Excel vlookup with two columns in source and target returning another column - excel

I have a spreadsheet that has 4 columns sheet 1, and 5 columns sheet2 and I need to do a vlookup on Sheet1!a2&c2 and match the row in sheet2!a2&c2 and return sheet2!c5.
I think Index and Match would do it but all the examples have been matching a single value to an array which isn't what I need for eg.
Can't do attachments yet :( text it is sorry for the format
R1 A B C D
R2 2 D 3 Result will match sheet1!a2&c2 to sheet 2!A3&C3 and return Sheet2!e3 ie 34
R1 A B C D E
R2 2 F 5 GR 72
R3 2 X 3 FR 34
Any links or help?
Sorry I wasn't clear I want to match the cobination of A2 and C2 in sheet 1,
ie in the example =sheet1!A2&sheet1!c2=23
to the values in sheet2!a2 plus sheet2!c2,
ie in this example =Sheet2!a3&Sheet2!c3=23,
and then return the value in Sheet2!E? , ie Sheet2!E3=34 here
I've done this before by creating a cheat column in sheet 2 = a2&c2 in say d2 and filling down then using, assuming 3 rows, however I can't create the cheat column in sheet2
=vlookup(a2&c2,sheet2!d2:e3, 2, false)
The rows sheet2! look like, sorry about the formatting
Picture attached, which I suddenly got to do , where I need to match the yellow columns in the lookup then return the brown column to sheet1!E2 but I can't add the cheat column Sheet2!d2:3 to the sheet cause the user is difficult :)
Thanks again. Any good tutorial on Index?

Try using LOOKUP like this
The two "tests", i.e.
return "arrays" of TRUE/FALSE values but when you divide 1 by one of those and then the other TRUE is converted to 1 and FALSE to 0 so you get a resulting array of either 1s (where both conditions are TRUE) or errors [#DIV/0!] where one or both are FALSE.
When you lookup 2 in that array it will never be found so it matches with the last 1, i.e. the match is with the last row where both conditions are satisfied...and the corresponding value from Sheet2!E$2:E$10 is returned. Another way is like this:
which requires "array entry" with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER


How to select certain rows in Excel that meet logical criteria of A & B

I have an excel sheet in CSV that has 8 columns A-H and thousands of rows with values 0 or 1 depending on truth value.
I'm looking for the Excel function in which I can select rows where column A and B are true so that I can check another columns probability given A&B. IE P((A&B)|D) (where | means given).
I'm really new to excel and having difficulties finding how to only select rows that meet this criteria.
The following formula entered in I1 will return a 1 if both A1 and B1 are true.
Copy it down or autofill to identify all rows where A and B are true.
The $ sign before A and B make the column references absolute meaning if you drag the formula to the right, the references to columns A and B will remain.
Because Excel implicitly interprets 0 = FALSE and 1 (or any other number) = TRUE the formula could be shortened to:
The probability of C being 1 given that A and B are 1 can be calculated by counting all rows where A, B and C are all 1 and dividing by the number of rows where both A and B are 1:
Again, references to A and B are absolute, while C is relative so you can drag right to get probabilities for columns D to H.
COUNTIFS only counts the rows where all of the criteria are met and allows you to specify up to 127 range/criteria pairs.
You could also use:
to get the probability.

Excel- How do I Find and Replace using the values from adjacent columns

I'm a complete newbie to excel so apologies for my lack of knowledge!
I have a spreadsheet with 3 columnns.
Column 1 has cells with a range of values that can be repeated several times ie A B C A A D.
Column 2 has a list of the unique values in column 1 ie A B C D.
Column 3 contains the values that I would like to updated Column 1 with ie a b c d.
What I need to do is search Column 1 using Column 2 as an array of values when a match is found replace it with the adjacent value in column 3. Ie find all the A's in Column 1 and replace with a.
I did start writing a very long if statement if value = A replace with a etc but I have hundreds of unique values so I'm sure this isn't the most verbose way
Thanks in advance for your help
Consider the use of VLOOKUP
Result = Application.WorksheetFunction.Vlookup ( lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup] )

