Authenticating users with tokens useless after HTTPS? - security

I am building a mobile application that include users doing various things in the app and I started off with authenticating all user actions inside the app using a token that is stored locally on the device. My biggest concern was that anyone can sniff the network and look at the http requests I make inside the app and thus send false requests on behalf of a real user. Something like this:
Now, I am using HTTPS though and no one can see my domain name nor the data being sent. So I'm inclined to get rid of tokens all together and do just this:
Am I correct in assuming I don't need tokens anymore? The whole purpose of them for me was making sure that no one can make an action on behalf of another user without authorization and now it seems pointless that I still use tokens. Am I missing something else?

Firstly, you were correct that having the token in the URL (or anywhere else) was a security risk over HTTP. However, now that you are on HTTPS, it should not matter whether you have the API token in the URL or you are transmitting it in some other way. The URL should be as secure as any other part of the transaction. I say "should" because in practice your internal infrastructure may do logging, metrics collection or reporting that reveals the URL slightly more easily than you intend. And the client may submit the visited URL (but not other info) to its own logging system or to a smart search service like Google, etc. But for most use cases and in most configurations this is not a major issue.
But it sounds from your question like you are talking about not removing the token from the URL and adding it to the HTTP headers or some other fashion, but actually removing the token concept entirely.
So what you should ask is, what is special about HTTPS that makes the token unnecessary? HTTPS secures the communication but it does not authenticate the client. Except in very unusual configurations, anyone can connect via HTTPS and issue commands, and unless you have some method of authentication the HTTPS will not protect you from unauthorized access. If you are using cookies for authentication, or if you are passing the token via HTTP headers (which is actually how I prefer to handle tokens when possible) then your need for authentication is satisfied and you do not need the token. If you do not have any other form of authentication, and you need authentication for security on your website, then you do need the token.

HTTPS is basically used to ensure that you are communicating with a webstie that you intended to and to encrypt communication data so that even if someone intercepts your data, it makes no sense to them.
For e.g. if you are placing an order on Amazon and making a payment,
HTTPS will ensure that:
you are actually submitting payment details to Amazon
your payment data is encrypted when flowing from your browser to Amazon webserver.
When communicating over HTTPS, browsers validates servers digital certiifcate to confirm their identity , then a key is exchanged between server and browser to encrypt data flow between browser and server.
By default HTTPS does not authenticate client. So if you have some actions specific to particular user, you still needs authentication token from client.
But if the token is passed as query parameter in URL itself, then it is still exposed to attackers, so send the token in cookie over HTTPS.
It is also recommended to mark your cookies as secure, to ensure that cookies are sent only over a secure (https) connection and not over http as it can reveal user details.
Hope it helps.


jwt: Why is my token shown in Chrome DevTools?

I have a API in Express.js that will create blog posts and add them to my database. When I make a request from my React app inside of DevTools it will show my JWT. I am worried that when my site goes live people can see my token and make a request from their site to add unwanted posts. Please tell me what is going on and how I can prevent the security error.
When you send a request with a token in the header it will look like this in the header pane in Developer Tools:
I assume that's what you are wondering whether is safe or not.
The connection between the React app and the API is unencrypted when you are using ordinary HTTP. That makes a replay attack possible – an ISP or another server between the front-end and the API can read the token and pretend to be you later on with the read token.
The most important solution to that is to use HTTPS, which is encrypted HTTP. Potential attackers are unable to sniff and steal the tokens when you are using HTTPS. When you are dealing with usernames, passwords, etc., you should always use HTTPS.
HTTPS is free to use and not very hard to set up. See here for more details. There is also an interesting discussion here that you might want to read.
it's possible to see the JWT on the Chrome Dev tools because you are sending it as authorization header when creating a new blog post on your API, and you are making this request directly from the React application.
If the JWT is sensitive it should never be available on the front-end, you must have a server acting like a proxy, it should receive the request from the React application and then forward the request with JWT as the authorization header to your API.
Doing that you would avoid leaking the JWT, but it would still possible for someone to make requests to your proxy, which will be forwarded to your API.
If you want that only your react application be able to perform requests to your proxy, you could create a middleware which verifies the IP address of the incoming request (more details here), if it matches with your React app address then you accept the request, otherwise, you return a non-authorized error.
If you want only specific people to be able to create blog posts, then you should put authentication on the react application.

How to handle Rest API user authentication securely?

For the last few months i've been working on a Rest API for a web app for the company I work for. The endpoints supply data such as transaction history, user data, and data for support tickets. However, I keep running into one issue that always seems to set me back to some extent.
The issue I seem to keep running into is how do I handle user authentication for the Rest API securely? All data is going to be sent over a SSL connection, but there's a part of me that's paranoid about potential security problems that could arise. As it currently stands when a client attempts to login the client must provide a username or email address, and a password to a login endpoint (E.G "/api/login"). Along with with this information, a browser fingerprint must be supplied through header of the request that's sending the login credentials. The API then validates whether or not the specified user exists, checks whether or not the password supplied is correct, and stores the fingerprint in a database model. To access any other endpoints in the API a valid token from logging in, and a valid browser fingerprint are required.
I've been using browser fingerprints as a means to prevent token-hijacking, and as a way make sure that the same device used to login is being used to make the requests. However, I have noticed a scenario where this practice backfires on me. The client-side library i'm using to generate browser fingerprints isn't always accurate. Sometimes the library spits out a different fingerprint entirely. Which causes some client requests to fail as the different fingerprint isn't recognized by the API as being valid. I would like to keep track of what devices are used to make requests to the API. Is there a more consistent way of doing so, while still protecting tokens from being hijacked?
When thinking of the previous question, there is another one that also comes to mind. How do I store auth tokens on client-side securely, or in a way that makes it difficult for someone to obtain the tokens through malicious means such as a xss-attack? I understand setting a strict Content-Security Policy on browser based clients can be effective in defending against xss-attacks. However, I still get paranoid about storing tokens as cookies or in local storage.
I understand oauth2 is usually a good solution to user authentication, and I have considered using it before to deal with this problem. Although, i'm writing the API using Flask, and i'm also using JSON Web tokens. As it currently stands, Flask's implementation of oauth2 has no way to use JWTs as access tokens when using oauth for authentication.
This is my first large-scale project where I have had to deal with this issue and i am not sure what to do. Any help, advice, or critiques are appreciated. I'm in need of the help right now.
Put an API Gateway in front of your API , your API Gateway is publicly ( i.e in the DMZ ) exposed while the actual API are internal.
You can look into Kong..

