How do I sort 'auto-magically' using Mongoose? - node.js

Say I have a URL like this:
which hits the following controller:
exports.findAll = function(req, res) {
System.find(req.query, function(err, systems) {
and then returns the set below 'auto-magically' using Node, Express, MongoDB and Mongoose:
"_id": "529e5f29c128685d860b3bad",
"system_number": "123",
"target_country": "USA",
"system_type": {
"category": "Penetration",
"subcategory": ["Floor", "Wall"]
"_id": "999e5f29c128685d860b3bad",
"system_number": "456",
"target_country": "Canada",
"system_type": {
"category": "Penetration",
"subcategory": ["Floor", "Wall"]
Now, if I want the results sorted by 'target_country', what is the 'best practice' for 'auto-magically' doing that?
Are there certain parameters/syntax that Mongoose/Express are expecting to do it for me? Or, is this a case where I have to specifically code for it? (That would kill the 'auto-magical' functionality already there.)
UPDATE: Here is what worked for me.
exports.findAll = function(req, res) {
// Sort Ascending:
// Sort Descending:
// Default sort ascending on system_number:
var sort_param = req.query.sort ? req.query.sort : 'system_number';
System.find().sort(sort_param).find(function(err, menus) {
I guess where I went wrong, was to think I should find with filters and then sort, instead of find all, sort and then find again with filters. Still getting my head wrapped around the whole 'callback philosophy' I guess.

You need to define separate URL parameters for the query and sort components of your System query. As in:
System.find(req.query.query).sort(req.query.sort).exec(function(err, systems) {
Then you'd use request URL parameters that look like:
Docs on sort here.


How to query using an array which matches with a single element in mongodb [duplicate]

