how to plot a graph using haskell graphViz - haskell

I'm planning to draw a graph using Haskell graphViz. I'm new to haskell, so this is quite difficult for me. Can someone show me a simple example ? I need a very simple example actually, so that I can understand it and use it in the scenario I'm working on
I get the above error on trying to install chart-cairo. I saw some examples on the internet and all of them requires chart-cairo. any idea how to resolve it ?
The output that I get after executing the code given by

(This addresses your original question, described in the title, and doesn't go into the problems installing chart-cairo or chart, etc, which really should be spun out into different questions)....
The graphviz package includes some example graphs in module Data.Graph.Inductive.Example that can be used to get you up and running. You can see the list of included graphs at I will use one called clr479.
Once you have a graph, you can convert it to an internal structure representing the dot format using graphToDot. Note that you will need to supply some parameters, which are described in Just to get up and running, I will use the supplied nonClusteredParams.
let graphInDotFormat = graphToDot nonClusteredParams clr479
Then, you will need to convert this to text suitable for input to the dot program. You can do this with renderDot . toDot
let outputText = renderDot $ toDot graphInDotFormat
and, as usual, you need to convert text to string to use putStrLn (don't just use show, as it will include quotes and escape sequences, which dot will not understand)
putStrLn $ unpack outputText
Putting this all together, the final program createDotFile.hs would be
import Data.Text.Lazy
import Data.GraphViz
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Example
import Data.GraphViz.Printing
main = putStrLn $ unpack $ renderDot $ toDot $ graphToDot nonClusteredParams clr479
Compile using ghc createDotFile.hs (remember to cabal install the required packages, as well as graphviz itself if you want to do anything with the output). On the commandline, you can now pipe the output of this program to dot, which will convert this to a usual format.... For instance, here I convert to svg
./createDotFile | dot -Tsvg > graph.svg
which on my linux box can be viewed by typing
eog graph.svg
To clarify, the output of the haskell program needs to be provided as an input to GraphViz. The msi file to install graphviz on windows here


How to convert model.tflite to and model.h on Windows 10

I have created a TensorFlow Lite .tflite model which I plan to use on a microcontroller. However, this file must be converted to a C source file, i.e, a TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers model. TensorFlow documentation provides a simple way to convert to a C array with the unix command xxd. I am using Windows 10 and do not have access to the unix command and there are no alternative Windows methods documented. After searching superuser, I saw that xxd for Windows now exists. I downloaded the command and ran it on my .tflite model. The results were different than the hello world example.
First, the hello world example model.h file has a comment that say it was "Automatically created from a TensorFlow Lite flatbuffer using the command: xxd -i model.tflite >" When I ran the command, model.h was not "automatically created".
Second, comparing the file from the hello world example, with the file that I generated, they are quite different and I'm not sure how to interpret this (I'm not referring to the differences in the actual array). Again, in the example file, it states that it was "automatically created" using the xxd command. Line 28 in the example is alignas(8) const unsigned char g_model[] = { and line 237 is const int g_model_len = 2488;. In comparison, the equivalent lines in the file I generated are unsigned char _________g_model[] = { and unsigned int _________g_model_len = 4009981;
While I am not a C expert, I am not sure how to interpret the differences in the files and if I have generated the file incorrectly. I would greatly appreciate any insight or guidance here on how to properly generate both the model.h and files from the original model.tflite file.
After doing some experiments, I think this is why you are getting differences:
xxd replaces any non-letter/non-digit character of the path to the input file by an underscore ('_'). Apparently you called xxd with a path for the input file that has 9 such leading characters, perhaps something like "../../../g.model". The syntax of C allows only letters (a to z, A to Z), digits (0 to 9) and underscore as characters of objects' names, and the names need to start with a non-digit. This is the only "manipulation" xxd does to the name of an input file.
Since xxd knows nothing about TensorFlow, it could not had generated the copyright notice. Using this as indication, any other difference had been inserted by other means by the TensorFlow authors, despite the statement "Automatically created from a TensorFlow Lite flatbuffer ...". This could be done manually or by a script, unfortunately I did not find any hint in some quick research on their repository. Apparently the statement means just the data values.
So you need to edit your result:
Add any comment you see fit.
Add the compiler-specific alignas(8) to the array, if your compiler supports it.
Add the keywords const to the array and the length variable. This will tell the compiler to prohibit any write access. And probably this will place the data in read-only memory.
Rename array and length variables to g_model and g_model_len, respectively. Most probably TensorFlow expects these names.
Copy "" into "model.h", and then apply more editions, as the example demonstrated.
Don't be bothered by different values. Different contents of the model's file are the reason. It's especially simple to check the length variable, it has to have exactly the same value as the size of the input file.
On line 28 which is this text alignas(8) const unsigned char as shown in the example converted model. When I attempt to convert a model (whether it's my custom model or the "hello_world.tflite" example model) the text that would be on line 28 is unsigned char (any other text on that line is not in question). How is line 28 edited & explained?
Concerning the "how": I firmly believe that the authors of TensorFlow literally used an editor (an IDE or a stand-alone program like Notepad++ or Geany) and edited the line, or used some script to automate this.
The reason for alignas(8) is most probably that TensorFlow expects the data with an alignment of 8 bytes, for example because it casts the byte array to a structure that contains values of 8 bytes width.
The insertion of const will also commonly locate the model in read-only memory, which is preferable on most microcontrollers. If it were left out, the model's data were not only writable, but would be located in precious RAM.
On line 237, the text specifically is const int. When I attempt to convert a model (whether it's my custom model or the "hello_world.tflite" example model) the text that would be on line 237 is unsigned int (any other text on that line is not in question). Why are these two lines different in these specific places? It makes me believe that xxd on Windows is not functioning the same?
Again, I firmly believe this was edited manually or by a script. TensorFlow might expect this variable to be of data type int, but any xxd I tried (Windows and Linux) generates unsigned int. I don't think that your specific version of xxd functions differently on Windows.
For const the same thoughts apply as above.
Finally, when I attempt to convert the example model "hello_world.tflite" file using the xxd for windows utility, my resulting array doesn't match the example "" file. I would expect the array values to be identical if the xxd worked. The last question is how to generate the "model.h" and "" files on Windows.
Did you note that the model you link is in another branch of the repository?
If I use the branch on GitHub as in your link to "", I find in "../train/" this archive I unpacked it and ran xxd on the included "model.tflite". The result's data match the included "" in the archive. But it does not match the data of "" in the same branch that you linked. The difference is already there.
My conclusion is, that the example result was not generated from the example model. This happens, since developers sometimes don't pay enough attention on what they commit. Yes, it's unfortunate, as it irritates and frustrates beginners like you.
But, as I wrote, don't let this make you headaches. Try the simple example, use the documentation as instructions on the process. Look at the differences in specific data as a quirk. You will encounter such things time after time when working with other's projects. It is quite normal.

