Extract ID from the JSON Response in Linux - linux

Here is my json response from the server.This response i am saving in a variable named TESTDEMO.
"name":"folder "
Want to extract the id 0F071CE4-790D11E3-AAC0-005056A5408D of the folder "name":"demo".
Need Help.

Try this:
redirect your JSON to sed command and grep according to the name:demo.
echo $TESTDEMO | sed 's/{/\n{/g' | grep '"name":"demo"' | cut -d',' -f2 | cut -d'/' -f 7 | cut -d'}' -f 1 | cut -d '"' -f 1
Hope this will helpful.

Like this?
awk -F"[/\"]" '/"name":"demo"/ {print $5}' RS="}" <<< "$variable"

sed -n '/"type":"test-folder"/,/"name":"demo"/ {s/[[:blank:]]*"#href":"{HOST_URL}//;s/",$//p}' <<< "$TESTDEMO"
take the block type to name and print line havin #href and finished by ', after removing them


Awk: parse node names out of "40*r13n15:40*r10n61:40*r11n18:40*r09n15"

I have a linux script for selecting the node.
For example:
The correct result should be:
My linux script content is like:
hostNum=`bjobs -X -o "nexec_host" $1 | grep -v NEXEC`
hostSer=`bjobs -X -o "exec_host" $1 | grep -v EXEC`
echo $hostNum
echo $hostSer
for i in `seq 1 $hostNum`
echo $hostSer | awk -F ':' '{print '$i'}' | awk -F '*' '{print $2}'
But unlucky, I got nothing about node information.
I have tried:
echo $hostSer | awk -F ':' '{print "'$i'"}' | awk -F '*' '{print $2}'
echo $hostSer | awk -F ':' '{print '"$i"'}' | awk -F '*' '{print $2}'
But there are wrong. Who can give me a help?
One more awk:
$ echo "$variable" | awk 'NR%2==0' RS='[*:\n]'
By setting the record separtor(RS) to *:\n , the string is broken into individual tokens, after which you can just print every 2nd line(NR%2==0).
You can use multiple separators in awk. Please try below:
echo "$h"| awk -F '[:*]' '{ for (i=2;i<=NF;i+=2) print $i }'
**edited to make it generic based on the comment from RavinderSingh13.

Translate Chinese to urlencoding in awk

I have a .txt file. And each line contains Chinese. I want to translate the Chinese to urlencoding.
How can I get it?
http://wiki.com/ 中文
http://wiki.com/ 中国
I found a shell script way to approach it like this:
echo '中文' | tr -d '\n' | xxd -plain | sed 's/\(..\)/%\1/g' | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'
So, I wanna embed it in awk like this, but I failed:
awk -F'\t' '{
a=system("echo '"$2"'| tr -d '\n' | xxd -plain | \
sed 's/\(..\)/%\1/g' | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]");
print $1a
}' txt.file
I have tried another way to write an outside function and call it in awk, code like this, failed it again.
echo $1 | tr -d '\n' | xxd -plain | sed 's/\(..\)/%\1/g' | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'
export -f zh2url
awk -F'\t' "{a=system(\"zh2url $2\");print $1a}" txt.file
Please implement it with awk command because I actually have another thing need to handle in awk at the same time.
With GNU awk for co-processes, etc.:
$ cat tst.awk
function xlate(old, cmd, new) {
cmd = "xxd -plain"
printf "%s", old |& cmd
if ( (cmd |& getline rslt) > 0 ) {
new = toupper(gensub(/../,"%&","g",rslt))
return new
BEGIN { FS="\t" }
{ print $1 xlate($2) }
$ awk -f tst.awk txt.file

