TF400324: Team Foundation services are not available from server - visual-studio-2012

I have updated visual studio 2012 last night, this was Visual Studio 2012 Update 4. It was working fine before but now i am unable to connect with tfs server. Please let me know what i am doing wrong?
This is the error:
TF400324: Team Foundation services are not available from server
Technical information (for administrator):
Unable to connect to the remote server

try clearing your cache folder?
C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation
TFS3 is VS2010, TFS4 is VS2012, TFS5 is VS2013
Stop all instances of Visual Studio.
Zip/Rar all the files as a backup, then delete all files except for the backup zip/rar.
Restart Visual Studio and it will recreate all the files and you should be able to connect as shown here:

I followed this steps to get rid of this issue:
Close all instances of Visual Studio.
Open the Task Manager and check if any TFS Services are running. Select each of them and click on End Process Tree.
Browse to the folder below and delete all the contents and folders in
%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\4.0\Cache
and in
%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\5.0\Cache
Restart Visual Studio and try triggering build.
If you are switching from one version of TFS to another, you may require repeating this solution again. If you are using older version of TFS, you may have to navigate to
%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\
and find out the version folder instead of navigating directly. It would be
TFS3 if using VS2010, TFS4 if using VS2012, TFS5 if using VS2013.
Source: TF400324: Team Foundation Services are not available from server

In my case clearing of cache folders didn't work out.
What I also did is enabling SSL in IIS for Team Foundation Server.
Hopefully, can offer it for free.
Step by step:
On server side:
Cleare cache folders like it described above;
Get the SSL following procedure described here;
Enable SSL for Team foundation server in IIS (netmgr);
Check if your TFS server is available over https (check link https://tfs.your-server, the certificate should be valid and page opened without any warnings);
On client side:
Remove all TFS servers in Visual Studio;
Add your TFS server connection with HTTPS (not HTTP).
Now you are able to work with VS-TFS link.

If the above methods don't work, and in the Output tab shows you have to contact the server administrator, then the TFS is actually down and you are disconnected to it.

I know this is an old thread but the problem still appeared in VS 2013 and TFS 2013.
In my case the IIS on the server side was not running. After starting it VS could immediate connect again.


Visual Studio 2012/TFS 2012 - Configuration system failed to initialize

I've recently uninstalled and re-installed some IBM programs on my computer. Now when I go to connect to TFS, I get the errror:
TF205020.... Configuration system failed to initialize.
In the end I removed my server from my server list and now when I add it, I get the same thing (without the number). This leads me to believe that something is messed up in my Visual Studio instance.
I'm using Visual Studio 2012 and connecting to a TFS 2012 server.
I tried deleting config files under C:\Users\ME\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\4.0\Configuration\VersionControl, but that didn't help.
Thanks for anyone with an idea.
this usually happens if you have a broken web.config file. Check to make sure your machine.config files for v2.0 and v4.0 does not have any any broken tags.

Desktop application publishing to FTP in VS Express 2012

I'm trying to publish a desktop application to a FTP location for updating over the web. Conceptually this works fine, I've published to my local disk, manually copied the files up there, installed from that location, and updates are automatically installed.
Ideally though I'd like to not have to publish to local and copy, I'd like to publish straight to FTP or even WebDAV. When entering an FTP location though I get this error:
Failed to connect to '' with the following error: Unable to create the Web site ''.
The components for communicating with FrontPage Server Extensions are not installed.
Google tells me that on previous Visual Studio versio I could add the "Visual Studio Web Authoring Component" through Add/Remove programs and repair, but that doesn't exist in VS 2012. I'm using VS Express 2012 for Windows Desktop.
How do I install the required components?
Installing Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web gives you the right components:
The FrontPage Server Extension is available as Apache Mod, and IIS extension.

Trouble connecting to TFS in one environment

I am having trouble connecting to TFS on my Azure development machine. The connection issue started happening this morning. Prior to today, it had been working perfectly. This is my work's TFS server which I know I have access to and that my credentials are valid and working. I have confirmed this by connecting to TFS via a web browser and on other machines via Visual Studio 2012. Only the Azure box seems to be affected.
Details about the machine:
Windows Server 2008
SQL Server 2012
VS2012 w/update 3
I have tried connecting on and off the work VPN, with the http and https endpoints that are available.
Here are the steps I have taken to try to remedy the issue:
Updated VS2012 to update 3
Cleared all cache and stored passwords in IE10
Reset IE10 to default settings
Cleared all TFS stored credentials in the windows credential manager
Cleared all Visual Studio cache files - TFS cache, VS cache, etc...
basically the steps in this link
Reboot the VM multiple times
Verified that I can access TFS through IE10 successfully on the VM
None of these had any effect. No matter what I do it seems that I cannot get a connection to TFS through VS2012. It keeps giving me the unauthorized / access denied errors.
Any more ideas of what to try? This was just working yesterday. The ONLY changes since yesterday are:
Installation of some office applications - onenote, word, excel, etc.
(it was working in conjunction with these changes yesterday)
Update 3 installed for VS2012
This is getting more interesting. It seems to be a bug with Visual Studio 2012. After submitting a ticket to my support team at work, I discovered that another coworker submitted a ticket with the exact same issue. His connection stopped working yesterday morning as well. He was also on an Azure VM running Server 2008 w/ Visual Studio 2012.
So after putting our heads together for about an hour and getting nowhere, I spun up another Azure VM to check the issue there. This time I created a Server 2012 w/ Visual Studio 2013 preview image. The connection to TFS worked on the first attempt.
This led us to try installing VS2013 preview on our VMs that were experiencing the issue. For both of us, after installing 2013, we were able to connect! What's really strange is that now VS2012 is working again as well... which is great, but I still have no idea what caused it.
When we were experiencing the problem, we had our IT support guy monitor the TFS build server AND the firewall that sits in front of it when we attempted to log in. He saw no login attempts getting through. So when it wasn't working, it appeared as though Visual Studio never even issued the login attempt to the server.
Does anyone have any idea what might be going on here? A bug in Visual Studio maybe? Or perhaps a windows update that affected me and my coworker at the same time? I can't think that the timing of this was a coincidence...

Visual Studio Copy Web Site does not work

I have been using VS 2010's Copy Web Site a lot to publish my sites to a Windows 2008 Server. I have now got a new PC (Win7) with VS 2012 installed, and moved my sites/projects to this new PC. But I can't get the Copy Web Site to work here. I always receive error:
The ~/ directory does not exist
There is no problem to connect to the same directory via Windows Explore FTP. I have tried to remove the cache from WebsiteCashe, but no help. Any ideas?

Clickonce Deployment after add a report with visual studio 2012

I have a c# application that publishes to a server using click-once, so our company clients can run it. I upgrade my visual studio from 2010 to 2012. every thing is great so far and clients can run the application normally after my publishes.
then I add a report viewer Item to my application and it runs on my pc well. but after publishing the clients face this error:
unable to install or run the application. the application requires that assembly microsoft.reportviewer.ProcessingObjectModel version to be installed in your GAC.
what should I do now, I search a lot but cant find a solution.
You will need to add the report viewer as a prerequisite. Here is a link to MSDN that describes what is needed.
