how to rapidly increment counters in Cassandra w/o staleness - cassandra

I have a Cassandra question. Do you know how Cassandra does updates/increments of counters?
I want to use a storm bolt (CassandraCounterBatchingBolt from storm-contrib repo on github) which writes into cassandra. However, I'm not sure how some of the implementation of the incrementCounterColumn() method works .. and there is also the limitations with cassandra counters (from: which makes them useless for my scenario IMHO:
If a write fails unexpectedly (timeout or loss of connection to the coordinator node) the client will not know if the operation has been performed. A retry can result in an over count CASSANDRA-2495.
Counter removal is intrinsically limited. For instance, if you issue very quickly the sequence "increment, remove, increment" it is possible for the removal to be lost
Anyway, here is my scenario:
I update the same counter faster than the updates propagate to other Cassandra nodes.
Say I have 3 cassandra nodes. The counters on each of these nodes are 0.
Node1:0, node2:0, node3:0
An increment comes: 5 -> Node1:0, node2:0, node3:0
Increment starts at node 2 – still needs to propagate to node1 and node3
Node1:0, node2:5, node3:0
In the meantime, another increment arrives before previous increment
is propagated: 3 -> Node1:0, node2:5, node3:0
Assuming 3 starts at a different node than where 5 started we have:
Node1:3, node2:5, node3:0
Now if 3 gets propagated to the other nodes AS AN INCREMENT and not as a new value
(and the same for 5) then eventually the nodes would all equal 8 and this is what I want.
If 3 overwrites 5 (because it has a later timestamp) this is problematic – not what I want.
Do you know how these updates/increments are handled by Cassandra?
Note, that a read before a write is still susceptible to the same problem depending from which replica node the read executes (Quorum can still fail if propagation is not far along)
I'm also thinking that maybe putting a cache b/w my storm bolt and Cassandra might solve this issue but that's a story for another time.

Counters in C* have a complex internal representation that avoids most (but not all) problems of counting things in a leaderless distributed system. I like to think of them as sharded counters. A counter consists of a number of sub-counters identified by host ID and a version number. The host that receives the counter operation increments only its own sub-counter, and also increments the version. It then replicates its whole counter state to the other replicas, which merge it with their states. When the counter is read the node handling the read operation determines the counter value by summing up the total of the counts from each host.
On each node a counter increment is just like everything else in Cassandra, just a write. The increment is written to the memtable, and the local value is determined at read time by merging all of the increments from the memtable and all SSTables.
I hope that explanation helps you believe me when I say that you don't have to worry about incrementing counters faster than Cassandra can handle. Since each node keeps its own counter, and never replicates increment operations, there is no possibility of counts getting lost by race conditions like a read-modify-write scenario would introduce. If Cassandra accepts the write, your're pretty much guaranteed that it will count.
What you're not guaranteed, though, is that the count will appear correct at all times unless. If an increment is written to one node but the counter value read from another just after, there is not guarantee that the increment has been replicated, and you also have to consider what would happen during a network partition. This more or less the same with any write in Cassandra, it's in its eventually consistent nature, and it depends on which consistency levels you used for the operations.
There is also the possibility of a lost acknowledgement. If you do an increment and loose the connection to Cassandra before you can get the response back you can't know whether or not your write got though. And when you get the connection back you can't tell either, since you don't know what the count was before you incremented. This is an inherent problem with systems that choose availability over consistency, and the price you pay for many of the other benefits.
Finally, the issue of rapid remove, increment, removes are real, and something you should avoid. The problem is that the increment operation will essentially resurrect the column, and if these operations come close enough to each other they might get the same timestamp. Cassandra is strictly last-write-wins and determines last based on the timestamp of the operation. If two operations have the same time stamp, the "greater" one wins, which means the one which sorts after in a strict byte order. It's real, but I wouldn't worry too much about it unless you're doing very rapid writes and deletes to the same value (which is probably a fault in your data model).
Here's a good guide to the internals of Cassandra's counters:

The current version of counters are just not a good fit for a use case that requires guarantees of no over-counting and immediate consistency.
There are increment and decrement operations, and those will not collide with each other, and, barring any lost mutations or replayed mutations, will give you a correct result.
The rewrite of Cassandra counters ( might be interesting to you, and it should address all of the current concerns with getting a correct count.
In the meantime, if I had to implement this on top of a current version of Cassandra, and an accurate count was essential, I would probably store each increment or decrement as a column, and do read-time aggregation of the results, while writing back a checkpoint so you don't have to read back to the beginning of time to calculate subsequent results.
That adds a lot of burden to the read side, though it is extremely efficient on the write path, so it may or may not work for your use case.

To understand updates/increments i.e write operations, i will suggest you to go through Gossip, protocol used by Cassandra for communication. In Gossip every participant(node) maintains their state using the tuple σ(K) = (V*N) where σ(K) is the state of K key with V value and N as version number.
To maintain the single version of truth for a data packet Gossip maintains a Reconciliation mechanism namely Precise & Scuttlebutt(current). According to Scuttlebutt Reconciliation, before updating any tuple they communicate with each other to check who is holding the highest version (newest value) of the key. Whosoever is holding the highest version is responsible for the write operation.
For further information read this article.


