Query changes in specific document ids in CouchDb - couchdb

I have a mobile app that stores data (fetched from a remote CouchDb instance) to a local SQLite database. Sometimes a sync request occurs, and I would like to know of all items in the local database whether their counterparts have changed on the server. (So, whether their revision is newer than the one in the local database.)
But how can I request only the specific items in the local database, without making hundreds of separate requests, and without fetching all the documents in the huge remote database?
The way I currently do it, is: for each local document, first get the HTTP header, and download the body only if the header shows a newer revision than the local doc has. I worry that for users that store a lot of items locally, this will result in a lot of HTTP request

What about using the Change Notification API?
Your app could request all recent changes, and then check if any of the local files has changed on the server.
Adding a filter might help getting only interesting changes.


Node.js: Is there an advantage to populating page data using Socket.io vs res.render(), or vice-versa?

Let's say, hypothetically, I am working on a website which provides live score updates for sporting fixtures.
A script checks an external API for updates every few seconds. If there is a new update, the information is saved to a database, and then pushed out to the user.
When a new user accesses the website, a script queries the database and populates the page with all the information ingested so far.
I am using socket.io to push live updates. However, when someone is accessing the page for the first time, I have a couple of options:
I could use the existing socket.io infrastructure to populate the page
I could request the information when routing the user, pass it into res.render() as an argument and render the data using, for example, Pug.
In this circumstance, my instinct would be to utilise the existing socket.io infrastructure; purely because it would save me writing additional code. However, I am curious to know whether there are any other reasons for, or against, using either approach. For example, would it be more performant to render the data, initially, using one approach or the other?

using graphql with a cache to reduce database access

Hey guys I'm a complete beginner in term of developing web application using node.js, react and so on.
So far I decided to use graphql and especially subscriptions to implement the communication between my server and client side.
I wan't to build one server using graphql to provide the same data for every client side access. Because every client needs to see the exact same data set as everyone else.
And i want to try to cache the last fetched data from the Database until there is a reason to access the database again.
For example:
When client one requests a list of books i want the server to cache the data.
So that when client two does the same request it just gets the data that was last fetched
from the database.
Its on my part to make sure the internal cache will be erased when the database table changed. But i don't want to request the Database every single time just to get the same answer 20 times in a row.
Is there a good way to cache the data inside the server ?

Listen to changes of all databases in CouchDB

I have a scenario where there are multiple (~1000 - 5000) databases being created dynamically in CouchDB, similar to the "one database per user" strategy. Whenever a user creates a document in any DB, I need to hit an existing API and update that document. This need not be synchronous. A short delay is acceptable. I have thought of two ways to solve this:
Continuously listen to the changes feed of the _global_changes database.
Get the db name which was updated from the feed.
Call the /{db}/_changes API with the seq (stored in redis).
Fetch the changed document, call my external API and update the document
Continuously replicate all databases into a single database.
Listen to the /_changes feed of this database.
Fetch the changed document, call my external API and update the document in the original database (I can easily keep a track of which document originally belongs to which database)
Does any of the above make sense? Will it scale to 5000 databases?
How do I handle failures? It is critical that the API be hit for all documents.

Retrieving to-be-pushed entries in IMobileServiceSyncTable while offline

Our mobile client app uses IMobileServiceSyncTable for data storage and handling syncing between the client and the server.
A behavior we've seen is that, by default, you can't retrieve the entry added to the table when the client is offline. Only when the client table is synced with the server (we do an explicit PushAsync then a PullAsync) can the said entries be retrieved.
Anyone knows of a way to change this behavior so that the mobile client can retrieve the entries added while offline?
Our current solution:
Check if the new entry was pushed to the server
If not, save the entry to a separate local table
When showing the list for the table, we pull from both tables: sync table and regular local table.
Compare the entries from the regular local table to the entries from the sync table for duplicates.
Remove duplicates
Join the lists, order, and show to the user.
This should definitely not be happening (and it isn't in my simple tests). I suspect there is a problem with the Id field - perhaps you are generating it and there are conflicts?
If you can open a GitHub Issue on https://github.com/azure/azure-mobile-apps-net-client/issues and share some of your code (via a test repository), we can perhaps debug further.
One idea - rather than let the server generate an Id, generate an Id using Guid.NewGuid().ToString(). The server will then accept this as a new Id.

Issue with CouchDB

In the TAMA implementation, I came across an issue with Couchdb. (Version 1.2.0) ,
We are using named documents to maintain unique constraint logic in the application. (named documents : whose _id is user defined, and not couch generated.)
We are using the REST API to add the documents to Couchdb, where we found strange behavior :
When we try to recreate the documents using HTTP PUT which have been deleted in the past(because of bug in the code), the documents are not created the first time .
HTTP Put - Returns HTTP 200, but doc is not saved in couchdb.
Again trying the same request,
HTTP Put - Returns HTTP 200 and adds the doc in database.
HTTP PUT request needs to be sent twice to create and save the doc.
I have checked that the above bug is reproducible for deleted docs, i.e the response for GET _id is {"error":"not_found","reason":"deleted"}.
This looks like a bug in CouchDB to me, could you please let us know if you could think of any scenario where above error might occur and any possible workarounds/solutions ?
Couchdb has a builtin mechanism to ensure that you do not overwrite the same document as someone else.
If you PUT any existing document, you'll have to accompany this process with the current doc._rev value, so that couchdb can confirm the document you are updating is based on the most recent version in the database.
I've not come across this case with deletions, but it makes sense to me that couchdb should not allow you to overwrite a deleted document as the assumption should be, you just don't know about the deletion.
Have you tried if you can access the revision of the deleted document and if so, whether by adding it to the new document, you can succeed with the PUT on the first call?