If I have this schema...
person = {
name : String,
favoriteFoods : Array
... where the favoriteFoods array is populated with strings. How can I find all persons that have "sushi" as their favorite food using mongoose?
I was hoping for something along the lines of:
PersonModel.find({ favoriteFoods : { $contains : "sushi" }, function(...) {...});
(I know that there is no $contains in mongodb, just explaining what I was expecting to find before knowing the solution)
As favouriteFoods is a simple array of strings, you can just query that field directly:
PersonModel.find({ favouriteFoods: "sushi" }, ...); // favouriteFoods contains "sushi"
But I'd also recommend making the string array explicit in your schema:
person = {
name : String,
favouriteFoods : [String]
The relevant documentation can be found here:
There is no $contains operator in mongodb.
You can use the answer from JohnnyHK as that works. The closest analogy to contains that mongo has is $in, using this your query would look like:
PersonModel.find({ favouriteFoods: { "$in" : ["sushi"]} }, ...);
I feel like $all would be more appropriate in this situation. If you are looking for person that is into sushi you do :
PersonModel.find({ favoriteFood : { $all : ["sushi"] }, ...})
As you might want to filter more your search, like so :
PersonModel.find({ favoriteFood : { $all : ["sushi", "bananas"] }, ...})
$in is like OR and $all like AND. Check this :
In case that the array contains objects for example if favouriteFoods is an array of objects of the following:
name: 'Sushi',
type: 'Japanese'
you can use the following query:
PersonModel.find({"": "Sushi"});
In case you need to find documents which contain NULL elements inside an array of sub-documents, I've found this query which works pretty well:
db.collection.find({"keyWithArray":{$elemMatch:{"$in":[null], "$exists":true}}})
This query is taken from this post: MongoDb query array with null values
It was a great find and it works much better than my own initial and wrong version (which turned out to work fine only for arrays with one element):
'MyArrayOfSubDocuments': { $not: { $size: 0 } },
'MyArrayOfSubDocuments._id': { $exists: false }
Incase of lookup_food_array is array.
match_stage["favoriteFoods"] = {'$elemMatch': {'$in': lookup_food_array}}
Incase of lookup_food_array is string.
match_stage["favoriteFoods"] = {'$elemMatch': lookup_food_string}
Though agree with find() is most effective in your usecase. Still there is $match of aggregation framework, to ease the query of a big number of entries and generate a low number of results that hold value to you especially for grouping and creating new files.
"$match": {
$and : [{ 'favouriteFoods' : { $exists: true, $in: [ 'sushi']}}, ........ ] }
{ $project : {"_id": 0, "name" : 1} }
There are some ways to achieve this. First one is by $elemMatch operator:
const docs = await Documents.find({category: { $elemMatch: {$eq: 'yourCategory'} }});
// you may need to convert 'yourCategory' to ObjectId
Second one is by $in or $all operators:
const docs = await Documents.find({category: { $in: [yourCategory] }});
const docs = await Documents.find({category: { $all: [yourCategory] }});
// you can give more categories with these two approaches
//and again you may need to convert yourCategory to ObjectId
$in is like OR and $all like AND. For further details check this link :
Third one is by aggregate() function:
const docs = await Documents.aggregate([
{ $unwind: '$category' },
{ $match: { 'category': mongoose.Types.ObjectId(yourCategory) } }
with aggregate() you get only one category id in your category array.
I get this code snippets from my projects where I had to find docs with specific category/categories, so you can easily customize it according to your needs.
For Loopback3 all the examples given did not work for me, or as fast as using REST API anyway. But it helped me to figure out the exact answer I needed.
{"where":{"arrayAttribute":{ "all" :[String]}}}
In case You are searching in an Array of objects, you can use $elemMatch. For example:
PersonModel.find({ favoriteFoods : { $elemMatch: { name: "sushiOrAnytthing" }}});
With populate & $in this code will be useful.
path: "services",
match: { zipCodes: {$in: "10400"}},
populate: [
path: "offers",
If you'd want to use something like a "contains" operator through javascript, you can always use a Regular expression for that...
Say you want to retrieve a customer having "Bartolomew" as name
async function getBartolomew() {
const custStartWith_Bart = await Customers.find({name: /^Bart/ }); // Starts with Bart
const custEndWith_lomew = await Customers.find({name: /lomew$/ }); // Ends with lomew
const custContains_rtol = await Customers.find({name: /.*rtol.*/ }); // Contains rtol
I know this topic is old, but for future people who could wonder the same question, another incredibly inefficient solution could be to do:
PersonModel.find({$where : 'this.favouriteFoods.indexOf("sushi") != -1'});
This avoids all optimisations by MongoDB so do not use in production code.

Mongoose FindOneandUpdate - Only update Specific fields leave others alone

Maybe I'm not wording this properly but hopefully I can find some help with this. I've been playing around with mongoose schema's and boy its doing my head in with this issue..
I want to update a document on a collection under a specific ID, I've got all that working however. I'm running into an issue where since I never supplied values for others I dont want updated it makes them either all Null or deletes them if omitUndefined is turned on.
router.put('/api/playerinfo/:player_steamID/main_server', passport.authenticate('basic', {session: false}),
function(req, res){
const params = {
main_server: {
kills: req.body.main_server.game_stats.kills,
deaths: req.body.main_server.game_stats.deaths,
PlayerInfo.findOneAndUpdate({player_steamID: req.body.player_steamID }, {$set: params}, { upsert: true, new: true }).then(playerinfo =>{
For example:
Current Stored information
"name": "Jimbo",
"steamID": "123456",
"main_server": {
"game_stats": {
"kills": 3,
Then if we used the above code to modify the fields.. But we did not supply a death value for that field, it would null out the bottom or remove it entirely if omit is true.
Sending postman update with the following:
"name": "Jimbo",
"steamID": "123456",
"main_server": {
"game_stats": {
"kills": 34
Updated Information
"name": "Jimbo",
"steamID": "123456",
"main_server": {
"game_stats": {
"kills": 34,
"deaths": null
What I would like to know is the best way to modify multiple fields without it "changing" the last value. if a field is missing. Is that possible?
IE: If i only supply kills value and leave json update for deaths blank it would retain the old value from deaths.
-- Fixed.
created a object inside $set then to update old values without replacing you need to wrap them in quotes. 'main_server.game_stats.kills' : req.body.....kills etc.
Use $set to update only certain fields.
PlayerInfo.findOneAndUpdate({steamID: req.body.steamID },{ $set: {'yourcoll.$.someField': 'Value'} }, { upsert: true, new: true }).then(playerinfo =>{
Fixed. created a object inside $set then to update old values without replacing you need to wrap them in quotes. 'main_server.game_stats.kills' : req.body.....kills etc.
I also did a for loop in the object and assigned props to handle multiple values or single if passed through from json.
You can try just put part of model, which contains specific field for update
_userModelRepository.updateUser( { email: }, { specificField: specificValue});
Here's schema implementation
updateUser = function(query, params){
return _userModelRepository.findOneAndUpdate(query, params, function(err, result) {
if (err) {
throw err;
What I did was
retrieve the original value in hidden input field using Ejs something like:
<input type="hidden" name="nameOf_thefield" value="<%= variable %>" />
Pass the value req.body.nameOf_thefield to the variable which you wish not to change

