Difference between executing a thread and running a program multiple times - multithreading

This may be a beginner's question. Is there a difference between executing multiple threads and running a program multiple times? By running a program multiple times, I mean literally starting up a terminal and running the program multiple times. I read that there is a limit of 1 thread per CPU, and I have a quad-core machine, so I guess that means I have 4 CPUs. Is there a limit of programs per CPU also?

Generally, if a program uses multiple threads, the threads will divide the work of the program between themselves. For example, one thread might work on half of a giant data set and another thread might take the other half, or multiple threads might talk to separate machines across a network. Running a program 2 times won't have that effect; you'll get two webservers or two games of Minecraft that have nothing to do with each other. It's possible for a program to communicate with other copies of itself, and some programs do that, but it's not the usual approach.

Multiple Threads means you can execute different instances of an action in same time.
If you running multiple programs it will execute one by one . Using thread we can increase the processing speed by parallel process


Do Rust threads run at the same time in parallel? Documentation sounds like it does not [duplicate]

I want to know if a program can run two threads at the same time (that is basically what it is used for correct?). But if I were to do a system call in one function where it runs on thread A, and have some other tasks running in another function where it runs on thread B, would they both be able to run at the same time or would my second function wait until the system call finishes?
Add-on to my original question: Now would this process still be an uninterruptable process while the system call is going on? I am talking about using any system call on UNIX/LINUX.
Multi-threading and parallel processing are two completely different topics, each worthy of its own conversation, but for the sake of introduction...
When you launch an executable, it is running in a thread within a process. When you launch another thread, call it thread 2, you now have 2 separately running execution chains (threads) within the same process. On a single core microprocessor (uP), it is possible to run multiple threads, but not in parallel. Although conceptually the threads are often said to run at the same time, they are actually running consecutively in time slices allocated and controlled by the operating system. These slices are interleaved with each other. So, the execution steps of thread 1 do not actually happen at the same time as the execution steps of thread 2. These behaviors generally extend to as many threads as you create, i.e. packets of execution chains all working within the same process and sharing time slices doled out by the operating system.
So, in your system call example, it really depends on what the system call is as to whether or not it would finish before allowing the execution steps of the other thread to proceed. Several factors play into what will happen: Is it a blocking call? Does one thread have more priority than the other. What is the duration of the time slices?
Links relevant to threading in C:
SO Example
Parallel Processing:
When multi-threaded program execution occurs on a multiple core system (multiple uP, or multiple multi-core uP) threads can run concurrently, or in parallel as different threads may be split off to separate cores to share the workload. This is one example of parallel processing.
Again, conceptually, parallel processing and threading are thought to be similar in that they allow things to be done simultaneously. But that is concept only, they are really very different, in both target application and technique. Where threading is useful as a way to identify and split out an entire task within a process (eg, a TCP/IP server may launch a worker thread when a new connection is requested, then connects, and maintains that connection as long as it remains), parallel processing is typically used to send smaller components of the same task (eg. a complex set of computations that can be performed independently in separate locations) off to separate resources (cores, or uPs) to be completed simultaneously. This is where multiple core processors really make a difference. But parallel processing also takes advantage of multiple systems, popular in areas such as genetics and MMORPG gaming.
Links relevant to parallel processing in C:
More OpenMP (examples)
Gribble Labs - Introduction to OpenMP
CUDA Tookit from NVIDIA
Additional reading on the general topic of threading and architecture:
This summary of threading and architecture barely scratches the surface. There are many parts to the the topic. Books to address them would fill a small library, and there are thousands of links. Not surprisingly within the broader topic some concepts do not seem to follow reason. For example, it is not a given that simply having more cores will result in faster multi-threaded programs.
Yes, they would, at least potentially, run "at the same time", that's exactly what threads are for; of course there are many details, for example:
If both threads run system calls that e.g. write to the same file descriptor they might temporarily block each other.
If thread synchronisation primitives like mutexes are used then the parallel execution will be blocked.
You need a processor with at least two cores in order to have two threads truly run at the same time.
It's a very large and very complex subject.
If your computer has only a single CPU, you should know, how it can execute more than one thread at the same time.
In single-processor systems, only a single thread of execution occurs at a given instant. because Single-processor systems support logical concurrency, not physical concurrency.
On multiprocessor systems, several threads do, in fact, execute at the same time, and physical concurrency is achieved.
The important feature of multithreaded programs is that they support logical concurrency, not whether physical concurrency is actually achieved.
The basics are simple, but the details get complex real quickly.
You can break a program into multiple threads (if it makes sense to do so), and each thread will run "at its own pace", such that if one must wait for, eg, some file I/O that doesn't slow down the others.
On a single processor multiple threads are accommodated by "time slicing" the processor somehow -- either on a simple clock basis or by letting one thread run until it must wait (eg, for I/O) and then "switching" to the next thread. There is a whole art/science to doing this for maximum efficiency.
On a multi-processor (such as most modern PCs which have from 2 to 8 "cores") each thread is assigned to a separate processor, and if there are not enough processors then they are shared as in the single processor case.
The whole area of assuring "atomicity" of operations by a single thread, and assuring that threads don't somehow interfere with each other is incredibly complex. In general a there is a "kernel" or "nucleus" category of system call that will not be interrupted by another thread, but thats only a small subset of all system calls, and you have to consult the OS documentation to know which category a particular system call falls into.
They will run at the same time, for one thread is independent from another, even if you perform a system call.
It's pretty easy to test it though, you can create one thread that prints something to the console output and perform a system call at another thread, that you know will take some reasonable amount of time. You will notice that the messages will continue to be printed by the other thread.
Yes, A program can run two threads at the same time.
it is called Multi threading.
would they both be able to run at the same time or would my second function wait until the system call finishes?
They both are able to run at the same time.
if you want, you can make thread B wait until Thread A completes or reverse
Two thread can run concurrently only if it is running on multiple core processor system, but if it has only one core processor then two threads can not run concurrently. So only one thread run at a time and if it finishes its job then the next thread which is on queue take the time.

