Prestashop Website is not displaying? - web

I hope someone here will be able to solve my problem. I been trying to solve this for hours now. I have recently started building my website using PrestaShop. Everything was fine until i changed some pictures on website slideshow. Now i cant' see my website. Basically when i go on my website " " website appears for a sec then disappears. i have tried deleting cookies, changing browsers, updating flash, but nothing seems to work. Please help me on this. i can't just figure it out what's wrong.

Your logo is with the following size: "3508px x 4961px" and it covers all the page.


I am getting the Apach2 "It works!" page on my wordpress front page, but mydomain.local/wp-admin works

So I set up a wordpress website on my ubuntu machine. I am getting a problem i've never had before.
When I go to my domain's homepage with either wp.ryan-41.local or my IP, it shows the default "it works" page, while i'm not suppose to get it any more.
However when I go to wp.ryan-41.local/wp-admin/ I am able to login normally.
here's a screencap highlighting my issue.
Anyone who knows what's wrong here? I'm able to login and fully configure my wordpress, but when I go to the homepage of the site itself, I get this.
Have you tried moving everything back one directory, because that's just what comes to my mind when I see that.
I eventually decided to just toss it out and start over. This worked, eventually, but it was a bunch of work. I think I might've done something weird earlier in the process with my scripts, so it must've gone wrong there.

Fetch as Google - Temporarily Unreachable ONLY on Mobile

I have created a new website and I tried to index it using google webmaster tools. Fetch as Google for the desktop worked just fine, but doing the same for mobile shows an error "Temporarily unreachbale". It's been a few days and the website REALLY is not avaible on mobile. It's driving me nuts. Here're is some information and things I have already tried:
Website is made with WP
I have disabled all SEO/meta tags plugins and I added a very basic robots.txt
I tried waiting 15min between fetching the root page on mobile
I have checked source code for the homepage to make sure there are no meta tags with nofollow or noindex attributes
I baffled by this issue and I would gladly take any advise/pointers what else can be done. Thank you.
The crazy thing was, that it was caused by WP Statistics plugin, which is probably the most popular from its kind - 500k downloads. When I deactivated it, everything is fine, google fetches of the mobile and the website is available. Incredible! I'm still searching for the actual problem within that plugin.

Internet explorer 8 - https

I have this this kind of problem that get me stuck for a day. I have an IIS server. And when i access it from other network using IE8 or chrome it work perfectly.
But when i access it from different network using chrome still it works fine. but when i used IE8 it says webpage cannot display. any help will be much appreciate.
I'd stuck here so long. I tried all suggestions on the web but it didn't help me. I hope you can help me figure this out.

SSL Issue only in Google Chrome

I am having an SSL issue, but it only appears to be happening in Google Chrome.
I've checked with Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer and there fine.
Does anyone know what is wrong? I've tried it on a BLANK page and Chrome still says there is an issue. Screenshot:
If anyone can help that would be much appreciated!
I think you may be referring to content that does not belong to your domain (ex. images) and that are retrieve from another location on the internet.
Since the browser has to get them via a http:// request on the other site, it warns you that all the content does not come from your website overs the SSL connection.
Did you tried the blank page after accessing another page of your site? Or just after launching chrome?
I run into this exact problem and solved it this morning. Two things:
Clear Google Chromes's browser cache data
Make sure your app doesn't have references to external resources that is none-https
Hope this helps,

Website renders differently on server vs locally

I'm having a very bizarre issue. I have been building a website locally on my linux box and all was well until I uploaded the site files to a place where i have some hosted space. Everything renders exactly the same except one element in my footer which i think is affecting some jquery animation i am using. I thought maybe I was missing files or hadn't uploaded the latest versions of everything, so I deleted the server directory and re-uploaded everything exactly as is from my local copy. And yet, the problem remains. I'm not sure how this is happening. Has anyone seen this before, or does anyone have an idea what could cause this? I'm baffled! Thanks everyone!!! I am attaching screen shots.
Seems to be a cache problem. Try to force a refresh with F5 or CTRL+F5.
Try clear your cache in your browser settings.
If that don't work, use Firebug (an Firefox browser addon) to check actual css at your footer. This will show the problem.
BTW: don't use spaces in your URL if you can. Don't use spaces in your filenames/folders.
