Communication protocol using netcat - linux

I need to create a way to communicate commands and transfer files from a host server to a development board.
The only access to the board is via the host server (wired Ethernet connection).
Both the host server and the board are running Linux.
I have the ability to change the Linux environment on the board.
I DO NOT have the ability to change the host server environment.
I DO NOT know which users need to connect to the board.
The connection between the host server and the board does not need to be secure.
Right now, I'm using netcat for my needs but have run into reliability issues - Could someone point me to some tools that are better suited to my needs and perhaps higher performance, please?
My current solution:
A script is constantly running on the board:
while [ 1 ] ; do
# Start a netcat server, awaiting a file.
nc -l -p 1357 > file.bin
# Acknowledge receipt of file.
while [ ${status} -ne 0 ] ; do
status=$(echo 0 | nc <host_ip> 2468 2>&1)
# Wait for a command.
nc -l -p 1357 -e /bin/sh
# Acknowledge receipt of command.
while [ ${status} -ne 0 ] ; do
status=$(echo 0 | nc <host ip> 2468 2>&1)
The only way users have access to the board is through a script on the server:
# Send over a file.
cat some_file.bin | /bin/nc -w 10
# Wait for acknowledge.
if [ $( nc -l 2468 ) -ne 0 ] ; then
exit # Fail
# Send a command.
echo "<some_command>" | nc -w 10 <board ip> 1357
# Wait for acknowledge.
if [ $( nc -l 2468 ) -ne 0 ] ; then
exit # Fail
The reason I'm using netcat right now is that I don't know of any way to use SSH or SCP without a password given that:
I can't generate an SSH key for everyone that needs access to the board, especially since I don't know who will be using it.
I can't install sshpass or expect since I don't have control of the server.
Please help,

You could use SSH with host-based authentication. Then you would not need those script and simply use SSH and SCP normally, without the need for passwords nor user keys.
With host-based authentication, any user connecting from a predefined set of machines (here it would be the host) is automatically authenticated on the target machine (here the board).
You need to modify the SSH server configuration on the board, and the SSH client configuration on the host (which you can do without the need for a root access).
Here is a tutorial that should get you started.
Note that if encryption is not mandatory and performance is of issue, you can use the same host-based authentication scheme for RSH access.


ssh-copy-id fails when run from within a remote session

I have a task to copy ssh keys from one node to all others in an array. For this, I wrote a simple bash script which copies itself to other nodes and runs it there. What confuses me is the fact that ssh-copy-id works fine on the node where the script is executed manually but it fails if run remotely in an ssh session. Here’s the script:
1 #!/bin/bash
2 #
4 nodes=( main worker-01 worker-02 worker-03 )
6 for n in $( echo "${nodes[#]}" ); do
7 [ $n != $HOSTNAME ] && ssh-copy-id $n
8 done
10 if [ -z $REMOTE ]; then
11 for n in $( echo ${nodes[#]} ); do
12 if [ $n != $HOSTNAME ]; then
13 scp $0 $USER#$n:$0 > /dev/null
14 ssh $USER#$n "REMOTE=yes HOSTNAME=$n $0 ; rm -f $0"
15 fi
16 done
17 fi
The code in rows 6-8 works fine copying the ssh key to all nodes other than itself. Then, if the REMOTE variable is not set, code in rows 11-16 copies the script to remote nodes (except the node it’s running on, row 12) and runs it there. In row 14, I set and pass the variable REMOTE to skip the code block in rows 10-17 (so the script copies itself only from the source node to others), and the variable HOSTNAME because I found it’s not set in an ssh session. The user’s name and the script path are completely the same on the source node and all destination nodes.
When running on the source node, it works properly asking for a confirmation and the remote host's password. But the script that has just run successfully on the source node fails running in the remote ssh session: ssh-copy-id fails with the following error:
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: "/home/username/.ssh/"
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: Host key verification failed.
At that moment, no .ssh/known_hosts file is present on a remote node so I can't do ssh-keygen -R. What am I missing and how to make it work?
ssh $USER#$n "REMOTE=yes HOSTNAME=$n $0 ; rm -f $0"
Try running ssh with the "-tt" option to request a PTY (pseudo-TTY) for the remote session:
ssh -tt $USER#$n "REMOTE=yes HOSTNAME=$n $0 ; rm -f $0"
In the case that you're describing, you're launching ssh on the remote system to connect to a third system. The ssh instance doesn't have a saved copy of the third host's host key. So you'd normally expect ssh to prompt the user whether to continue connecting to the third host. Except that it's not prompting the user--it's just refusing to connect to the third host.
When ssh is invoked with a command to run on the remote system, by default it runs that command without a TTY. In this case, the remote ssh instance sees that it's running without a TTY and runs non-interactively. When it's non-interactive, it doesn't prompt the user for things like passwords and whether to accept a host key or not.
Running the local ssh instance with "-tt" causes it to request a PTY for the remote session. So the remote ssh instance will have a TTY and it will prompt the user--you--for things like host key confirmations.
ssh-copy-id is not copying your keys to remote hosts, it's adding them to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and when you jump to that remote host there are no keys(or are they?) so there is nothig to copy further. And if ssh-copy-id run without -i option it'll copy(add to authorized_keys) all .pub keys from your ~/.ssh dir wich could be not desired so i suggest to run it like this ssh-copy-id -i $key $host
Be sure that on the destination side, the /etc/ssh/sshd_config is configured to accept the type of key that was generated.
PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes ssh-ed25519,ecdsa-sha2-nistp256,ecdsa-sha2-nistp384,ecdsa-sha2-nistp521,ssh-rsa
I generated the key using ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 ... however, up above the following line did not include the ,ssh-rsa at the end, so even though the ssh-copy-id updated my destination, the sshd did not accept rsa type generated keys. Once i added ,sha-rsa, the did systemctl restart sshd it worked!

