Playing PCM stream from Web Audio API on Node.js - node.js

I'm streaming recorded PCM audio from a browser with web audio api.
I'm streaming it with binaryJS (websocket connection) to a nodejs server and I'm trying to play that stream on the server using the speaker npm module.
This is my client. The audio buffers are at first non-interleaved IEEE 32-bit linear PCM with a nominal range between -1 and +1. I take one of the two PCM channels to start off and stream it below.
var client = new BinaryClient('ws://localhost:9000');
var Stream = client.send();
recorder.onaudioprocess = function(AudioBuffer){
var leftChannel = AudioBuffer.inputBuffer.getChannelData (0);
Now I receive the data as a buffer and try writing it to a speaker object from the npm package.
var Speaker = require('speaker');
var speaker = new Speaker({
channels: 1, // 1 channel
bitDepth: 32, // 32-bit samples
sampleRate: 48000, // 48,000 Hz sample rate
server.on('connection', function(client){
client.on('stream', function(stream, meta){
stream.on('data', function(data){
The result is a high pitch screech on my laptop's speakers, which is clearly not what's being recorded. It's not feedback either. I can confirm that the recording buffers on the client are valid since I tried writing them to a WAV file and it played back fine.
The docs for speaker and the docs for the AudioBuffer in question
I've been stumped on this for days. Can someone figure out what is wrong or perhaps offer a different approach?
Update with solution
First off, I was using the websocket API incorrectly. I updated above to use it correctly.
I needed to convert the audio buffers to an array buffer of integers. I choose to use Int16Array. Since the given audio buffer has a range in-between 1 and -1, it was as simple as multiplying by the range of the new ArrayBuffer (32767 to -32768).
recorder.onaudioprocess = function(AudioBuffer){
var left = AudioBuffer.inputBuffer.getChannelData (0);
var l = left.length;
var buf = new Int16Array(l)
while (l--) {
buf[l] = left[l]*0xFFFF; //convert to 16 bit

It looks like you're sending your stream through as the meta object.
According to the docs, BinaryClient.send takes a data object (the stream) and a meta object, in that order. The callback for the stream event receives the stream (as a BinaryStream object, not a Buffer) in the first parameter and the meta object in the second.
You're passing send() the string 'channel' as the stream and the Float32Array from getChannelData() as the meta object. Perhaps if you were to swap those two parameters (or just use client.send(leftChannel)) and then change the server code to pass stream to speaker.write instead of leftchannel (which should probably be renamed to meta, or dropped if you don't need it), it might work.
Note that since Float32Array isn't a stream or buffer object, BinaryJS might try to send it in one chunk. You may want to send leftChannel.buffer (the ArrayBuffer behind that object) instead.
Let me know if this works for you; I'm not able to test your exact setup right now.


Buffering a Float32Array to a client

This should be obvious, but for some reason I am not getting any result. I have already spent way too much time just trying different ways to get this working without results.
TLDR: A shorter way to explain this question could be: I know how to stream a sound from a file. How to stream a buffer containing sound that was synthesized on the server instead?
This works:
var stream = ss.createStream();
ss(socket).emit('get-file', stream, data.bufferSource);
var parts = [];
stream.on('data', function(chunk){
stream.on('end', function () {
var blob=new Blob(parts,{type:"audio"});
server (in the 'socket-connected' callback of
var ss = require('');
// ....
ss(socket).on('get-file', (stream:any, filename:any)=>{
Now, the problem:
I want to alter this audio buffer and send the modified audio instead of just the file. I converted the ReadStream into an Float32Array, and did some processes sample by sample. Now I want to send that modified Float32Array to the client.
In my view, I just need to replaces the fs.createReadStream(filename) with(new Readable()).push(modifiedSoundBuffer). However, I get a TypeError: Invalid non-string/buffer chunk. Interestingly, if I convert this modifiedSodunBuffer into a Uint8Array, it doesn't yell at me, and the client gets a large array, which looks good; only that all the array values are 0. I guess that it's flooring all the values?
ss(socket).on('get-buffer', (stream:any, filename:any)=>{
let readable=(new Readable()).push(modifiedFloat32Array);
I am trying to use streams for two reasons: sound buffers are large, and to allow concurrent processing in the future
if you will convert object Float32Array to buffer before sending like this Readable()).push(Buffer.from(modifiedSoundBuffer)) ?

