Netbeans 7.4 Griffon support - groovy

I'm new to Griffon.
But I installed Grails and currently creating projects on Grails in NB7.4. Because there is a default option in NB7.4. Grails working smooth.
Now(at this time of writing) in NB plugin portal there is a griffon plugin. But it supports only for NB7.1. I tried installing it on NB7.4, but it throws many errors while creating projects.(Project not created - It cannot create a project).
How to create Griffon apps on NB7.4. I tried google, but there is no support for NB7.4.
Help me on this topic. Also i need your suggestions and tips to run Griffon on NB7.4.
Hint: Actuall I'm trying to upgrade to Groovy-Griffon. Now I'm creating apps for shops on JavaSwing. I read Griffon it is amazing, so i planned to upgrade my work and knowledge.

Short answer is that the NetBeans Griffon plugin doesn't work very well with latest versions of NetBeans. This is due to changes made back in Griffon 0.9.5 on how dependencies are resolved.
Griffon doesn't really need an IDE but if you must then allow me to suggest you IntelliJ IDEA; the community edition comes with a Griffon plugin that works much better.
But you still have to resolve dependencies out side of IDEA, that is, calling the griffon --integrate-with --idea command from the command line, every time you update BuildConfig.groovy or install/uninstall a griffon plugin on your project.

Up to now(at the time of writing this) NB Griffon Plugin is not updated to support NB7.4.
NB7.4 have inbuilt support for Grails. I can create Grails apps directly.
NB Griffon plugin needs to be updated for NB7.4. Or NB team needs to add this support.


Why can't I choose Spring Initializr in IntelliJ IDE?

I just downloaded the latest IntelliJ IDE, but I can not find the Spring Initializr, look at the Screenshot.
How can I deal with it, or can I only use Eclipse? By the way, I have installed the plugins "Spring Boot", but it works less.
Theres plenty of answers to this question if you look around. A simple "Google" search is all you need.
How to enable spring support in IntelliJ Community Edition 2016.1.3
You have not indicated if you are using the CE version or a licensed version. I have to assume you are using a license version here as CE version does not have any support for Spring plugins.
As you say if you have enabled Spring Boot plugin under IntelliJ > Plugins then make sure the checkbox is ticked to enable it. A mistake alot of people make.

Liferay Plugin SDK and CVS

To those working with Liferay and the Plugin SDK, the tutorials teach you how to create projects from the Plugin SDK directory. Unfortunately, this also keeps the project folder inside of the Plugin SDK directory.
My question is, has anyone figured a way to leverage the Plugin SDK but have your project directory anywhere you choose?
This leads to another issue because with everything contained in the Plugin SDK folder, we have to checkin the entire thing in our CVS. If we didn't do this, then all developers will have to install their Plugin SDK in a controlled manner, and the projects checked out from CVS directly to the Plugin SDK folder.
Any strategies, tips or alternatives are appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
When using ANT based plugins SDK (which is default when you use Liferay IDE or Developer studio), I used to check in entire Plugins SDK to SVN/CVS at the time of starting the project. The entire development team would then check out the plugins sdk and check in their artifacts in appropriate folders i.e. portlets, hooks, themes, etc. It worked really well for us. The SDK itself doesn't have a big footprint, and it really helps organizing your plugins and building them.
Another approach is to maven-ize them. With this approach you don't have to commit your plugins SDK to CVS/SVN, but it Liferay IDE is not configured with Maven based plugins sdk yet (AFAIK).
You can decide the best approach that suits your needs. Hope this helps!

JavaFX missing from JDK 1.7/1.8 in Linux?

I have a problem that allegedly isn't possible, so I'm having a heck of a time finding an answer.
I have the latest version of NetBeans 7.4, running on fully-updated Fedora 20 x64. Officially, this can work with JavaFX. Period. I have both the JDK from the repo (1.7.something) and the very latest version I could find (1.8.0). Officially, these have JavaFX with them. Period.
If I try to create a new JavaFX project, it has this to say:
Failed to automatically set-up a JavaFX Platform.
Please go to Platform Manager, create a non-default Java SE platform, then go to the JavaFX tab,
enable JavaFX and fill in the paths to valid JavaFX SDK and JavaFX Runtime.
Note: JavaFX SDK can be downloaded from JavaFX website.
Well alright, I'm used to things getting confused, I think I can fix this. Go create a new platform, and... there's no "JavaFX" tab. It took a bit of research to even find out what it was talking about, and in the process I discovered that the tab has actually been removed from 7.4. Because NetBeans 7.4 will absolutely, definitely recognize JavaFX automatically. Period.
Going to the actual JavaFX site tells me, as expected, that it's bundled with the Java SE 7 JDK I already have. Period.
Since the end result I'm after could technically be achieved by integrating one JavaFX component into my Swing application, I attempted that, but NetBeans still can not find anything related to JavaFX and therefore yells at me if I try to import such a thing.
So, given that things that are supposed to just plain work just plain aren't... where can I go from here?
Currently in Debian and Ubuntu (probably others) JavaFX is a separate package from the OpenJDK (openjdk-8-jdk) and so needs to be installed:
sudo apt-get install libopenjfx-java libopenjfx-java-doc
Notable issue (this issue does not impact a Maven, JavaFX application so if that is your preferred build method then ignore the following issue):
If you try to create a new project:
Categories > JavaFX
Project > JavaFXApplication
You'll get:
Internal error. Missing resources [/resources/web-files/javafx-loading-100x100.gif]
/home/ken/NetBeansProjects/vestFxReports/nbproject/jfx-impl.xml:1465: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/ken/NetBeansProjects/vestFxReports/nbproject/jfx-impl.xml:3093: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/ken/NetBeansProjects/vestFxReports/nbproject/jfx-impl.xml:2055: Error: -includedt requires the java deployment toolkit, which is not included in this distribution
BUILD FAILED (total time: 1 second)
To fix the above error [following steps are derived from here:]:
Switch to the files tab (usually you're on the Project tab).
Expand the node for your project >
expand the nbproject node > open the "" file.
Find the line javafx.deploy.includeDT=true and change true to false.
Now you can create and run a JavaFX application, on OpenJDK.
Next steps, although beyond the issue at hand you'll probably at some point want to download the JavaFX scene builder:
Apparently, the issue is indeed a discrepancy between the open-source OpenJDK provided by most Linux distributions, and the proprietary Oracle JDK. Ironically, this is a well-known issue, but you have to specifically search for it to find it, and by then you already know.
The solution is to download the official Oracle JDK, and if necessary create the matching platform in NetBeans (located under /usr/java/jdk... at this moment). It should work perfectly fine after that.
Perhaps the official documentation
may help you to set it up

