NPM alias node-postgres to node-postgres-pure - node.js

I'm building a nodejs application that needs to run on a Windows server. I've managed to get almost everything working, but I've ran into a problem with the postgresql driver. BrianC has a pure javascript implementation of the node-postgres that I would like to use to avoid having to build the postgres driver.
Is there a way for me to alias node-postgres(npm:pg) to node-postgres-pure(npm:pg.js) so that any dependent package that tries to install and resolve pg will install and resolve pg.js instead?

Take a look at node-pg-pure-alias.
It's a bit of a hack, but the idea is to get a package that calls itself 'pg' installed into your node_modules folder. Then, that 'pg' library can export the "real" library.
See #it's not in npm! if you're concerned about depending on a package that's not in the official npm repository.
Disclaimer: I created node-pg-pure-alias. (All ten lines of the package.json, that is.)


Node package dependencies on IBM Cloud Foundry - require/module is not defined (Package not loading)

I am working on an application via the toolchain tool on IBM Cloud and editing the code via the Eclipse Orion IDE. As I am not accessing this through my local cli, my understanding is that in order to so call npm install {package}, I would just need to include the package in the package.json file under dependencies and require it in my app. However, when I load the application, I get the require is not defined indicating that the package has not been installed. Moreover, the require() is being used in the app.js file with the application being launched but not from files in my public directory.
After playing around further, it seems it might have to do with the way the directory tree is being traced as the error is only thrown in subdirectories. For example, require('express') works in app.js which is in the main directory ./ but fails when it is called in test.js in ./subdirectory/test.js. I feel like I'm missing something painfully simple like configuration of endpoint or something.
I've been searching around but I can't seem to find how to get the packages loaded, preferably without using the cli. Appreciate any pointers. Thanks!
Update: After playing around further, I am also getting module is not defined error when trying to require from another file in the same directory. For example module.exports = 'str' returns this error. While trying to require('./file') returns the require is not defined. It might have to do with how node is wrapping the functions?
Update 2: Tried "start": "npm install && node app.js" in package.json but no luck. Adding a build stage which calls npm install before deployment also does not work
Update 3: After adding npm install build stage, I am able to see that the dependencies have been successfully built via the logs. However, the require is not defined error still persists.
Update 4: Trying npm install from my CLI doesn't work as well even though all packages and dependencies are present
Update 5: Running cf restage or configuring cache via cacheDirectories does not work as well
Opened a related question regarding deployment here
Found out my confusion was caused due to me not realizing that require() cannot be used on the client side unless via tools such as Browserify.

Domino10 appDevPack: "Error: Cannot find module '#domino/domino-db'"

Just installed the latest Domino 10.0.1 Server on my linux machine and also installed and configured the latest proton package. As far as I can tell it's all running fine.
Next I plan to try my first Node-RED flow using the new Domino10 nodes. So I installed the 'node-red-contrib-dominodb' palette.
Finally tried my first very simple flow trying to query node-demo.nsf as it's described here. From what I read there I assumed that it's sufficient to install the palette, but that obviously is not the case:
as soon as I hit 'Deploy' I receive this error:
Error: Cannot find module '#domino/domino-db'
So I thought that I maybe still have to do a global install in node.js using
npm install -g <package-path>/domino-domino-db-1.1.0.tgz
This indeed created a local #domino/domino-db module inside my node.js npm\node_modules folder. But obviously my node-red environment doesn't know about it.
Question is: how do I register / install that npm package for my local node-red environment?
IBM's instructions (
Say to go view this guide( for installing the domino-db module.
The link is broken, here's an old copy:
I believe the section you want is called "Import the tarball". The steps before that require you to unpack and then re-pack the module... which is unnecessary. Just use the tgz that was in the AppDev Pack to begin with.

How can I use a custom version of a npm package in my project?

I use Primus in my project. Primus is a wrapper for websockets libraries like sockjs, which I use.
At server boot, primus creates a script, that will then be downloaded by our client, as the client part of the socket. This script embeds the source code of sockjs. Problem, it uses the 1.1.2 version of sockjs, that contains a bug, fixed in version 1.1.4, but not in Primus yet.
I asked the maintainers of Primus to change it but the are too slow to do it.
So I forked Primus, and I replaced the wrong file by the good one.
Now, I want to use this package instead of the wrong one, declared currently in my package.json.
I don't know what the good practice is in this case, the only solution I can think is to npm-publish my modified package under a different name, like amplement-primus, and then do npm install --save amplement-primus to insert it in my project. I have no idea of it breaks a rule of npm.
Do you think it's a good idea, or do you have something better in mind ?
Thank you !
I used the github url of the project to reference it in package.json:
"dependencies": {
"primus": "git+",
"sockjs": "^0.3.19"
You can use forked repo to install the package.
like :
npm install github_url_of_your_repo
For more details:
See this.

react-native attempting to resolve built-in fetch function

I'm attempting to use the fetch function in react-native to grab a piece of data from the web. from what I understand reading the docs, the fetch function is built in to react-native.
when doing so, I get the module resolution error in the attached screenshot, where for whatever reason the react-native bundler is attempting to use the fetch provided by typescript from my ~/.cache directory.
I've previously had typescript 2.6 installed globally via npm, I uninstalled it to see if that might fix things, but the error persists.
I should note that the only things I've done for this project are to create it with create-react-native-app, add a little snippet to the App.js component stolen from the react docs to fetch some JSON, and yarn run eject the project (this error persisted before and after the ejection)
well in my turkey-induced frenzy, it appears I hadn't properly uninstalled the global typescript install on my computer.
having done so properly, the issue is resolved;
however the issue of react-native's module resolution strategy being incompatible with a global typescript installation persists.

Error after packaging the app with electron-packager

I'm new to Electron, and I really love it so far, but I'm unable to package any of mine apps, at first I thought that it's maybe something related to my code, then I download "" run npm install and then I run "electron-packager . FooBar --platform=darwin --arch=x64 --version=0.28.2" it build the app but when I try to open it I get
so I didn't touch any code from the example, just wanted to build it and I got an error, what am I doing wrong? Thanks!
The versions of electron are moving very very fast.
And some times, they don't respect the "old" ways to do things (for example, declaring the app).
I advise you to not use the 0.28.2 version of electron but the most recent one.
It is very likely that the version of electron-prebuilt you are using to develop is much much much more recent than the 0.28.2 version. So, you are developing with something much newer, and then you are building with 0.28.2. This would cause the exact error that you are seeing, as older versions may not have had the electron module, which your code explicitly is importing. So... that is my suggestion. Change the version in your electron-packager command from 0.28.2 to something like 0.36.0. See if that works. Or better yet, use the same version as electron-prebuilt in your package.json.
This could be a combination of factors.
First, as others stated, the version of electron that you have might be newer than the one referenced in your build command. Locate the 'electron_prebuilt' folder inside your 'node_modules' folder, and examine the package.json file and make sure the version # is the same as what you are declaring in your build command.
If they are the same, then the issue might be that you have another version of electron on your computer that node is trying to use. If you installed electron via the -g option (global), check your home folder to see if there is another different version of electron. If you find one, either delete it or rename the 'electron_prebuilt' folder you find to something else. Try your build command again, and it should work now that you've eliminated the other versions of electron_prebuilt on your computer that node was referencing.
What worked for me was to move the "electron" module from "dev-dependencies" to "dependencies" in package.json. Try this and see if it works.
