Embedded file in jpeg - jpeg

I'm searching an easy way to have a file embedded in a jpeg. I'm not trying to hide anything inside but I want to have a the additional information as jpeg "built-in", so I don't need to encrypt anything. I found the EXIF interface but there isn't a tag "additional file", I can add only some metadata like date and so on.

The easiest way would be to just create an archive (e.g. a 7z file) and append the archive file to the end of the jpeg using copy
copy /b image.jpg + data.7z image_with_data.jpg
Alternatively you could embed the information as IPTC data
How to Embed in JPEG
Hide files inside of JPEG images


What is the right KQL file type for png files?

Path:"https:/.../Shared Documents/Projects - TPM Marketing/Digital Flyers"
Doesn't find the .png files. I can find .ppt, .pdf, but not the image files.
What is the right file type? Is there a different way to search for image files with KQL?

How to export a project in selected size tiles in JPEG or KMZ file type using QGIS?

'Convert map to raster' processing tool doesn't work for me. It doesn't have these file formats. Saving in other formats also doesn't allow me to open it.

How to find who created .png file and remove the author on MAC?

For security reasons, I want to have .png files without an author in the metadata.
How do I check who is the author of the .png file on Mac?
How do I remove the author on .png file on Mac?
I check for the information on Preview, but it only contains information like camera type, pixels, etc. but not the author.
Using exiftool in terminal, you can see all the metadata by running exiftool on the file (exiftool /path/to/file.png). You can remove the embedded metadata with the command exiftool -all= /path/to/file.png. Take note that some metadata are properties of the file and cannot be removed.

How to generate pdf file of text and image in linux?

I am generating a logfile on one of my servers.
Storing alot of data, then sending it to my mail once a month as a pdf file.
The prosess i am using is to 'cat' alot of commands to a text file, then convert it and send.
Is there any linux programs or some eazy way to do something simulare and add a image i have stored on the server in the pdf file?
This answer assumes that you just want to put the image at the end of the PDF.
You could first convert the image using imagemagick to a PDF doing this (will also work with different file types):
convert image.jpg image.pdf
Then, you can use a tool like stapler or pdftk to combine your generated text PDF and the image.pdf (you can add multiple images):
stapler cat text.pdf image.pdf combined.pdf
pdftk text.pdf image.pdf output combined.pdf

Forwarding the results of text processing commands to certain locations in an .ods file

I am looking for an efficient way to import the data from a bunch of text files into an .ods file. I have no problem in processing the text files with commands like grep and sed, however, I do not know if it is possible to redirect the results of these commands into a certain location in an ods file.
The .ods file format is basically an xml file format. In the case of .fods it is straight xml. In the case of .ods it is zipped xml. So directly inserting content from text files will likely require some xml tools. I'm using Ubuntu and found xml2/2xml could be useful for converting between xml and xml-path-style text. (sudo apt-get install xml2)
So you will have to do the following:
unzip the .ods file - the cell data will be in a file called content.xml
xml2 < content.xml to get raw text out of the xml
Edit the raw text with your content
Convert the edited raw text back to xml using 2xml
Rezip up the previously unzipped .ods, including your edited content
This may be quite an involved/cumbersome process. Alternatively I'd suggest simply saving your .ods file as a .csv file instead and directly editing the comma-separated-values.
