How do I rotate a saved image with VBA? - excel

I currently have a userform in excel with images displayed on it (saved in a temporary folder "C:\Temp\Photos")
What I want to do is have buttons (90, 180, 270) for rotating the images located in "C:\Temp\Photos". Thinking it may be an FileSystemObject but dont know enough about them yet to know how to do this.
EDIT: Added some code by request. Pictures are inserted depending on value selected in combobox. Any changes would reference pic1-pic5 (only ever 5 pics at any time).
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
pic1 = "C:\Temp\Photos\" & Me.ComboBox1.Text & "\1.jpg"
pic2 = "C:\Temp\Photos\" & Me.ComboBox1.Text & "\2.jpg"
pic3 = "C:\Temp\Photos\" & Me.ComboBox1.Text & "\3.jpg"
pic4 = "C:\Temp\Photos\" & Me.ComboBox1.Text & "\4.jpg"
pic5 = "C:\Temp\Photos\" & Me.ComboBox1.Text & "\5.jpg"
If Dir(pic1) <> vbNullString Then
Me.Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(pic1)
Me.Image1.Picture = LoadPicture("")
End If
If Dir(pic2) <> vbNullString Then
Me.Image2.Picture = LoadPicture(pic2)
Me.Image2.Picture = LoadPicture("")
End If
If Dir(pic3) <> vbNullString Then
Me.Image3.Picture = LoadPicture(pic3)
Me.Image3.Picture = LoadPicture("")
End If
If Dir(pic4) <> vbNullString Then
Me.Image4.Picture = LoadPicture(pic4)
Me.Image4.Picture = LoadPicture("")
End If
If Dir(pic5) <> vbNullString Then
Me.Image5.Picture = LoadPicture(pic5)
Me.Image5.Picture = LoadPicture("")
End If
End Sub

Like I mentioned, there is no inbuilt way to rotate a picture in userform. Having said that, there is an alternative to achieve what you want. Below I have demonstrated on how to rotate the image 90 degrees.
Insert a temp sheet
Insert the image into that sheet
Use IncrementRotation rotation property
Export the image to user's temp directory
Delete the temp sheet
Load the image back
Preparing your form
Create a userform and insert an image control and a command button. Your form might look like this. Set the Image Control's PictureSizeMode to fmPictureSizeModeStretch in the properties window.
I have written a sub RotatePic to which you can pass the degree. Like I mentioned that This example will rotate it 90 degrees as I am just demonstrating for 90. You can create extra buttons for rest of the degrees. I have also commented the code so you shouldn't have any problem understanding it. If you do then simply ask :)
Option Explicit
'~~> API to get the user's temp folder path
'~~> We will use this to store the rotated image
Private Declare Function GetTempPath Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTempPathA" _
(ByVal nBufferLength As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String) As Long
Private Const MAX_PATH As Long = 260
Dim NewPath As String
'~~> Load the image on userform startup
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Image1.Picture = LoadPicture("C:\Users\Public\Pictures\Sample Pictures\Koala.jpg")
End Sub
'~~> Rotating the image 90 degs
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
RotatePic 90
Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(NewPath)
End Sub
'~~> Rotating the image
Sub RotatePic(deg As Long)
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim p As Object
Dim chrt As Chart
'~~> Adding a temp sheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add
'~~> Insert the picture in the newly created worksheet
Set p = ws.Pictures.Insert("C:\Users\Public\Pictures\Sample Pictures\Koala.jpg")
'~~> Rotate the pic
p.ShapeRange.IncrementRotation deg
'~~> Add a chart. This is required so that we can paste the picture in it
'~~> and export it as jpg
Set chrt = Charts.Add()
With ws
'~~> Move the chart to the newly created sheet
chrt.Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:=ws.Name
'~~> Resize the chart to match shapes picture. Notice that we are
'~~> setting chart's width as the pictures `height` becuse even when
'~~> the image is rotated, the Height and Width do not swap.
With .Shapes(2)
.Width = p.Height
.Height = p.Width
End With
With ActiveChart
End With
'~~> Temp path where we will save the pic
NewPath = TempPath & "NewFile.Jpg"
'~~> Export the image
.ChartObjects(1).Chart.Export Filename:=NewPath, FilterName:="jpg"
End With
'~~> Delete the temp sheet
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
'~~> Get the user's temp path
Function TempPath() As String
TempPath = String$(MAX_PATH, Chr$(0))
GetTempPath MAX_PATH, TempPath
TempPath = Replace(TempPath, Chr$(0), "")
End Function
In Action
When you run the userform, the image is uploaded and when you click on the button, the image is rotated!