I'm having problems sending a system notification upon user login (KDE Plasma) (Arch Linux)

Im trying to send a notification upon login via PAM, but i cant figure out how to send it to the user that is logging in.
I'm configuring my PAM to execute a script every time a user logs in. The problem is i need to send a notification if there have been any login attempts (its part of a bigger security thing im trying to add, where my laptop takes a picture with the webcam upon failed logins, and notifies me when i log in again, since my classmates like to try and guess my password for some reason).
The problem is that the line in my .sh file, which sends a user notification, sends it to root since thats the 'user' that executes the script, i want my script to send the notification to my current user (called "andreas"), but im having problems figuring this out.
Here is the line i added to the end of the PAM file system-login:
auth [default=ignore] /etc/lockCam/
And here is the file:
/etc/lockCam/ &
The reason im calling another file is because i want it to run in the background WHILE the login process continues, that way the process doesnt slow down logging in.
Here is the script that is then executed:
#sleep 10s
echo -e "foo" > "/etc/lockCam/test"
#This line is simply to make sure that i know that my script was executed
newLogins=`sed -n '3 p' /etc/lockCam/lockdata`
if [ $newLogins -gt 0 ]
su andreas -c ' notify-send --urgency=critical --expire-time=6000 "Someone tried to log in!" "$newLogins new lockCam images!" && exit'
callsInRow=`sed -n '2 p' /etc/lockCam/lockdata`
crntS=$(date "+%S")
crntM=$(date "+%M")
crntH=$(date "+%H")
((crntTime = $crntH \* 60 \* 60 + $crntM \* 60 + $crntS ))
#This whole process is absolutely stupid but i cant figure out a better way to make sure none of the integers are called "01" or something like that, which would trigger an error
echo -e "$crntTime\n$callsInRow\n0" > "/etc/lockCam/lockdata"
exit 0
And this is where i THINK my error is, the line "su andreas -c...." is most likely formatted wrong or im doing something else wrong, everythin is executed upon login EXCEPT the notification doesnt show up. If i execute the script from a terminal when im already logged in there is no notification either, unless i remove the "su andreas -c" part and simply do "notify-send...", but that doesnt send out a notification when i log in, and i think thats because the notification is sent to the root user, and not "andreas".
I think your su needs to be passed the desktop users DBUS session bus address. The bus address can be easily obtained and used for X11 user sessions, but Wayland has tighter security, for Wayland the user session actually has to run up proxy to receive the messages. (Had you considered it might be easier to send an email?)
I have notify-desktop gist on github that works for X11 and should also work on Wayland (provided the proxy is running). For completeness I've appended the source code of the script to this post, it's extensively commented, I think it contains the pieces necessary to get you own code working.
# Provides a way for a root process to perform a notify send for each
# of the local desktop users on this machine.
# Intended for use by cron and timer jobs. Arguments are passed straight
# to notify send. Falls back to using wall. Care must be taken to
# avoid using this script in any potential fast loops.
# X11 users should already have a dbus address socket at /run/user/<userid>/bus
# and this script should work without requiring any initialisation. Should
# this not be the case, X11 users could initilise a proxy as per the wayland
# instructions below.
# Due to stricter security requirments Wayland lacks an dbus socket
# accessable to root. Wayland users will need to run a proxy to
# provide root with the necessary socket. Each user can must add
# the following to a Wayland session startup script:
# notify-desktop --create-dbus-proxy
# That will start xdg-dbus-proxy process and make a socket available under:
# /run/user/<userid>/proxy_dbus_<desktop_sessionid>
# Once there is a listening socket, any root script or job can pass
# messages using the syntax of notify-send (man notify-send).
# Example messages
# notify-desktop -a Daily-backup -t 0 -i dialog-information.png "Backup completed without error"
# notify-desktop -a Remote-rsync -t 6000 -i dialog-warning.png "Remote host not currently on the network"
# notify-desktop -a Daily-backup -t 0 -i dialog-error.png "Error running backup, please consult journalctl"
# notify-desktop -a OS-Upgrade -t 0 -i dialog-warning.png "Update in progress, do not shutdown until further completion notice."
# Warnings:
# 1) There has only been limited testing on wayland
# 2) There has only been no testing for multiple GUI sessions on one desktop
if [ $1 == "--create-dbus-proxy" ]
sessionid=$(cat /proc/self/sessionid)
xdg-dbus-proxy $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS /run/user/$(id -u)/proxy_dbus_$sessionid &
exit 0
echo "ERROR: no value for DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS environment variable - not a wayland/X11 session?"
exit 1
function find_desktop_session {
for sessionid in $(loginctl list-sessions --no-legend | awk '{ print $1 }')
loginctl show-session -p Id -p Name -p User -p State -p Type -p Remote -p Display $sessionid |
awk -F= '
/[A-Za-z]+/ { val[$1] = $2; }
if (val["Remote"] == "no" &&
val["State"] == "active" &&
(val["Type"] == "x11" || val["Type"] == "wayland")) {
print val["Name"], val["User"], val["Id"];
while read -r -a desktop_info
if [ ${#desktop_info[#]} -eq 3 ]
if [ -S $proxy_bus_socket ]
sudo -u $desktop_user DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS="unix:path=$bus_address" notify-send "$#"
count=$[count + 1]
done <<<$(find_desktop_session)
# If no one has been notified fall back to wall
if [ $count -eq 0 ]
echo "$#" | wall
# Don't want this to cause a job to stop
exit 0

