Binding changes in model reflect in TableView only after column resizing - javafx-2

First example work fine, if you run the next code you will see table.
Selected row is reflected in text field.
After saving changes their immediately reflecting in tableview due model properties to table cell binding.
In the second sample
after double clicking table view is hiding and edit form opened.
But after saving changes their reflect in table view only after column resizing.
How to fix this issue?

The issue appears to be that the TableView is not updated because it is not part of the Scene graph when the property is changed. (This would be a bug.) It does work fine in JavaFX8 (though you need to modify your code to ensure that the FX Nodes are initialized on the FX Application Thread; i.e. in the initComponents() method).
For a (fairly ugly) workaround to make this work in JavaFX 2.2, try the following:
private void openTable() {
Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
vbox.getChildren().setAll(label, table);
(I streamlined your existing code a little; also, the code you posted doesn't need a Platform.runLater(...) here as openTable() is only invoked from the FX Application Thread. However, this may be different in your real application.)


Warn the user that he is about to loose his change in Edit view when leaving to view to another in GWT

I want to prevent the user that he will loose his changes in an EditView when changing the view to another.
I use MVP4G in my project and the project is divided as mvp's structure (one package for the template another one for views ..) is there any solution to detect the EditView in the eventBus. or detect the current View shown to user
Thanks in advance
Thanks to the Navigation Event feature in mvp4g, the presenter will get control before the view changes. At this point the presenter can decide if the navigation will be done or not. This is the correct place in a mvp4g application to save your data.
First zu have to mark all events in the eventbus that will change your view with:
#Event(..., navigationEvent = true)
void goToPage1();
Next your presenters have to implement the NavigationConfirmationInterface and the requires confirm-method:
public class Presenter extends ... implements NavigationConfirmationInterface {
public void confirm(NavigationEventCommand event) {
//pseudo method to verify if the view has changed
if (isViewModified(){
//Window shouldn't be used inside a presenter
//this is just to give a simple example
if (Window.confirm("Are you sure you want to leave?")){
} else {
And the last thing to do, is to set the presenter of the current view to the confirmation presenter by calling:
This is usually done when the presenter gets control.
You will find the documentation here:
Thanks to MVP4G's team including El Hoss who gives me a hint to check the MVP4G's blog.. I've solved my problem by following this example

GXT live grid not scrolling to bottom

I have a GXT LiveGridView grid - works great, loading fine, but will not scroll all the way to the bottom record using the scroll bar. The only way to see the last record is to select the last visible record and use the down arrow key to force the display down, one record at a time.
By overriding the 'getCalculatedRowHeight' method, since it was returning a wrong value (compared with the Firebug analysis) the issue was resolved.
private class MyLiveGridView<T> extends LiveGridView<T> {
// deal with wrong value of 22 from this method currently.
protected int getCalculatedRowHeight(){
return 28;
(A real fix would be to dynamically acquire the correct row height. For now this will suffice since I'm on the hook for a lot of code still).

javafx2.0 - force refresh the scene

In my app, one scene having the popup dialog which consists of some fields and buttons. If you click on the button then I want to dismiss the popup dialog as well as update the some fields in the scene. Indirectly I want to refresh scene. is it possible?
I used the following code.Here what I did is, I get the controller of that scene and then update the field using id. but it doesn't work.
URL location = AdmincontrolController.class.getResource("admincontrol.fxml");
FXMLLoader fxmlLoader = new FXMLLoader();
fxmlLoader.setBuilderFactory(new JavaFXBuilderFactory());
try {
Parent root = (Parent) fxmlLoader.load(location.openStream());
AdmincontrolController controller = fxmlLoader.getController();
System.out.println("AdmincontrolController: "+controller);
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(Add_loginController.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
Popup - If we clicks on the add then we need to dismiss that dialog and change the email text on the previous scene.
As Alexander mentioned above, updating the underlying text property of the object you are using to display the email should Just Work. You need to make sure that you are working with the property (see Oracle Java FX Property Tutorial for more info). As a concrete example:
<Text fx:id="email" />
<TextField fx:id="emailInput" />
<Button onAction="#doSetEmail" text="Set Email"/>
In your controller, use the #FXML annotation to inject concrete instances of objects and set the handler to adjust the text:
Text email;
TextField emailInput;
public void doSetEmail(ActionEvent ae) {
Alternatively, you could just bind the email text property to the email label property so that changes would automatically get propagated:
You could do this in your controller initialize() method.
Now, the caveat to all this working depends on how you are handling the event and what you are doing in this. You still haven't posted the code for that as requested by the first answer, so you may be having issues there. Namely, if you are starting threads and then trying to update UI elements on the JavaFX thread from a worker thread, then you can get into trouble (potentially) with things not updating. This depends substantially on the structure of your objects, and you have not given enough information to comment in any meaningful way on that.
Everytime you have the Feeling that you manually want to update a Scene you should probably use a backgroundWorker Thread to do the work.
This way your UI Thread can use the time to update Labels etc.
JavaFX is built so that you don't need to directly call the scene update routine. All you need - update properties of scene components, and they will be updated on the nearest pulse.
So, all you need is to update properties. Or, is there any real trouble?
refreshing scene its not possible without closing...but if you can do class level declaration for control..i.e make them static its may work...
try this..
make a function in main file.
public static void SetMail(String email)
btnclear.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent t) {