The only way I see of doing this would be to copy the picture into a chart, rotate it, export it, and re-open it inside the form the same way you are displaying pictures right now.
Try this.
If Dir(pic1) <> vbNullString Then
Me.Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(pic1)
Else ...
If Dir(pic1) <> vbNullString Then
pic1 = myFunction(pic1, rotationDegree)
Me.Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(pic1)
Else ...
(And everywhere else this structure is used)
Insert, inside a module, the following function :
Public Function myFunction(myPicture As String, myRotation As Integer) As String
Selection.ShapeRange.IncrementRotation myRotation
tempPictureName = "C:\testPic.jpg"
'Change for the directory/filename you want to use
Set myChart = Charts.Add
myChart.Export Filename:=tempPictureName, Filtername:="JPG"
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
myFunction = myDestination
End Function
EDIT : Took so long to get the time to finish writing the post (from work) that I missed the other user's answer, which seems to use the same logic. However, my approach might be easier to use for you!
EDIT2 : rotationDegree needs to be set to the degree of the rotation (which needs to be determined before retrieving the picture).


Code Works When Using F8 but Not When Run Fully

First of all I'm not very good at Excel macro.
After going through multiple forums, I managed to come up with a code to Crop images in a folder using Excel VBA.
the code opens up each image in Excel, paste in a chart, crop the image, resize to match the height & width and then replace the original image with the edited image.
Macro is working fine with F8 but when I run the macro fully, Images are not getting replaced with the edited one, instead it's replacing with blank image.
After digging through multiple options, the only conclusion I came up with is the macro is running fine in Excel 2013 but it's not running properly with office 365.
Can anybody help me, how to resolve this or have any better code to run?
Option Explicit
Sub ImportData()
Dim XL As Object
Dim thisPath As String
Dim BooksPAth As String
BooksPAth = "C:\Images\"
thisPath = ActivePresentation.path
Set XL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Run "Crop_vis", BooksPAth
End Sub
Sub DeleteAllShapes()
Dim Shp As Shape
For Each Shp In ActiveSheet.Shapes
If Not (Shp.Type = msoOLEControlObject Or Shp.Type = msoFormControl) Then Shp.Delete
Next Shp
End Sub
Sub Crop_Vis(ByVal folderPath As String)
Dim Shp As Object, path As String, sht As Worksheet, s As Shape, TempChart As String
'Dim folderPath As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
If folderPath = "" Then Exit Sub
Set sht = Sheet1
path = Dir(folderPath & "\*.jpg")
Do While path <> ""
Set Shp = sht.Pictures.Insert(folderPath & "\" & path)
' Use picture's height and width.
Set s = sht.Shapes(sht.Shapes.Count)
s.PictureFormat.CropTop = 50
s.Width = 768
s.Height = 720
'Add a temporary chart in sheet1
ActiveChart.Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:=sht.Name
Selection.Border.LineStyle = 0
TempChart = Selection.Name & " " & Split(ActiveChart.Name, " ")(2)
With sht
'Change the dimensions of the chart to suit your need
With .Shapes(TempChart)
.Width = s.Width
.Height = s.Height
End With
'Copy the picture
'Paste the picture in the chart
With ActiveChart
End With
'Finally export the chart
.ChartObjects(1).Chart.Export fileName:=folderPath & "\" & path, FilterName:="jpg"
'Destroy the chart. You may want to delete it...
End With
path = Dir
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
End Sub
'Finally export the chart
insert something like this, to make sure that pasting of the image into the chart has finished:
If ActiveChart.Shapes.Count > 0 Then
Exit Do
End If
The problem is with the pasting. When you tell it to paste the clipboard (image) into the chart, sometimes it ignores you. When you go to export the chart, you end up with an empty image.
It's not that you have to wait for it to paste, because it's not going to - it ignored you. I have no idea why it ignores you, or why it doesn't error out when it ignores you - it just ignores you with no warning. Maybe Windows is just too busy under the hood to paste.
Basically, what you have to do is check to see if it pasted, and if not, paste again....and again....until it finally sees fit to process your instruction.
I debugged, Googled, trialed and errored and banged my head on the wall for week on this and finally ended up with this:
Sub SavePictureFromExcel(shp As Shape, SavePath As String)
Dim Imagews As Worksheet
Dim tempChartObj As ChartObject
Dim ImageFullPath As String
Set Imagews = Sheets("Image Files")
Set tempChartObj = Imagews.ChartObjects.Add(0, 0, shp.Width, shp.Height)
tempChartObj.Chart.ChartArea.Format.Line.Visible = msoFalse 'No Outline
tempChartObj.Chart.ChartArea.Format.Fill.Visible = msoFalse 'No Background
Loop While tempChartObj.Chart.Shapes.Count < 1
ImageFullPath = SavePath & "\" & shp.Name & ".png"
tempChartObj.Chart.Export ImageFullPath, Filtername:="png"
End Sub