Using Brackets in MathJax - Tree Question

I have used LaTeX using different packages to make trees, e.g. using the format below. Is there a way to get a tree to run using MathJax using the code below? I have a bunch of trees that I coded using the exact format below, and I am wanting to get them online. What would I have to do for the program to recognize the 'forest'? Is there something minor that I could adjust to get it to work?
for tree={l+=0.5cm} % increase level distance

Haskell Haddock latex equation in comments

I'd like to use latex notation for equations in my source code.
For example, I would write the following comment in some haskell source file Equations.hs:
-- | $v = \frac{dx}{dt}$
In the doc directory, this gets rendered by haddock in Equations.tex as:
{\char '44}v = frac{\char '173}dx{\char '175}{\char '173}dt{\char '175}{\char '44}
I found this function in the source for Haddock's latex backend that replaces many characters that are used in latex formatting:
latexMunge :: Char -> String -> String
latexMunge '$' s = "{\\char '44}" ++ s
Is there any existing functionality that allows me to bypass this and insert latex equations in comments?
No. The main reason why this (and similar features) don't exist is that it's unclear what to do with the markup in the other backends, be it HTML one, Hoogle one or whatever else someone might be using. This is fairly commonly requested but there is no common agreement and more importantly, no patches.
Technically we don't support the LaTeX backend, it's kept around compiling so that the Haskell Report can be produced. If you or someone else wants to give it some new life (and features) then we'll happily accept patches.
tl;dr: no can do. I know people simply pre-render LaTeX and insert the resulting images in with the image syntax.

Does any literate programming environment support on the fly results?