Is there a NodeJS plugin for Aptana Studio?

Is there a NodeJS plugin for Aptana Studio?
At least for NodeJS code-assist
And perhaps a way to create NodeJS project
And local NodeJS debugging
We have no NodeJS support currently. If this is something the community is interested in, it'd be helpful to file a feature request and vote it up:!default.jspa
Since we are built on eclipse, you should be able to try out the instructions for NodeJS debugging on Eclipse, found here:
As for special NodeJs projects, there's no notion of that. You would likely just create a normal Web project. We do have the concept of libraries that you can add to a project, wherein you could point to js files/libs for NodeJS. We also has special syntax files for describing JS libraries/APIs so it can be integrated into our content assist. A good example might be the ruble we have for jQuery which contains that file for two versions of the jQuery API. Here's the 1.6.2 version: The bundle.rb up in the parent directory hooks up the file in the ruble/bundle.
My guess is that creating an analogous NodeJS ruble and building up an sdocml (xml) file that described the API would be the easiest way to get started. Sharing that on github and sending it to us would allow for others to contribute as well. There are docs for creating rubles here:
UPDATE: Project URL is
There is effort. Current version is 0.11 see .
Recommended installation for Aptana users through Enide - Eclipse Node.js IDE
Creating default structure for New Node Project and New Node Source File
JavaScript Syntax highlighting
Content Assistant
NPM support
Debugging - Breakpoint, Trace, etc... via modified Eclipse debugger plugin for V8
CoffeeScript support
Update Site :
Read also Hints (section Aptana Studio)
Read for more & latest information.
I highly recommend using Sublime Text 2.
There are a few nodejs plugins as well as v8 javascript [Sublime v8] and standard ECMA-262.
This is not a direct answer to your question, but if you're looking for a good IDE for node.js, you should definitely try Microsoft WebMatrix 2. It basically does what you requested to do.
I was fed up of fighting with Aptana Studio and plugins and all this stuff... until I found out Sublime Text. Simple and wonderful.

Problems creating a Java Mobile Application project

I have installed the Netbeans 6.7 IDE with Java ME included, but cannot create a Mobile Application project from the Java ME category. When I select the project type the wizard stops at "Finding Feature" with the message:
Not all requested modules can be enabled:
[StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.mobility.end2end.kig jarFile:C:\Program Files\NetBeans 6.7\mobility8\modules\org-netbeans-modules-mobility-end2end-kit.jar.
I am attempting to run this on Vista Home Premium. I have tried to run the IDE as Administrator with no luck.
I am at a loss for where to go next as I cannot seem to find any information regarding this issue. Even if you don't have the solution any insight into this error message would be helpful.
I am unable so far to get the project running via the Netbeans IDE install. I have, for the time being, installed the Java ME SDK which includes a very stripped down version of the Netbeans IDE for mobile development.
I originally had some issues starting the SDK as well on Vista. The IDE reported that it could not connect to the device manager on localhost. After some searching I found this link: Java ME SDK Startup Problem which suggests changing the hosts file localhost entry from IPv6 to IPv4. The fix worked perfectly and I can now compile and run code in the emulator.
This is not an optimal solution as the SDK does not include the visual design tools, however I am able to get a basic project going in the mean time.
I have given up on the 6.7 version and have instead located and installed 6.5.1. This previous version has been working just fine and seems to do everything I need.
I ran into the exact same error today while installing NB 6.8 beta. To resolve it we need to install two plugins:
Java Web Applications (as mentioned by Ali above) and
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0
Note that these two are part of the Category called "Java Web and EE" hence the confusion that we need to install Glassfish App Server. But we need these two plugins because they are required for debugging using breakpoints in emulator. Netbeans runs a web server when we do breakpoint based debugging.
Also note that the Java Web applications needs SOAP Web Services and JavaScript Debugger plugins to run and so these plugins are also installed when you try to install it.
You also need to install "Java Web Applications" plugin.
Tools->Plugins->Available Plugins
If the module is present, you should try unzipping it to check its content makes sense.
You should also be able to rebuild it from Netbeans sources.
You can also try to figure out why this happens by debugging the module loader inside Netbeans from its sources, using another IDE, presumably the latest version of Netbeans you can find without the issue.
If the module is missing, you might want to get the missing jar file from an installation of a previous version of Netbeans, see if it is compatible.
6.5.1 isn't missing any module.
back in version 5.5, the mobility module had to be downloaded and installed separately from the main IDE.
If you want to consider using Eclipse for developing your J2ME app...I've written a post related to that some time ago: here.
