URL rewriting without knowing page title - .htaccess

I currently have links at my site like this:
I am hoping, for SEO purposes that I could change this to something like this:
"Southern Maryland" is currently pulled from a mysql db as the location name for location ID 22. Is it even possible to get this into the URL when my site structure currently utilizes the less attractive first version?

You can't use htaccess to do this for you. It's possible to use a RewriteMap that you can define in your server config (can't define it in htaccess file), but it's far easier if you just do this in your locationProfile.php script.
You can detect if the request is made with the query string using the REQUEST_URI value:
if ( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/locations/locationProfile.php' &&
isset($_GET['locationID'])) {
// go into DB and extract the location name then redirect
header('Location: /locations/' . $location-name);
Then in your htaccess file in your document root):
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^locations/([^/]+)$ /locations/locationProfile.php?locationName=$1 [L,QSA]
And finally, make your php script look for the locationName parameter and server the proper page based on that instead of the ID.


Rewrite Querystring to File

I mirrored our Basecamp install to a Google Cloud Disk using wget. Many of the pages that were created are using the following file names:
We were able to fix the index issue with log%3fn=0:
DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm log%3fn=0 log report new_more new
I wanted to see if there were a way to add a rewrite in .htaccess that will make
resolve to the file name that contains a query-string in it.
I am thinking the rewrite would have to produce:
Thank for any help!!
You can use something like:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^page=(.*)$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ %{REQUEST_URI}\%3Fnpage=%1? [L]
I.e. match query strings starting with page=, and redirect to the same filename with the query string appended in escaped form.

.htaccess slug url

I'm wondering if anyone will be able to help me, I'm trying to make a site using slug URLs.
At the moment if a user sees the url it is something like
but ideally I would like the URL to be
I have in the database a url friendly artist name which I would like to use.
At the moment within my .htaccess file I have the following:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^artists-single\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
The site itself is written with PHP.
You can get Apache to access MySql and map "artist-name" to it's corresponding ID, see here (Thanks to #Marc B for the link). However, you could also do something like this though (this is what I personally use),
RewriteRule ^artist/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/?$ /artist-single.php?artist=$1 [L]
Then in PHP use $_GET['artist'] to get the value, then query that against the database to get the artist's ID. Or you could use the ID, like
RewriteRule ^artist/([0-9]+)/?$ /artist-single.php?aid=$1 [L]
The URL would be like www.example.com/artist/123, which would pass the id to $_GET['aid']
I would recommend that you make use of a very simple Front Controller. This will give you the least headache and should be rather simple looking at your current setup. Have a quick peak at this for more details: http://www.technotaste.com/blog/simple-php-front-controller/
But just to give you a quick starting point, a Front Controller will be "the first part" that gets executed, traditionally this was the "index.php" file. Using this Front Controller you can then have SEO-friendly URLs and not change any core functionally to your other files.

CakePHP: Can you globally modify all links to point to another directory?

My CakePHP app lives inside a subdirectory to keep it from crashing into a Wordpress installation that powers part of the website:
example.com/ <--root
/_wp <--Wordpress installed here
/_cake <--CakePHP installed here
To maintain consistency, I'm using mod_rewrite rules to rewrite URLs from example.com/_cake/pageX to example.com/pageX etc. This basically works, but CakePHP still creates links with /_cake/pageX. So if a user hovers over a link, the "_cake" will show up in the bottom of the browser and of course in the source code.
Is there a way to configure CakePHP to think it's actually in the site root so it creates the desired URLs for links etc?
I haven't found a way to configure CakePHP the way you want.
If you create your links with HtmlHelper::link or Router::url, you can add a member $url['base'] = false to the $url array argument. This prevents the _cake prefix being inserted in front of the URL.
As an alternative, you can create your own link() or url() function, which calls HtmlHelper::link and always adds base = false.
For this to work, you must also have a .htaccess in the document root, which rewrites the requests to their real destination
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^.*$ /_cake/$0 [L]
You must also pay attention to requests destined for the _wp directory.