I am currently writing lots of small reports. Most of them are just value dumps with some graphs and illustrative comments.
Is there a literate programming environment that let's me write my reports in an easy format (preferably markdown/latex and haskell) and then converts to some output format (preferably pdf) that contains results of the calculations done in the original file?
I know that Haskell supports literate programming but I don't think that the output (and possibly whole images) can be captured.
The lhs2TeX preprocessor supports evaluating Haskell expressions via GHCi. Here's a minimal example:
%include polycode.fmt
%options ghci
> fmap (+1) [1..10]
yields \eval{fmap (+1) [1..10]}.
This will produce output which contains the list [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11] in the place where the \eval command is in the input.
You can reference definitions from the current file. I.e., the \eval function works by loading the current file into ghci and then evaluating the expression in that context.
There's also \perform which does the same as \eval, but the output will not be seen as a piece of Haskell code, but rather as a piece of LaTeX code. So you can write Haskell functions that generate parts of your output document.
That being said, there are lots of things that could be improved about this functionality in lhs2TeX, and the implementation is quite a hack.
EDIT: Concluding from the comments, the goal is to include images generated by the Chart library. Here is a proof-of-concept document that shows how to achieve this:
%include polycode.fmt
%options ghci
%if style == newcode
(Stuff here will not be typeset by LaTeX, but seen by Haskell.)
> import Data.Accessor
> import Graphics.Rendering.Chart
> renderAndInclude :: Renderable a -> FilePath -> IO ()
> renderAndInclude r filename = do
> renderableToPDFFile r 200 200 filename
> putStrLn $ "\\includegraphics{" ++ filename ++ "}"
%format ^= = "\mathbin{{}^\wedge\!\!=}"
The image description
> image :: Renderable ()
> image = toRenderable
> $ layout1_title ^= "Test"
> $ layout1_plots ^= [ Left (toPlot plot) ]
> $ defaultLayout1
> where
> plot = plot_lines_values ^= [[ (x, sin x) | x <- [0, 0.01 .. 10 :: Double] ]]
> $ defaultPlotLines
yields the following output:
\perform{renderAndInclude image "image.pdf"}.
The central helper function you have to write is something like renderAndInclude above that performs the actual rendering, writes the result to a file, and produces a LaTeX \includegraphics command that reads back the file.
If you don't absolutely have to have Haskell, you can get the rest with Sweave and R. You basically write a LaTeX document, with embedded R code. You can choose to include either the code, the result (including plots), or both in your final PDF output. Knitr is a more recent extension (or simplification?) of Sweave.
If you want to use diagrams instead of chart, then diagrams-builder as described in this blog post is your friend. Works with markdown and LaTeX alike.
You can try, it supports Markdown/Multimarkdown and other lightweight markups (but also OpenOffice) and it's easy to include several files into one. With OpenOffice, you can export your resulting file to PDF, for example. Also Asciidoc is supported and TeX/LaTeX, so you can use them to produce PDF too
Sorry for being (very) late to the party. The answer comes only as a reference for future visitors to this question.
Org-mode does provide a nice literate programming environment. Albeit a universe in itself, it's well worth looking into! Some more information about the way it handles code can be found in these links:
Org-mode manual, chapter 14
Babel: Active code in Org-mode
Tutorial for R
There is ofc also support for Haskell, else this comment would be superfluous. While the format isn't Markdown, Org-mode has a very simple way of marking up things.

How do I rotate a JPEG image by 45° and save it back to disk in Haskell?

How do I rotate a JPEG image by 45° and save it back to disk?
As far as I know, there is no good image manipulation library for Haskell yet.
Better way
You can use hsmagick (bindings to libmagick) to manipulate images.
See TomMD's answer for an example.
Easy way
But if you want to do it from Haskell, this can do the trick (assuming that ImageMagick is available):
import System.Cmd (system)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
main = do
(original:rotated:_) <- getArgs
system $ "convert -rotate \"-45\" \"" ++ original ++ "\" \"" ++ rotated ++ "\""
runghc rotate.hs original.jpg rotated45.jpg
Hard way
Or you can choose the hard way, and implement rotation algorithm yourself. To read and write almost all image formats in Haskell, you can use Codec.Image.DevIL library. If you do it, it would be kind of you to put this code on Hackage.
The GD library lets you do this, but the Haskell bindings ( ) don't include the appropriate function at the moment. One also could either make a feature request to the maintainer, or simply patch it and send it upstream. The Graphics.GD.Internal module (not exported) in fact already has a commented out binding to the appropriate function ( ), so it should be very simple, I imagine, to finish the job (and I'm sure, the work will be appreciated).
Look around on Hackage. I know Tim started working on bindings to libmagick, which wasn't enough to stop me from dropping down to generating script-fu for GIMP when I needed image manipulation, but it's enough for you if you're just doing simple things like rotation:
liftM (rotateImage 45) (readImage file) >>= writeImage file2
I see Cale also has an ImLib that appears more feature complete:
loadImageImmediately file >>= contextSetImage >>
createRotatedImage 45 >>= contextSetImage >> saveImage file2
As I said, look around and let us know!
