Mule - How to send SOAP Web Service Request? - web

Hi i am doing simple POC in mule.
I have a web service and i want to make it's Client.
It is SOAP web service and i want to send request to it but i am not getting wayout. Please give me some idea.
Following is code:
<cxf:configuration name="CXF_Configuration" enableMuleSoapHeaders="true" initializeStaticBusInstance="true" doc:name="CXF Configuration"/>
<flow name="prjvm1" doc:name="prjvm1">
<http:inbound-endpoint address="http://localhost:5678/httpHello" contentType="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" doc:name="HTTP">
<http:body-to-parameter-map-transformer />
<!-- This logger is just set to show the message accepted from the request -->
<logger level="INFO" message="#[payload]" doc:name="Logger"/>
<cxf:jaxws-client doc:name="VimService"
<outbound-endpoint address="http://localhost:8080/gep-sped/servicos/ServicoDeCadastroEAgendamento"
<echo-component doc:name="Echo"/>
I am getting exception, but operation is there in WSDL
Message : No such operation: retrieveServiceContent. Failed to route event via endpoint: org.mule.module.cxf.CxfOutboundMessageProcessor. Message payload is of type: ManagedObjectReference
Code : MULE_ERROR--2
Exception stack is:
1. No such operation: retrieveServiceContent (java.lang.Exception)
org.mule.module.cxf.CxfOutboundMessageProcessor:282 (null)
2. No such operation: retrieveServiceContent. Failed to route event via endpoint: org.mule.module.cxf.CxfOutboundMessageProcessor. Message payload is of type: ManagedObjectReference (org.mule.api.transport.DispatchException)
org.mule.module.cxf.CxfOutboundMessageProcessor:150 (
Root Exception stack trace:
java.lang.Exception: No such operation: retrieveServiceContent
at org.mule.module.cxf.CxfOutboundMessageProcessor.getOperation(
at org.mule.module.cxf.CxfOutboundMessageProcessor.getMethodFromOperation(
at org.mule.module.cxf.CxfOutboundMessageProcessor.getMethod(
+ 3 more (set debug level logging or '-Dmule.verbose.exceptions=true' for everything)
Following is WSDL in operation: I am confused and around 4 days on it as i am new to mule.
<operation name="RetrieveServiceContent">
<input message="vim2:RetrieveServiceContentRequestMsg" />
<output message="vim2:RetrieveServiceContentResponseMsg" />
<fault name="RuntimeFault" message="vim2:RuntimeFaultFaultMsg"/>

There are a couple of ways to do this. I prefer to NOT us the way MuleStudio wants you to do it since I never really got that to work. Basically, whenever I create a webservice client my mule-config looks something like this:
<custom-transformer class="nl.thorax.someprogram.transformers.SomeRequestTransformer
<https:outbound-endpoint ref="someEndpoint" >
<custom-transformer class="nl.thorax.someprogram.transformers.SomeResponseTransformer
SomeRequestTransformer: a transformer to create your request.
someEndpoint: some endpoint defined in your MuleConfig. In my example, this is https but it could also be plain http.
someclass: Important! This is your client class. It can be generated from a WSDL by free tools like Apache's WSDL2Java. Google is your friend on this.
somePort: The port in your webservice to use. It can usually be found in the WSDL itself or in the client class you generated. The port more or less specifies what operations you can use.
someOperation: The operation you want to use. Make sure it is typed EXACTLY the same as it's definition in the client class. Wrong use of cApItAlS will cause errors!
SomeResponseTransformer: a transformer to do something with your response.
Now, the way I configure the call (and parse the response for that matter) is to use POJOs. My first transformer, the SomeRequestTransformer (based on the AbstractMessageTransformer in the Mule library) has a bit of code looking like this:
public Object transformMessage(MuleMessage message, String outputEncoding) throws TransformerException
RequestObject request = new RequestObject();
return message;
I create the request, set the variables and return it to Mule. The RequestObject is a class generated by WSDL2Java and corresponds to some operation in the WSDL. Parsing the response works pretty much the same way.
Now I know from experience that a lot of webservices do not quite work in the same way. Try to implement my example yourself. If that doesn't work, please provide your Mule-Config and any and all Java classes you may be using.
I've created an example of my method that actually works. The files can be downloaded at our website. Please see the comments in the files. You have to manually create the Mule project, of course.
Points of note for the example:
The XML-representation of the Mule-config can be found in the 'resources' folder in the archive.
The 'nl.example.example' folder contains all the generated JAX-WS files.
The WSDL location in Mule-config has to be changed since it contains an absolute path.
The example creates an endpoint at http://localhost:8088 for you to call. The flow contains a transformer which creates an example call using pre-defined parameters. Then it tries to connect to the webservice. I've used the default address used by SOAPUI when you create a mock service, but this could of course be changed into anything you want. The webservice (supposedly) returns something which is echoed into the user's browser.
In this example, the parameters are actually Strings, since the WSDL-request doesn't contain anything. To figure out what object to pass to the cxf:jaxws-client look at the operation definition which can be found in the Port definition in your generated files.