how to remove object in array by index mongodb / mongoose [duplicate]

In the following example, assume the document is in the db.people collection.
How to remove the 3rd element of the interests array by it's index?
"_id" : ObjectId("4d1cb5de451600000000497a"),
"name" : "dannie",
"interests" : [
This is my current solution:
var interests = db.people.findOne({"name":"dannie"}).interests;
db.people.update({"name":"dannie"}, {"$set" : {"interests" : interests}});
Is there a more direct way?
There is no straight way of pulling/removing by array index. In fact, this is an open issue , you may vote for it.
The workaround is using $unset and then $pull:
db.lists.update({}, {$unset : {"interests.3" : 1 }})
db.lists.update({}, {$pull : {"interests" : null}})
Update: as mentioned in some of the comments this approach is not atomic and can cause some race conditions if other clients read and/or write between the two operations. If we need the operation to be atomic, we could:
Read the document from the database
Update the document and remove the item in the array
Replace the document in the database. To ensure the document has not changed since we read it, we can use the update if current pattern described in the mongo docs
You can use $pull modifier of update operation for removing a particular element in an array. In case you provided a query will look like this:
db.people.update({"name":"dannie"}, {'$pull': {"interests": "guitar"}})
Also, you may consider using $pullAll for removing all occurrences. More about this on the official documentation page -
This doesn't use index as a criteria for removing an element, but still might help in cases similar to yours. IMO, using indexes for addressing elements inside an array is not very reliable since mongodb isn't consistent on an elements order as fas as I know.
in Mongodb 4.2 you can do this:
db.example.update({}, [
{$set: {field: {
$concatArrays: [
{$slice: ["$field", P]},
{$slice: ["$field", {$add: [1, P]}, {$size: "$field"}]}
P is the index of element you want to remove from array.
If you want to remove from P till end:
db.example.update({}, [
{ $set: { field: { $slice: ["$field", 1] } } },
Starting in Mongo 4.4, the $function aggregation operator allows applying a custom javascript function to implement behaviour not supported by the MongoDB Query Language.
For instance, in order to update an array by removing an element at a given index:
// { "name": "dannie", "interests": ["guitar", "programming", "gadgets", "reading"] }
{ "name": "dannie" },
[{ $set:
{ "interests":
{ $function: {
body: function(interests) { interests.splice(2, 1); return interests; },
args: ["$interests"],
lang: "js"
// { "name": "dannie", "interests": ["guitar", "programming", "reading"] }
$function takes 3 parameters:
body, which is the function to apply, whose parameter is the array to modify. The function here simply consists in using splice to remove 1 element at index 2.
args, which contains the fields from the record that the body function takes as parameter. In our case "$interests".
lang, which is the language in which the body function is written. Only js is currently available.
Rather than using the unset (as in the accepted answer), I solve this by setting the field to a unique value (i.e. not NULL) and then immediately pulling that value. A little safer from an asynch perspective. Here is the code:
var update = {};
var key = "ToBePulled_"+ new Date().toString();
update['feedback.'+index] = key;
Venues.update(venueId, {$set: update});
return Venues.update(venueId, {$pull: {feedback: key}});
Hopefully mongo will address this, perhaps by extending the $position modifier to support $pull as well as $push.
I would recommend using a GUID (I tend to use ObjectID) field, or an auto-incrementing field for each sub-document in the array.
With this GUID it is easy to issue a $pull and be sure that the correct one will be pulled. Same goes for other array operations.
For people who are searching an answer using mongoose with nodejs. This is how I do it.
exports.deletePregunta = function (req, res) {
let codTest = req.params.tCodigo;
let indexPregunta = req.body.pregunta; // the index that come from frontend
let inPregunta = `tPreguntas.0.pregunta.${indexPregunta}`; // my field in my db
let inOpciones = `tPreguntas.0.opciones.${indexPregunta}`; // my other field in my db
let inTipo = `tPreguntas.0.tipo.${indexPregunta}`; // my other field in my db
Test.findOneAndUpdate({ tCodigo: codTest },
'$unset': {
[inPregunta]: 1, // put the field with []
[inOpciones]: 1,
[inTipo]: 1
Test.findOneAndUpdate({ tCodigo: codTest }, {
'$pull': {
'tPreguntas.0.pregunta': null,
'tPreguntas.0.opciones': null,
'tPreguntas.0.tipo': null
}).then(testModificado => {
if (!testModificado) {
res.status(404).send({ accion: 'deletePregunta', message: 'No se ha podido borrar esa pregunta ' });
} else {
res.status(200).send({ accion: 'deletePregunta', message: 'Pregunta borrada correctamente' });
})}).catch(err => { res.status(500).send({ accion: 'deletePregunta', message: 'error en la base de datos ' + err }); });
I can rewrite this answer if it dont understand very well, but I think is okay.
Hope this help you, I lost a lot of time facing this issue.
It is little bit late but some may find it useful who are using robo3t-
{ $pull:
interests: "guitar" // you can change value to
{ multi: true }
If you have values something like -
property: [
"key" : "key1",
"value" : "value 1"
"key" : "key2",
"value" : "value 2"
"key" : "key3",
"value" : "value 3"
and you want to delete a record where the key is key3 then you can use something -
{ $pull:
property: { key: "key3"} // you can change value to
{ multi: true }
The same goes for the nested property.
this can be done using $pop operator,
db.getCollection('collection_name').updateOne( {}, {$pop: {"path_to_array_object":1}})