How to capture the first 10 seconds of an mp3 being streamed over HTTP

disclaimer: newbie to nodeJS and audio parsing
I'm trying to proxy a digital radio stream through an expressJS app with the help of node-icecast which works great. I am getting the radio's mp3 stream, and via node-lame decoding the mp3 to PCM and then sending it to the speakers. All of this just works straight from the github project's readme example:
var lame = require('lame');
var icecast = require('icecast');
var Speaker = require('speaker');
// URL to a known Icecast stream
var url = '';
// connect to the remote stream
icecast.get(url, function (res) {
// log the HTTP response headers
// log any "metadata" events that happen
res.on('metadata', function (metadata) {
var parsed = icecast.parse(metadata);
// Let's play the music (assuming MP3 data).
// lame decodes and Speaker sends to speakers!
res.pipe(new lame.Decoder())
.pipe(new Speaker());
I'm now trying to setup a service to identify the music using the Doreso API. Problem is I'm working with a stream and don't have the file (and I don't know enough yet about readable and writable streams, and slow learning). I have been looking around for a while at trying to write the stream (ideally to memory) until I had about 10 seconds worth. Then I would pass that portion of audio to my API, however I don't know if that's possible or know where to start with slicing 10 seconds of a stream. I thought possibly trying passing the stream to ffmpeg as it has a -t option for duration, and perhaps that could limit it, however I haven't got that to work yet.
Any suggestions to cut a stream down to 10 seconds would be awesome. Thanks!
Updated: Changed my question as I originally thought I was getting PCM and converting to mp3 ;-) I had it backwards. Now I just want to slice off part of the stream while the stream still feeds the speaker.
It's not that easy.. but I've managed it this weekend. I would be happy if you guys could point out how to even improve this code. I don't really like the approach of simulating the "end" of a stream. Is there something like "detaching" or "rewiring" parts of a pipe-wiring of streams in node?
First, you should create your very own Writable Stream class which itself creates a lame encoding instance. This writable stream will receive the decoded PCM data.
It works like this:
var stream = require('stream');
var util = require('util');
var fs = require('fs');
var lame = require('lame');
var streamifier = require('streamifier');
var WritableStreamBuffer = require("stream-buffers").WritableStreamBuffer;
var SliceStream = function(lameConfig) {;
this.encoder = new lame.Encoder(lameConfig);
// we need a stream buffer to buffer the PCM data
this.buffer = new WritableStreamBuffer({
initialSize: (1000 * 1024), // start as 1 MiB.
incrementAmount: (150 * 1024) // grow by 150 KiB each time buffer overflows.
util.inherits(SliceStream, stream.Writable);
// some attributes, initialization
SliceStream.prototype.writable = true;
SliceStream.prototype.encoder = null;
SliceStream.prototype.buffer = null;
// will be called each time the decoded steam emits "data"
// together with a bunch of binary data as Buffer
SliceStream.prototype.write = function(buf) {
//console.log('bytes recv: ', buf.length);
//console.log('buffer size: ', this.buffer.size());
// this method will invoke when the setTimeout function
// emits the simulated "end" event. Lets encode to MP3 again...
SliceStream.prototype.end = function(buf) {
if (arguments.length) {
this.writable = false;
//console.log('buffer size: ' + this.buffer.size());
// fetch binary data from buffer
var PCMBuffer = this.buffer.getContents();
// create a stream out of the binary buffer data
// and pipe it right into the MP3 encoder...
// but dont forget to pipe the encoders output
// into a writable file stream
Now you can pipe the decoded stream into an instance of your SliceStream class, like this (additional to the other pipes):
icecast.get(streamUrl, function(res) {
var lameEncoderConfig = {
// input
channels: 2, // 2 channels (left and right)
bitDepth: 16, // 16-bit samples
sampleRate: 44100, // 44,100 Hz sample rate
// output
bitRate: 320,
outSampleRate: 44100,
var decodedStream = res.pipe(new lame.Decoder());
// pipe decoded PCM stream into a SliceStream instance
decodedStream.pipe(new SliceStream(lameEncoderConfig));
// now play it...
decodedStream.pipe(new Speaker());
setTimeout(function() {
// after 10 seconds, emulate an end of the stream.
}, 10 * 1000 /*milliseconds*/)
Can I suggest using removeListener after 10 seconds? That will prevent future events from being sent through the listener.
var request = require('request'),
fs = require('fs'),
masterStream = request('-- mp3 stream --')
var writeStream = fs.createWriteStream('recording.mp3'),
handler = function(bit){
masterStream.on('data', handler);
masterStream.removeListener('data', handler);
}, 1000 * 10);

