how to create manual entry for deb package - linux

Where do I write a manual entry when creating a deb package? Is there any formatting rule/best practice to respect?
I'm very new to deb package creation. Following some tutorials, I just created a package that installs/executes nicely, so now I'd like to write some documentation so that man myFancyPackage returns something instead of no manual entry for myFancyPackage.
Unfortunately none of the tutorials I found speak about manual creation.

There are lots of methods to build a Debian package, but the current "best practice" is to use the tools provided by Debhelper. In the case of man pages, there is a tool named dh_installman (read its manpage) that is called automatically by dh. If you used dh_make or similar to create a template for your package, then a dh invocation will be in your debian/rules file.
dh_installman works by reading the file debian/manpages, or debian/nameofyourpackage.manpages. This file has a list of paths pointing to the man pages of your package. The paths are relative to the root of your package. Here you have an example of a real package. Then, this program will properly install your man pages in the right directory.
So, to sum up, you only have to create the debian/package.manpages and fill it with the paths to your man pages. These paths have to be relative to the root of your package. If you, the packager, are writing the man pages, then they have to be placed in the Debian/ directory.

Man pages were traditionally composed in a typesetting language called roff using a macro package called an (so the command line was roff -man, sic) but few people write raw roff anymore.
There are various SGML and XML documentation formats which have the capability to generate man page sources, though in this day and age, Markdown is probably gaining ground as the de facto standard for new documentation. The top Google hit for me is though I would definitely also suggest you look at pandoc.
Markdown - popular text markup language
man markdown
This is a popular lightweight syntax
to generate styled text from an
editor-friendly text source.
It is used on [Stack Overflow][1],
[Github][2], and increasingly on
blogging and authoring platforms.
I'll also mention POD format, which has a long history in the Perl community, and many features in common with popular, more recent lightweight formats. Unless you have other reasons to like it, I would not choose it for new documentation, but it used to be moderately popular even far outside the Perl world back when it was one of the only options with a simple human-readable source format, obvious semantics, and a versatile and well-maintained toolchain and support ecosystem. Some would probably say it still is.
=head1 NAME
Pod::Example - Example POD document
pod2man thisdoc.pod >thisdoc.1
Lightweight syntax for subheads,
hyperlinks, indented lists,
and not much else.
Natively supported in Perl source files
to facilitate a crude form of
literate programming.


What language is used in Linux scripts in dotfiles?

I'm trying to figure out which language is used in Linux scripts to make the system more personal? I mean things like you put in the dotfiles — like .vimrc, or .zshrc — or to make a function for the terminal (like one that compiles a .tex file with bibtex and then pdflatex and then opens that .pdf with some reader).
What you call dotfiles are just configuration files of one or another program. So the "language" of each of those configuration files depends on the program that is going to use it.
In fact, that doesn't have to be a language, in general, hence the quotes in the previous paragraph. Those config files just have to match the format that the program that uses them expects. This occasionally means that configuarion files are required to use a specific language; an example is .vimrc, which has to use the vimscript language (aka VimL).
I think the term "Linux Scripts" will cause misunderstandment in here.
These dotfiles have a particular syntax for each one, but it's not a programming language.
It's allways a good idea to read the official documentation.
For vimscript learning, I had a good experience with this one:

How to open an uml2 .tex?