A find() statement with possible null parameters

I'm trying to figure out how Mongoose and MongoDB works... I'm really new to them, and I can't seem to figure how to return values based on a find statement, where some of the given parameters in the query possible are null - is there an attribute I can set for this or something?
To explain it further, I have a web page that has different input fields that are used to search for a company, however they're not all mandatory.
var Company = mongoose.model('Company');
Company.find({companyName: req.query.companyName, position: req.query.position,
areaOfExpertise: req.query.areaOfExpertise, zip:,
country:}, function(err, docs) {
By filling out all the input fields on the webpage I get a result back, but only that specific one which matches. Let's say I only fill out country, it returns nothing because the rest are empty, but I wish to return all rows which are e.g. in Germany. I hope I expressed myself clearly enough.
You need to wrap the queries with the $or logic operator, for example
var Company = mongoose.model('Company');
"$or": [
{ "companyName": req.query.companyName },
{ "position": req.query.position },
{ "areaOfExpertise": req.query.areaOfExpertise },
{ "zip": },
{ "country": }
}, function(err, docs) {
Another approach would be to construct a query that checks for empty parameters, if they are not null then include it as part of the query. For example, you can just use the req.query object as your query assuming the keys are the same as your document's field, as in the following:
the req.query object will only have two parameters/keys e.g.
req.query = {
position: "Developer",
country: "France"
var Company = mongoose.model('Company');
Company.find(req.query, function(err, docs) {
if (err) throw err;
In the above, the req.query object acts as the query and has an implicit logical AND operation since MongoDB provides an implicit AND operation when specifying a comma separated list of expressions. Using an explicit AND with the $and operator is necessary when the same field or operator has to be specified in multiple expressions.
If you are after a query that satisfies both logical AND and OR i.e. return all documents that match the conditions of both clauses for example given a query for position AND country OR any other fields then you may tweak the query to:
var Company = mongoose.model('Company');
"$or": [
{ "companyName": req.query.companyName },
"position": req.query.position,
{ "areaOfExpertise": req.query.areaOfExpertise },
{ "zip": }
}, function(err, docs) {
but then again this could be subject to what query parameters need to be joined as mandatory etc.
I simply ended up deleting the parameters in the query in case they were empty. It seems all the text fields in the submit are submitted as "" (empty). Since there are no such values in the database, it would return nothing. So simple it never crossed my mind...
if (req.query.companyName == "") {
delete req.query.companyName;