How to refresh other users Vaadin Table without causing Concurrent Modification Exception?

Use Case: User logged in and a Vaadin Table component opened showing statuses of appointments. Every row has a drop down (ComboBox) to change status (Scheduled, Arrived, Reviewed). Now multiple users has opened this table in their own browsers and making continuous changes to appointment status. These changes should be reflected on all opened tables i.e if user A changes status of appointment appt-1 it reflects and refresh on all Tables currently opened.
Previously we applied event based refreshing with ICE-PUSH Add-on i.e if Change made on PC-1 (i.e Application instance a1), i get the other instances of Vaadin application from static CopyOnWriteArrayList from MainApplication class and by that instance I call loadTable function. after that I call the ICEPUSH to push new changes to all users.
public class MainApplication extends Application {
public static CopyOnWriteArrayList<MainMedMaxApplication> appList=new CopyOnWriteArrayList<MainMedMaxApplication>();
public void init() {
setMainWindow(new Window("APPointment Dashboard"));
//Custome Table make table . it also register listeners over table.
//loadTable will load the table.
public void loadTabl(String date) {
//this will reload the table component By Querying database
private void registerlistener() {
//do any change to table in this instance and save it to db then call ICE push so it can referesh all app instances by getting from applist.
public void synchronizePortlets() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Iterator<MainApplication>itM = appList.iterator();
while(itM.hasNext()) {
MainApplication app =;
This works fine but in some conditions when to many frequent changes made then Concurrent Modification Exception rises. so if any one can help to improve this?
The solution I am thinking after this is to refresh table component not forcefully rather continuously in every 1 mint by its own app instances. This will query database and reload the table container with updated statuses. For this purpose I use Refresher add-on But it raises an exception i.e ConcurrentModificationException, because sometimes user also changing the table component by changing combo statuses in table meanwhile refresher refresh the Table and here raises concurrent Modification exception. So I am thinking of freezing Table component from user point of view so user can't do anything and in background can easily refresh table.
If for this use case you guys have better solution please do tell me. I am grateful of you.
Using Vaadin 6.8.12, java 1.7, apache Tomcat 7.42
Vaadin 6
You need to apply synchronization since you're making changes to the GUI from another thread (and I think it doesn't matter whether Refresher or IcePush is used, I think in both cases you'll use another thread). Synchronize on the Application instance.
See this post on the Vaadin forum.
Vaadin 7
EDIT: I encourage you to upgrade to Vaadin 7.1 and use this new method on UI: UI#access as is recommended here.

Is there a paint or update method (rendering loop) in JavaFX2 so that I can update the UI in a loop?

In Swing you have paint or update(Graphics g) method for each UI component which executes every frame. You can put your drawing logic in the overrided method and draw whatever you want. What is the paint method for JavaFX2 UI?
What I want to do is my UI receives control information from a socket server (another thread). Whenever a control information is received, I should update the UI.
There are two problems:
1. The control information is received from a different thread, it can not access the rendering thread directly.
2. How to update the UI constantly?
For Q1, I have a solution if I know where the update function is (Q2).
I can declare a List object, and insert the new control command received from the socket into the list. In the rendering loop, I can just observe the List object, retrieve the unprocessed command, and delete the already processed command.
However, where can I find such a rendering loop function? I guess maybe I can also do it with javax.concurrent.Task, but I don't find a way to do it.
I think i find the method, I use the following method and it can work. I don't know if there is a better solution
final Duration oneFrameAmt = Duration.millis(1000/10);
final KeyFrame oneFrame = new KeyFrame(oneFrameAmt,new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
//put UI update here