I apologize if this this is an extremely amateur question. But before yesterday I had never even heard to tex, latex, mactex, all this stuff.
Basically I have cloned a git repo in which the UML documents appear to be in a .tex file. Following google, this has led me to install MacTex, try to open these files. Click 'typeset' which I presume is how it produces the document, but it gives an error about 'uml2' being invalid syntax.
What program, or what anything, am I supposed to use to open a .tex file which has stuff like this in it:
\tikzstyle{uml2} = [
Is this even something your supposed to open in a program and view visually? I suppose this file named uml.tex will show a UML diagram once opened. Or do I have completely the wrong idea? Sorry if this is extremely amateur, like I said I've never heard of this since before yesterday, and google isn't turning up lots of information on this. Any direction would be much appreciated.
You need to install pgf from The easiest is to use TexLive. Once you got all packages installed you can typeset the TeX file. I'm using TexShop which is a nice app for the Mac.
Since you indicate you never heard of TeX before: TeX is a program written by Donald Knuth many, many years ago when computers were engined with steam. But it's the best you can find for typesetting. It's mature, crude and more than 99,99% error free. Donald Knuth has a bounty for each error you find in the code and he did not have to pay since many years. What you do is to create those TeX files (there are different macro packages were LaTeX is the most famous) and send them to the TeX processor. That will create the output (now its PDF and formerly it was some DIV (device independent viewer IIRC)).
Edit I downloaded tikz-uml from here: and moved the tikz-uml.sty to folder where the main .tex source is placed. After including
in the header I was able to compile the source.
Note: there is a global location for .sty files but that depends in the app you use. Use Google to find this place. But putting .sty near your .tex is fine anyway. A \usepackage directive first looks in the source folder before looking into the global ones.

Tabcompletion and docview while editing rc.lua

I saw that there is a lua plugin for eclipse and there is a docpage on the awesome main page api_doc and all the .lua files in /usr/share/awesome/lib.
So I thought it must be possible to create a Library or Execution Environment so that one has tabcompletion and docview.
So I tried making my own Execution Environment:
wrote the standard .rockspec file
downloaded the documentation made an ofline version of it and put it in docs/ folder
ziped the files and folders in /usr/share/awesome/lib
ziped all up
tried it out ... and it failed.
When I try to view a documentaion for a .lua file I get "Note: This element has no attached documentation."
Questions: Am I totaly wrong in my doing (because I have the feeling I am)? Is there any way to edit the rc.lua with tabcompletion and docview?
Koneki will probably take a while to setup, but it's definitly worth it. Going for the".doclua"(by using version 1.2) would certainly make it, but I doubt that using a script to generate the information you need, would work out on the long run.
Most likely, you'll probably pass a bit of time to define what kind of object you're dealing with every time you come across one. The right to do, would be to actually take the time to see if the object/module/inner type inherit from an another object, so can actually have more completion feature as you keep using autocomplete to go from one object to another by pressing "dot"+ctrl_space.
In an ideal world, one person could probably make it right and share to other, so they can enjoy a full featured autocomplete editor.
Found solution for eclipse.
First off the idea of setting up an Execution environment was the wrong one.
So the whole thing about downloading the doc although.
For more information on that visit eclipse Wiki for LUA Development Tool.
The right thing to do is to add a source folder which contains the /usr/share/awesome/lib directory.
The bad news is that my comment from above was totally right, which means one has to configure each .lib file in /usr/share/awesome/lib to meet the requirements of the Documentation Language described here.
Than editing the rc.lua (which one can add to the project in eclipse) works with tabcompletion and doc view.
Since the Documentation Language used in the lib files is similar to the one used by "LUA Development Tool" one has not to change many things. Maybe there are even scripts for that.

Document format for writing homeworks in Vim

I'm a college student majoring in CS, and that means I spend a lot of time poking around in vim. I'm still a complete noob, but I love editing text in the terminal--it's more fun than writing documents has any right to be.
However, I'm curious if there's a basic, low-frills document format I can use (from within vim) to typeset my homework assignments. I'm familiar enough with LaTeX, and if it were possible I'd use it for everything, but it has two main disadvantages:
It takes a long time to write an entire LaTeX document, and
LaTeX doesn't handle code very well.
With that in mind, I'd like to know if some format exists which addresses both these needs and is still easy to hash out quickly from a terminal-based text editor. I use vim for literally everything else I write, so the need to keep LibreOffice Writer around just for homeworks seems a bit overbearing to me.
I would tend towards something light like Markdown, but the needed capabilities depend on what requirements you have for the output (formatting and styling).
I find the AsciiDoc project quite interesting. From their website:
AsciiDoc is a text document format for writing notes, documentation,
articles, books, ebooks, slideshows, web pages, blogs and UNIX man
pages. AsciiDoc files can be translated to many formats including
HTML, PDF, EPUB, man page. AsciiDoc is highly configurable: both the
AsciiDoc source file syntax and the backend output markups (which can
be almost any type of SGML/XML markup) can be customized and extended
by the user.
It even comes with a Vim syntax.