Rotate picture in user form

I'm trying to rotate an image inside an user form, here is the cose I'm using:
Private Declare Function GetTempPath Lib "kernel32" Alias"GetTempPathA_(ByVal nBufferLength As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String) As Long
Private Const MAX_PATH As Long = 260
Dim NewPath As String
Function TempPath() As String
TempPath = String$(MAX_PATH, Chr$(0))
GetTempPath MAX_PATH, TempPath
TempPath = Replace(TempPath, Chr$(0), "")
End Function
Sub RotatePic(deg As Long)
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim p As Object
Dim chrt As Chart
'~~> Adding a temp sheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add
'~~> Insert the picture in the newly created worksheet
Set p = ws.Pictures.Insert(**PROBLEM**)
'~~> Rotate the pic
p.ShapeRange.IncrementRotation deg
'~~> Add a chart. This is required so that we can paste the picture in it
'~~> and export it as jpg
Set chrt = Charts.Add()
With ws
'~~> Move the chart to the newly created sheet
chrt.Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:=ws.Name
'~~> Resize the chart to match shapes picture. Notice that we are
'~~> setting chart's width as the pictures `height` becuse even when
'~~> the image is rotated, the Height and Width do not swap.
With .Shapes(2)
.Width = p.Height
.Height = p.Width
End With
With ActiveChart
End With
'~~> Temp path where we will save the pic
NewPath = TempPath & "NewFile.Jpg"
'~~> Export the image
.ChartObjects(1).Chart.Export filename:=NewPath, FilterName:="jpg"
End With
'~~> Delete the temp sheet
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
the problem (you can see PROBLEM in the code) is that I don't know how to get the path of the picture that is in image box (I upload the picture through a image dialog)
How can I solve?
May simply try like this
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Me.Image1.Picture = LoadPicture("C:\users\user\desktop\Range.jpg")
End Sub
Sub test()
Dim Ws As Worksheet, fname As String
Dim Shp As ShapeRange, p As Object
Dim Chrt As Chart
fname = "C:\users\user\desktop\TempXXX.jpg"
Set Ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
SavePicture Me.Image1.Picture, fname
Set p = Ws.Pictures.Insert(fname)
p.ShapeRange.Rotation = 90
Set Chrt = Ws.ChartObjects.Add(10, 10, Ws.Shapes(p.Name).Height, Ws.Shapes(p.Name).Width).Chart
Chrt.Export Filename:=fname, FilterName:="jpg"
Me.Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(fname)
'clean temp objects
Kill fname
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
End Sub
The ".chart" method described above is a hack. It cost me 12 hours of debugging due to the code running faster than the system as it rotates large images (which is pretty much the standard for most phones and cameras these days). Issues such as the resulting image being a blank image, to the unchanged image being loaded back into the UserForm (because the code has run on to insert the image from the specified directory before the system has replaced it with the rotated image. No amount of Wait, Sleep, DoEvents, solved this. It works when stepping through fine but not in real-time for me, I'm afraid.
The solution is to implement the Windows Image Acquisition API. Daniel Pineault has developed a tidy VBA function here. This should be the go-to solution.