Using awk to modify output

I have a command that is giving me the output:
/home/konnor/md5sums:ea66574ff0daad6d0406f67e4571ee08 counted-file.xml.20131003-083611
I need the output to be:
ea66574ff0daad6d0406f67e4571ee08 counted-file.xml
The closest I got was:
$ echo /home/konnor/md5sums:ea66574ff0daad6d0406f67e4571ee08 counted-file.xml.20131003-083611 | awk '{ printf "%s", $1 }; END { printf "\n" }'
I'm not familiar with awk but I believe this is the command I want to use, any one have any ideas?
Or just a sed oneliner:
echo /home/konnor/md5sums:ea66574ff0daad6d0406f67e4571ee08 counted-file.xml.20131003-083611 \
| sed -E 's/.*:(.*\.xml).*/\1/'
$ echo "/home/konnor/md5sums:ea66574ff0daad6d0406f67e4571ee08 counted-file.xml.20131003-083611" |
cut -d: -f2 |
cut -d. -f1-2
ea66574ff0daad6d0406f67e4571ee08 counted-file.xml
Note that this relies on the dot . being present as in counted-file.xml.
$ awk -F[:.] -v OFS="." '{print $2,$3}' <<< "/home/konnor/md5sums:ea66574ff0daad6d0406f67e4571ee08 counted-file.xml.20131003-083611"
ea66574ff0daad6d0406f67e4571ee08 counted-file.xml
not sure if this is ok for you:
sed 's/^.*:\(.*\)\.[^.]*$/\1/'
with your example:
kent$ echo "/home/konnor/md5sums:ea66574ff0daad6d0406f67e4571ee08 counted-file.xml.20131003-083611"|sed 's/^.*:\(.*\)\.[^.]*$/\1/'
ea66574ff0daad6d0406f67e4571ee08 counted-file.xml
this grep line works too:
grep -Po ':\K.*(?=\..*?$)'

Get N line from unzip -l

I have a jar file, i need to execute the files in it in Linux.
So I need to get the result of the unzip -l command line by line.
I have managed to extract the files names with this command :
unzip -l package.jar | awk '{print $NF}' | grep com/tests/[A-Za-Z] | cut -d "/" -f3 ;
But i can't figure out how to obtain the file names one after another to execute them.
How can i do it please ?
Thanks a lot.
If all you need the first row in a column, add a pipe and get the first line using head -1
So your one liner will look like :
unzip -l package.jar | awk '{print $NF}' | grep com/tests/[A-Za-Z] | cut -d "/" -f3 |head -1;
That will give you first line
now, club head and tail to get second line.
unzip -l package.jar | awk '{print $NF}' | grep com/tests/[A-Za-Z] | cut -d "/" -f3 |head -2 | tail -1;
to get second line.
But from scripting piont of view this is not a good approach. What you need is a loop as below:
for class in `unzip -l el-api.jar | awk '{print $NF}' | grep javax/el/[A-Za-Z] | cut -d "/" -f3`; do echo $class; done;
you can replace echo $class with whatever command you wish - and use $class to get the current class name.
Here is my attempt, which also take into account Daddou's request to remove the .class extension:
unzip -l package.jar | \
awk -F'/' '/com\/tests\/[A-Za-z]/ {sub(/\.class/, "", $NF); print $NF}' | \
while read baseName
echo " $baseName"
The awk command also handles the tasks of grep and cut
The awk command also handles the removal of the .class extension
The result of the awk command is piped into the while read... command
baseName represents the name of the class file, with the .class extension removed
Now, you can do something with that $baseName

Unix cut operation

I have a string like this:
uid=2560(jdihenia) gid=1000(undergrad)
I want to just get the undergrad part in to a variable name var1. So I used a command
var1=`echo "uid=2560(jdihenia) gid=1000(undergrad)" | cut -d "(" -f 3`
but this will assign the value undergrad) in to var1. Can you please tell me how can I get just the undergrad part in to the variable var1?
If you want the literal text "undergrad" in the brackets, this should work:
cut -d "(" -f 2 <text> | cut -d ")" -f 1
or equivalently
echo <text> | cut -d "(" -f 2 | cut -d ")" -f 1
If this string comes from id, then you can just call id -gn instead.
var1=$(cmd |sed 's/.*(\([^)]*\))/\1/')
var1="uid=2560(jdihenia) gid=1000(undergrad)"
echo "$str" | awk -F'[()]' '{print $4}'
var1=$( echo "uid=2560(jdihenia) gid=1000(undergrad)" | grep -Po 'gid=.*\(\K.*(?=\))')