Get started with Latex on Linux [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center.
Closed 5 years ago.
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Impressed by is-latex-worth-learning-today, and many how-to's on Windows,
How do you have someone started with LaTeX on Linux?
How do you generate a pdf out of it and give up the OOO Word processer?
Thanks to all the suggestions given in here. I was able to create an awesome ppt using the Beamer class: I found this approach too far better than using powerpoint and the like.
Those interested may checkout the TEX file, with many custom commands and the corresponding presentation.
First you'll need to Install it:
If you're using a distro which packages LaTeX (almost all will do) then look for texlive or tetex. TeX Live is the newer of the two, and is replacing tetex on most distributions now.
If you're using Debian or Ubuntu, something like:
<code>apt-get install texlive</code>
..will get it installed.
RedHat or CentOS need:
<code>yum install tetex</code>
Note : This needs root permissions, so either use su to switch user to root, or prefix the commands with sudo, if you aren't already logged in as the root user.
Next you'll need to get a text editor. Any editor will do, so whatever you are comfortable with. You'll find that advanced editors like Emacs (and vim) add a lot of functionality and so will help with ensuring that your syntax is correct before you try and build your document output.
Create a file called test.tex and put some content in it, say the example from the LaTeX primer:
The foundations of the rigorous study of \emph{analysis}
were laid in the nineteenth century, notably by the
mathematicians Cauchy and Weierstrass. Central to the
study of this subject are the formal definitions of
\emph{limits} and \emph{continuity}.
Let $D$ be a subset of $\bf R$ and let
$f \colon D \to \mathbf{R}$ be a real-valued function on
$D$. The function $f$ is said to be \emph{continuous} on
$D$ if, for all $\epsilon > 0$ and for all $x \in D$,
there exists some $\delta > 0$ (which may depend on $x$)
such that if $y \in D$ satisfies
\[ |y - x| < \delta \]
\[ |f(y) - f(x)| < \epsilon. \]
One may readily verify that if $f$ and $g$ are continuous
functions on $D$ then the functions $f+g$, $f-g$ and
$f.g$ are continuous. If in addition $g$ is everywhere
non-zero then $f/g$ is continuous.
Once you've got this file you'll need to run latex on it to produce some output (as a .dvi file to start with, which is possible to convert to many other formats):
latex test.tex
This will print a bunch of output, something like this:
=> latex test.tex
This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4)
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2003/12/01>
Babel <v3.8d> and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german, ngerman, b
ahasa, basque, bulgarian, catalan, croatian, czech, danish, dutch, esperanto, e
stonian, finnish, greek, icelandic, irish, italian, latin, magyar, norsk, polis
h, portuges, romanian, russian, serbian, slovak, slovene, spanish, swedish, tur
kish, ukrainian, nohyphenation, loaded.
Document Class: article 2004/02/16 v1.4f Standard LaTeX document class
No file test.aux.
[1] (./test.aux) )
Output written on test.dvi (1 page, 1508 bytes).
Transcript written on test.log.
..don't worry about most of this output -- the important part is the Output written on test.dvi line, which says that it was successful.
Now you need to view the output file with xdvi:
xdvi test.dvi &
This will pop up a window with the beautifully formatted output in it. Hit `q' to quit this, or you can leave it open and it will automatically update when the test.dvi file is modified (so whenever you run latex to update the output).
To produce a PDF of this you simply run pdflatex instead of latex:
pdflatex test.tex
..and you'll have a test.pdf file created instead of the test.dvi file.
After this is all working fine, I would suggest going to the LaTeX primer page and running through the items on there as you need features for documents you want to write.
Future things to consider include:
Use tools such as xfig or dia to create diagrams. These can be easily inserted into your documents in a variety of formats. Note that if you are creating PDFs then you shouldn't use EPS (encapsulated postscript) for images -- use pdf exported from your diagram editor if possible, or you can use the epstopdf package to automatically convert from (e)ps to pdf for figures included with \includegraphics.