How to make an Excel macro run when the file is updated?

I have a PowerApp which updates a cell in an Excel file hosted in OneDrive. The Excel file contains a macro that is supposed to run when the PowerApp changes the Excel file. However, it doesn't do that. If I update a cell manually, the macro works just fine. It's just not activated when the file is updated by PowerApps.
Is there a different function I can use that will be triggered when PowerApp changes the file?
If that is not possible, could I use a Flow to activate the macro?
Here is the current script that works with manual changes, but not the automatic PowerApps changes.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Call InsertImageTest
End Sub
Here is the macro that I want to trigger using the code above.
Sub InsertImageTest()
' This macro inserts an image from a set location to a set cell.
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim imagePath As String
Dim cell As String
Dim posText As String
Dim imgLeft As Double
Dim imgTop As Double
Dim rngX As Range
Dim activeSheetName As String
' Customizable variables
imagePath = ActiveWorkbook.Path & Range("$B$2").Value
posText = "Signature"
activeSheetName = "Data" ' Set to "Data" by default, but will change to the Active sheets name, if the active sheet is not called "Data"
' For i = 1 To Sheets.Count
' If CStr(Sheets(i).Name) Is CStr(activeSheetName) Then
' Debug.Print "Code can be executed! Data tab was found"
' End If
' Next i
cell = "$A$1"
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Set rngX = Worksheets(activeSheetName).Range("A1:Z1000").Find(posText, lookat:=xlPart)
If Not rngX Is Nothing Then
cell = rngX.Address
Debug.Print cell
Debug.Print rngX.Address & " cheating"
Worksheets(activeSheetName).Range(cell).Value = ""
Debug.Print rngX.Address & " real"
imgLeft = Range(cell).Left
imgTop = Range(cell).Top
' Width & Height = -1 means keep original size
ws.Shapes.AddPicture _
Filename:=imagePath, _
LinkToFile:=msoFalse, _
SaveWithDocument:=msoTrue, _
Left:=imgLeft, _
Top:=imgTop, _
Width:=-1, _
End If
' The code beaneath will resize the cell to fit the picture
For Each Picture In ActiveSheet.DrawingObjects
PictureTop = Picture.Top
PictureLeft = Picture.Left
PictureHeight = Picture.Height
PictureWidth = Picture.Width
For N = 2 To 256
If Columns(N).Left > PictureLeft Then
PictureColumn = N - 1
Exit For
End If
Next N
For N = 2 To 65536
If Rows(N).Top > PictureTop Then
PictureRow = N - 1
Exit For
End If
Next N
Rows(PictureRow).RowHeight = PictureHeight
Columns(PictureColumn).ColumnWidth = PictureWidth * (54.29 / 288)
Picture.Top = Cells(PictureRow, PictureColumn).Top
Picture.Left = Cells(PictureRow, PictureColumn).Left
Next Picture
End Sub
Unfortunately the server opens Excel through APIs and Excel doesn't fire macros in this way. It seems flow has the same. I would consider implement the macro function logic in PowerApps. Customize the edit form of the column which supposes to trigger the macro, depends what the macro should do. Possibly unlock a data card if the macro trys to alter a value of another column.

