?
2. Should I get a Netsuite App developer license to make those modifications
3. Can I change anything realted to Adobe Echosign script code?
Any guidance will be helpful. I want to find whether I can handle this task.

1. What are my options here?
I believe you will want to use SuiteScript to hide the default Send for Signature button and then write new code to create a new custom button to serve your purpose. That way you'll be overriding the default Send functionality. You'll create a script to display the button, and another to react to it being clicked.
2. Should I get a Netsuite App developer license to make those modifications
Yes and no. :) You will need to be granted login access on your Client's NetSuite account to develop and test these scripts. Ideally, they will have a sandbox account. If you do get a developer license, you could use your account for testing / learning so you don't mess up their NS account.
3. Can I change anything realted to Adobe Echosign script code?
No, it's a "managed" bundle and that would be bad practice even if you could. Instead, you will want to determine which of their SuiteScripts are called when their Send button is clicked, and then figure out how you can call the scripts from your script. I believe they have a script or two that handles all communication with their web service so that's your best bet.
Good luck.


Possibilities of MS Outlook Web Add-ins on the header/Ribbon in web apps and Independent

I am working with outlook Web-Addins. Addin type is "ItemRead". Now I want some thing unrelated to mails as in i want to have button on header as i see the skype button on the top.
Also we can create Addin on mail compose. I am not sure if this is possible to have separate buttons on header separate from mail section
example in the image of skype button.
I have also tried with Outlook Add-in ModuleExtension but cannot seems to be work as expected in outlook web app.
The command controls for invoking add-on are described in manifest part of the add-in. Those controls will be displayed in predefined place of the UI depend on particular client design (Outlook online, Outlook desktop, etc.). As the developer you are able to set control's setting, such as title, icon and so on, but not the place where control will be displayed. This would be up to Microsoft dev/design team.
Bottom line: You are not able to place your control in the specific place of the client interface.
Module extension add-in currently available for Outlook 2016 desktop. There is request to make it available for Outlook online which you can upvote if you like.
Additional Questions:
So is it is not possible right right now?
Module extension add-in for Outlook online is not currently available. To place your control into the place you want is not available, either and never will be. This is because of obvious reasons ... can you imagine what's happen with user interface if every extension will be able to modify the UI as it needs? Total disaster.
Or can you help me with other option ?
Outlook add-in works with single item, as of the controls will appear when item (e-mail, appointment, etc.) selected or compose window invoked, there is nothing you can do.
Also one more thing that is it possible to store a custom global setting value for the outlook organization using addin or any other way?
To store the settings for particular mailbox, user inside organization, there is Office.context.roamingSettings object. If you need some global settings for your app for entire organization, you would set them inside JS part for this particular organization and make the deployment just withing this organization. In case you want to distribute the app via Office store and customize it per organization you may want to write some service which delivers custom settings for add-on on start-up. For example you have rest service which returns custom configuration depend on domain; in this case when add-on invoked you may request custom configuration by sending rest call with user domain and after cache it in mailbox.

Using Sharepoint in a Corporate environment - Archiving and Workflows

I was recently put in charge of being "SharePoint Administrator" for my department. I am being tasked with the following:
Create a user friendly interface for end users (Done)
Create an auto-archive process for aged documents. (ISSUE)
Create an interactive workflow for certain reports requiring feedback from end user. (ISSUE)
SO - I am not new to SharePoint, but definitely new to the coding and back end admin component. I have searched to the ends of the internet but cannot find a step - by - step that doesn't require central admin access (I don't have it, and don't know how to obtain it).
My questions are:
Is there a way to set up auto-archive on SharePoint to archive to an external database such as LiveLink without having Central Admin Access? If so - please advise on steps to do so.
If NOT - Is there an alternative and can I set up auto archive to another list within the main SharePoint (I have found tutorials for this but can't seem to find any with step by step instructions so someone without advanced knowledge could go through the process).
Workflows - Am I able to upload data to the sharepoint and have a workflow that would send a notification externally (via outlook) to an enduser indicating action required on the data? The end user would then have to log in to the SharePoint, review the data and take whatever action is required (let's use checking a checkbox as an example of action required). From there - a notification would go to - say - a senior manager to then go in and access the data and check another box for their approval. From that point an email notification would go out that the workflow and item is completed and no further action is required.
I apologize for such a long set of questions, I just really want to understand this and feel like I am so close but just need a little more insight. If you can only answer part of this that's fine too!
Thanks so much to everyone!

