Programmatically Load SkyDrive Workbook with Embedded Excel Web App - excel

My use case is a web page which allows users to load an Excel file stored on SkyDrive, whose format I do not control, and have the user select a range of cells from that file to send their data to a web service. I would like to embed an Excel Web App in my web page for this purpose and use the Ewa library to interact with the cells. In order to do this I need to programmatically load an arbitrary workbook from SkyDrive that I don't know ahead of time. This means that I can't just use the manual Javascript Embed menu option in SkyDrive which provides the fileToken. Can I pull an Excel Web App fileToken from SkyDrive programmatically?


What service do I need to be able to let my users use Office 365 Cloud Excel

I am working on an accounting system where the system will generate an excel file using a template and then open it using embedded Office 365 Excel. I can do this with my personal account where I would use the OneDrive API to create an excel file and then use the Embedded option in the OneDrive to generate the iframe link and use it on my website. However, the iframe url exposes the auth token though which could be misused by the users.
In future when we have real customers, I would want my users to be able to edit the excel file with their own Office 365/sharepoint account (that we would create for them during onboarding). I believe embedded excel option is not available for business users of Office 365, and I learned that you could do that with sharepoint though for business use cases. What service do I need? Maybe sharepoint but I dont know what else I need and how to make the integration work.

Azure Logic App Get Targeted Worksheet row values

Scenario. I have Sheet1 and Sheet2, I only want to get the Sheet2 data cause I will be converting it to HTML. However I want to do it without signing to Excel's OneDrive or using the excel action.
The reason why I can't login to Excel's OneDrive because of multi-factor authentication/credentials issue.
Is there any way I can get the worksheet values using the file content from get file OneDrive flow and not signing in to excel business flow?
To use OneDrive in Azure logic app, you must first create a connection to it, otherwise you cannot operate it.

Microsoft Teams: Provide 'Edit in Teams' for Sharepoint Documents in Custom Tab

We are writing a document organization system as a Custom Tab within Microsoft Teams and we are trying to replicate the 'Edit in Teams' option that´s provided by Microsoft Teams on the Files tab but it seems that we are unable to replicate the functionality. We are storing files within Sharepoint and have an edit URL, but we are unable to iframe this link due to CORS issues and can only open this link in a new browser. Does anyone have any thoughts on how we can open office documents within the teams client from a custom tab other than opening as a new window which means users have to keep switching in and out of Microsoft Teams.
By looking at what Microsoft teams is doing via the network requests, when you select ´Edit in Teams' it is getting hold of an wacUrlEdit link which appears to be iframeable which for example begins with, however we can´t get hold of this wacUrlEdit link as it generated using an access token from, which according to on How to get an Azure Active Directory access token for isn´t publicly available, it´s only intended for the teams client. Fyi.. It also seems that Teams doesn´t IFrame this wacUrlEdit, but opens up a new url (at least in the web browser) via
I have read about WOPI host implementation, but this does seem like a lot of work to solve this and not totally sure this is the correct option considering these files are stored in Sharepoint Online.

Preloaded Fusion Table that is specific to each user

So here is the dilema and I am sure it is a simple solution. I am using App Inventor 2.
I would like to use Fusion and have it so that it automatically creates for example 4 preloaded/precreated tables to make things easy for the user.
table1, table2, table3, table4.
Then these tables would be customizable per each user that downloads the app. They would have their own private fusion tables with their own private info they created.
So my aim is that if someone downloaded the app, they wouldn't have to create a fusion table or know anything about coding, it would automatically populate on their google account and be retrievable on it.
Also is there a way to easily obtain that info later via CSV(comma separated value) with Excel from their web browser on their PC from online with a simple link?
Thank you for your time.
In App Inventor there are the built-in fusiontable controls, but these only can access your tables (the tables of the developer account).
To be able to access the Google Drive of the user and create and access fusiontables there, you can use the web component and OAuth following the Google Fusion Tables API. The user needs to authorize your app to be able to create and access the fusiontables on first run of the app.
See an example how to do it here.
The users can obtain that info later with a simple link, they just have to set the sharing permissions of the fusiontables to "anyone with link".

Use Pictures from another website as SharePoint profile pictures

We have a "corporate directory" website that displays some contact information about our employees. Among other things like displaying data from Active Directory, it also displays a picture, which can be retrieve via a URL of the format http://[CorpDir]/PersonPhoto.aspx?email=[UserEmail]
I'm now looking for a way to use these pictures as profile pictures in SharePoint, as easy as possible. Custom coding for SharePoint is not an option for us at the moment.
The easiest way would be to set the PictureUrl property for each user profile. Even if you can't add custom code on the server to do that, you can probably write code elsewhere that uses the web services to set the profile.
You may also be able to do it with customization of the out of box AD import - take a look at the settings for that and what you have available in AD.
