DNS on a Windows Azure Web Site - azure

Good afternoon,
I'm moving the restnet.es domain to host on a Windows Azure Web Site, but it just doesn't work. I guess I made all the configuration correctly, changing the A and CNAME records on the domain register (arsys.es), but the Windows Azure portal doesn't catch it.
The DNS is seted as following: http://www.digwebinterface.com/?hostnames=www.restnet.es&type=&ns=resolver&useresolver=
As above, it seems is all working, pointing as expected to But when I go into the Portal and set it up, I got this message:
"The DNS record for 'restnet.es' that points to 'restnetes.azurewebsites.net' could not be located. If you want to configure an A record, you must first create a CNAME record with your DNS provider for 'awverify.restnet.es' that points to 'awverify.restnetes.azurewebsites.net'. First allow the resource record to propagate, and then create the A record."
What am I doing wrong? Where is my mistake?
PS: this is the actual configuration:
awverify.restnet.es CNAME
restnet.es A
www.restnet.es CNAME

www.restnet.es CNAME restnetes.azurewebsites.net
it is in place, no action needed
awverify.www.restnet.es CNAME awverify.restnetes.azurewebsites.net
returns nothing, you need to add record above into your DNS
it will take max 48 hours to propagated.


Add Custom Domain in Azure blob storage

Error creating Custom Domain in Azure
Hi, I am trying to link a custom domain to my static website that is located on my blob storage account. When creating the custom domain these are the azure instructions "Create a CNAME record with the DNS provider that points the domain (eg, www.contoso.com) to blobstorage.blob.core.windows.net or blobstorage.z13 .web.core.windows.net and then specify your domain. This method is simpler, but causes a short downtime while Azure checks the domain registration. "
In my godaddy account I have created a new CNAME record as follows Type: CNAME, name: www.mydomain.com, value: blobstorage.z13.web.core.windows.net.Y when trying to specify the custom domain in azure (mydomain.com) generates the following error: "Could not update storage account 'XXXX'. Error: The custom domain name could not be verified. CNAME mapping from mydomain.com to any of ..... does not exist "
I do not understand what I am doing wrong, I am very new in the subject and I really appreciate the help you can give me. Thank you very much
Be sure you have the CNAME record set correctly in the DNS settings for your domain name, then give it some time to update. DNS doesn't update immediately, it can take some time for the update to sync through all the DNS server between your registrar and Azure or your local ISP. This is especially the case when you test and it fails, then you need to wait at minimum the TTL (time-to-live) time that is set on the DNS records updated before you'll be able to test again.
On an aside, I'd recommend setting the TTL on the DNS records to 1/2 hour, then when everything's working you can go update it to a longer TTL. This will help when you need to update things and retest again to get it working.
I could already make the configuration I was looking for by configuring a CDN. this is the link learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/… Thanks everybody fot your answers and comments –

Azure Custom Domain - awverify not found

A couple of days ago I set up a new site in Azure and modified my DNS records to point to the site. I am unable to add the custom domains through the management tool or the portal.
The error I see is
"A CNAME record pointing from mysite.com to mysite.azurewebsites.net was not found. Alternative record awverify.mysite.com to awverify.mysite.azurewebsites.net was not found either."
(Changed my real domain to mysite as I'd rather not put that here).
The worst part is when I visit "mysite.com" it is showing me an Azure 404 page saying "The web site owner has registered a custom domain to point to the Microsoft Azure Web Site, but has not yet configured Azure to recognize it.".. I'm trying to configure it but Azure is not letting me!!!
For my DNS i have:
an A-Record pointing to my virtual IP
a second A-Record for www pointing to the IP (I did have www as a CNAME-Record for mysite.azurewebsites.net but that didn't seem to be working)
a CNAME-Record for awverify.mysite.com to awverify.mysite.azurewebsites.net
a CNAME-Record for awverify.www.mysite.com to awverify.www.mysite.azurewebsites.net
I thought maybe it was taking forever to propagate but it's been 2 days now.
Although it usually takes a couple of minutes for DNS records to be available, it can take up to 72 hours for DNS records to propagate. If it is all configured correctly (and looking at the list you posted, it is), it's a matter of waiting for it to propagate.

Azure not seeing my awverify CNAME

Azure is not seeing the CNAME pointing to awverify.mysite.azurewebsites.net.
I'm wondering if because I added the A record at the same time as the awverify CNAME Azure is having problems seeing the CNAME.
Here were my setup steps:
Created A record pointing to Azure's provided IP
Created CNAME with awverify.mysite.com to awverify.mysite.azurewebsites.net
Tried to add custom domain in Azure's domain manager
failed ಠ_ಠ
Azure would could not find the CNAME for awverify.mysite.com after 24 hours of trying.
One thing that was funky was when using the site http://viewdns.info/dnsrecord/?domain=mysite.com it never showed the CNAMEs. Not sure why.