Combine Mongo Output with Node for API

I''m really new to Node but I currently have a NodeJS / Express open source CMS and would like to output some API data for an app that I am working. Forgive me if I'm not using the correct terminology or whatnot, this is new to me.
What I currently have are two collections, locations and tours. The CMS allows me to create a relationship between the two. This simply stores an array of ObjectID's in the locations record for each associated tour record.
What I want to do is take my API output code (below) and have it output the entire tours array, complete with all the fields (title, description, etc), in with each location record. Currently it only outputs an array of the ID's.
Here is my current code:
var async = require('async'),
landmark = require('keystone');
var Location = keystone.list('Location'),
Tour = keystone.list('Tour');
* List Locations
exports.list = function(req, res) {
Location.model.find(function(err, items) {
if (err) return res.apiError('database error', err);
locations: items
* Get Location by ID
exports.get = function(req, res) {
Location.model.findById(, item) {
if (err) return res.apiError('database error', err);
if (!item) return res.apiError('not found');
location: item
Current API output (truncated):
"locations": [
"_id": "53a47997ebe91d8a4a26d251",
"slug": "test-location",
"lastModified": "2014-06-20T20:19:14.484Z",
"commonName": "test location",
"__v": 3,
"url": "",
"tours": [
"images": []
What I'm looking for:
"locations": [
"_id": "53a47997ebe91d8a4a26d251",
"slug": "test-location",
"lastModified": "2014-06-20T20:19:14.484Z",
"commonName": "test location",
"__v": 3,
"url": "",
"tours": [
"_id": "53a47963ebe91d8a4a26d250",
"title": "my test tour title",
"url": "url_to_audio_file"
"images": []
Anyone know if this is possible? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
It looks like you have setup your Location model to have a reference to the Tours, defined as an array of Tours. This means that when you store the Tour within your Location, you're not storing the data that represents that Tour, but instead an ID that references the Tour. When you perform the find operation, you're seeing that in the response that you send back to the client.
If this is the case, then you might want to take a look at Mongoose's populate function. This will take those references and populate them fully with the data that they contain.
So for instance, you can change your query to the following:
Location.model.find().populate('tours').exec(function(err, items) {
// items should now contain fully populated tours
Let me know if this isn't what you mean and I can try to help further.
The solution provided by #dylants is absolutely correct. However, for it to work you need to have tours declared as a Types.Relationship field in your Location list with the ref option set to Tour.
Check out the Keystone docs on Relationship Fields.
I included the many: true option in my example below, because I assumed this is a one-to-many relationship. If it isn't, you can discard it.
var keystone = require('keystone'),
Location = keystone.list('Location');
tours: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'Tour', many: true },
The List.relationship() method you mentioned is meant to be used only if you want a list of related documents to automatically appear in the Keystone Admin UI, and not to establish the actual relationship.
Hope this helps.