How to get the output of a telnet command from bash?

I'm trying to get the list of processes running on my Windows machine from Linux, but I don't get any output when I do it in a script. If I use telnet manually and use the command pslist I get the complete list of processes, but not in my script.
Here is the bash script (minus the variables):
( echo open ${host}
sleep 1
echo ${user}
sleep 3
echo ${pass}
sleep 1
echo pslist
sleep 2
) | telnet
and I simply call it with bash and the output is something like that:
telnet> Trying ip_address...
Connected to ip_address.
Escape character is '^]'.
Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Service
login: my_loginmy_passwordpslistConnection closed by foreign host.
What am I doing wrong ?
telnet is notoriously tricky to script. You may be able to succeed more often if you add a longer still sleep between the commands.
A better approach is to switch to a properly scriptable client, viz. netcat (aka nc). Better still would be to install an SSH server on your Windows box (perhaps for security only make it accessible from inside your network) and set it up with passwordless authentication. Then you can simply ssh user#ipaddress pslist
Terminate each echo with \r character, like this: echo -e "${user}\r"

How to check if a server is running

I want to use ping to check to see if a server is up. How would I do the following:
ping $URL
if [$? -eq 0]; then
echo "server live"
echo "server down"
How would I accomplish the above? Also, how would I make it such that it returns 0 upon the first ping response, or returns an error if the first ten pings fail? Or, would there be a better way to accomplish what I am trying to do above?
I'ld recommend not to use only ping. It can check if a server is online in general but you can not check a specific service on that server.
Better use these alternatives:
man curl
You can use curl and check the http_response for a webservice like this
check=$(curl -s -w "%{http_code}\n" -L "${HOST}${PORT}/" -o /dev/null)
if [[ $check == 200 || $check == 403 ]]
# Service is online
echo "Service is online"
exit 0
# Service is offline or not working correctly
echo "Service is offline or not working correctly"
exit 1
HOST = [ip or dns-name of your host]
(optional )PORT = [optional a port; don't forget to start with :]
200 is the normal success http_response
403 is a redirect e.g. maybe to a login page so also accetable and most probably means the service runs correctly
-s Silent or quiet mode.
-L Defines the Location
-w In which format you want to display the response
-> %{http_code}\n we only want the http_code
-o the output file
-> /dev/null redirect any output to /dev/null so it isn't written to stdout or the check variable. Usually you would get the complete html source code before the http_response so you have to silence this, too.
man nc
While curl to me seems the best option for Webservices since it is really checking if the service's webpage works correctly,
nc can be used to rapidly check only if a specific port on the target is reachable (and assume this also applies to the service).
Advantage here is the settable timeout of e.g. 1 second while curl might take a bit longer to fail, and of course you can check also services which are not a webpage like port 22 for SSH.
nc -4 -d -z -w 1 ${HOST} ${PORT} &> /dev/null
if [[ $? == 0 ]]
# Port is reached
echo "Service is online!"
exit 0
# Port is unreachable
echo "Service is offline!"
exit 1
HOST = [ip or dns-name of your host]
PORT = [NOT optional the port]
-4 force IPv4 (or -6 for IPv6)
-d Do not attempt to read from stdin
-z Only listen, don't send data