Technique to detect request modification on server side using JWT

I want to know a technique with which server can identify if data coming in the request is not modified by an attacker. We are having REST APIs on server side which will be invoked from a mobile app client or a browser. I was thinking of using JWT (JSON Web Tokens). But not sure how it will achieve this. People have used JWT for session management purpose mostly. I do not need the session management. I just want to detect the request data modification. need some help here...
It depends on what type of attacker you wangt to protect against, but the TL;DR is you don't have to do anything as any such protection is either unnecessary (with some special case exceptions as detailed below) or useless.
Protecting against a valid user modifying his own requests
There is no point in this. Any secret you would use for such protection (for signing requests, essentially) would have to be sent to the client so that it can use it to sign whatever it wants to. But if it is sent to the client, the user already has it and can use it to sign any modified request. You have to architect the application in a way that security is enforced on the server side and valid users can't forge requests that they are not supposed to make.
Protecting against a man-in-the-middle attacker
Let's suppose you want to protect requests against somebody between the user and the server. If you access the server over a secure channel (https), it already does this for you, you don't have to implement anything in addition to that.
However, I can think of special cases. First, you may be worried about intermediate proxies that terminate SSL, like for example a company proxy that serves https websites with its own certificate, set as a trusted root on company clients. This is fairly common practice, but usually you as the application developer don't want to deal with this. The other thing is when you don't want to use SSL, but I'd say it's rather a special case when you are worried about request integrity, but not about confidentiality.
Anyway, if you are in a situation where you do in fact need to maintain integrity in another way besides (or instead of) https, you could give your client a secret and sign requests with that secret, like for example using HMAC or another message authentication protocol. You would take relevant fields from request headers and also the whole request body, create an HMAC of them with the secret and attach that to the request. The server, having the same secret for the client could create the same hash and verify if the client had the secret and also that the request sent is the same as signed by the user. Note that to prevent replay attacks, you would also have to include a timestamp and/or a nonce header in the signature.
The question then is how you get this secret to the client securely, and depending on your circumstances, this can be a tricky one to solve.
I just realized you had csrf as a tag to the question. Be aware that csrf has nothing to do with modified requests, and you do have to implement protection against csrf in general.
The JSON Web Signature is a cryptographic mechanism designed to secure data with a digital signature unique to the contents of the token in such a way that we are able to determine whether the data of the token has been tampered with or not.
source: php-authorization-jwt-json-web-tokens
You can use JWT to verify client requests but the client need to request a token (at least once) before any verifiable request.
Tokens are created on server side only using a secret key (never sent to the client) used to encode/sign the token, the client can decode and access the token but doesn't modify it, just send it back as it is.

Font End secure authentication only allowed to come from a specific website

I have a private rest API. Each of our clients websites currently performs server side authentication over SSL to start an order with us. Each client has a unique client id so I can identify which client is making the request and reject any client id which doesn't exist in our system. Is there a way to do this securely from the front end of a clients website with javascript? I can't put the client id in the client code since any developer could look at the source code and figure out how to spoof requests from another site. I think checking referrer headers is not reliable as well? Would really like to know the best practice for situations like this.
Not sure if I understand your question correctly, but typically you would encode your client id as a claim in the security token issued when authenticating your users. As the security token is signed by the issuer, you can verify that the token is not modified when you receive the token on each request.
Obviously you will need to use the https protocol to prevent the token from being stolen. See here for more information.

Chrome Extension Login Security

I have a website where users can signup and I want to provide some features using a chrome extension, I'm a bit concerned about security:
My idea is to show a login form in a popup and then send an ajax request to my server with username/password (using HTTPS) and then store a token into localStorage that is used for following ajax calls.
Is this insecure? Why? I don't understand how this is more insecure then using a form on my website for example or logging sending an ajax request from a client side js framework
This is secure, as long as you handle the token properly on the client side (i.e. only submit it to your site, and no other sites). The danger is that you are essentially going around the work that Google and the open source community has done to secure Chrome/Chromium from XSS, CSRF, and other token stealing attacks. Make sure that no other sites can request the token from your extension (this is done in the browser through same-domain enforcement). You will need to use certificate signing to verify the origination of the request (you should be able to reuse the private certificate that you use for SSL).
It is important that you treat all client requests as malicious even if they originate from your extension. The server must perform all secure processing as if the client were completely compromised. On the server side, you shouldn't even know if the user is using your extension or a regular browser, because security wise it doesn't matter.
As for the storing of the login credentials on the client side, you should never store the password in plain text. You should salt and hash it, and submit that hash to the server. Based on your question, it sounds like you wouldn't store the user's credentials anyway, just a token. If that is the case, and the token doesn't contain anything sensitive, you should have no problem storing it. Make sure though that you expire tokens on the server side and force re-authentication periodically.
Answer was edited for clarification and typos
