lotus notes signature error, "must chose filename" - lotus-notes

who in the pass tried to add an image to her signature, not too sure how she's done it but now she cant change her signature.
I used to be able to force it using the webmail signature function but thats not working anymore and anyway im way over due to fix this problem.
everytime she opens her preferences and when we want to modify her signature i have a popup windows that tells me :
field contains incorect value
“since you have chosen to append and HTML or image as a signature, you must include the filename that you wish to use.”
if i uncheck the "automaticaly add signature" option i dont get this error but as soon i re check it i get the window, even if theres nothing in the signature window, i've deleted everything in the text box same problem.
I reinstalled windows on another computer with our Ghost image, and on this clean install she has the same error so i guess its saved somewhere on my domino server
thanks a million.

Probably an error in her calendar profile. Use some tool to edit her calendar profile directly or just delete it.


Creating a hotfix, welcome message has wrong information

I'm creating a hotfix based on an installation file. When I run the hotfix, the first dialog box shows "Welcome to the hotfix for App version . Nothing in my hotfix project refers to this wrong number and I don't see a way to override the value it's putting there. The .msi file in the base image folder did have references to the wrong version number, but I changed them. The hotfix file is still showing the wrong version number. Any idea how I can override this or find where it's pulling this wrong version number from? Thanks!
Open Dialog editor in InstallShield (located under User Interface > Dialogs) and find InstallWelcome dialog. See what its text looks like; maybe there is some hardcoded version referred there. If there is no hardcoded version, see what property is being referred to in the text (e.g.[ProductVersion]), and make sure it's a correct property and it's set to the correct value.

How can I use a dialog to define the program group name in Installshield 2015

I am currently trying to expand our installation program with an option for the user to specify the name of the program group where shortcuts are created under the start menu. (I am aware that this is a somewhat outdated concept)
I am using InstallShield 2015.
I created a localizable property named [PROGRAMGROUP_NAME]. This has automatically created an {ID_STRING46} which I've set to the desired default value. So far so good.
I managed to create a custom dialog with an edit control, which is linked to the above property.
Now comes the tricky part: Under Shortcuts, under "Programs Menu" I first want to add a folder with the program group name, under which to place several shortcuts.
If I enter [PROGRAMGROUP_NAME] that is literally what the name becomes. If I use {ID_STRING46}, it uses the default value, and not what I've entered in the dialog.
Incidentally, when I tried to rename ID_STRING46 to something more meaningful, other things started going wrong so I've left that as is.
What is going wrong here? How do I get the value of the property to be used for the folder name?
I am trying to use a custom action now, but I have trouble defining it. My Dialog that sets the property is after CostFinalize, so I assume I have to use SetDirectory - but I have trouble defining it. I get an error stating "could not access network location "
I've managed to progress a step. I have manually added a directory with key DIRECTORY_PROGRAM_GROUP (important that it's all caps to make it public) to the directory table. Then, I use a custom action to set that directory to the desired value [ProgramMenuFolder][PROGRAM_GROUP_NAME] after I've run my dialog, and I've modified the shortcut to be created in that folder.
Seems to work great, however, now the program group is no longer removed when uninstalling...
Shortcuts are installed to folders, and the name of the folders below ProgramMenuFolder become the program group as you describe it. So you will need to either build up the Directory table (either directly---note that the DefaultDir column is localizable, and there may already be a string you can update---or through the Files and Folders view) to do what you want, or use custom actions (set property, if before costing; set directory, if after costing) to adjust the location to which your shortcut is installed.
As for the problems renaming ID_STRING46, odds are you didn't update a reference after you changed the name of the string. The simplest way to track down where these are may be to examine differences in the built installer (perhaps using InstallShield's MSI Diff) and then update the relevant references using the direct editor if you can't find them in the normal views.

rdl report builder file not launching from SharePoint site

I have links to 2 SharePoint sites (different servers) and when I click on the menu option "Edit in Report Builder" on one site it does not load as supposed to the other. I get a dialog that has a show details button on it which when clicked opens a log file. The log file says:
Activation of <path>\ReportBuilder_3_0_0_0.application resulted in exception. Following failure messages were detected:
System.Deployment.Application.DeploymentDownloadException (Unknown subtype)
+ Downloading file:///<path>/RptBuilder_3/MSReportBuilder.exe.manifest did not succeed.
Any ideas on how to get this to work?
All I know is that I designed the ones on the site that works using Report Builder 12.0. If I go by the error above does this mean report builder 3.0 and so not backward compatible?
I have also tried the clear cache option but that does not work for me either, i.e.:
Open command window
Type: cd C:\Windows\System32
Type: rundll32 dfshim CleanOnlineAppCache
It seems their is an issue between servers that I cannot put my finger on. This is not the ideal solution but simply a workaround.
Goto the following folder C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0
Delete all contents (this is the cached files)
Reopen report
The problem with this temporary solution is works for one server only so I have to repeat each time to switch between the 2 - very annoying.
If someone has a more permanent solution please let me know.

LotusScript Type mismatch on external name

Lotus Notes 8.5.3, I am running into an issue where I cannot get the form to load the script library. I get "Type mismatch on external name: RECEIPT" (where "Receipt" is one of the types in my script library).
I have tried:
- editing and resaving the form
- editing and resaving the library
- Project > Clean, rebuilding everything
- Shutting down and restarting Notes
- Shutting down and restarting my computer
Nothing has helped.
Notes Help says that this means that a type has changed since the client of that type was compiled. I would have expected that rebuilding everything (including the form that has its Use statement) would solve it, but it doesn't.
Any suggestions?
You could try:
Open the database in the Designer client and select "Recompile all LotusScript" from the Tools menu.
Copy the code out of the script library, delete it, then create a new script library and paste the code back in.
The ultimate solution: When you have a type mismatch on an external name, comment the Use statement for the library in question from the form, then try to save it. It will fail with the first use of a class defined in the library, and prevent you from saving the form. But it will also clear the cached definitions, which will allow you to uncomment the Use statement and successfully save the form.
I would try to copy the script that uses RECEIPT into directly the library and get a clearer error message. You can try it in a copy database (not the original).
I remember in old versions of Lotus the form got crazy on libraries. But I doubt it is this case.
I suspect you are using an array of a type different that Variant and handling it to a function or sub as variant (or vice verse).
In lotus script there is CVar to convert to Variant,
In case array of objects, you might need to cast the object retrieved from an array to an Object then hand it to the function (if it has an object as parameter).

Applescript to capture result of close dialog

How does one capture a "Don't Save" or "Save" response to the Standard Suite "close" dialog?
close front document saving ask
on error
end try
returns "error number -10000" if the user selects "Cancel", so that case is handled.
However, subsequent code depends on whether "Don't Save" or "Save" was selected.
Using regulus's answer and it's workaround strategy, I prefaced the code above with
tell application "Finder" to set _modDateAfterSaveDialog to
modification date of (info for file _filename)
where the _filename was assigned earlier from application-specific AS code.
Analogous code and a test followed the "try".
I really have no idea how to get it directly. I assume the command you are issuing is a specific application command, not a standard suite command because standard applescript doesn't have a "front document".
In any case, here's a work-around idea that might work. When a file is saved its modification date changes. So you need to know the file of the front document. Then you just check the modification date of the file before and after you issue this command. If it changed then you know the file was saved.
Good luck.
