watir webdriver not working Firefox 26 - watir

I'm unable to use Watir with the latest Firefox 26. I have updated all gems to latest versions, but still facing the issue.
Here's my watir gem list:
watir (5.0.0)
watir-webdriver (0.6.4)
watir-webdriver-rails (0.0.8)
Any ideas?
Thanks for help

I had the same problem today. I found Jarmo's reply as helpful. Thank you.
gem update selenium-webdriver
This fixed the issue with firefox v26.
I didnt have enough points to add a comment to the existing post or mark it as useful.

Make sure you're using the latest selenium-webdriver. If you're using bundler then issue bundle update selenium-webdriver.


Cypress Cucumber

Can some let me know how to integrate cucumber in cypress 10 and above version,
Any help will be appreciated.
I am getting some loader issue in above 10 version.
In version , 9.3.1 , I am not facing issue.
Assuming you use cypress-cucumber-preprocessor, there was an issue raised Update plugin to be compatible with Cypress 10 #722 which has now been resolved.
Check your pacakge.json and make sure you are using cypress-cucumber-preprocessor version 11, if not uninstall and re-install the package.

Installing GWT Developer Plugin on Linux

I have a sample app in GWT. When I run it and open in my Firefox - the browser still displays this:
Even if GWTP Developer plugin is sucessfully installed
My Firefox version is 25.0 (on Fedora 20), I know that the new versions of Firefox have problem with GWT plugin, but this version should be probably ok. What is the problem?
It's a known problem. Check this out: http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=8423
The solutions proposed there are to either:
download a special plugin that they've made for this bug
yum removing firefox and xulrunner and installing Firefox 25 from
You can also try upgrading to firefox 26, as the support was removed
in 27 and 26 should work fine with the normal plugin.

How to fix Chromedriver failing on OS X Mavericks

I made the fun decision of upgrading to OS X Mavericks, and now I can't run chromedriver on my machine...
An easy way to replicate this is to create a new project with NodeJS, and install the wd package, then follow their instructions for running tests (this installs selenium and chromedriver).
wd: https://github.com/admc/wd#run-the-tests
I feel like this is settings issue, but am not even sure where to start... Anyone have any ideas?
This has been logged. The workaround is to run the chromedriver in verbose mode. Some samples are in the comments there.
Solved thanks to help from sebv, developer of the NodeJS module I mentioned earlier, and located here: https://github.com/admc/wd
Here is the answer to the issue: https://github.com/admc/wd/issues/195

Which gem is supposed to use to work with firefox using watir

I Tried with Installing gem Watir-WebDriver but it is not working. It's saying:
C:\Ruby187>gem install watir web-driver
Successfully installed watir-2.0.4
ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'web-driver' (>= 0) in any repository
ERROR: Possible alternatives: megadriver, view_driver, testdrive, app_driver, web-facter
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for watir-2.0.4...
Installing RDoc documentation for watir-2.0.4...
Did you mean watir-webdriver? If that doesn't work, can you post the output of gem source?
Take a look at this page on how to install watir-webdriver gem: https://github.com/zeljkofilipin/watirbook/blob/master/installation/windows.md
You are telling the system to install two gems, one named 'watir', the other named 'web-driver'.
The watir gem exists, and is being installed. However, it is only for driving IE (firefox used to be supported via firewatir, but changes post 3.6 made it impossible to continue to support 'firewatir')
There is no gem named 'web-driver' which is what the error is telling you.
What you want to install is watir-webdriver. This is a version of watir that uses webdriver to drive the browsers, and offers cross browser support including latest versions of IE, Firefox, and Chrome..
See the link #Zeljko provided for detailed installation instructions for watir-webdriver.
use gem install watir-webdriver.

Textmate - SVNMate

I've installed the latest version of SVNMate but the overlay icons are not showing on my files drawer. I can perform SVN actions through the bundle though.
Has anyone else encountered this before and resolved it?
I'm using TextMate 1.5.10(1631) demo version on Mac 10.6.7.
Thank you in advance.
I removed all plugins from ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/PlugIns
Downloaded the plugin from here and it worked.
I was super frustrated too and tried many times, but finally got it to work.
