Routing in Express.js - dynamic number of parameters - node.js

I've a concept for create routing with multiple parameters when numbers of it are dynamic, for example:
In Express I want parse it as: Modules.v2.ModuleName.Method.Method2(). When will be just one method, this should be of course Modules.v2.ModuleName.Method(). It's possible to do that?

You can split pathname then lookup the method from your Modules object like this:
// fields = ['v2', 'ModuleName', 'Method', 'Method2']
var method = Modules;
fields.forEach(function (field) {
method = method[field];
// call method
Full code:
var express = require('express'), url = require('url');
var app = express();
Modules = {
method: function () { return 'I am root'},
v2: {
method: function () { return 'I am v2';}
app.get('/callmethod/*', function (req, res) {
var path = url.parse(req.url).pathname;
// split and remove empty element;
path = path.split('/').filter(function (e) {
return e.length > 0;
// remove the first component 'callmethod'
path = path.slice(1);
// lookup method in Modules:
var method = Modules;
path.forEach(function (field) {
method = method[field];
Test on browser:
"I am root"
"I am v2"
PS: you can improve this app to support pass params to a method via url:


pass variable to nodesjs to localhost

I want to pass the variable "valor_dollar" into the server localhost or an file html. Actually I can not to look the variable the browser.
const express = require ('express');
const cheerio = require ('cheerio')
const request = require ('request-promise')
const axios = require('axios')
const app = express();
app.get('/',(req,res) => {
function prova(){
axios.get('').then((response) => {
// Load the web page source code into a cheerio instance
const $ = cheerio.load(
// The CSS selector matches all `pre` elements
// that have both the `highlight` and `shell` class
const urlElems = $('td.line.text')[0]
const urlText = $(urlElems).text()
let valor_dollar = Number(urlText.substring(4,7))
You are calling res.end method directly without setting the body, the prova function returns undefined.
Instead you can modify your method like this to have a callback that runs after the HTTP call.
function prova(callback){
axios.get('').then((response) => {
// Load the web page source code into a cheerio instance
const $ = cheerio.load(
// The CSS selector matches all `pre` elements
// that have both the `highlight` and `shell` class
const urlElems = $('td.line.text')[0]
const urlText = $(urlElems).text()
let valor_dollar = Number(urlText.substring(4,7))
and the route should be like this:
app.get('/',(req,res) => {
prova(function(value) {
res.body = { dollar_value: value };

Use Express Router to match a route

I'm trying to consolidate a bunch of route usage throughout my Express API, and I'm hoping there's a way I can do something like this:
const app = express()
const get = {
}) {
return `hey ${name}`
const map = {
'/public/hostname/:hostname': get.fetchByHostname
app.use((req, res, next) => {
const url = req.originalUrl
const args = { ...req.body, ...req.query }
const method = map[url] // this won't work
const result = method(args)
return res.json({
data: result
I'm trying to avoid passing round the req and res objects and just handle the response to the client in one place. Is there an Express/Node/.js module or way to match the URL, like my map object above?
I really don't understand what you are trying to achieve, but from what i can see, your fectchByHostname({name})should be fetchByHostname(name) and you might be able to return hey $name. You should be sure you are using ES6 because with you args. Else you have to define the as in es5 args = {body: req.body, query: req.query};. Hope it helps.

Re Initialization express Application

I have node.js application, which was built on express.js framework.
const app = express();
./config/config.js we instantiate config:
module.exports = function (app) {
const conf = {APIKey: 1234567890, url: '<someurl>'};
app.set('config', conf);
./services/APIService.js we create service instance(singleton)
module.exports = (app) => {
app.set('apiService', new APIService(app));
function APIService(app) {
const config = app.get('config');
this.key = config.APIKey;
APIService.prototype.sendRequest = () => {
const config = app.get('config');
this._send(config.url, 'some text');
Or, service2
module.exports = function(app) {
const config = app.get('config');
const myMod = require('myMod')(config.APIKey);
Cool, all works correct. But sometime administrator will change some config data. So, we create new config, set him to
newConf = {APIKey: 1234000000, url: '<some_new_url>'};
app.set('config', newConf);
APIService.sendRequest, will send request to CHANGED url, but APIService.key still unchanged. And myMod already instantiated with old config data.
We need write some setter methods, like this
//for APIService
APIService.prototype.setConfig = () => {
const config = app.get('config');
this.key = config.APIKey;
//for service 2
/* change const myMod to let myMod and create method for overriding */
or bang! kill and restart node.js server process. Bad idea. Maybe exist some method for this goal, something like app.restart() for safely reinitializing application(or, maybe, his parts)?
Did you try to call app.set('apiService', new APIService(app)); again ? or just have getter and setter on the prototype for your params.
Better way should be to have a new APIService object at each new request with a middleware, somehting like :
app.use(function (req, res, next){
req.api = new APIService(app);
And use req.api.