ServiceResponse Result is always null (JAXB, KIE Workbench & KIE Server 6.5.0)

I have a project setup in KIE Workbench, version 6.5.0 and a KIE execution server 6.5.0 running, all on the same local Wildfly 10. It is working fine.
I have a simple rule that is being executed in a stateless KieSession, no process or whatsoever. I expect the rule to validate basic information and to add information about the fired validations to a global variable. In the example I am testing I just modify a global variable to see if it works, but for some reason I never get a result from the service, which I expect to have at least something.
This is the JAXB request I send:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<batch-execution lookup="kieSessionStateless">
<insert disconnected="false" entry-point="DEFAULT" return-object="false" out-identifier="">
<object xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="myObject">
<set-global out-identifier="globalList" identifier="globalList">
<object xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="jaxbListWrapper">
<get-objects out-identifier="globalList"/>
<fire-all-rules max="-1"/>
The rule that is executed is quite simple:
when myID == 0 )
then globalResponses = new;
globalResponses.setRuleName("MY FIRST RULE");
globalResponses.setRuleResponse("MY ID IS 0");
System.out.println("MY ID IS 0");
And in the Wildfly console I see the line printed without any additional information (like a stacktrace of an error), so I conclude all is working well:
13:04:36,315 INFO [stdout] (default task-39) MY ID IS 0
But I always get the same response: it indicates that the "process" has terminated correctly (so it seems at first sight) and therefore I am expecting that Result has something (an empty xml response, an xml response with some data in it, ...):
System.out.println("Message: "+response.getMsg());
System.out.println("Result: "+response.getResult());
System.out.println("Type: "+response.getType());
Message: Container KieContainer successfully called.
Result: null
Response: ServiceResponse[SUCCESS, msg='Container KieContainer successfully called.']
The client is called with KieServicesClient:
KieServicesConfiguration config = KieServicesFactory.
KieServicesClient client = KieServicesFactory.newKieServicesClient(config);
JAXBContext jaxbContext = DroolsJaxbHelperProviderImpl.createDroolsJaxbContext(classNames, null);
Marshaller marshaller = jaxbContext.createMarshaller();
StringWriter xml = new StringWriter();
marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true);
marshaller.marshal(command, System.out);
marshaller.marshal(command, xml);
ServiceResponse<String> response = client.executeCommands("instances/"+containerName, xml.toString());
I am missing something but I really do not know what.
All the related projects are on GitHub. Since I cannot post more than two links, I will add the direct links in a comment.
This question is also on:
Drools User group
I was able to complete the life cycle and send a valid request and obtain a valid answer. Part of my problem was the code used to construct the XML. The best way to construct a valid JAXB request is by using the API provided by KIE, an example can be found
Anyway interested in establishing connection to a KIE Server 6.5.0 with a generic client project can consult the code on my GitHub.

