nodejs : How to reconnect socker after socket.disconnect() is called? - node.js

How can I connect to socket again after I call disconnect
Here is the client source code
socket = io.connect('http://myServer:1339'); // connect socket
socket.disconnect(); // disconnect socket
socket = io.connect('http://myServer:1339'); // does not connect socket again !
Why do I call disconnect ?
Because I have myServer and myServer2 servers. If I switch between myserver and myserver2, I got many sockets connections (like adding)
Any idea on how to clearly close a socket and open a new one ?

You should not call io.connect a second time.
To reconnect, you should use


How many times can 'connection' and 'disconnection' events be fired for single client?

EDIT: I see that I'm getting ping timeout and transport error reasons in my handler for disconnect on the server. This makes it difficult to maintain state in my server (I'm trying to keep track of which users are connected in a chat-like setup(. I was reading that it may be related to background tabs in Chrome (which I'm running). Does anyone have any experience with these 'spurious' disconnect events?
I'm new to and am having some trouble understanding the connection and disconnection process.
As I understand it, the server receives the connection event once when a client connects, and one registers all the handlers for that client in the callback on on.('connection'). Is that true?
I want to maintain an of connected users, so I add a user to that array on the connection handler.
Should I then listen for the disconnect event to know when to remove a user from that array? Can I be guaranteed that that event will only be fired once?
It's a bit confusing, because on the client side, there is the connect event, which apparently can be fired multiple times -- the documentation says
// note: you should register event handlers outside of connect,
// so they are not registered again on reconnection
which is a different paradigm than on the server side, where all the handlers are registered inside the connection handler. But if the client-side connect event can fire on re-connection, what is the reconnect event for? (The docs says this event is "Fired upon a successful reconnection.")
In general I'm confused about the process of connection, disconnection and re-connection and how this relates to events, whether it happens "randomly" due to connection issues or only under the programmer's control, and how many times one should anticipate receiving each of these events -- once only for server, multiple times for client?
Thanks for any help!
I'm new to and am having some trouble understanding the
connection and disconnection process.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Node.js + It's super powerful!
As I understand it, the server receives the connection event once when
a client connects, and one registers all the handlers for that client
in the callback on on.('connection'). Is that true?
Correct. Take a look at this example of my code:
var clients = []; /* stores all sockets on the fly */
io.on('connection', function (socket) {
clients[] = socket; /* keeps an array of sockets currently connected */
socket.on('disconnect', function (data) {
console.log( + " disconnected");
delete clients[];
socket = io.connect(YOUR_SOCKET_URI, { transports: ['websocket'] } );
socket_delegates = function() {
// Socket events
socket.on('connect', function(data) {
/* handle on connect events */
socket.on('disconnect', function () {
/* handle disconnect events - possibly reconnect? */
socket.on('reconnect', function () {
/* handle reconnect events */
socket.on('reconnect_error', function () {
/* handle reconnect error events - possible retry? */
Should I then listen for the disconnect event to know when to remove a
user from that array? Can I be guaranteed that that event will only be
fired once?
Yes. You will see in the above server code that we listen for disconnect and then do what we need to.
Nothing should be random. You should have code in place to handle the connect, disconnect on the server side and code to handle the connect, disconnect and reconnect on the client side. web socket connection failing in node.js child process

I am using simple client module to connect to web socket but the connection is failing. The way I have learned is that right after you define socket, you can access connected property to find out the status of connection and it always return false. I am trying to connect to web socket in a child process on the same server where my main process is running.
var socket = require('')("ws://");
SocketIO connections should be initiated over HTTP(S):
var socket = require('')('http://localhost:6001');
(instead of ws://...)
Then wait for the connect event; when that fires, the client is connected to the server;
socket.on('connect', function() {
console.log('connected to server!');

Are sockets reused on reconnect event?