Htaccess alias redirect fake multilanguage url

I have a domain www.domain.com with this kind of url
www.domain.com/my-italian-page.html (already rewritten by others htaccess rules)
I'd like to create a fake multilanguage url like
The user will see in the address bar the rewritter url www.domain.com/my-english-page.html but the content that I'd like to show is the original www.domain.com/my-italian-page.html .
I'm on a shared server so I can't use apache vhost rule so I have to find a solution via htaccess.
Someone could help me to find the right way?
So you want english URLs pointing to italian content? Hope your php script that generates these rewrite rules does the translating. But you'd do this for each one of your pages:
RewriteRule ^/?english-page.html$ /italian-page.html [L]
for each one of your pages.
Generally you want to keep the code executed in the web server as small as possible, so having a rewrite rule for each page is not usually a good idea. I suggest to implement this the way most CMS work when SEO URLs are enabled:
Rewrite any url (mydomain/anytext.html [actually you should not use the .html extension either]) to a script (eg. mydomain.tld/translate.php)
Use content of $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] (should contain anytext.html) to display the correct page
Set correct HTTP response code if page does not exist: http_response_code(...) (see end of this answer for a function on php5 below 5.4: PHP: How to send HTTP response code?)
Sample .htaccess (actually originally "stolen" and severely modified from a typo3 setup)
RewriteEngine On
# Uncomment and modify line below if your script is not in web-root
#RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-s
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-l
RewriteRule (.*) translate.php$1 [L]
Very basic pseudo-code-like (not tested, there may be syntax errors) example:
// using a database? you have to escape the string
$db = setup_db();
$page = db->escape_string(basename($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']));
$page = my_translate_query($page);
// no database? do something like this.
$trans = array( 'english' => 'italian', 'italian' => 'italian' );
$page = 'default-name-or-empty-string';
if(isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) {
if(isset($trans[basename($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])])) {
$page = $trans[$trans[basename($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])]];
else {
// need to redirect to another script? use this (causes reload in browser)
header("Location: otherscript.php/$page");
// you could also include it (no reload), try something like this
$_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] = '/'.$page;
// you *may* have to modify other variables like $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']
// to point to the other script
I saw in your answer that you have another script - dispatcher.php - which you seem reluctant to modify. I modified my response accordingly, but please keep in mind that by far the easiest way would be to just modify the existing script to handle any English paths itself.

Yii and Mod Rewrite: redirect to user language translated url

I'm developing a multilanguage web app with Yii.
I applied changes to hide the index.php, changed urlFormat to path and added to the url path a slug with the user language example /it/index.php /en/index.php etc...
The problem now is that I need to redirect automatically to a different url once the user chooses another language. For example:
needs to redirect to:
I have been playing with htaccess with no luck at all. Here is the actual code:
Options +FollowSymLinks
IndexIgnore */*
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /~antonio/project/
# if a directory or a file exists, use it directly
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
# otherwise forward it to index.php
RewriteRule . index.php
#My redirection code (tried a good few more to no use apart from this)
RewriteRule ^it/women$ it/femme
I would really appreciate any help on this issue, as it is driving me mad.
I surrendered with mod_rewrite. I found another solution by adding this code to /layout/main.php:
$onurl = Yii::app()->getRequest()->requestUri;
if ($onurl == "/~antonio/project/it/women") {
} elseif ($onurl == "/~antonio/project/it/men") {
Rinse and repeat per combination of language/word
This might not work without setting up a proper Virtual Host (so that instead of local urls like http://localhost/~antonio/project/it/women you have nice urls like http://project1.dev). But I would do that anyway, since it makes your dev environment nicer! (Here's a place to start).
Anyway, I would try this: just leave the .htaccess file set like you normally would for "path" style urls, and then just parse a $_GET['lang'] parameter using the UrlManager? So you would have a urlManager setup like this in your config.php:
'urlFormat'=>'path', // use path style parameters
'showScriptName'=>false, // get rid of index.php
// this parses out the first chunk of url into the "lang" GET parameter
This way a url like this http://project1.dev/it/controller/action will redirect to the "action" action in your Controller like normal (controller/action), but in your action $_GET['lang'] will now have the value of "it".
I hope that helps, it's kind of a shot in the dark. I'm not sure how you are actually triggering the different languages, so a $_GET parameter might not be helpful after all.
Found a way to do this in htaccess:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/~antonio/project/it/donna/shoes/(.*)$
RewriteRule ^it/donna/shoes/(.*)$ /~antonio/project/it/donna/calzature/$1 [L,R]