Count with criteria for changing column in excel

I have a data looks like this:
a b c
1 3 4
2 3 3
4 1 2
2 4 2
In another worksheet, I want to do the following calculation:
whenever A1 returns a (header of data worksheet), count number of items that are smaller and equal to 2 in column "a". (result will be 2)
if A1 returns b, count number of items that are smaller and equal to 2 in column "b". (result will be 1).
A1 has already been preset with formula such that it will show a or b or c as conditions changed.
I need the formula to be lean... I actually have 6 headers, so if I keep on using if functions, I will probably have to set 6 if functions in one cell...that can be overwhelming. index match cannot provide a range to work on...Any suggestion? thanks
I don't know vba. If you could provide a workable vba code, i don't mind. but i don't know how to read it...>.< please provide user manual for that. lol, thank you~
If your data is found on Sheet1 and the a is found on column a, b is found on column b etc. enter this formula on then next sheet on b1 when a1 is the column value:
The Indirect is for adding text to your reference.
If your data sheet is Sheet1, you could try the array formula:-
Must be entered with CtrlShiftEnter
(actually there are 3 items less than or equal to 2 in column A)
Or you can use the SUMPRODUCT version if you prefer not to use an array formula:-
Or you can use this INDEX/MATCH method which is probably more efficient:-

How to return a value to the left of a table array with VLOOKUP?

I need help searching Column E for value=1 and return the value of column A for the same row. VLOOKUP isn't working because there are many columns being searched and there are several 1's in the lookup, and I couldn't seem to search just 1 column using VLOOKUP. Here's how my spreadsheet looks...
1 Name Weight WeightRank Height HeightRank
2 Mike 170 3 6.3 2
3 Richard 200 1 6.0 3
4 Charles 185 2 7.0 1
So I want to search column E for value=1 and return the corresponding value in column A, which in this example would search "HeightRank" for "value=1" and return "Charles"
I tried using =VLOOKUP(1,E:E,1) but that returns an error.
I tried using =VLOOKUP(1,A1:E3,1) but that returns an error.
VLOOKUP doesn't work here -- it always searches in the first column of your table and returns a value of a column a given number of columns to the right.
The INDEX/MATCH combination is more flexible, letting you just choose the two columns you want. It's also easier to read (you don't have to count columns to see what it does) and it doesn't break if you insert or delete columns in between the ones you're using, which VLOOKUP does. If you use the trace-formula features, VLOOKUP also falsely implies that all the columns in between are precedents of your resulting formula. (Can you tell that I don't much like VLOOKUP? I just always use INDEX/MATCH and my life is easier for it.)
The OFFSET solution works but it's volatile, so you'll really bog down your worksheet if many cells depend on the result of your formula.
MATCH(x,E2:E4,0) returns the relative position of x in the range E2:E4. For example, MATCH(1,E2:E4,0) returns 3, because 1 is the value of the third cell in the range E2:E4.
OFFSET(A2,r,c) returns the cell r rows and c columns away from A2.
Thus you can say =OFFSET(A2,MATCH(1,E2:E4,0)-1,0) to return the value from column A corresponding to the cell in column E that contains 1.

Find values from one excel sheet in another

I have a column with the values in A excel sheet 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4.... and i have in B excel sheet another column with values 1 2 4 ...., what i want is read values from B and see if they are in A sheet, for example if value 2 is in B sheet, then write true in a new column in sheet A in front of 2, and similarly false or nothing in front of value 3.
You can use a simple VLOOKUP - For example, assuming that the content of cell A1 of sheet B is 2, and that the sheet you call A is called SheetA, you can put the following formula in cell B1:
Use the approach described here:
Key formula is this: =COUNTIF(OldList,D2)=0, which you can use within the conditional formatting context as described, or to generate your true/false indicators as you mention in your question, i.e.:
OldList is just a range, and you don't need to use a named range. But if you don't name the range, just be sure to use absolute references for the range you're searching against.
Do you want a cool formula you can use to count the number of each matching value. Try this for your original post:
=IF(SUMPRODUCT(--($A1 =Sheet1!$A:$A) > 0), "True", "False")
And this to count the values: =SUMPRODUCT(--($A1 =Sheet1!$A:$A))
