deploy a nodejs app using a chromebook - node.js

I have developed a nodejs app using cloud9IDE on my chromebook. It seems that I cannot install the package management applications needed to deploy to a hosting site such as nodejitsu or heroku. However it seems that I can upload an app folder to AWS elastic beanstalk, but I am a little scared of their pricing model.
Do I have any other option besides AWS (and buying a new computer)?


How to deploy node.js app without heroku aws or other cloud computing

I have plenty of spare machines that i could use for computing, what would be the best way to deploy a nodeJS app to the web without going through a middle man (aws, azure, heroku)?

Deploying nodejs in our own server

I am new to nodejs. I've created a simple webservice and it works on local but by using node app/nodemon app. Well I want to publish it internet and deploy my service in our server. (We do not want to use external servers/services such as heroku, azure etc.)
As I searched, peopel mostly deployed those services. So what is the best way to deploy a WS with nodejs in your own server?
I have a windows server for now but would like to use may be in linux platform later.

Deploying react web application on AWS

I am looking to deploy my nodejs React web application on AWS. Currently I deployed my application on Microsoft's Azure and there is was pretty simple. I just had to add an App Service and give my git repository as the source to it. That took care of hosting my application. I am not getting a way like to do it on AWS. I am looking for something like that. How should I do it in AWS?
You can use AWS Elastic Beanstalk for this. Elastic Beanstalk is the PaaS offering which is an easy-to-use service for deploying and scaling web applications and services developed with Java, .NET, PHP, Node.js, Python, Ruby, Go, and Docker on familiar servers such as Apache, Nginx, Passenger, and IIS. It is similar to Microsoft Azure App services.
You can simply upload your code and Elastic Beanstalk automatically handles the deployment, from capacity provisioning, load balancing, auto-scaling to application health monitoring. At the same time, you retain full control over the AWS resources powering your application and can access the underlying resources at any time.
You can go through the tutorial for deploying your node.js app here- Deploying an Express Application to Elastic Beanstalk
One of the easy ways to do this in a Serverless manner is to use the new AWS Mobile CLI:
npm install -g awsmobile-cli
Then initialize and publish:
cd ./myproj
awsmobile init #answer some questions
awsmobile publish
This will setup an S3 bucket with CloudFront configured as your CDN to host your web assets. Your NodeJS app can be hosted in a Lambda function which is protected by API Gateway. A good way to configure the connection and authorzation from the client is to use AWS Amplify in your React application:
npm install aws-amplify --save
npm install aws-amplify-react --save
Then after doing an Amplify.configure(your_config_object you can connect to API gateway which calls your Lambda:
let apiName = 'MyApiName';
let path = '/path';
let myInit = { // OPTIONAL
headers: {} // OPTIONAL
API.get(apiName, path, myInit).then(response => {
// Add your code here
This will be a signed request to your AWS resources.
More here:

Deploy MEAN application

I just learned the MEAN stack and I locally developed/tested an app. Now, I want to deploy this application to the internet so the world can use it. I don't know how to do this and am lost.
So far, this is what I think is needed. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
1) Purchase a domain (done using Google domains)
2) Find a host for that domain (using Hostgator)
3) Deploy mean app to a cloud service (like Azure, AWS, Heroku, Digital Ocean)
4) ???
5) Fiddle with some settings so the user can access my web app on
What is a recommended cloud service to use? This is my first time doing this so help appreciated!
There are a lot of articles on the web already(why not google first?)!
Here are some:
Deploy MEAN
Deploy Your MEAN Stack Apps to Heroku
Running Mean.js App on Azure App Services with Continuous Integration and Delivery
Bossable - MEAN Stack Deploy on Azure
John Papa - Deploying Angular on Azure
Deploying a MEAN App to Amazon EC2 (Part 1)
Deploying a MEAN App
Stackify - Why Azure Deployment Slots are Awesome and How to Use Them
[express, angular, mongo, mongoose, deploy, digitalocean, ssh, Heroku, node]
I would suggest you to use AWS for these kind of stacks and in AWS you can use beanstalk and you don't need to care about management.

Deploying Node.js express and MySQL application without using any cloud platform

I have my Nodejs express application running on my local computer with mysql DB. Now, I want to deploy this application to a web server.
My problem is, I haven't done this before , so I thought a quick google will give me clue and lead me somewhere. All I have found is deploying to Amazon, Azure, Heroku, Digital Ocean and so on which provides to the best of my knowledge a cloud service.
I use domain factory, they are not cloud. I use bit bucket as my source control. How do I deploy my node server on the server of domain factory.?
After some hours of search ; i found some steps but I have tried none seems to work out.
I found this information,and others but there seems not to be a clear cut guide to do this apart from using a cloud service to push your project them.
Does anyone have a link or a guide as to how I can host my application
It is incredibly easy to deploy your node.js express app to Heroku.
Just follow this tutorial to understand how to deploy a node.js app to Heroku.
Once you have understood it, you will be able to deploy your app to heroku with a simple "git push heroku master".
You can continue using bitbucket as your git repo for source control. You can simply define spearate git remotes for bitbucket and Heroku.
As for mysql: There are plenty of "MySQL as a Service" solutions out there for Heroku, such as the cleardb Heroku add on.
By using the free tier for Heroku and cleardb, you can probably run your app for free on Heroku.