Optimistic concurrency control clarification

I am new to ES7 and trying to understand optimistic concurrency control.
I think I understand that when I get-request a document and send its _seq_no and _primary_term values in a later write-request to the same document, if the values differ, the write will be completely ignored.
But what happens to the document in the default case where I don't send the _seq_no and _primary_term values? Will the write go through even if it has older _seq_no and _primary_term values (therefore making the index inconsistent), or only be processed if the values are newer?
If the former, will the document eventually be consistent?
I'm trying to figure out if I need to send these values to get eventual consistency or if I get it for free without sending those values.
It's a great distributed system question. Let me break down the problem into sub-parts for readability and even before explain what is _seq_no and _primary_term as there isn't much explanation of those on the ES site.
_seq_no is the incremental counter which is assigned to ES document for each operation(update, delete, index), for example:- the first time you index a doc, it will have value 1, next update will have 2, next delete operation will have three and so on. Read operation doesn't update it.
_primary_term is the also an incremental counter, but change only when a replica shard is promoted as primary, due to network or any other failure, so if everything is excellent in your cluster it will not be changed, but in case of some failure and other replica promoted to primary then it would be increased.
Coming to the first question,
Q:- What happens to the document in the default case where I don't send the _seq_no and _primary_term values?
Ans:- you can have lost update issue, suppose you have a counter which you are updating, simultaneously 2 requests read the counter value to 1 and trying to increment by 1. now when you don't specify these above terms explicitly, then it's calculated by ES.
Now both the requests reach simultaneously to ES, then ES(primary shard) will process them one by one by increasing the sequence number, so at the end, your counter will have value 2, instead of 3. to make sure this doesn't happen, you pass these term values explicitly, and when ES tries to update them will see different sequence number and will reject your request.
To prevent such lost updates, use-cases, its always recommended sending explicit version number.
Q:- I'm trying to figure out if I need to send these values to get eventual consistency or if I get it for free without sending those values..
Answer:- These are related to concurrency control and nothing to deal with eventual consistency. In ES, write always happens to primary shards, but read can happen to any replicas(may contain obsolete data), which makes ES eventual consistent.
Important read

Cassandra, Counters, and Write Conflicts

We are exploring using Cassandra as a way to store time series type data, so this may be somewhat of a noob question. One of the use cases is to read data from a Kafka stream, look for matches, and incrementing a counter (e.g. 5 customers have clicked through link alpha on page beta, increment (beta, alpha) by 5). However, we expect a very wide degree of parallelism to keep up with the load, so there may be more than one consumer reading from Kafka at the same time.
My question is: How would Cassandra resolve multiple simultaneous writes to a given counter from multiple sources?
It's my understanding that multiple writes to the counter with different timestamps will be added to the counter in the timestamp order received. However, if there were to be a simultaneous write with exact same timestamp, would the LWW model of Cassandra throw out one of those counter increments?
If we were to have a large cluster (100+ nodes), ALL or QUORUM writes may not be sufficient performant to keep up with the messasge traffic. Writes with THREE would seem to be likely to result in a situation where process #1 writes to nodes A, B, and C, but process #2 might write to X, Y, and Z. Would LWT work here, or do they not play well with counter activity?
I would try out a proof of concept and benchmark it, it will most likely work just fine. Counters are not super performant in Cassandra though, especially if there will be a lot of contention.
Counters are not like the normal writes with a simple LWW, it uses paxos with some pessimistic locking and specialized caches. The partition lock contention will slow it down soome, and paxos is an expensive multiple network hop process with reads before writes.
Use quorum, don't try to do something funky with CL's with counters, especially before benchmarking to know if you need it. 100 node cluster should be able to handle a lot as long as your not trying to update all the same partitions constantly.

Dealing with eventual consistency in Cassandra

I have a 3 node cassandra cluster with RF=2. The read consistency level, call it CL, is set to 1.
I understand that whenever CL=1,a read repair would happen when a read is performed against Cassandra, if it returns inconsistent data. I like the idea of having CL=1 instead of setting it to 2, because then even if a node goes down, my system would run fine. Thinking by the way of the CAP theorem, I like my system to be AP instead of CP.
The read requests are seldom(more like 2-3 per second), but are very important to the business. They are performed against log-like data(which is immutable, and hence never updated). My temporary fix for this is to run the query more than once, say 3 times, instead of running it once. This way, I can be sure that that even if I don't get my data in the first read request, the system would trigger read repairs, and I would eventually get my data during the 2nd or 3rd read request. Ofcourse, these 3 queries happen one after the other, without any blocking.
Is there any way that I can direct Cassandra to perform read repairs in the background without having the need to actually perform a read request in order to trigger a repair?
Basically, I am looking for ways to tune my system in a way as to circumvent the 'eventual consistency' model, by which my reads would have a high probability of succeeding.
Help would be greatly appreciated.
reads would have a high probability of succeeding
Look at DowngradingConsistencyRetryPolicy this policy allows retry queries with lower CL than the initial one. With this policy your queries will have strong consistency when all nodes are available and you will not lose availability if some node is fail.