Start using version control on your documents. This seems excessive at first, but being able to go back and look at earlier versions when you are writing something large can be extremely useful.
Use make to run latex for you. When you start on having bibliographies, images and other more complex uses of latex you'll find that you need to run it over multiple files or multiple times (the first time updates the references, and the second puts references into the document, so they can be out-of-date unless you run latex twice...). Abstracting this into a makefile can save a lot of time and effort.
Use a better editor. Something like Emacs + AUCTeX is highly competent. This is of course a highly subjective subject, so I'll leave it at that (that and that Emacs is clearly the best option :)
To get started with LaTeX on Linux, you're going to need to install a couple of packages:
You're going to need a LaTeX distribution. This is the collection of programs that comprise the (La)TeX computer typesetting system. The standard LaTeX distribution on Unix systems used to be teTeX, but it has been superceded by TeX Live. Most Linux distributions have installation packages for TeX Live--see, for example, the package database entries for Ubuntu and Fedora.
You will probably want to install a LaTeX editor. Standard Linux text editors will work fine; in particular, Emacs has a nice package of (La)TeX editing macros called AUCTeX. Specialized LaTeX editors also exist; of those, Kile (KDE Integrated LaTeX Environment) is particularly nice.
You will probably want a LaTeX tutorial. The classic tutorial is "A (Not So) Short Introduction to LaTeX2e," but nowadays the LaTeX wikibook might be a better choice.
I would recommend start using Lyx, with that you can use Latex just as easy as OOO-Writer.
It gives you the possibility to step into Latex deeper by manually adding Latex-Code to your Document.
PDF is just one klick away after installatioin. Lyx is cross-plattform.
It depends on your Linux distibution and your preference of editors etc. but I would recommend to start with Kile (a KDE app) as it is easy to learn and installing it should install most of the needed packages for LaTex and PDF generation. Just have a look at the screenshots.
If you use Ubuntu or Debian, I made a tutorial easy to follow: Install LaTeX on Ubuntu or Debian. This tutorial explains how to install LaTeX and how to create your first PDF.
LaTeX comes with most Linux distributions in the form of the teTeX distribution. Find all packages with 'teTeX' in the name and install them.
Most editors such as vim or emacs come with TeX editing modes. You can also get WYSIWIG-ish front-ends (technically WYSIWYM), of which perhaps the best known is LyX.
The best quick intro to LaTeX is Oetiker's 'The not so short intro to LaTeX'
LaTeX works like a compiler. You compile the LaTeX document (which can include other files), which generates a file called a .dvi (device independent). This can be post-processed to various formats (including PDF) with various post-processors.
To do PDF, use dvips and use the flag -PPDF (IIRC - I don't have a makefile to hand) to produce a PS with font rendering set up for conversion to pdf. PDF conversion can then be done with ps2pdf or distiller (if you have this).
The best format for including graphics in this environment is eps (Encapsulated Postscript) although not all software produces well-behaved postscript. Photographs in jpeg or other formats can be included using various mechanisms.
I would personally use a complete editing package such as:
Then I would install "MikTeX" as the compiling package, which allows you to generate a PDF from your document, using the pdfLaTeX compiler.
yum -y install texlive
was not enough for my centos distro to get the latex command.
This site contains additional packages. In particular:
yum -y install texlive texlive-latex texlive-xetex
was enough but the author also points out these as well:
yum -y install texlive-collection-latex
yum -y install texlive-collection-latexrecommended
yum -y install texlive-xetex-def
yum -y install texlive-collection-xetex
Only if needed:
yum -y install texlive-collection-latexextra