A socket is created when a user connects to the server.
The connection is broken because of interwebz malfunction.
Client reconnects automatically.
Will the socket connection be the same as when he first connected? Or will the socket be a new one?
A new connection is established on reconnect. It can be checked by printing the
On server:
var io = require(';
io.on('connection', function (socket) {
console.log('socket id is ' +; }
Excerpt from documentation
The property is present once the socket has connected, is removed when the socket disconnects and is updated if the socket reconnects.
I'd also like to preserve state following reconnects in an electron app (e.g. if the host gets suspended then resumed, gets disconnected).
I haven't tried this yet, but the following article discusses how to reuse socket id's across reconnects. I'll update if I have any success:

Node.JS net module handling unexpected connection loss

I can't figure out one problem I got.
I'm using the Net module on my Node.JS server which is used to listen to client connections.
The client do connect to the server correctly and the connection remains available to read/write data. So far, so good. But when the client unexpectedly disconnects (ed. when internet falls away at client side) I want to fire an event server side.
In it would be done with the 'disconnect' event, but this event doesn't seem to exist for the Net module. How is it possible to do?
I've searched on Google/StackOverflow and in the Net documentation ( but I couldn't find anything usefull. I'm sry if I did mis something.
Here is a code snippet I got:
var net = require('net');
var server = net.createServer(function(connection) {
console.log('client connected');
connection.wildcard = false;//Connection must be initialised with a configuration stored in the database
connection.bidirectional = true;//When piped this connection will be configured as bidirectional
connection.setKeepAlive(true, 500);
connection.on('close', function (){
console.log('Socket is closed');
connection.on('error', function (err) {
console.log('An error happened in connection' + err.stack);
connection.on('end', function () {
console.log('Socket did disconnect');
connection.on('timeout', function () {
console.log('Socket did timeout');
connection.on('data', function (data) {
//Handling incoming data
serverUmrs.listen(40000, function () {
console.log('server is listening');
All the events(close, end, error, timeout) don't fire when I disconnect the client(by pulling out the UTP cable).
Thanks in advance!
I did add a timeout event in the code here above but the only thing that happens is that the socket does timeout after 3 seconds everytime the client does connect again. Isn't KeepAlive enough to make the socket not Idle? How is it possible to make the socket not idle without to much overhead. It may be possible that there are more than 10,000 connections at the same time which must remain alive as long as they are connected (ie respond to the keepalive message).
I think the KeepAlive is not related with the Idle state of socket, sort of.
Here is my test, I remove the following code in your example.
//connection.setKeepAlive(true, 500);
Then test this server with one client connect to it var nc localhost 40000. If there is no message sending to server after 3 seconds, the server logs as below
Socket did timeout
Socket did disconnect
Socket is closed
The timeout event is triggered without KeepAlive setting.
Do further investigation, refer to the Node.js code
function onread(nread, buffer) {
We know timeout event is triggered by onread() operation of socket. Namely, if there is no read operation after 3 seconds, the timeout event will be emitted. To be more precisely, not only onread but also write successfully will call _unrefTimer().
In summary, when the write or read operation on the socket, it is NOT idle.
Actually, the close event is used to detect the client connection is alive or not, also mentioned in this SO question.
Emitted when the server closes. Note that if connections exist, this event is not emitted until all connections are ended.
However, in your case
disconnect the client(by pulling out the UTP cable).
The timeout event should be used to detective the connection inactivity. This is only to notify that the socket has been idle. The user must manually close the connection. Please refer to this question.
In TCP connection, end event fire when the client sends 'FIN' message to the server.
If the client side is not sending 'FIN' message that event is not firing.
For example, in your situation,
But when the client unexpectedly disconnects (ed. when internet falls away at client side) I want to fire an event server side.
There may not be a 'FIN' message because internet is gone.
So you should handle this situation in timeout without using keepAlive. If there is no data coming data, you should end or destroy the socket.
EDIT: I did add a timeout event in the code here above but the only
thing that happens is that the socket does timeout after 3 seconds
everytime the client does connect again. Isn't KeepAlive enough to
make the socket not Idle? How is it possible to make the socket not
idle without to much overhead. It may be possible that there are more
than 10,000 connections at the same time which must remain alive as
long as they are connected (ie respond to the keepalive message).
For your edit, your devices should send to the server some heartbeat message between a time period. So that, server understands that that device is alive and that timeout event will not fire because you get some data. If there is no heartbeat message such cases you cannot handle this problem.

How to reconnect to namespace after disconnect

I connect to a namespace like
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:3000/random');
then i disconnect like this
my question is how do I reconnect to the 'random' namespace using the socket again?
I tried using
not working
Connect using
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:3000/random');
Cleanly disconnect using
Reconnect using
