servicestack twitter auth on azure - azure

I have a working app on my local machine that authorizes fine using both SQl and raven auth plugin.
when I try to test auth on the azure app by going to /auth/twitter I just end up in an authentication loop.
this is the exact same code (except for the callback and redirect url is pointed to the azure app)
Should this work o Azure? Is there any way of knowing why the redirect ends up in a loop? Is there any debugging output on twitter?


Azure App Login Redirecting Back To Sign In Page After Successful Login

I wasn't exactly sure how to best describe the title of the question for the issue I am having, anyways this is the problem I am encountering, I have searched for a couple of hours and could not find an answer.
I am building and app which is passing through the Azure AD sign in and redirecting back after a successful handshake. All works fine when using https://localhost:port as my RedirectURI in Azure, for example:
Under Web Redirect URIs this following works just fine:
I login with my AD credentials and I am redirected back to my app's landing page, so all good there.
The problem is however, when I use the following in the hosts file, I am just redirected back to the Azure AD sign in page, even though when I check the azure sign in logs, it states the login was successful.
Question: Is it possible to use a custom URI using the hosts file in a local development environment, when developing an app passing through an Azure sign in? Or am I restricted to using https://localhost:portNumber for my web redirectURIs? Thanks in advance.
Here is the hosts file and the web RedirectURIs in Azure. As mentioned earlier, https://localhost:port works fine. Note: I already have an SSL Certificate for the local development environment which is fine.
My hosts file:
My web redirectUri(s) in Azure which I have tested:

Azure Web App Easy Auth handling (/.auth/me)

We are using Azure Web App Easy Auth, and use the Web App as a reverse proxy which forwards traffic to an angular app.
The angular app uses /.auth/me and uses the token and pass it to a REST API. However, if user is idle for a long time, seems that the /.auth/me session times out and we can't get it anymore.
However, the web app doesn't redirect anymore to the MS Login page (as it does when we enter the URL at first time).
Is there a proper way to handle it?
Thank you
For example, we are calling this using httpGet in Angular
This returns JSON with the auth token.
But after a few hours that user is idle, seem it returns blank []. Probably because the session is timed out or the authentication for this endpoint has a timeout.
You have to give the redirect URL by registering your Azure Web App in App Registrations Service:
If it is already registered in App Registrations, then your app service from Azure Portal > Type "App Registrations" in Main search > Select your registered App Service > Select "Authentication" Where you configure the redirect URI:
Refer to this MS Doc1 for Redirect URI Limits & restrictions and Doc2 for configuring the CallbackPath, SignedOutCallbackPath in the code like appsettngs.json if the language is ASP .NET Core, web.config for ASP .NET, for Java, etc.

React-Native authentication with a server using Azure AD

I am trying to authenticate to a server from my React-Native app using Azure AD.
Now, I don't understand what is a redirect URI and I don't understand where should I put my server's URL in Azure and what URL should I call from my React-Native app.
Documentation for it is quite confusing.
I don't understand what is a redirect URI
For React-Native app, the redirect_url is optional. Refer to this document for more details.
An url that ADLoginView will be redirect when login success, this property is optional.
I don't understand where should I put my server's URL in Azure and
what URL should I call from my React-Native app.
You needn't put your server's url in Azure.But you need to add authentication to your server. Then you can call your server api as normal, but with the Authorization header. This sample will help you to understand better though it is using aspnetcore.
You need to create register two applications in Azure portal. Client app and server app. You will get the access token via your native app and then use it to access your server app.

Azure AD Authentication redirect loop

I have a Java Web App which is integrated with Azure AD. Now when I run the app locally, everything works fine.
But When I deploy the WAR file to the Azure App Service, the authentication redirection seems to be going in an infinite loop.
The application is running in loop between and
I have read in blog posts that this happens with OWIN cooke in .Net , but not sure if this is case with Java as well.
All the traffic is through HTTPS only, but still the issue exists.
Is there any setting in Azure Portal to overcome this ?
Owin middleware is only available for .NET, so yes, we cannot fault that.
The redirect would be triggering from the portion of your code that evaluates a condition like 401 Unauthorized and constructs an authentication Url and redirects the user to that.
I'd suggest you enable as much diagnostics as possible and look into logs to..
Azure AD is sending the tokens in response as expected and not an error
The code acceptig/parsing these tokens is working correctly

Cannot redirect the response to my controller after publishing the project in azure : AuthBot

I'm trying to create a bot in which the user has to first log in with his microsoft account, for that i created an app in Azure Active Directory that returns to my controller the access tokens (redirect URL). So, a fixed the redirect URL to my controller in this app as :
And it works just fine locally, i get locally the response from the AAD App to my controller. However after publishing my project in azure this doesn't work because the project is no longer in localhost and the redirection response to my controller does no longer work.
Can someone help me please ? WHat redirect URL can i add to my AAD app in order to redirect the response to my controller in Azure ?
This is the AuthBot that i'm talking about :
You just have to add another redirect URL in the AAD App that redirect to your azure controller, in my case it's something like this :
Firstly please consider using Botauth and not Authbot as the Authbot project has been discontinued and is not updated to the latest bot framework changes.
Secondly, as you said, add your bot (hosted in Azure) url followed by /Callback i.e https://***** to the redirect url of your Azure Active Directory app when you use AuthBot.