How does multithreading utilizes multiple cores?

So recently I've learned some basic knowledge about multithreading. What I've understood is that thread is a lightweight process that runs under processes by sharing memory, while one process is running under one CPU core.
Yet by this perspective I couldn't understand some saying that threads utilizes multiple cores and make the whole program executes more effective. From what I've known, threads created by one process should run only under that specific process, which means that it should only run under that very one CPU core. If we want to utilize multiple cores, we should actually use multiprocess to run parallelly. Most of what I've researched is only about the conclusion, i.e multithreading utilizes multiple cores, but none of them explains my question. Did I think anything wrong? Thanks!
Your confusion lies here:
[...] while one process is running under one CPU core.
[...] threads created by one process should run only under that specific process, which means that it should only run under that very one CPU core.
This is not true. I think what the various explanations you have read meant that any process have at least one thread (where a 'thread' is a sequence of instructions ran by a CPU core).
If you have a multithreaded program, the process will have several threads (sequences of instructions ran by a CPU core) that can run concurrently on different CPU cores.
There are many processes executing on your computer at any given time. The Operating System (OS) is the program that allocates the hardware resources (CPU cores) to all these processes and decides which process can use which cores for what amount of time before another process gets to use the CPU. Whether or not a process gets to use multiple cores is not entirely up to the process. More confusing still, multithreaded programs can use more threads than there are cores on the computer's CPU. In that case you can be certain that all your threads do not run in parallel.
One more thing:
[...] threads utilizes multiple cores and make the whole program executes more effective
I am going to sound very pedantic, but it is more complicated than that. It depends on what you mean by "effective". Are we talking about total computation time, energy consumption ..?
A sequential (1 thread) program may be very effective in terms of power consumption but taking a very long time to compute. If you are able to use multiple threads, you may be able to reduce that computation time but it will probably incur new costs (synchronization between threads, additional protection mechanisms against concurrent accesses ...).
Also, multithreading cannot help for certain tasks that fall outside of the CPU realm. For example, unless you have some very specific hardware support, reading a file from the hard-drive with 2 or more concurrent threads cannot be parallelized efficiently.