Accessing an image that's inside of an Excel Table via VBA

I am designing a VBA Form in Excel. The Workbook has a table called "images", and inside there I am dropping some images from my local hard drive.
These Workbook & UserForm are to be shared with my colleagues. They might not have these images in their harddrive, but they will have them inside of the Excel table.
I am looking for a way to load an image that's inside of a table inside of an "Image" VBA form control.
In Google all I find is how to load an image from my hard drive (i.e. using an absolute path like "C:/my_images/car.png"). What I can't find is how to load an image that's within a table, i.e. already bundled within the Workbook.
Any ideas?
If you are still interested in this question, I came up with a solution.
First you need to export the picture from the shape into a file. I found that only .jpg files can be used. My code generates a temporary filename (you need to be able to read/write that path but I think it is usually not a problem), and saves the picture by inserting it into a ChartObject, which can export its contents as a picture. I suppose this process may modify (e.g. compress) the original data but I saw no visible difference on the screen.
When this is done, it loads the picture from this file into the Image control on the UserForm.
Finally, it deletes the temporary file to clean up this side-effect.
Option Explicit
' Include: Tools > References > Microsoft Scripting Runtime
Private Sub cmdLoad_Click()
' Assumption: The UserForm on which you want to load the picture has a CommandButton, cmdLoad, and this function is its event handler
Dim imgImageOnForm As Image: Set imgImageOnForm = imgTarget ' TODO: Set which Control you want the Picture loaded into. You can find the Name in the VBA Form Editor's Properties Bar
Dim strSheetName As String: strSheetName = "TargetSheet" ' TODO: Specify the Name of the Worksheet where your Shape (picture) is
Dim strShapeName As String: strShapeName = "TargetPicture" ' TODO: Specify the Name of your Shape (picture) on the Worksheet
Dim strTemporaryFile As String: strTemporaryFile = GetTemporaryJpgFileName ' TODO: Give a path for the temporary file, the file extension is important, e.g. .jpg can be loaded into Form Controls, while .png cannot
LoadShapePictureToFormControl _
strSheetName, _
strShapeName, _
imgImageOnForm, _
End Sub
Private Sub LoadShapePictureToFormControl(strSheetName As String, strShapeName As String, imgDst As MSForms.Image, strTemporaryFile As String)
' Note: This Sub overwrites the contents of the Clipboard
' Note: This Sub creates and deletes a temporary File, therefore it needs access rights to do so
Dim shpSrc As Shape: Set shpSrc = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(strSheetName).Shapes(strShapeName)
Dim strTmp As String: strTmp = strTemporaryFile
ExportShapeToPictureFile shpSrc, strTmp
ImportPictureFileToImage strTmp, imgDst
FileSystem.Kill strTmp
End Sub
Private Sub ExportShapeToPictureFile(shpSrc As Shape, strDst As String)
shpSrc.CopyPicture xlScreen, xlBitmap
Dim chtTemp As ChartObject: Set chtTemp = shpSrc.Parent.ChartObjects.Add(0, 0, shpSrc.Width, shpSrc.Height)
With chtTemp
.Parent.Shapes(.Name).Fill.Visible = msoFalse
.Parent.Shapes(.Name).Line.Visible = msoFalse
.Chart.Export strDst
End With
End Sub
Private Sub ImportPictureFileToImage(strSrc As String, imgDst As MSForms.Image)
Dim ipdLoaded As IPictureDisp: Set ipdLoaded = StdFunctions.LoadPicture(strSrc)
Set imgDst.Picture = ipdLoaded
End Sub
Private Function GetTemporaryJpgFileName() As String
Dim strTemporary As String: strTemporary = GetTemporaryFileName
Dim lngDot As Long: lngDot = InStrRev(strTemporary, ".")
If 0 < lngDot Then
strTemporary = Left(strTemporary, lngDot - 1)
End If
strTemporary = strTemporary & ".jpg"
GetTemporaryJpgFileName = strTemporary
End Function
Private Function GetTemporaryFileName() As String
Dim fsoTemporary As FileSystemObject: Set fsoTemporary = New FileSystemObject
Dim strResult As String: strResult = fsoTemporary.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder)
strResult = strResult & "\" & fsoTemporary.GetTempName
GetTemporaryFileName = strResult
End Function