Want to put a button on a sharepoint page to sign document. I don't want users to go to the library

Just downloaded the docusign app for Sharepoint online. It's on an HR publishing site and the page is for all new hire documentation. I want to put a button on the page to associate with the specific document that needs to be signed. I don't want users to have to go into the library and use the docusign tab. Is there a way to do this?
I can't quite see how this will work.
The ribbon command will have some code behind it. Presumably it uses the Docusign API so if you can find the code, you will be able to see what to do. Or review the API docs.
On your page, you would need to trigger the same code on each icon but I assume that the icon already triggers an action (e.g. downloading the file or something), so you would likely need a second icon or link to trigger the docusign action instead.
Not trivial. And I couldn't find another similar issue on Google.

SharePoint Custom Web Part With Active Directory

I am currently working on a custom SharePoint web part (WSS 3.0, not MOSS) that will pull in information for all of the users in Active Directory to build an up to date employee directory. This web part shows things like phone number, address, and other similar fields. The issue that I am having is that, by default, the SharePoint web site on IIS is running as the user IUSR_. This user does not have access to Active Directory, so I am unable to retrieve any user information.
To get around this for testing I have hard coded the credentials for a test user which I added just for this purpose. This, obviously, is not ideal. If anyone removes this user or if they ever change the password then the web part will break and they will have no way to fix it (they have no in-house developers to take it over once I am finished here). To fix this problem, I would like to make the Username/Password custom properties on the web part so I can pass those to Active Directory to retrieve the information I need. The issue I am having with this is that the password is stored in plain text so anyone can read it. I would like it to display as ******** or something similar. Is there a way to make a custom property on a web part a password type?
If this isn't possible, can anyone recommend another way to accomplish what I am trying to do? At this time I cannot change the user that the SharePoint website runs as. Although, if I cannot find any other solutions I will try again to persuade them.
Thanks in advance!
We use a service account for that. That service account is solely used for that. Something like DOMAIN\SPS_AD_READ_CUSTOMER
In our documentation that we deliver when putting the application in production that account is put in the list of stuff that is needed to make the webpart run. If the webpart ever fails, the ITPro can go to the chapter and check if everything is still ok.
It's not ideal, but I don't really know another way on how to fix it.
I would go with custom Editor Part, then set up a control of TextBox with property TextBoxMode set to Password, then override methods from type EditorPart - SynchChanges() and ApplyChanges() to set and retrieve values.
tip: override method CreateEditorParts of a WebPart type to start with.

Workflow with user selecting Destination doc library

I am trying to implement a Workflow, where the user needs to select a destination document library.
I could figure out two possible ways:
Once the user manually starts the workflow, we would display a webpage where he would select the destination document library.
we would initially display a webpage. where User would select the destination.
After clicking a button the workflow would kick start.
Now for possibility "1":
How to redirect from a worlflow to a webpage. [tried Server.Transfer, but failed].
for Possibility "2":
How to start a workflow on button click.
Please also suggest which among the above 2 possibilities is a better solution.
What you need is a workflow initiation form. Exactly how you implement it and how much functionality can get will depend on the type of workflow you are working on, but you should be able to set up something to choose the destination.
I am assuming that you are talking about writing a workflow using Visual Studio. Personally, I would try creating a SharePoint designer workflow first to see if that meets your requirements.
In SharePoint Designer you can create an initiation form that accepts data from a user when they manually start the workflow. If the out of the box actions don't quite do what you need them to, you can create your own reusable custom workflow actions.