Process vs thread with example

I read articles on processes vs threads, but I am still not clear on the difference.
Suppose a process is using the CPU/Processor, doing some big calculation that takes 10 minutes. How will another process run at the same time in parallel? In a single core vs a dual core processor?
Same thing for threads, how will another thread run in parallel when the CPU/Processor is engaged with another thread?
How is context switching different for threads and for processes? I mean both process and threads use the same RAM memory, so what's the difference?
From my vague memory of Operating Systems I can offer you a little bit of help. First you have to know the difference between concurrent and simultaneous. They are not the same thing; simultaneous means both things occur at the same time and concurrent means they appear to be running simultaneously but in reality they're switching so fast you can't tell.
Processes and threads can be considered similar, but a big difference is that a process is much larger than a thread. For that reason, it is not good to have switching between processes. There is too much information in a process that would have to be saved and reloaded each time the CPU decides to switch processes.
A thread on the other hand is smaller and so it is better for switching. A process may have multiple threads that run concurrently, meaning not at the same exact time, but run together and switch between them. The context switching here is better because a thread won't have as much information to store/reload.
If you only have a single core then you can only do concurrent execution, for the most part. Once you have multiple cores you can have threads run on both cores and thus have simultaneous execution. It is up to the Operating System to schedule when threads run, when processes get to run, when to switch, how to switch them, etc. The Operating System gives you the illusion that work is being done simultaneously when this is not always the case.
If you have more confusion feel free to comment.
A process is a thing very related to the Operating System (OS). The thread is in the simplest terms, is an executing program. One or more threads run in the context of the process. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is a process in your OS.
And inside the JVM you can have multiple threads running concurrently.
The processor is a resource of your machine, like the memory. Your OS let your process to share the available resources, in our simple case processors and memory.
When you develop in Java, all processor in your machine are available resources.
When you develop your solution, you can have even multiple Java processes (i.e. multiple JVM) running a single or multiple thread each. But this mostly depends by your problem.
The real difference between a process and a thread is that both have an executing program, but threads share the same memory. This let your threads to theoretically work on the same data, but you have pay the complexity of concurrency and synchronisation.
Each CPU only runs one thread in a process at a time. However the OS can stop and save a thread and load and run another quickly (as little as 0.0001 seconds) This gives the illusion that many threads are running at once, even though only one is running.