Spring Integration Message Channel Skipping messges

I have the following configuration which uses Redis as message store. I don't have java code for this module, but only this configuration file. This configuration has the following functionality: When this module receives a message from input channel, it will check the Redis store, if the message doesn't exist (the expression will be evaluated to TRUE), the message will be sent to the output channel which will be put into Redis; if the message already exists (the expression is evaluated to False), the message will be discarded.
Suppose this module is called RedisModule, so i have a stream:
RedisMdule | log
The problem is that: when I sent messages to this module, in the log file, it shows the messages #2, #4, #6 etc, the first message is missing, so are the odd number messages. Are there anything I have missed in this configuration file ? Many Thanks.
<int:channel id="input"/>
<int:channel id="output"/>
<int:filter input-channel="input"
expression="#metadataStore.get(payload) == null"/>
<int:outbound-channel-adapter channel="output"
expression="#metadataStore.put(payload, '')"/>
From big height it looks like you need Idempotent Receiver, which does exactly similar logic but in the atomic manner. See MetadataStoreSelector source code:
return this.metadataStore.putIfAbsent(key, value) == null;
So, you can configure an <idempotent-receiver> with your RedisMetadataStore and use payload as a key-expression option.
It isn't clear by your post how you get logs, because <int:outbound-channel-adapter> is one-way component.
Maybe you are there in the Spring XD? Where you use the output channel for your own purpose, but that really should be an output of your module.
That's really may the reason why you see only even messages, because odd are sent to your <int:outbound-channel-adapter> and the DirectChannel uses round-robin balancing strategy by default.
With the <idempotent-receiver> you should have only <bridge input-channel="input" output-channel="output"/> in your RedisMdule.

Java exception: "Can't get a Writer while an OutputStream is already in use" when running xAgent

I am trying to implement Paul Calhoun's Apache FOP solution for creating PDF's from Xpages (from Notes In 9 #102). I am getting the following java exception when trying to run the xAgent that does the processing --> Can't get a Writer while an OutputStream is already in use
The only changes that I have done from Paul's code was to change the package name. I have isolated when the exception happens to the SSJS line: var jce: DominoXMLFO2PDF = new DominoXMLFO2PDF(); All that line does is instantiate the class, there is no custom constructor. I don't believe it is the code itself, but some configuration issue. The SSJS code is in the beforeRenderResponse event where it should be, I haven't changed anything on the xAgent.
I have copied the jar files from Paul's sample database to mine, I have verified that the build paths are the same between the two databases. Everything compiles fine (after I did all this.) This exception appears to be an xpages only exception.
Here's what's really going on with this error:
XPages are essentially servlets... everything that happens in an XPage is just layers on top of a servlet engine. There are basically two types of data that a servlet can send back to whatever is initiating the connection (e.g. a browser): text and binary.
An ordinary XPage sends text -- specifically, HTML. Some xAgents also send text, such as JSON or XML. In any of these scenarios, however, Domino uses a Java Writer to send the response content, because Writers are optimized for sending Character data.
When we need to send binary content, we use an OutputStream instead, because streams are optimized for sending generic byte data. So if we're sending PDF, DOC/XLS/PPT, images, etc., we need to use a stream, because we're sending binary data, not text.
The catch (as you'll soon see, that's a pun) is that we can only use one per response.
Once any HTTP client is told what the content type of a response is, it makes assumptions about how to process that content. So if you tell it to expect application/pdf, it's expecting to only receive binary data. Conversely, if you tell it to expect application/json, it's expecting to only receive character data. If the response includes any data that doesn't match the promised content type, that nearly always invalidates the entire response.
So Domino in its infinite wisdom protects us from making this mistake by only allowing us to send one or the other in a single request, and throws an exception if we disobey that rule.
Unfortunately... if there's any exception in our code when we're trying to send binary content, Domino wants to report that to the consumer... which tries to invoke the output writer to send HTML reporting that something went wrong. Except we already got a handle on the output stream, so Domino isn't allowed to get a handle on the output writer, because that would violate its own rule against only using one per response. This, in turn, throws the exception you reported, masking the exception that actually caused the problem (in your case, probably a ClassNotFoundException).
So how do we make sure that we see the real problem, and not this misdirection? We try:
try {
* Move all your existing code here...
} catch (e) {
print("Error generating dynamic PDF: " + e.toString());
} finally {
There are two reasons this is a preferred approach:
If something goes wrong with our code, we don't let Domino throw an exception about it. Instead, we log it (instead of using print to send it to the console and log, you could also toss it to OpenLog, or whatever your preferred logging mechanism happens to be). This means that Domino doesn't try to report the error to the user, because we've promised that we already reported it to ourselves.
By moving the crucial facesContext.responseComplete() call (which is what ultimately tells Domino not to send any content of its own) to the finally block, this ensures it will get executed. If we left it inside the try block, it would get skipped if an exception occurs, because we'd skip straight to the catch... so even though Domino isn't reporting our exception because we caught it, it still tries to invoke the response writer because we didn't tell it not to.
If you follow the above pattern, and something's wrong with your code, then the browser will receive an incomplete or corrupt file, but the log will tell you what went wrong, rather than reporting an error that has nothing to do with the root cause of the problem.
I almost deleted this question, but decided to answer it myself since there is very little out on google when you search for the exception.
The issue was in the xAgent, there is a line importPackage that was incorrect. Fixing this made everything work. The exception verbage: "Can't get a Writer while an OutputStream is already in use" is quite misleading. I don't know what else triggers this exception, but an alternative description would be "Java class ??yourClass?? not found"
If you found this question, then you likely have the same issue. I would ignore what the exception actually says, and check your package statements throughout your application. The java code will error on its own, but your SSJS that references the java will not error until runtime, focus on that code.
Update the response header after the body can solve this kind of problem, example :
HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) facesContext.getExternalContext().getResponse();
response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");

