Fetching Canvas based graph in Chrome extension - google-chrome-extension

I want to fetch HTML of this graph but I don't see how to do it? Is there anyway to fetch it or do I need to use iFrame to load this page?

If you are on the page, and have the chrome extension loaded, you can use a content script like so:
chrome.tabs.query({'active': true, 'windowId': chrome.windows.WINDOW_ID_CURRENT},function(tabs){
var tab = tabs[0];
if(tab.url === "your url"){
var graph = document.getElementsByTagName("canvas")[0];
//do stuff
You can either do stuff with graph in the content script, or pass it back to the background page with message passing


Firefox Extension Development

In Chrome Extension Development we have Background Page Concepts. Is any thing similar available in Firefox Extension Development also. While Developing Chrome Extensions I have seen methods like
window.Bkg = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage().Bkg;
$(function () {
var view = null;
if (Bkg.account.isLoggedIn()) {
view = new Views.Popup();
} else {
Where the main logic are written in Background Page(like isLoggedIn etc) and from the Extension Popup page we are calling Background page. Here for instance the background page is always loaded which manages the session. How can we have similar functionality in Firefox Extension Development.
All communication between the background page (main.js) and content scripts (your popup script) occurs via events. You cannot call functions immediately, so you won't receive any return values, but you can send an event from a content script to the background script that sends an event back to the content script and calls a new function, like so:
main.js partial
// See docs below on how to create a panel/popup
panel.port.on('loggedIn', function(message) {
panel.port.emit('isLoggedIn', someBoolean);
panel.port.on('refresh', function() {
// do something to refresh the view
var view = null;
addon.port.on('isLoggedIn', function(someBool) {
if (someBool) {
// Obviously not code that's going to work in FF, just want you to know how to structure
view = new Views.Popup();
} else {
addon.port.emit('loggedIn', 'This is a message. I can pass any var along with the event, but I don't have to');
You should read this stuff:
Communicating between scripts

getting the current url from chrome extension

i'm making a chrome extension that opens a web-site if the current tab is not the same web-site, so i managed to get all of the tabs like this:
chrome.tabs.getAllInWindow(null, allTabs);
and i wrote a function to display it:
function allTabs(tabs) {
var tabsURLS = '';
for (var i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {
tabsURLS = tabs[i].url + '\n';
but i need to get the current page url so i get the current tab by this:
var object=chrome.tabs.getCurrent(function(){;});
but i cant get to page properties like id or url and this alert shows "undefined" ...
while this alert doesn't work at all
in the end, i read this page chrome.tabs and i was shocked when i read this line
chrome.tabs.getCurrent(function callback)
Gets the tab that this script call is being made from. May be undefined if called from a non-tab context (for example: a background page or popup view).
so i don't think that there is a solution of getting the current opened tab from chrome extension...
I believe that you need to use getSelected instead
chrome.tabs.getSelected(null, function(tab) {
var tabId = tab.id;
var tabUrl = tab.url;
the final code was like this, and it worked just fine.. :
var tabUrl;
chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function(activeTab) {
var x=activeTab.url;
var newURL = "https://www.google.com";
if (x!= newURL) {
//to open a page in a new tab
chrome.tabs.create({url: newURL,"selected":true});
//to open the page with the current tab
chrome.tabs.update(activeTab.id, {url:newURL});
The current accepted answer is out of date.
According to MDN, tabs.getSelected() is depricated
Use this instead:
tabs.query({active: true})
Ensure to set the correct permissions in manifest.json to access tab information:
"permissions": [
After that, you can determine the URL by using
chrome.tabs.getSelected(null, function (tab) {

Chrome Omnibox extension to post form data to a website?

How can an Omnibox extension create and post form data to a website and then display the result?
Here's an example of what I want to do. When you type lookup bieber into the Omnibox, I want my extension to post form data looking like
searchtype: all
searchterm: bieber
searchcount: 20
to the URL http://lookup.com/search
So that the browser will end up loading http://lookup.com/search with the results of the search.
This would be trivial if I could send the data in a GET, but lookup.com expects an HTTP POST. The only way I can think of is to inject a form into the current page and then submit it, but (a) that only works if there is a current page, and (b) it doesn't seem to work anyway (maybe permissions need to be set).
Before going off down that route, I figured that somebody else must at least have tried to do this before. Have you?
You could do this by using the omnibox api:
function(text, suggest) {
Once you have you extension 'activated' due to a certain keyword you typed you can call something like this:
var q = the params you wish to pass
var url = "http://yourSite.com";
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.open("POST", url, true);
req.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
req.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (req.readyState == 4) {

How to open automatically downloaded Word document in the browser?

I use Aspose to generate a Word document. It must be opened in the browser automatically when it comes back from the server.
Here is my code:
Do Ajax call to get the document
url: "Export/StreamWord",
data: { topicId: CurrentTopic.id },
success: function (result) {
//Nothing here. I think that the browser must open the file automatically.
Controller .NET MVC 3
public ActionResult StreamWord(string topicId)
var stream = new MemoryStream();
Document doc = exportRepos.GenerateWord(topicId); //Document is a Aspose object
doc.Save(stream, SaveFormat.Docx);
return File(stream, "application/doc", "test.doc");
BUT when I run it from the browser nothing happen.
Response from the server you can see on the image. Document comes, but it is not been opened.
Any suggestions?
Do not use AJAX for this, just use a simple page redirect instead. If you use a page redirect it will prompt the user to download the file, it won't actually move them away from the current page.
The code would look like
document.location.href = "Export/StreamWord?topicId=" + CurrentTopic.Id;
What you're attempting is not possible with AJAX.

Message isn't passed between background.html and popup.html

I'm trying to pass data that is saved in sessionStorage from background.html to popup.html
chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
data = sessionStorage.getItem(request.tabId);
sendResponse({ data: data });
and in popup.html:
chrome.tabs.getSelected(null, function(tab) {
chrome.extension.sendRequest({ tabId: tab.id }, function(response) {
The popup is opened by a pageAction button, when I click the button I get an alert box with "null" on the popup and then an alert box with the data that I stored in sessionStorage on the background!
Any ideas how to fix this?
You don't need to use message/request APIs. I think this response may help you.
You also don't need sessionStorage, just store your data in a global variable of the background page. It will persist until the browser is closed or until the extension is restarted.
So, here is how I would rewrite your code:
var data = {}; // Object storing data indexed by tab id
and in popup.html:
chrome.tabs.getSelected(null, function(tab) {
Note that chrome.tabs.getSelected is deprecated since Chrome 16, so popup code should be:
chrome.windows.getCurrent(function(win) {
chrome.tabs.query({'windowId': win.id, 'active': true}, function(tabArray) {
Well, I've done something dumb.
I inspected the background page by opening chrome-extension://[extension-id]/background.html in a tab instead of clicking on "inspect active views: background.html" in the extensions management page. This caused the tab to catch the request and call sendResponse, but the popup expected the REAL background page to call sendResponse (and if I understand Google's documentation regarding message passing, the fact that sendResponse was called twice is root of the problem, because the first call clears the request object)