Excel VBA custom header code works on 32-bit but not 64-bit

Context: I'm writing a list excel doc that has two sheets (Equipment List and List Inputs). I want the user to be able to input the general document info (name and date etc.) on the Inputs sheet, and this data to be captured as a snapshot and inserted into the left, centre and right header boxes. It has two different headers - one for the first page and one for every page after.
I wrote the code on excel 2013 32-bit (and it worked), only to realise that it doesn't work on any 64-bit machines. When I say it doesn't work I mean the images generated don't appear in the print preview in the header.
I'm a VBA novice and I really don't know where this code is failing, however I think it might be at the .Chart.Paste step.
I have looked into other threads on 32 to 64 bit conversion but they all reference PtrSafe which I don't think is relevant to my code.
How can I update my code to run on 64-bit?
Any advice is much appreciated.
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
Call Module1.AddHeaderToAll_FromCurrentSheet
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub
General (Module 1) Save_Object_As_Picture:
Sub AddHeaderToAll_FromCurrentSheet()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim tempFilePath As String
Dim tempPFilePath As String
Dim tempTBFilePath As String
Dim tempPic As Shape
Dim tempPrimeroPic As Shape
Dim tempTiBlkPic As Shape
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Set tempPic = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("List Inputs").Shapes("RevBlkPic")
Set tempPrimeroPic = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("List Inputs").Shapes("PrimeroPic")
Set tempTiBlkPic = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("List Inputs").Shapes("TiBlkPic")
tempFilePath = Environ("temp") & "\image.jpg"
Save_Object_As_Picture tempPic, tempFilePath
tempPFilePath = Environ("temp") & "\image2.jpg"
Save_Object_As_Picture tempPrimeroPic, tempPFilePath
tempTBFilePath = Environ("temp") & "\image3.jpg"
Save_Object_As_Picture tempTiBlkPic, tempTBFilePath
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
'With ActiveSheet.PageSetup.DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter = True
'First Page Headers
ws.PageSetup.DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter = True
ws.PageSetup.FirstPage.CenterHeader.Picture.Filename = tempFilePath
ws.PageSetup.FirstPage.CenterHeader.Text = "&G"
ws.PageSetup.FirstPage.RightHeader.Picture.Filename = tempPFilePath
ws.PageSetup.FirstPage.RightHeader.Text = "&G"
ws.PageSetup.FirstPage.LeftHeader.Picture.Filename = tempTBFilePath
ws.PageSetup.FirstPage.LeftHeader.Text = "&G"
'Different Page Headers
ws.PageSetup.RightHeaderPicture.Filename = tempPFilePath
ws.PageSetup.RightHeader = "&G"
ws.PageSetup.LeftHeaderPicture.Filename = tempTBFilePath
ws.PageSetup.LeftHeader = "&G"
ws.PageSetup.CenterHeaderPicture.Filename = tempFilePath
ws.PageSetup.CenterHeader = ""
' ws.PageSetup.RightHeaderPicture.Filename = tempPFilePath
' ws.PageSetup.RightHeader = "&G"
' ws.PageSetup.LeftHeaderPicture.Filename = tempTBFilePath
' ws.PageSetup.LeftHeader = "&G"
Next ws
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End Sub
Private Sub Save_Object_As_Picture(saveObject As Object, imageFileName As String)
'Save a picture of an object as a JPG/JPEG/GIF/PNG file
'saveObject - any object in the CopyPicture method's 'Applies To' list, for example a Range or Shape
'imageFileName - the .gif, .jpg, or .png file name (including folder path if required) the picture will be saved as
Dim temporaryChart As ChartObject
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
saveObject.CopyPicture xlScreen, xlPicture
Set temporaryChart = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(0, 0, saveObject.Width + 1, saveObject.Height + 1)
With temporaryChart
.Border.LineStyle = xlLineStyleNone 'No border
.Chart.Export imageFileName
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Set temporaryChart = Nothing
End Sub