Streaming Web Audio API microphone data to disk on nodewebkit

I'm working on a nodewebkit app that uses the Web Audio API to record microphone data and save it to disk.
I've used the RecordRTC framework, but it doesn't expose a way to stream the data to disk as the recording progresses (which is necessary given that the recordings could be longer than an hour).
I can't seem to find a good way to stream the data to disk using other methods either. If there is a proper way to do this, I would appreciate tips on what the proper tool for the job is.
However, the non-working solution I have now is:
Creating a ScriptProcessorNode with WebAudio API to access the PCM data
Create a readable stream buffer (using the stream-buffer module) and pipe it to a fileWriter (made with the wav module)
Translating that data to 16 bit ints in the onaudioprocess event and add them to the readable stream so they can be written
This hasn't worked because the ReadableStreamBuffer is only piping 20 bytes at a time to the fileWriter and not queueing all of the bytes coming from the microphone for some reason.
var wav = require('wav');
var streamBuffers = require("stream-buffers");
function convertFloat32ToInt16(buffer) {
var l = buffer.length;
var buf = new Int16Array(l);
while (l--) {
buf[l] = Math.min(1, buffer[l])*0x7FFF;
return buf.buffer;
var filePath = utils.getCwd() + '/recordings/demo.wav';
var fileWriter = new wav.FileWriter( filePath, {
channels: 1,
sampleRate: 48000,
bitDepth: 16
var myReadableStreamBuffer = new streamBuffers.ReadableStreamBuffer({
frequency: 0, // in milliseconds.
chunkSize: 2048 // in bytes.
scriptNode.onaudioprocess = function(e) {
var arrayBuffer = convertFloat32ToInt16(e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0));
// close myReadableStreamBuffer and run fileWriter.end() when recording is done

Performing piped operations on individual chunks (node-wav)

I'm new to node and I'm working on an audio stream server. I'm trying to process / transform the chunks of a stream as they come out of each pipe.
So, file = fs.createReadStream(path) (filestream) is piped into file.pipe(wavy) (remove headers and output raw PCM) gets piped in to .pipe(waver) (add proper wav header to chunk) which is piped into .pipe(spark) (ouput chunk to client).
The idea is that each filestream chunk has headers removed if any (only applies to first chunk), then using the node-wav Writer that chunk is endowed with headers and then sent to the client. As I'm sure you guessed this doesn't work.
The pipe operations into node-wav are acting on the entire filestream, not the individual chunks. To confirm I've checked the output client side and it is effectively dropping the headers and re-adding them to the entire data stream.
From what I've read of the Node Stream docs it seems like what I'm trying to do should be possible, just not the way I'm doing it. I just can't pin down how to accomplish this.
Is it possible, and if so what am I missing?
Complete function:
processAudio = (path, spark) ->
wavy = new wav.Reader()
waver = new wav.Writer()
file = fs.createReadStream(path)
I don't really know about wavs and headers but if you're "trying to process / transform the chunks of a stream as they come out of each pipe." you can use the Transform stream.
It permits you to sit between 2 streams and modify the bytes between them:
var util = require('util');
var Transform = require('stream').Transform;
util.inherits(Test, Transform);
function Test(options) {, options);
Test.prototype._transform = function(chunk, encoding, cb) {
// do something with chunk, then pass a modified chunk (or not)
// to the downstream
cb(null, chunk);
To observe the stream and potentially modify it, pipe like:
file.pipe(wavy).pipe(new Test()).pipe(waver).pipe(spark)

Node.js Readable file stream not getting data

I'm attempting to create a Readable file stream that I can read individual bytes from. I'm using the code below.
var rs = fs.createReadStream(file).on('open', function() {
var buff =; //Read first 8 bytes
Given that file is an existing file of at least 8 bytes, why am I getting 'null' as the output for this?
Event open means that stream has been initialized, it does not mean you can read from the stream. You would have to listen for either readable or data events.
var rs = fs.createReadStream(file);
rs.once('readable', function() {
var buff =; //Read first 8 bytes only once
It looks like you're calling this method. However, that method is only available in the Streams interface. In the Streams interface, you're looking for the 'data' event and not the 'open' event.
That stated, the docs actually recommend against doing this. Instead you should probably be handling chunks at a time if you want to stream them:
var rs = fs.createReadStream('test.txt');
rs.on('data', function(chunk) {
If you want to read just a specific portion of a file, you may want to look at and which are lower level.