How can I make Plone portal registries find and cook new-style static resources?

All JS I register with an id such as ++theme++mythemename/js/myscript.js gives me the following error on portal_javascripts: (resource not found or not accessible)
I know the id is correct because I can access localhost/mysite/++theme++mythemename/js/myscript.js (even if Diazo is disabled).
If development mode is on the resource gets delivered on the final HTML. However on production mode cooking process fails silently. Or almost. Besides getting a different cachekey than the one showed on portal_javascripts/manage_jsComposition, I see the following error message by accessing the cooked file:
/* XXX ERROR -- access to '++theme++mythemename/js/myscript.js' not authorized */
Any hints on how to deal with those? Or will I really need to leave them uncooked?
Have you tried a browser:resourceDirectory instead of a plone:static ?
and calling your js with :
i added your observatorio.tema package to an existing plone 4.1 buildout and added a random js file to the js registry (positioned after collapsibleformfields.js so it gets properly cooked)
GS export looks like:
<javascript authenticated="False" cacheable="True" compression="safe"
conditionalcomment="" cookable="True" enabled="True" expression=""
id="++theme++observatorio/js/ui.js" inline="False" insert-after="collapsibleformfields.js"/>
no error in portal_jacascripts and the javascript file is included in /jquery-cachekey-e7bee35d43da7a91eb29c6586dcbd396.js
did you add cacheable="False" and cookable="False" for testing purposes?
since plone:static internally is a resourceDirectory both should and do work with resourceregistries.
maybe there is some other code in your buildout that re-registers another (empty) directory for the same name (observatorio)?

pyramid: constructe route_url without request object

I use yapps to generate a parser for a LaTex-ish language (for example to translate stuff like \begin{itemize} to the corresponding <ul>-Tags) within pyramid. One command (i.e. \ref{SOMEID}) should construct a route via a call of route_url (or route_path) and pass the id to it. Since this call happens deep in the code that was generated by yapps and the grammar that I defined, I don't see any possibility to pass a request object to it.
Is there some sort of global request object? Or, since I foresee that I shouldn't use it, is there a possibility to construct a route (that depends on a parameter) without a request object?
route_url requires both a request and a registry (request.registry). It generates urls relative to the request, and it accesses the list of all routes and other settings from the registry. Thus, you must generate a dummy request with parameters you care about. For example:
from pyramid.request import Request
request = Request.blank('/', base_url='')
request.registry = config.registry
Now you can store this request anywhere, it's good to go representing everything about your site: the hostname/port (, the prefix your app is mounted at (/prefix), the uri scheme (https).
If you need to get this deep down into your code you may have to make it a global or attach it to some context/registry that you have available, but what I've shown is how to make the request that you require.