multithreading and multitasking on single core processor vs multicore processor

Process(task): ist a program in execution. e.g: Notepad
Thread: A thread is a single sequence of instructions. A process consists of one or more threads(but only one can execute at a time).
According to the lecture a single core processor can run a single process(task) at a time.Only one thread can execute at a time but the Operating system achieves Multithreading using time slicing(thread context switch). This Thread switching happens frequently enough that the user perceives the threads as running at the same time (but they aren't running parallel!)and it occurs inside the one process.A Process context switch is similar to thread context switch with a difference that it takes place between processes (example between mediaplayer und notepad) instead between threads.
I'm not sure if this example is valid : taking two processes e.g: Notepad and Mediaplayer on a single core processor. One can play music and write in a Notepad at the same time although the two processes aren't runnin parallely(Process context switching or multitasking).Inside the one process e.g :Mediaplayer one can listen to music and create playlists at the same time although the two threads aren't running parallely (Thread context switch or multithreading)
1st Question : Are my Information above right ?
2nd Question : would an Execution of Threads in a multicore Process look the same inside a one core but with a difference that the threads of different processes can run parallely?.Is multithreading here the process of running multiple threads simultaneously on difference processes or the process of swiching between threads on a one core ? The same Question would be also for Multitasking.
How would the Process context switch and thread context switch in this case take place ?
3rd Question: The Professor used the Term single threaded processor. Is this Term an another name for sigle core Processor ?
several threads belonging to the same process can be executed on several CPU cores simultaneously.Time slicing still happens on multicore systems. Say one have Process with 20 Threads running on a quadcore - the OS still has to schedule 21 Threads to run on only 4 cores.
A single-threaded process runs on only one single core at a time. But that doesn't mean it'll run on the same core until it exits. The OS might give him a time slice to run on Core 1 now, pause it, and give it another time slice on Core 2 later
note : I read a lot of books and i googled enough before i decided to ask here.
Yes, you seem to have a good understanding of this topic (not sure if it is really interesting, though). However, you seem to overthink it. I suggest a simpler way of understanding the way it works on the modern systems (it is really wild west when you start look back, with the idea of light-weighted processess and such, but I will not talk about it).
The process is a shell. It's only purpose in life is to provide environment for threads. Only the threads are really executed, process itself is never executed. A single process can host multiple threads within it, and when it hosts only one thread, one can say process is executed - but it is simply a manner of saying. A CPU can only execute a thread, not a process.
Your professor, as they often do, makes misleading statements. There is no such thing as single-threaded processor. There are single and multicored processors, and those processors can be joined together to provide multi-processor environment. From the application developer perspective, a single CPU with 4 cores does not differ from 4 single-core CPUs. There are differences, of course - but usually not for the application developer.
Multitasking is a laymen term. It can mean whatever one wants it to mean, and better be avoided in non-specific contexts.
I hope I did clarify your confusiuon.
The answer to your questions is the following:
Q1: On a single core processor two tasks can't run parallelly in the form of executing two (processor) instructions at the same time, the only possible way of multithreading is time-slicing realized by the task-scheduler (of the OS), so in that case you are approximately right. I would complete your view on the subject with the fact, that nowadays almost none of the applications are single-threaded. I don't know if notepad uses multiple threads, but I'm pretty sure, media player is multithreaded, and the task scheduler schedules time slices between threads not processes. (Fun fact: a single-threaded .NET application already runs 4-5 threads.)
Q2: Task scheduler on any system tries to spread the load between available cores, so time slices will work most likely how you displayed above, but if a process executes an additional thread, it will be executed on the core with the least load over it. Multiple cores also mean, multiple (processor) instructions can and will be executed at the same time.
Q3: In practice multithreaded processor and multicore processor means something very similar, but not the same. You see for example Intel Core i3/i5/i7 CPUs are equipped with an internal pseudo-task-scheduler, which doubles the number of virtual cores by scheduling the execution of two threads on the same core, so for example my i5 system is 2 cored but 4 threaded.
your most of concepts seem valid with non standard terms.
here is explanation of what are threads and process and then multithreading
process is running instance of program is true
when there were no thread then resources were only distributed among processes.
Now processes have threads so resources are distributed to threads but isolation is same of process means two processes still need IPC to communicate with each other. You can say multithreading as lightweight processes which can be scheduled by operating system. multit-hreading is an extension of multi-tasking so if there is one core and two processes: one with two threads and one with 4 threads, the contention of accessing core is between 6 threads not 2 processes.
for thread switch and process switch see thread context switch vs process context switch