-w timeout
If a connection and stdin are idle for more than timeout seconds, then the connection is silently closed. (In this case nc will exit 1 -> failure.)
(optional) -n If you only use an IP: Do not do any DNS or service lookups on any specified addresses, hostnames or ports.
&> /dev/null Don't print out any output of the command
You can use something like this -
serverResponse=`wget --server-response --max-redirect=0 ${URL} 2>&1`
if [[ $serverResponse == *"Connection refused"* ]]
echo "Unable to reach given URL"
exit 1
Use the -c option with ping, it'll ping the URL only given number of times or until timeout
if ping -c 10 $URL; then
echo "server live"
echo "server down"
Short form:
ping -c5 $SERVER || echo 'Server down'
Do you need it for some other script? Or are trying to hack some simple monitoring tool? In this case, you may want to take a look at Pingdom:
I using the following script function to check servers are online or not. It's useful when you want to check multiple servers. The function hide the ping output, and you can handle separately the server live or server down case.
#retry count of ping request
#pingServer: implement ping server functionality.
#Param1: server hostname to ping
function pingServer {
#echo Checking server: $1
ping -c $RETRYCOUNT $1 > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo $1 down
echo $1 live
#usage example, pinging some host
pingServer server1
One good solution is to use MRTG (a simple graphing tool for *NIX) with ping-probe script. look it up on Google.
read this for start.
Sample Graph:

Parallel SSH with Custom Parameters to Each Host

There are plenty of threads and documentation about parallel ssh, but I can't find anything on passing custom parameters to each host. Using pssh as an example, the hosts file is defined as:
However, I want to pass custom parameters to each host via a shell script, like this: param1a param1b ... param2a param2b ...
Or, better, the hosts and parameters would be split between 2 files.
Because this isn't common, is this misuse of parallel ssh? Should I just create many ssh processes from my script? How should I approach this?
You could use GNU parallel.
Suppose you have a file argfile: param1a param1b ... param2a param2b ...
Then running
parallel --colsep ' ' ssh {1} prog {2} {3} ... :::: argfile
Would run prog on each host with the corresponding parameters. It is important that the number of parameters be the same for each host.
Here is a solution that you can use, after tailoring it to suit your needs:
#usage: ./ <par1> <par2> <par3> ... <par6>
#set your ip addresses
#set some custom parameters for your scripts and use them as you wish.
#In this example, I use the first 6 command line parameters passed when run the
ssh -T $traf1 -l username "/export/home/path/to/ $1 $2" 1>traf1.txt 2>/dev/null &
echo "Fetching data from traffic server 2..."
ssh -T $traf2 -l username "/export/home/path/to/ $3 $4" 1> traf2.txt 2>/dev/null &
echo "Fetching data from traffic server 3..."
ssh -T $traf3 -l username "/export/home/path/to/ $5 $6" 1> traf3.txt 2>/dev/null &
#your application will block on this line, and will only continue if all
#3 remotely executed scripts will complete
Keep in mind that the above requires that you setup passwordless login between the machines, otherwise the solution will break to request for password input.
If you can use Perl:
use Net::OpenSSH::Parallel;
use Data::Dumper;
my $pssh = Net::OpenSSH::Parallel->new;
$pssh->push('', $cmd, $param11, $param12);
$pssh->push('', $cmd, $param21, $param22);
if (my %errors = $ssh->get_errors) {
print STDERR "ssh errors:\n", Dumper \%errors;