regarding foodme project in github

hello i have a question regarding the foodme express example over github:
var express = require('express');
var fs = require('fs');
var open = require('open');
var RestaurantRecord = require('./model').Restaurant;
var MemoryStorage = require('./storage').Memory;
var API_URL = '/api/restaurant';
var API_URL_ID = API_URL + '/:id';
var API_URL_ORDER = '/api/order';
var removeMenuItems = function(restaurant) {
var clone = {};
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(restaurant).forEach(function(key) {
if (key !== 'menuItems') {
clone[key] = restaurant[key];
return clone;
exports.start = function(PORT, STATIC_DIR, DATA_FILE, TEST_DIR) {
var app = express();
var storage = new MemoryStorage();
// log requests
// serve static files for demo client
// parse body into req.body
// API
app.get(API_URL, function(req, res, next) {
res.send(200, storage.getAll().map(removeMenuItems));
i don't understand where is the api folder. it doesn't exist and i don't understand how information is going in and out from there. i can't find it.
can someone please explain this to me?
another question:
there is a resource for the restaurant
foodMeApp.factory('Restaurant', function($resource) {
return $resource('/api/restaurant/:id', {id: '#id'});
and in the restaurant controller there is a query:
var allRestaurants = Restaurant.query(filterAndSortRestaurants);
and the following lines:
$scope.$watch('filter', filterAndSortRestaurants, true);
function filterAndSortRestaurants() {
$scope.restaurants = [];
// filter
angular.forEach(allRestaurants, function(item, key) {
if (filter.price && filter.price !== item.price) {
if (filter.rating && filter.rating !== item.rating) {
if (filter.cuisine.length && filter.cuisine.indexOf(item.cuisine) === -1) {
// sort
$scope.restaurants.sort(function(a, b) {
if (a[filter.sortBy] > b[filter.sortBy]) {
return filter.sortAsc ? 1 : -1;
if (a[filter.sortBy] < b[filter.sortBy]) {
return filter.sortAsc ? -1 : 1;
return 0;
the things that isn't clear to me is:
how is that we are giving the query just a function without even activating it.
as i understand we should have passed the query somthing like:
{id: $routeParams.restaurantId}
but we only passed a reference to a function. that doesn't make any sense.
could someone elaborate on this?
thanks again.
var API_URL = '/api/restaurant';
var API_URL_ID = API_URL + '/:id';
var API_URL_ORDER = '/api/order';
These lines are just defining string constants that are plugged into Express further down. They're not a folder.
app.get(API_URL, function(req, res, next) {
res.send(200, storage.getAll().map(removeMenuItems));
So this function call to app.get(API_URL... is telling Express "Look out for GET requests that are pointed at the URL (your app's domain)/api/restaurant, and execute this function to handle such a request."
"api" is not a folder.
Every requests will pass through the app.get method.
This method will respond to the routes /api/restaurant as defined in the API_URL variable.

How to spy on a property that is not exported

I have a module "sitescollection" like this:
var site = require('./site'); // <- this should be stubbed
var sitesCollection = function(spec) {
var that = {};
that.sites = {};
that.findOrCreateById = function(id) {
if (typeof(that.sites[id]) == "undefined") {
that.sites[id] = site({id: id}); // <- its used here
return that.sites[id];
return that;
module.exports = sitesCollection;
so within sitescollection, site is a module that is not exported. But inside the code, i use it. Now i'm writing jasmine specs for #findOrCreateById().
I want to spec my the findOrCreateBy() function. But i want to stub the site() function, because the spec should be independent from the implementation. Where do i have to create the spyed method on?
var sitescollection = require('../../lib/sitescollection');
describe("#findOrCreateById", function() {
it("should return the site", function() {
var sites = sitescollection();
mysite = { id: "bla" };
// Here i want to stub the site() method inside the sitescollection module.
// spyOn(???,"site").andRetur(mysite);
You can achieve this using https: //
var proxyquire = require('proxyquire');
describe("#findOrCreateById", function() {
it("should return the site", function() {
// the path '../../lib/sitescollection' is relative to this test file
var sitesCollection = proxyquire('../../lib/sitescollection', {
// the path './site' is relative to sitescollection, it basically
// should be an exact match for the path passed to require in the
// file you want to test
'./site': function() {
console.log('fake version of "./site" is called');
// now call your sitesCollection, which is using your fake './site'
var sites = sitesCollection();
var mysite = {
id: "bla"