Running two threads at the same time

I want to know if a program can run two threads at the same time (that is basically what it is used for correct?). But if I were to do a system call in one function where it runs on thread A, and have some other tasks running in another function where it runs on thread B, would they both be able to run at the same time or would my second function wait until the system call finishes?
Add-on to my original question: Now would this process still be an uninterruptable process while the system call is going on? I am talking about using any system call on UNIX/LINUX.
Multi-threading and parallel processing are two completely different topics, each worthy of its own conversation, but for the sake of introduction...
When you launch an executable, it is running in a thread within a process. When you launch another thread, call it thread 2, you now have 2 separately running execution chains (threads) within the same process. On a single core microprocessor (uP), it is possible to run multiple threads, but not in parallel. Although conceptually the threads are often said to run at the same time, they are actually running consecutively in time slices allocated and controlled by the operating system. These slices are interleaved with each other. So, the execution steps of thread 1 do not actually happen at the same time as the execution steps of thread 2. These behaviors generally extend to as many threads as you create, i.e. packets of execution chains all working within the same process and sharing time slices doled out by the operating system.
So, in your system call example, it really depends on what the system call is as to whether or not it would finish before allowing the execution steps of the other thread to proceed. Several factors play into what will happen: Is it a blocking call? Does one thread have more priority than the other. What is the duration of the time slices?
Links relevant to threading in C:
SO Example
Parallel Processing:
When multi-threaded program execution occurs on a multiple core system (multiple uP, or multiple multi-core uP) threads can run concurrently, or in parallel as different threads may be split off to separate cores to share the workload. This is one example of parallel processing.
Again, conceptually, parallel processing and threading are thought to be similar in that they allow things to be done simultaneously. But that is concept only, they are really very different, in both target application and technique. Where threading is useful as a way to identify and split out an entire task within a process (eg, a TCP/IP server may launch a worker thread when a new connection is requested, then connects, and maintains that connection as long as it remains), parallel processing is typically used to send smaller components of the same task (eg. a complex set of computations that can be performed independently in separate locations) off to separate resources (cores, or uPs) to be completed simultaneously. This is where multiple core processors really make a difference. But parallel processing also takes advantage of multiple systems, popular in areas such as genetics and MMORPG gaming.
Links relevant to parallel processing in C:
More OpenMP (examples)
Gribble Labs - Introduction to OpenMP
CUDA Tookit from NVIDIA
Additional reading on the general topic of threading and architecture:
This summary of threading and architecture barely scratches the surface. There are many parts to the the topic. Books to address them would fill a small library, and there are thousands of links. Not surprisingly within the broader topic some concepts do not seem to follow reason. For example, it is not a given that simply having more cores will result in faster multi-threaded programs.
Yes, they would, at least potentially, run "at the same time", that's exactly what threads are for; of course there are many details, for example:
If both threads run system calls that e.g. write to the same file descriptor they might temporarily block each other.
If thread synchronisation primitives like mutexes are used then the parallel execution will be blocked.
You need a processor with at least two cores in order to have two threads truly run at the same time.
It's a very large and very complex subject.
If your computer has only a single CPU, you should know, how it can execute more than one thread at the same time.
In single-processor systems, only a single thread of execution occurs at a given instant. because Single-processor systems support logical concurrency, not physical concurrency.
On multiprocessor systems, several threads do, in fact, execute at the same time, and physical concurrency is achieved.
The important feature of multithreaded programs is that they support logical concurrency, not whether physical concurrency is actually achieved.
The basics are simple, but the details get complex real quickly.
You can break a program into multiple threads (if it makes sense to do so), and each thread will run "at its own pace", such that if one must wait for, eg, some file I/O that doesn't slow down the others.
On a single processor multiple threads are accommodated by "time slicing" the processor somehow -- either on a simple clock basis or by letting one thread run until it must wait (eg, for I/O) and then "switching" to the next thread. There is a whole art/science to doing this for maximum efficiency.
On a multi-processor (such as most modern PCs which have from 2 to 8 "cores") each thread is assigned to a separate processor, and if there are not enough processors then they are shared as in the single processor case.
The whole area of assuring "atomicity" of operations by a single thread, and assuring that threads don't somehow interfere with each other is incredibly complex. In general a there is a "kernel" or "nucleus" category of system call that will not be interrupted by another thread, but thats only a small subset of all system calls, and you have to consult the OS documentation to know which category a particular system call falls into.
They will run at the same time, for one thread is independent from another, even if you perform a system call.
It's pretty easy to test it though, you can create one thread that prints something to the console output and perform a system call at another thread, that you know will take some reasonable amount of time. You will notice that the messages will continue to be printed by the other thread.
Yes, A program can run two threads at the same time.
it is called Multi threading.
would they both be able to run at the same time or would my second function wait until the system call finishes?
They both are able to run at the same time.
if you want, you can make thread B wait until Thread A completes or reverse
Two thread can run concurrently only if it is running on multiple core processor system, but if it has only one core processor then two threads can not run concurrently. So only one thread run at a time and if it finishes its job then the next thread which is on queue take the time.