What ConsistencyLevel to use with Cassandra counter tables?

I have a table counting around 1000 page views per second. What read and write ConsistencyLevel should I use with it? I am using the Cassandra Thrift client.
Carlo has more or less the right idea. But you have to balance it with your use case.
I work in the game industry and we use cassandra for player data. It is quite heavily bound by the read-modify-write pattern which is not the strong suit of cassandra. But we also have some functionality that are Write heavy (thousands of writes for a few reads a day).
This is my opinion, based upon experience, of how you should use the consistency levels.
Write + Read at QUORUM means that before returning for both operations it will wait for a majority of nodes in the cluster to confirm the operation. It is the solution I use when Read and Writes are roughly at the same frequency. (Player data blob)
Write One + Read All is useful for something very write heavy. We use this for high scores for examples (write often read every 5 minutes for regenerating the high score table of the whole game)
You could use Write Any if you do not care about the data that much (non critical logs comes to mind).
The only use case I could come up for the Write All + Read One would be messaging or feeds with periodical checks for updates. Chats and messaging seem a good fit for that since Cassandra does not have a subscription/push functionality to it.
Write & Read ALL is a bad implementation. It IS a WASTE of resource as you will get the same consistency as if you were using one of the three set up I mentioned above.
A final note about Write ANY vs. Write ONE : ANY only confirms that anything in the cluster has received the mutation, but ONE confirms that it has been applied at least by one node. ANY is not safe as it could return without error even if all the nodes responsible for that mutation are down, or any other condition that could make the mutation fail after reception. It is also slightly quicker (I only use it as an async dump for logs that are not critical) that is its only advantage, but do not trust the response at 100%.
A good reference to study this subject about cassandra is
If you want always be consistent at any read the rule is
(write consistency level + read consistency level) > replication factor.
So you could
Write All + Read All (worst solution)
Write One + Read All (second-worst solution)
Write All + Read One (probably faster solution)
Write Quorum + Read Quorum (imho, best solution)
I want remember that if a node of RF is down during the r/w operation the operation will fail so I'd avoid the CL ALL.
Regards, Carlo
Based on their document (, consistency level ONE is recommended. I guess some sort of merging is used to resolve conflict for counter columns, instead of usual last write win. That's likely why setting a value is not allowed.

Cassandra distinct counting

I need to count bunch of "things" in Cassandra.
I need to increase ~100-200 counters every few seconds or so.
However I need to count distinct "things".
In order not to count something twice, I am setting a key in a CF, which program reads before increase the counter, e.g. something like:
result = get cf[key];
if (result == NULL){
set cf[key][x] = 1;
incr counter_cf[key][x];
However this read operation slows down the cluster a lot.
I tried to decrease reads, using several columns, e.g. something like:
result = get cf[key];
if (result[key1]){
set cf[key1][x] = 1;
incr counter_cf[key1][x];
if (result[key2]){
set cf[key2][x] = 1;
incr counter_cf[key2][x];
Then I reduced the reads from 200+ to about 5-6, but it still slows down the cluster.
I do not need exact counting, but I can not use bit-masks, nor bloom-filters,
because there will be 1M+++ counters and some could go more than 4 000 000 000.
I am aware of Hyper_Log_Log counting, but I do not see easy way to use it with that many counters (1M+++) either.
At the moment I am thinking of using Tokyo Cabinet as external key/value store,
but this solution, if works, will not be as scalable as Cassandra.
Using Cassandra for the distinct counting is not ideal when the number of distinct values is big. Any time you need to do a read before a write you should ask yourself if Cassandra is the right choice.
If the number of distinct items is smaller you can just store them as column keys and do a count. A count is not free, Cassandra still has to assemble the row to count the number of columns, but if the number of distinct values is in the order of thousands it's probably going to be ok. I assume you've already considered this option and that it's not feasible for you, I just thought I'd mention it.
The way people typically do it is having the HLL's or Bloom filters in memory and then flushing them to Cassandra periodically. I.e. not doing the actual operations in Cassandra, just using it for persistance. It's a complex system, but there's easy way of counting distinct values, especially if you have a massive number of counters.
Even if you switched to something else, for example to something where you can do bit operations on values, you still need to guard against race conditions. I suggest that you simply bite the bullet and do all of your counting in memory. Shard the increment operations over your processing nodes by key and keep the whole counter state (both incremental and distinct) in memory on those nodes. Periodically flush the state to Cassandra and ack the increment operations when you do. When a node gets an increment operation for a key it does not have in memory it loads that state from Cassandra (or creates a new state if there's nothing in the database). If a node crashes the operations have not been acked and will be redelivered (you need a good message queue in front of the nodes to take care of this). Since you shard the increment operations you can be sure that a counter state is only ever touched by one node.