Azure Websites DNS

I have an azure website at yis3.azurewebsites.net - I have promoted this to be a "shared" site so that I can use a custom domain. I have the domain yorkshireimagescanning.co.uk that I bought from 123-reg.co.uk. I have configured this to give a CName record with dnsname of "awverify" and destination of awverify.yis3.azurewebsites.net.
I've waited over 12 hours and checked on digwebinterface.com and all looks good but when I click to "Manage custom domains" from the Azure portal , I enter a domain name of "yorkshireimagescanning.co.uk" but it won't accept it.
Please help
* Edit *
I've now waited a couple of days for domain propagation. Here's a screen grab from my domain registrar:
In the azure portal I've tried to add the following custom domains for the yis3.azurewebsites.net site but it won't accept any:
www.yorkshireimagescanning.co.uk yorkshireimagescanning.co.uk
Here's a screen grab from the portal:
To use yorkshireimagescanning.co.uk
To use your domain without the www. prefix you need to add an A Record in addition to the CNAME you've added for "awverify".
First, make sure you've added the domain to the Azure portal by following the instructions under "Set the domain name in management portal" here.
Next, follow the instructions under "Configure an A record for the domain name" on the same page. This involves pointing your domain directly at the IP address of the Azure web site. You should then have added 2 DNS records in total:
CNAME awverify.www awverify.yis3.azurewebsites.net
A xx.xx.xx.xx (your website's IP address)
I've marked the next option as "preferred" because it points your domain at the Azure hostname "yis3.azurewebsites.net" instead of directly at the IP address. The IP address of your Azure website won't change, but if you ever need to deploy your website elsewhere it will have a different IP, so there will be a delay while the DNS change propagates.
To use www.yorkshireimagescanning.co.uk (preferred)
To use your domain with a www. prefix you need to add another CNAME record in addition to the one you've already added.
First, make sure you've added the domain to the Azure portal by following the instructions under "Set the domain name in management portal" here.
Next, follow the instructions under "Configure the CNAME on your domain registrar" on the same page. This involves adding a CNAME that points "www" to your Azure website's hostname (yis3.azurewebsites.net). You should then have added 2 DNS records in total:
CNAME awverify.www awverify.yis3.azurewebsites.net
CNAME www yis3.azurewebsites.net
A note about domain forwarding: Don't use 301 forwarding unless your site has been permanently moved. Use 302 for temporary redirection. More details here.
I finally figured out what was wrong. I was deploying a new version of an existing site but the old version still had www.yorkshireimagescanning.co.uk set on the custom domains page. Once I deleted it then I was able to add the domain on the new azure site.

Azure CNAME / A record confusion

I've set up my first site on Azure. Let's call it 'mysite.org.uk'. I've uploaded the files to Azure as a shared Azure website. It's accessible at 'mysite.azurewebsites.net'. Now I want to test it out by pointing a live subdomain to it, so basically I want it to resolve with the URL 'cloud.mysite.org.uk'. I've read the documentation and it says that before I can add an A record to my domain to do this, I need to create a CNAME record. The instructions it gives are:
The DNS record for 'cloud.mysite.org.uk' that points to
'mysite.azurewebsites.net' could not be located. If you
want to configure an A record, you must first create a CNAME record
with your DNS provider for
'awverify.cloud.mysite.org.uk' that points to
'awverify.mysite.azurewebsites.net'. First allow the
resource record to propagate, and then create the A record.
Okay, so I've logged into the Plesk control panel of the current host (where the DNS is controlled) and added a CNAME record with 'host': awverify.www.mysite.org.uk. and 'value': awverify.mysite.azurewebsites.net. I did this more than 24 hours ago so it should have propagated by now, but when I try to add the domain in the Azure portal it still tells me there's no verification CNAME record. Similarly when I ping awverify.www.mysite.org.uk it doesn't resolve (surely it should if it's set up right, as it's a new record, so it shouldn't rely on DNS propagation time?).
To be on the safe side I've also created a CNAME with host: awverify.cloud.mysite.org.uk and value: awverify.mysite.azurewebsites.net and that too isn't working. In fact when I add these CNAME records Plesk tells me:
Unable to resolve the canonical name
Anyhow, I'm a little bit stuck. I thought I'd followed the documentation pretty closely but obviously something isn't right.
If anyone has any pointers I'd be most grateful.
It must have been a propagation issue oddly, as 48 hours later it works when I add the domain to Azure.
